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Re: The Alchemist Lab

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 11:01 am
by Rukellian
"From where I come from, slavery is also very wrong. I'm glad to see you are free now Taptap, a freedom wrested by your hands too! If what you say about the bigger orc is true, then the these other two shouldn't have anything to hide and will be MOST cooperative, right?" Ruken smiles a wide grin towards the orcs, knowing full well that the others would not hesitate to deal the finishing blows on the poor sods if provoked.

"We will need information about your tribe's strength, and we will need to know everything you know about the treasure. The more that is said, the better off you two will be, me thinks." The gnome stands with his arms folded, and cocks his head to the side, feeling quite confident now about the situation. Having delivered his short ultimatum to the orcs, Ruken joins Eirenaios in the burial.

Re: The Alchemist Lab

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 1:35 pm
by tooleychris
The ground is far too rocky for a proper burial but there is enough loose rocks and rubble to cover the corpse and there is the nearby cave that would suffice as a tomb.
One of the orcs rolls over. It is genuinely frightened but sneers at Taptap.
"Orcs be da Fanghorn clan. Ten warriors not countin us."
Taptap hisses and kicks the orcs shoulder.
"Lie number one." the kobold hisses.
"Lie two getsss you a sssplinter." he says notching an arrow.
The other orc speaks up. "Fanghorn ten score strong. Weez spoken true 'bout da silver. A chest a dwarf bars. 'Nuff ta buy weapons. Good steel."
Taptap turns to the dwarves and speaks:"Fanghorn isss a problem but trouble a comin bigger ssstill. Filthy orcsss put out a war cry. Big chief tryin ta unite da clansss. Find sssteal he sssays. Find treasuress ta buy weaponsss he sssaysss. "
One of the orcs interupts the kobold:"Weez gonna kick yous folk from our lands. Yous all gonna die!" he barks and stands up to run off.
all dwarfs and Craxzus can act before he flees

Re: The Alchemist Lab

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 1:48 pm
by Blazeguard
Thorgrim spins and quickly looses a bolt at the fleeing orc.

DEX: 10
Crossbow Attack (34%): [1d100] = 7
Crossbow damage: [2d4+2] = 5+2 = 7
Dodge (73%): [1d100] = 51

Re: The Alchemist Lab

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 7:55 pm
by Dram
Craxzus quickly cast "Agony" at the fleeing orc.

Knowledgde Arcane(55%)[1d100] = 84

And misses!!

Re: The Alchemist Lab

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 9:36 pm
by tooleychris
Dram wrote:Craxzus quickly cast "Agony" at the fleeing orc.
Knowledgde Arcane(55%)[1d100] = 84
And misses!!
*Craxzus began casting the same spell a minute ago but never finished. We can use that roll*

Re: The Alchemist Lab

Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 2:28 am
by Dram
Okay sounds good to me.

Re: The Alchemist Lab

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 11:35 am
by tooleychris
Thorgrims bow shoots its green bolt and hits the orc hard in its left shoulder. Green energy flows across its back, knocking it to the ground!
Craxzus finishes his incantation
Orc resistance [1d100] = 7 and the orc struggles momentarily but gains its feet.
Throm just stands there surprised by the orcs stupidity.
The other orc stands and bashes Tyrions arm with a nearby rock and flees the other way!
Taptap sticks an arrow in the second orcs side but its not a good hit.
*Round 1 actions*

Re: The Alchemist Lab

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 11:49 am
by Rukellian
Ruken, having just seen their true colors, halts any attempts at cooperation and searches for a good throwing rock. When one is in his grasp, he will join in the chase!

Search Check 46% [1d100] = 91 and finds that he is surrounded by boulders... :lol:

Re: The Alchemist Lab

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 8:02 pm
by tooleychris
Rukellian wrote:Ruken, having just seen their true colors, halts any attempts at cooperation and searches for a good throwing rock. When one is in his grasp, he will join in the chase!

Search Check 46% [1d100] = 91 and finds that he is surrounded by boulders... :lol:
*doesnt require a search check to find a rock here. They're everywhere. Make a throw roll.*

Re: The Alchemist Lab

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 11:26 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Throm shrugs and throws his throwing axe at the nearest orc. Summoning the axe back for an other throw after the initial attack.

Throwing Axe (62%) [1d100] = 95 Damage [1d6] = 5

Re: The Alchemist Lab

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 4:39 am
by Dram
Craxzus-His spell not working he pulls his S. Sword and attacks the fleeing orc.

S. sword atk(40%)(Dex85%) [1d100] = 18 Damage;[1d6+1] = 4+1 = 5

Re: The Alchemist Lab

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 4:54 pm
by thesniperknight1
Eirenaios sighs, "I thought they would be smart enough to at least understand their position.....suppose not", he attacks the fleeting orc

Sling(69): [1d100] = 77 , Damage: [1d8] = 8

Re: The Alchemist Lab

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 9:49 pm
by Rukellian
Throw Check 69% [1d100] = 72

Here is my throw roll

Re: The Alchemist Lab

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 12:32 am
by Blazeguard
Thorgrim grabs his battle axe and closes on the first orc.

DEX: 10
Axe Attack (79%): [1d100] = 85
Dodge (73%): [1d100] = 31

Re: The Alchemist Lab

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 11:27 am
by tooleychris
*Everyone receives +25% to hit the flanks of the fleeing orcs*
Throms ax flies wide of the first orc and circles back to his hand.
Taptap (NPC )looses another arrow at the second orc and it sticks in his shoulder.
Eirenaios winds his sling and sends the second orc toppling over as his bullet removes part of its skull!
Tyrion(NPC) moves to pick up his ax but realizes the foul orc broke his arm and growls in pain.
Thorgrim catches up to the first orc as it regains its feet and knocks him right back down. Blood flows from the lifeless body.
Taptap recovers his arrows and chirps "Three dead orcssess. Good day!" he bares sharp little teeth in what everyone assumes is a smile.

Re: The Alchemist Lab

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 7:05 pm
by Rukellian
Ruken offers a weak smile, trying to match Taptap's enthusiasm. "It's a shame things became violent, but I guess the orcs had no intention of playing nice in the first place." The gnome shakes his head and raises his hands in gesture that seems to say 'what are you going to do?'

Ruken takes on a more serious tone after the shrug and addresses the whole group, including Taptap. "If what the orcs say is true, then Elizabeth Bay may be in trouble. We can continue exploring the island or doing whatever strikes our fancy, but I'd feel a lot better knowing that the people at the port town were given a fair warning of the orc tribe's plans. What say you all? Mind taking a quick trip back before continuing?"

Re: The Alchemist Lab

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 11:07 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Throm "Violent? Eh ya took outta part o his skull Ruke."

Re: The Alchemist Lab

Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 11:07 am
by Rukellian
GreyWolfVT wrote:Throm "Violent? Eh ya took outta part o his skull Ruke."
"Me?" The gnome laughs it off. "You must be mistaken. My throwing arm isn't as good as Eirenaios' sniping skills." Ruken gestures towards the mage. "Was his handy work."

Re: The Alchemist Lab

Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 9:17 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Throm smiles at the gnome "Yer too modest Ruke."

Re: The Alchemist Lab

Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 9:42 pm
by Blazeguard
Thorgrim pipes up, "I'm a bit torn meself. I agree Elizabeth Bay should be warned but I'm thinking that this wagon wheel indicates that we could be very close to discovering this supposed load of silver. How far is it back to Elizabeth Bay again?"