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Re: 12. Back in Barovia

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 11:26 pm
by Bluehorse

Sits for many many years in the dungeon of the castle, driving his cellmates insane. "Always look on the bright side of life..." whistles a bit. "Always look on the bright side of life..." whistles a bit.

Re: OOC Discussion III: Bride of OOC

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 12:12 am
by Zhym
Oh man, the banshee. Was that ever an unlucky wandering monster roll. And an unlucky saving throw for Vorkath.

I'm convinced that one of the big problems in Ravenloft is figuring out where to rest up. Sleep in the castle and you run the risk of wandering monsters, including some for which walls mean nothing. But it takes hours to get back to town, assuming you can even get out of the castle, and the trip isn't always safe either.

Re: OOC Discussion III: Bride of OOC

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 1:09 am
by GreyWolfVT
yeah it's very risky either way, though you did toss in some very interesting wandering non-monsters at a time or two like the villagers that took off after we convinced them to help us keep a watch for rest.

Re: OOC Discussion III: Bride of OOC

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 1:36 am
by Zhym
Also straight from the wandering monster table. :)

Re: 12. Back in Barovia

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 2:04 am
by Scott308
Neldor Keazorwyn

Alone at a table in a busy tavern, a youthful looking elf quietly eats a bland meal. Slovenly in appearance, he has a ragged cloak and worn boots. His leather armor appears to be the only thing of quality he wears. As he sips his wine, a stranger enters the tavern, striding directly to the elf's table. Standing silently, he waits to speak until the elf looks up at him. I have been dispatched to deliver this message to you. My master seeks good, brave men and women to assist him in his time of need. His situation grows more dire with each passing day. If you see fit to render aid, he requests you leave as dawn breaks. Six hours due north lie the Svalich woods. Take the road through the wood and you will reach my master's village. Tarry not, for the Svalich woods are best traveled while daylight shines. With that, he reaches into a pouch, withdrawing a letter that he drops on the table in front of the elf. Without allowing opportunity to read the letter, he turns and exits the tavern.

Putting his chalice down, the elf picks up the letter, examining it briefly. The seal is not one he recognizes, but that doesn't really mean much. Opening the letter, he reads silently. Hmm. Rescue the girl...great wealth...blah, blah, blah, he thinks to himself. Never heard of Borovia. Wadding up the letter, he tosses it into the fireplace that blazes away a few feet from him.

At a crowded, nearby table, a grizzled dwarf asks, What was that about, Neldor? What did they want help with?

Nothing really of interest, Throg, the elf replies. Definitely not worth that much travel to get there. No, better to do more drinking tonight, and in the morn we can continue our journey. According to the map, we should reach Acererak's tomb in the early afternoon. Now, however, the elf says as he stands up, I need to find a wench to spend some quality time with.

And just like that, the wheel of Fate turns a group of adventurers away from a path that would deliver them to the clutches of Strahd. However, Fate, being the fickle mistress she is, has other plans for this doomed crew.

Re: OOC Discussion III: Bride of OOC

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 2:22 am
by Bluehorse
Scott308 wrote:Neldor Keazorwyn

Alone at a table in a busy tavern, a youthful looking elf quietly eats a bland meal. Slovenly in appearance, he has a ragged cloak and worn boots. His leather armor appears to be the only thing of quality he wears. As he sips his wine, a stranger enters the tavern, striding directly to the elf's table. Standing silently, he waits to speak until the elf looks up at him. I have been dispatched to deliver this message to you. My master seeks good, brave men and women to assist him in his time of need. His situation grows more dire with each passing day. If you see fit to render aid, he requests you leave as dawn breaks. Six hours due north lie the Svalich woods. Take the road through the wood and you will reach my master's village. Tarry not, for the Svalich woods are best traveled while daylight shines. With that, he reaches into a pouch, withdrawing a letter that he drops on the table in front of the elf. Without allowing opportunity to read the letter, he turns and exits the tavern.

Putting his chalice down, the elf picks up the letter, examining it briefly. The seal is not one he recognizes, but that doesn't really mean much. Opening the letter, he reads silently. Hmm. Rescue the girl...great wealth...blah, blah, blah, he thinks to himself. Never heard of Borovia. Wadding up the letter, he tosses it into the fireplace that blazes away a few feet from him.

At a crowded, nearby table, a grizzled dwarf asks, What was that about, Neldor? What did they want help with?

Nothing really of interest, Throg, the elf replies. Definitely not worth that much travel to get there. No, better to do more drinking tonight, and in the morn we can continue our journey. According to the map, we should reach Acererak's tomb in the early afternoon. Now, however, the elf says as he stands up, I need to find a wench to spend some quality time with.

And just like that, the wheel of Fate turns a group of adventurers away from a path that would deliver them to the clutches of Strahd. However, Fate, being the fickle mistress she is, has other plans for this doomed crew.
4i9ogA9GT.jpg (1.09 MiB) Viewed 1712 times

Re: OOC Discussion III: Bride of OOC

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 3:07 am
by Zhym
Nice. I like it. :)

So who's in for Ravenloft 2.0, the hopefully slightly less deadly version? It might be a good idea for some folks to roll up new PCs. The on-deck circle has two fighters and a thief, I think. Not the mix I'd recommend. :)

Re: OOC Discussion III: Bride of OOC

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 4:16 am
by Scott308
I am going to decline a spot in the reboot. I'm reading the 5E version, Curse of Strahd, to potentially run it. Plus, I really should cut back on the games I'm playing in. I won't, but I should, so I really can't commit to a new game right now.

Re: OOC Discussion III: Bride of OOC

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 10:34 am
by GreyWolfVT
I've done 2 runs of this version technically if you want to count the brief time I took over the original druid 2.5 runs of this one I think I shall pass good Zhym.

Re: OOC Discussion III: Bride of OOC

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 12:19 pm
by Zhym
Okay. Then that's a wrap for now. I don't have time to run a game at the moment, so I'm going to ask ToniXX to put the game into the archives soon. Thanks for playing everyone, and apologies to the players-in-waiting I was never able to work into the game.

Re: OOC Discussion III: Bride of OOC

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 1:20 pm
by Inferno
Yay! Wooo! Nice! Congrats, Zhym. And thanks again for the great game!

Re: OOC Discussion III: Bride of OOC

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 4:50 pm
by Stirling
yes and thankyou Zhym

I had lots of fun playing the veteran Sgt type character in Agrippo who fell unfortunately not to an enemies sword or lance but a pretty smile and bit of cleavage. Perhpas it was fated so, certainly old madam Eva might have been agrieved at his downfall. Then gypsy Scarlett, wanting to meet and do missionary work to the itinerent vagabonds of Eva's troupe didn't quite get to meet and greet them but had fun nonetheless even if her 'plain Jane' freckled face and pugilists nose didn't quite match her lofty ambitions of getting the noble paladin Lars to shine some affection in her direction, what jealousy she had for beautiful Lady whatever.

Scarlett met her fate in the dungeon cells. After triggering a trap which sent her (dimension door or teleport?), to a flooded cell, she could only flail about. Standing at just over 5'5" she literally had her nose above water. She was visited by two vampires and valiently turned one and then had a battle of spells with Count Strahd who was a little bit quicker on the draw. her counter spell of 'silence 15' radius' being negated and he cast a polymorph spell on her. Critically as an unwilling change she failed a constituition check and thus heart failure or was it the grace of Samar saved her from being toyed with as a replicant clone of Illuq the drow.

Last seen as a ghostly spirit, tambourine in hand dancing up the ghostly parade with the other unfortunates.

I enjoyed the game, it is a hard one to win and much more open but no less dangerous than the infamous dungeon crawl of Tomb of Horrors.

sadly due to work commitments I am withdrawing from my time in the forum to just a couple of characters, so I cannot continue with the future campaigns but wish all the players much dice and die rolling.

Thank you again Zhym for the time and energy used to put the game on the forum map, incidently the original maps were great!

Stirling (currently in Ouaggadougou, edge of Moroccan sahara!).