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Re: Expedition - Bertram/Dwarven Ruins II - 19 April, 1 VC

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 2:04 pm
by Keehnelf
IC/OOC confusion about the term "exorcism" :)

By the way, Bromric wakes up once he is finally bound.

Re: Expedition - Bertram/Dwarven Ruins II - 19 April, 1 VC

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 3:52 pm
by Zhym
Ulf disarms Bromric of his other weapons when he's asleep, of course. He also gags him. "I don't know if the demon can cast spells," he explains, "and I don't want to find out." Without touching the sword, he wraps it in his bedroll and stuffs it in a sack with the other unclaimed treasure or puts it on someone's mount.

"If no one else has any ideas, let's get into Vaul. Maybe someone there can help."

Re: Expedition - Bertram/Dwarven Ruins II - 19 April, 1 VC

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 3:58 am
by Mister-Kent
Constance shakes her head. "Ideas? Not a one. Let's get him home, and we can work it all out there..."

Re: Expedition - Bertram/Dwarven Ruins II - 19 April, 1 VC

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 2:18 pm
by YamItheonly1
We could tie the sword to my dog, that way if the demon possess what ever is "holding" the sword then we'd only have to deal with a demon possessed dog

Re: Expedition - Bertram/Dwarven Ruins II - 19 April, 1 VC

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 2:51 pm
by Keehnelf
Waiting on a decision about something and then I will move this thread forward as appropriate.

Thanks all for your patience!

Re: Expedition - Bertram/Dwarven Ruins II - 19 April, 1 VC

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 3:16 pm
by Zhym
Ooh, mysterious!

Re: Expedition - Bertram/Dwarven Ruins II - 19 April, 1 VC

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 7:50 pm
by Starbeard
'Yes, to Vaul. Whatever we can be done here, can be done better in town. However, until we get there, a pair of guards at all times would be prudent.'

Seadu does a few stretches to limber up and then winces painfully, forgetting his death wound from the other day.

Re: Expedition - Bertram/Dwarven Ruins II - 19 April, 1 VC

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 1:42 pm
by Keehnelf
The party loads up a bound Bromric, separated from the sword, and confines on its way toward Vaul. A while later, the bound dwarf gives a heavy groan and sigh as he awakes. Those who look at his face notice that the bulging, rolling eyes and desperate heavy hot breathing are gone.

Re: Expedition - Bertram/Dwarven Ruins II - 19 April, 1 VC

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:53 pm
by Zhym
"Might be safe to untie Bromric now," says Ulf, "but it's hard to be sure. Can any of you holy types check whether he's still evil?"

Re: Expedition - Bertram/Dwarven Ruins II - 19 April, 1 VC

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:19 pm
by KingOfCowards
Bertram will undo the gag, "Bromeric? Is that you? Do you remember what happened?"

Re: Expedition - Bertram/Dwarven Ruins II - 19 April, 1 VC

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 2:37 am
by Marullus
The dwarf coughs and sputters in a decidedly-Bromric fashion. Once the gag is cleared, he responds to Bertram. "Of course I know what happened! We both could hear you all, anyway. He agreed to let me tell you myself not to be too dumb."

He shifts in his bonds. "You could get him out of me with a cleric's spell, but it is a bad idea. It doesn't rebind him in the sword, and forces him to fully manifest on this plane. From what I see inside of him, that is some serious bad-idea time and a trouble we just DON'T need in town right now. I can't kick this thing's ass, but I did make it a deal. I'd rather he help us try to open that dwarven vault and we help him get home. I also don't want you to kill me trying to save me, thanks. I will let him stay long enough for a trip to that magic dwarf vault, he helps you all to get there and into it. He leaves the plane entirely, and I am back to normal. I'd rather take one for your group than see him romping the countryside both powerful, pissed off, and stuck here all at the same time."

He pauses, looking a bit sad. "I have a bit of sympathy on the creature... I can feel the agony they put him in. I believe him when he says he wants to go home. Please make this deal worth it, eh?"

Re: Expedition - Bertram/Dwarven Ruins II - 19 April, 1 VC

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 6:07 am
by Spartakos
"Has your 'visitor' been more forthcoming with you than with the rest of us? Has he given any insight as to how he can help us gain access to this fabled treasure?" Galen's voice is still skeptical. "For that matter...if he suspects our meddling would free him from you and let him manifest on this plane...why would he stop us? Wouldn't he rather be loose, and able to pursue his own interests, rather than relying on our help?"

"Pardons, Bromric, but this story still does not sit right with me."

Re: Expedition - Bertram/Dwarven Ruins II - 19 April, 1 VC

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 6:32 am
by Zhym
Ulf also remains skeptical. "So the demon told you that the only way to safely get rid of it is to give it what it wants. Of course. Who knows? It might even be telling the truth."

"But we must remember that this thing is evil, and will probably do or say anything to get what it wants, whatever that might really be. On this plane, tied to a sword, the demon's influence is limited. But what horrors might it accomplish if allowed returned to its home plane? Would it be stuck there, unable to affect our own world, or would it be free to meddle in the affairs of dwarves and men? What revenge might it want to take on the descendants of those who left it stuck here for centuries—or those who weren't fast enough in helping it? I'm sorry you got stuck with a demon in your head Bromic, but I'm going to have to do some thinking before I agree to help a creature of evil."

"We should continue on to Vaul. Talking to the priests and the Archduke can't hurt. If this demon's been stuck in the sword for centuries, a few days won't kill it, and I'd like someone's opinion other than the demon's on what needs to be done."

Re: Expedition - Bertram/Dwarven Ruins II - 19 April, 1 VC

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 10:49 am
by KingOfCowards
It seems that Bromric is at least in control of his body, I am willing to unbind him and return to Vaul. Unless somebody has a different idea. We can decide our next course after that from there.

Re: Expedition - Bertram/Dwarven Ruins II - 19 April, 1 VC

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 11:56 am
by hedgeknight
Krysta listens to Bromric's tale, her face etched with worry. She silently prays to Pelor for strength and guidance, not only for herself but for her companions as well, and especially for Bromric's soul.

"Agreed > as we've said at least a dozen times, let's head back to Vaul, regroup and decide what we are going to do."

Krysta begins packing to depart.

Re: Expedition - Bertram/Dwarven Ruins II - 19 April, 1 VC

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 1:06 pm
by Keehnelf
Ok, let's now consider the party returned to Vaul per my prior post. I'll close this thread out with rewards later today. Deal with Bromric's visitor as appropriate in the various town-related threads.

Re: Expedition - Bertram/Dwarven Ruins II - 19 April, 1 VC

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 10:21 am
by Starbeard
Seadu's mule has some stored treasure to dish out. I'll post about it in Town Business III

Re: Expedition - Bertram/Dwarven Ruins II - 19 April, 1 VC

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 2:40 pm
by Marullus
Bromric responds to Galen and Ulf. "It doesn't want to manifest on this plane because it makes it that much more difficult for him to get home. I can feel the agony of the binding in here... It is horrific and I don't blame him for trying to get out of our world." He shifts an his bonds. "But look... I had to convince him to accept your help, too. Evil IS reliably selfish. He WILL do anything to get to that room and out of this world. He will grant powers, magic, and aid to whomever helps him, and they get the greatest treasures of an obviously-powerful Dwarven kingdom. If we don't help, the Orcs, goblins, or worse sure as hell will. All that gets us is magically powerful orcs in possession of priceless Dwarven goods. They also aren't going to care about keeping me alive, let alone freed, when this is done, either. Take his help or don't - but let's not give it to someone else."

Soon after they unbind him, the face smiles toothily. "Thank you," says the voice of the visitor, returned. His posture is stiff and more haughty, but his words remain brief and direct. "I understand your concern. I will cause no harm while in your town... I seek only aid in my goal."

As Keehnelf said, the visitor gets to be in town, so I wanted to provide the final transition here.

Re: Expedition - Bertram/Dwarven Ruins II - 19 April, 1 VC

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 8:24 pm
by Keehnelf
So, you guys did get a ridiculous haul of of the dwarven tombs: I've tried to mark who has possession of items when they've been at least provisionally claimed, so there's no confusion.

Log of accomplishments--

Defeated: 496xp
11 goblins
4 wolves
7 gnolls
2 skeletons
2 hobgoblins

Looted: 14,982xp
487 gold pieces
112 platinum pieces
5 longbows
2 suits splint mail (Seadu and Bromric have: Bromric's suit needs adjustment)
1 suit damaged splint mail
1 suit chainmail
1 suit studded leather
2 sturdy shortswords
1 shield
1 mace (Seadu)
small silver skull pin (25gp value)
7 square cut emeralds and diamonds (100gp value each - 700gp total)
1 pair of badly damaged magic boots
A gem-encrusted ornate short sword (125gp value)
A +1 shield (Bromric)
1 Platinum tankard (100gp value)
A clenched-fist +1 broadsword of uncanny momentum (Bertram)
A silver coffer (75gp value)
A broken crossbow bolt (Mokatah)
A bone scroll case with Cleric Spells (Light, Detect Magic, Speak With Animals x2, Striking) (Krysta)
12 small gems (25gp value each - 300gp total)
A diamond the size of a child's fist (1,000gp value)
A platinum holy symbol in the shape of a hammer crossed by two thunderbolts
A lightning-charged +2 throwing hammer (Ulf)
A small glass vial full of a congealed green substance
A long, narrow-bladed +1 dagger with a greenish cast (Constance)
A thick gold ring with elvish writing that exudes a peaceful aura
A lightweight dragon's-maw full helm (Mokatah)
A serrated +2 long sword with issues (Bromric, sort of)
A steel scroll case with a dwarven map
A pair of thick ornate gem-studded metal bracers
A +1 shield with a lion's head relief (Martin)
A quick and lightweight +1 lance (Bertram)
A chunk of divinely-crafted amber (Martin)

Events: 125xp
Discovered collapsed tomb entrance
Discovered the strange channel
Put to rest the skeletons of the two trapped dwarves

Total XP Earned: 15,603

Divided by ten survivors: 1,561xp each before modifier for prime requisite.

Re: Expedition - Bertram/Dwarven Ruins II - 19 April, 1 VC

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 8:25 pm
by Keehnelf
This thread is now closed!