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Re: Action Thread 13

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:35 pm
by Argennian
Yosef listens very intently to Till's descriptions and report. He responds to the others before they leave the ground floor. "I agree that we should concentrate on stealth. I offer up my hooded lantern as a quick and easy way to utilize and also cover needed illumination moving forward. Let us get a better look from a higher vantage, that we may see what we can of the city and its denizens. I want to remind you as well that I still have my charm person spell at the ready and so can use it if the opportunity presents itself. Friend Bruard, do you have your speak with animals spell currently ready? If so, that could also be an option, especially with all of those birds about."

When the party is ready to move out, Yosef resumes his place in the marching order and moves out. As the party moves through the tighter and more restrictive areas of the tower and installation where ranged melee will not be possible, the elf will sling his bow and draw his sword, planning on using his magic missile spell if it is needed!

Re: Action Thread 13

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:40 pm
by Alethan
Till leads the party up to the 2nd story (that is, the third level of the tower).

Re: Action Thread 13

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:49 pm
by dmw71
Jeloon, whom would normally be leading, will follow closely behind Till as they make their ascent.

Re: Action Thread 13

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 6:18 pm
by Alethan
OOC: Actually, Dave, we've traditionally had Till scouting everything ahead... but if you want Jeloon to lead the way, Till is happy to step aside and let the meatshield fighter take the lead.

Re: Action Thread 13

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 6:38 pm
by dmw71
Alethan wrote:OOC: Actually, Dave, we've traditionally had Till scouting everything ahead... but if you want Jeloon to lead the way, Till is happy to step aside and let the meatshield fighter take the lead.
ooc: Till is definitely the scout, no question there. My comment was more from Jeloon's position on Ron's marching order list. I would much rather not lead at this point (but will be happy to jump out in front once bad things start happening). :D


MO: 1- Jeloon; 2- Till; 3- Bruard & Eyman; 4- Ancor, Rosin, DAMs; 5- Yosef & Van

Re: Action Thread 13

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 7:25 pm
by ToniXX
Argennian wrote:Friend Bruard, do you have your speak with animals spell currently ready? If so, that could also be an option, especially with all of those birds about."[/color]
Yosef, I regret to say that I do not have that spell memorized. If you feel it important, I'll commune with Shinare next time we rest and see if she will grant it to me.

Re: Action Thread 13

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 7:49 pm
by Alethan
dmw71 wrote:
Alethan wrote:OOC: Actually, Dave, we've traditionally had Till scouting everything ahead... but if you want Jeloon to lead the way, Till is happy to step aside and let the meatshield fighter take the lead.
ooc: Till is definitely the scout, no question there. My comment was more from Jeloon's position on Ron's marching order list. I would much rather not lead at this point (but will be happy to jump out in front once bad things start happening). :D


MO: 1- Jeloon; 2- Till; 3- Bruard & Eyman; 4- Ancor, Rosin, DAMs; 5- Yosef & Van

Ahh. I see. Didn't notice that.

I'm not worried, though. Till's a fast runner. He can get behind you in no time! :D

Re: Action Thread 13

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 5:22 pm
by Argennian
ToniXX wrote:
Argennian wrote:Friend Bruard, do you have your speak with animals spell currently ready? If so, that could also be an option, especially with all of those birds about."[/color]
Yosef, I regret to say that I do not have that spell memorized. If you feel it important, I'll commune with Shinare next time we rest and see if she will grant it to me.

Yosef smiles and lies a reassuring hand on his clerical companion's shoulder. "Tis no worry at all, friend Bruard. I merely thought to mention that in the event we came in contact with those birds or any other animals about. I remain hopeful in being able to use my charm person spell on one of the denizens of this place, so that we might discover their true nature and bent. In doing so, we will hopefully have a better idea if we can announce ourselves without fear of immediate retribution."

Re: Action Thread 13

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:22 pm
by rredmond
Day 19 – 2:00a

Sorry all, the State has been kicking my butt this week. Making my job very uncomfortable with my bosses looking to cast blame. It’s okay, I make them uncomfortable right back by saying “I’m the Director, ultimately it’s my call and my fault”. I hate pointing fingers, and they don’t know how to deal with folks who don’t methinks. And due to babysitting the State while they rip one of my programs apart, the rest of my work is now running late. Sheesh, hopefully back to gaming for a bit.

The party forms up and follows Till up the stairs. You are able to get up to the door that leads out to the walkway. The walkway is about 150’ long and 20’ wide. Traveling in your new Marching Order ;) you are able to get right up to the wall. The walkway travels past the wall, but then starts to be more ruined. Also, I only figured you wanted to go to the wall. From here what you can see is dozens (and in the dark you guess there may be many more, maybe hundreds would be your guess) of crumbling structures dot the ground. The area looks completely barren of vegetation of any kind. Which is weird from what you’ve glimpsed of other areas, there is vegetation, even trees dotting other slices; nothing at all in this one. The crumbling and completely ruined structures that you can see in this slice, look like they used to be homes. Probably about 400’ into the slice, from the end of the walkway, just north of the center, is a large structure. By the moonlight, and the fact that there are homes here, you’d guess it’s a temple of some sort. The strangest thing about it is that it’s about the only thing in this slice of the city that seems to be standing.


HPs: Jeloon - 29/29; Till - 36/36; Yosef - 10/10; Bruard - 19/19
WIH: Till: short sword (15' radius light); Jeloon: Longsword (20' radius light), shield; Yosef: bow and arrow [or long sword]; Bruard: Mace, shield; Van: +1 ogre spear, shield; Eyman: +1 Battle Axe, shield
MO: 1- Till; 2- Jeloon; 3- Bruard & Eyman; 4- Ancor, Rosin, DAMs; 5- Yosef & Van
Consumables: Lantern - (Till) 2 hours, 25 minutes left (off), 30' radius; Torch, 58 minutes (off), 40' radius; Torch, 60 minutes (off), 40' radius.
--------Spells: Yosef: 1-2/2, 2-1/1; Bruard: 1-5/5, 2-4/4


Re: Action Thread 13

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:34 pm
by Alethan
Till quietly sucks in a deep breath as he stares at the crumbling structures dotting the ground.


Re: Action Thread 13

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 3:49 am
by dmw71
Alethan wrote:Till quietly sucks in a deep breath as he stares at the crumbling structures dotting the ground.

"Me think you right." Jeloon offers. "And me no like it."

Re: Action Thread 13

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 9:37 pm
by Argennian
dmw71 wrote:
Alethan wrote:Till quietly sucks in a deep breath as he stares at the crumbling structures dotting the ground.

"Me think you right." Jeloon offers. "And me no like it."
Yosef considers the slice and the large structure. "And if this is indeed a cemetery, it might hold things we wish to avoid. Mayhap that explains its being unoccupied..."

The elf quietly sheaths his longsword and reequips his bow and readies an arrow. He'll spend some moments looking towards the tower that has all of the birds, as well as any other towers or slices of the circular keep that he can see from the party's position.

OOC: Ron, best wishes towards getting that work drama sorted.

Re: Action Thread 13

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:58 am
by rredmond
The structures that you can see lookk rather too big to be graves, unless they were larger people buried here.
Argennian wrote: Yosef quietly sheaths his longsword and reequips his bow and readies an arrow. He'll spend some moments looking towards the tower that has all of the birds, as well as any other towers or slices of the circular keep that he can see from the party's position.
The slice to the north has no fires or the like and is too far away for infravision to be of any use. The the birds do seem to go out in semi regular flights.

The slice to the south, is definitely inhabited. You see fires dotted about. And by the light of the moon you can see that it's elevated walkway extends well into the slice. They have a tower system within their slice interestingly enough, that extends all the way to the center slice.

Ah yes, now you can see that there is a center slice. It is octagonal, matching the outer walls. It is 700' across from North to South and East to West, and etc. Which makes each wall about 300' or so across.

Still there's no movement, fires, or anything that you can tell in this slice that you are currently standing on the edge of.

Re: Action Thread 13

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 2:58 pm
by dmw71
"Jeloon think, if we try to spy, dat we go where we think people not be." she says. "Me say we check out dis area and head dat away." she says while pointing to the north.

Re: Action Thread 13

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 3:22 pm
by Alethan
"If we want to go where there are no people, Jeloon, I think we're in the right spot!"quips Till. "Why not start down below? At a second glance, maybe they aren't graves... maybe this section is simply abandoned."

Adding a tsk! out the side of his mouth, he adds, "But... I'd be up for checking out the spot to the north, as well."

Re: Action Thread 13

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:01 pm
by dmw71
Alethan wrote:"If we want to go where there are no people, Jeloon, I think we're in the right spot!" quips Till. "Why not start down below? At a second glance, maybe they aren't graves... maybe this section is simply abandoned."

Adding a tsk! out the side of his mouth, he adds, "But... I'd be up for checking out the spot to the north, as well."
"Me follow where you lead." Jeloon states, but a second later adds:"Jeloon grow bored wit nuthin' happenin'. Maybe north is da way to go after all?"

Re: Action Thread 13

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 8:33 pm
by Argennian
"Aye, the north then, Till. Whatever route looks best," opines Yosef in agreement. He keeps his bow and arrow ready and continues to look over towards the birds to see if they have appeared to notice or take interest in the party as it creeps about.

Re: Action Thread 13

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 8:43 pm
by Alethan
Till shrugs, "The north it is! Let's go see if we have a druid friend to say hi to, shall we? Personally, I'd feel better about this place if we could talk to someone more familiar with it. If my hunch is right, then maybe he will be friendly with us... or, at least, not want to kill us or eat us outright."

OOC: Er... is there anything connecting the sections up where we are? Any way to move from one section to the next? Or do we have to go all the way back down, then use the magical entrance? Or climb another tower?

Re: Action Thread 13

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 12:11 am
by ToniXX
Alethan wrote:Till shrugs, "The north it is! Let's go see if we have a druid friend to say hi to, shall we? Personally, I'd feel better about this place if we could talk to someone more familiar with it. If my hunch is right, then maybe he will be friendly with us... or, at least, not want to kill us or eat us outright."
At the mention of a cemetery, Bruard feels for his holy symbol, making sure it's present and at the ready. He then nods in agreement to what Till just said.

Re: Action Thread 13

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 4:16 pm
by rredmond
Alethan wrote:OOC: Er... is there anything connecting the sections up where we are? Any way to move from one section to the next? Or do we have to go all the way back down, then use the magical entrance? Or climb another tower?
There's the wall, which is a good 1 1/2 foot thick, maybe a bit more. Till could probably traverse that way, be a bit tough for the others.
You could drop down and look for another hidden entrance.
But, unless there's a magical means, the safest, and likely quickest route, is to climb down here and go to the hidden entrance. Or climbing up that tower to the north.