Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#41 Post by Storm11 »

Tenpus begins to look for a suitable hiding spot some 50-75’ from the hole with a clear view. He will set up a distraction using some vine or frond ties to a larger piece of wood or two, making a type of wind chime type device and hanging it in a direction opposite to the one the companions intend to hide behind, some 50’+ away but within view.

”The night men are blind, but they have excellent hearing and smell, so I am trying to fashion a noisy distraction for them to investigate and cover our own breathing. You see?”

He continues to work and talk quietly at the same time. ”I have a spell that can cause the vegetation within a 40 ft Radius to wrap around anyone within its bounds. I also have magic that can enshroud upto 4 human sized creatures, making them much easier to target in the dark. What magics can you bring to bare to help us?”
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#42 Post by scottjen »

Tempus, your plan is most wise (smiles). I would suggest our hiding spot be downwind (if there is any) of the hole. I may be able to cause some of them to fall into an enchanted slumber. But I won't be able to do so from 50' away. Perhaps I could try on those that escape your magical bindings? If more than 1? do.
We don't want to let them get back into their hole. Are they capable of making enough noise to alert their fellows below from out here?

(BTW, the picture of the hole doesn't show)
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#43 Post by Zeromancer »

Lumenor is obviously impressed with the druid's plan of action, nodding his assent as the details are outlined. Immobilized, these night men would fall easily to the combined might of he and his new companions.

"The magics I have prepared are defensive in nature. However, if all goes as you both have laid out, it will not even be needed. the elf conjectures.
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#44 Post by Storm11 »

”Downwind, yes, an excellent idea! Yes you are right, we maybe need to wait until they are a little further from the entrance before I call to the plantlife in the area for assistance. Let us prepare then!” the Druid says enthusiastically.
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#45 Post by CAI4 »

i like the sound of that! maybe, we can blend in with the smell of nature by covering ourselves with mud and leaves also dirt! What say you?The youngster seems very excited to whip around his new morning star
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#46 Post by Zeromancer »

Lumenor clearly has no interest in crawling around in the brush or the muck, his eyes are instead trained upon the treetops above. He begins trying to locate a solid tree that appears relatively easy to scale which also has a vantage of their intended ambush point. Once in place, he'll use the position to rain arrows down upon their foes.
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#47 Post by scottjen »

Zo will move to opposite side of the hole from Tempus' wind chime. He looks at the human for a minute before shrugging and then puts some mud on his shabby cloak & sprinkles some leaves as well. Perhaps this will lessen the chances. (To Lumenor as he sees his intent) May Solonor favor your bow. (To Tempus) At nightfall when they emerge, how is the tall one going to see? Perhaps we could arrange a torch by your chime? It would offer another smell to distract them & give enough light for him to see the enemy.
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#48 Post by Storm11 »

Well the moon’s light should be good enough, no? If not, some kind of light source would not be a problem I think, as the nightmen are blind anyway. They may hear the crackle of a torch or smell its smoke though which might alert them that we are here. It is possible we might try and blend in with nature, but I think unless we find some fox poop or similar their senses will not be fooled.” the Druid says amiably as he watches one of the elves climb into a tree.
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#49 Post by AleBelly »

The foursome works together to fashion a plan. The breeze has been coming from the southeast, so they take a position at the northwest edge of the clearing around the nightmen's hole. Lumenor finds a sturdy split in an old oak, about 10' off the ground. Tempus fashions a makeshift chime from some pliable twigs and doesn't make much noise but it should do the trick. Zo and Lucas spread dirt all over themselves. Lumenor will not reduce himself to such base actions.

The sun dips below the horizon, with a crescent moon quickly following. The four wait in nervous anticipation as the glow on the western horizon fades. Crickets begin to chirp. The chime *clops* at irregular intervals, jostled by the breeze. Lucas is having a difficult time seeing. And then, the wet slaps of feet as the first nightman emerges, its silhouetted forms slightly darker than its surroundings.

Surprise? Others 1-4 [1d6] = 5


Just then, Azor barks! The dog draws the attention of a second, then a third, figure. A gurgling growl is heard as a total of six creatures emerge and head straight towards the party! They are 40' away...


Date: 2 Grasses (April), Year 44
Time: 19:50, about 40 minutes after sunset
Conditions: 49F, breeze from the southeast
Known Spells in Effect: None
Light bearers: waxing fingernail crescent moon
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#50 Post by Storm11 »

Tempus calls out to the foliage around the approaching nightmen, centring the spell where they are about to tread in a few seconds time and stretching out 20 feet in every direction. Nature, respond to my command, wrap and entangle my enemies in the strength of your mighty grasp!”

casts entangle
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#51 Post by scottjen »

Zo will back up a little to buy time for his spell if possible. If more than 1 enemy is unaffected by Tempus' spell: Zo will cast sleep in an attempt to put as many of the unaffected as possible in the area of affect without getting any of our party. If 1 enemy escapes: Zo draws his short sword and stands ready.
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#52 Post by Zeromancer »

Lumenor, bow at the ready, lets fly a pair of arrows at the nearest hostile target just as soon as they begin their charge forward.

Firing long bow, and the results couldn't be much worse. I may have even hit the dog... -.-
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#53 Post by CAI4 »

Lucas is having a difficult time seeing. He pulls his morningstar from his belt and readies his shield. He will move towards the nightmen if the magic of the others has no effect.

Initiative [1d6] = 1
To hit [1d20] = 16
Crit [1d100] = 32
Damage [2d4] = 4
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#54 Post by AleBelly »

And the battle begins quickly.

Tempus begins an incantation, beseeching the grasses to hold the nightmen fast. With their keen sense of hearing, several of the hulking forms move very swiftly towards the party.

Lumenor looses an arrow, but it misses widely. Not the first impression the elf was hoping to make.

Three of the six nightmen are able to close the distance to the party before the druid can complete his spell. They attack Clarence, Azor, and Lucas.

Clarence the bear dances against his opponent, dodging its crude stone axe but unable to land its claws or bite.

Azor yelps in pain as his attacker rips through the dog's leather armor and delivers a huge gash with its stone axe!

Nightman attacks Azor [1d20] = 16, [1d100] = 13, [1d6] = 6 -6 hp! :(

But the dog responds ferociously, knocking down its attacker and ripping out its throat. It dies nearly instantly.

Azor attack [1d20] = 15, [1d100] = 52, [2d4] = 7

Another nightman bears down on Lucas. It moves quickly, slicing open the ranger's leg with its sharp stone.

Nightman attacks Lucas [1d20] = 16, [1d100] = 73, [1d6] = 5 -5 hp!

The boy grits his teeth and brings his spiked morningstar down into the skull of his attacker, killing it instantly!

Lucas gets a +1 damage bonus against evil humanoids

Zo, looking to retreat a few steps, tumbles over a log. By the time he stands up, melee has begun and he holds his spell Zo, you got a poor initiative roll and you would only have been able to target a single opponent that wasn't entangled. I followed your very good action description and held his spell.

Tempus' spell takes hold, and the grass around the three remaining nightmen begins to writhe. Two are held fast and bellow in frustration. The other skips through the grass then attacks the druid.

Nightman attacks Tempus [1d20] = 20, [1d100] = 17, [1d6] = 1 -1 hp

It weakly scratches the druid in the face.

Lumenor looses an arrow at a bound nightman, but it too misses. The writhing grass snaps the arrow in half.

Two nightmen lie dead. One is attacking Clarence and another attacking Tempus. Two are held fast by the druid's spell.

The die rolls are under the campaign in the roller. Targets for the nightmen were randomly chosen.


Date: 2 Grasses (April), Year 44
Time: 19:51, about 40 minutes after sunset
Conditions: 49F, breeze from the southeast
Known Spells in Effect: Two nightmen entangled through 20:00
Light bearers: waxing fingernail crescent moon
Injury status: Tempus barely wounded, Azor and Lucas moderately wounded
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#55 Post by Storm11 »

Tempus calls to Azor to attack the nightmen attacking him, and then attacks with his scimitar as well.

[1d6] = 5 : [1d20] = 14 : [1d8] = 2 : [1d100] = 69

Azor attacks : [1d20] = 2 : [2d4] = 7

Clarence continues to battle the nightman in front of him. :
[1d20] = 15 : [1d3] = 3 : [1d20] = 12 : [1d3] = 1 : [1d20] = 2 : [1d6] = 4
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#56 Post by Zeromancer »

Lumenor loosens his grip upon the bow, realizing that despite many years of training with the weapon, his anticipation got the better of him and forced the errant shots. He lines up a shot on the target in melee with Tempus, content that Zo and Lucas were not in any immediate danger, and deciding that the animals were the druid's responsibility, not his.

Two shots on the one engaged with Tempus. Much better this time!
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#57 Post by CAI4 »

Lucas has a blank expression on his face. He's excited about his first kill of an evil creature, but he's still sad that he killed something. He moves to attack the nightman fighting Tempus.
Init [1d6]: 3
To hit [1d20]: 3
Crit [1d100]: 45
Damage: [2d4+1] = 4+1 = 5
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#58 Post by scottjen »

Zo brings his short sword to bear against the night men attacking Tempus.
init [1d6] = 3
to hit [1d20+1] = 13+1 = 14
crit [1d100] = 21
damage [1d6] = 2
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#59 Post by AleBelly »

Lumenor gathers himself, pulls another arrow from his quiver, and shoots at the nightman engaging Tempus. With their relative disparity in size, the arrow is likely to hit the enemy...

Arrow targets Tempus 1 or nightman 2-5 [1d5] = 2

...and it does. The arrow pierces the creature's neck just before it attacks Tempus with its stone weapon. The nimble druid dodges the attack and slices open the creatures abdomen with a flick of his scimitar. And with that, three of the enemy are dead.

Clarence pounces on his attacker, ripping open its neck with two slashes of its paw. It too falls.

Lucas and Zo rush to join the fray, but the only remaining foes are entangled by Tempus' spell.

Lumenor turns his attention to one of the pair and releases another arrow, piercing the side of one. It howls in pain and fear. These foes do not seem intelligent, but they know their time is nigh.

Actions? Feel free to give a few rolls with distance weapons. No fumbles are possible at this point.

Date: 2 Grasses (April), Year 44
Time: 19:52, about 40 minutes after sunset
Conditions: 49F, breeze from the southeast
Known Spells in Effect: Two nightmen entangled through 20:00
Light bearers: waxing fingernail crescent moon
Injury status: Tempus barely wounded, Azor and Lucas moderately wounded
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Re: Chapter 16 - Tempus' recruiting drive

#60 Post by Storm11 »

”I am unsure if they are intelligent enough to communicate, but perhaps we should try before we put them both to death?” the Druid calls out to the others. ”If they are we may get some information from them about numbers and layout within!”

Tempus will call both Clarence and Azor to his side and pat them both in congratulations, and then call to the entangled pair. ”Hey there! Can you understand me?”
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