I. Tree Cave

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Re: I. Tree Cave

#41 Post by dmw71 »

While the bulk of the group lingers behind, Watts looks to put his thieving skills to the test and advances to the end of the current passageway. Peering around the corner, aside from the cave walls immediately in front of him, his human eyes see nothing but blackness.
Cave Passage Dark.jpg
Cave Passage Dark.jpg (12.5 KiB) Viewed 671 times
"The front of the party is not my favored position, but with Junius heavily injured I suppose there is no other choice," Keeber says. "Stay here, and cover your lights," he urges. "I will look around the corner. If the path around the corner appears clear, I will wave to Junius for you to follow me."

"We may wish to follow this protocol as we progress."
he offers.

The elf steathily creeps up behind Watts and encourages the pair to switch positions. Peering around the corner, he sees little more than the human did -- the walls of the passage ahead, which is about 10-feet wide, radiate a cool blue color.
Cave Passage Dark Elf.jpg
Cave Passage Dark Elf.jpg (11.55 KiB) Viewed 671 times
The elf waves Junius and the rest forward.


Here is where I'll need to know the marching order, and protocol for handling light sources.



Date: 20 Februarius, Year 7102
Time: 13:37 (Sunrise: 06:45, Sunset: 17:43)
Temp: 48F (53F topside)
  • Cool
Light Sources: Known Spells in Effect:
  • None
Marching Orders
  • 5-foot: TBD
    10-foot: TBD
Character Status
  • Mila | MU: 1 | Mv: 120/40 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 9 | HP: 4 | Armor: Unarmored | Weapons: Dagger | Spells: 1st: 1
    Keebler| : Elf: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 7/6 | HP: 6 | Armor: Std Leather, Shield | Weapons: Longsword, Shortbow (20)
    Tippin | Halfling: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 7/6/5 | HP: 4 | Armor: Std Leather, Shield, Dex -1 | Weapons: Short sword, Shortbow (20)
    Junius | Dwarf: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 8/7/6 | HP: 10-8 = 2 | Armor: Leather, Shield, Dex -1 | Weapons: Scimitar, Sling
    AdaRue | Cleric: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 7 | HP: 5 | Armor: Std Leather | Weapons: Staff | Spells: 1st: 1, 0
    Tom | Halfling: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 5/4/3 | HP: 5-4 = 1+3 = 4 | Armor: Chain, Shield, Dex -1 | Weapons: Handaxe, Shortbow, Dagger
    Canun | Cleric: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3 | HP: 4 | Armor: Banded, Shield | Weapons: Mace, Sling | Spells: 1st: 1
    Watts | Thief: 1 | Mv: 90" | THAC0: 19 | AC: 8/6 | HP: 5 | Armor: Leather, Dex -2 | Weapons: Longsword, Longbow (20)
    Rainey | MU: 1 | Mv: 90" | THAC0: 19 | AC: 10 | HP: 3 | Armor: Unarmored | Weapons: Dagger | Spells: 1st 1
  • None
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Re: I. Tree Cave

#42 Post by Zhym »

I'd forgotten how narrowly you interpret infravision.

"New plan," says Keebler, moving backward in the marching order. "Someone with armor can hold a light and lead the way."
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Re: I. Tree Cave

#43 Post by Alethan »

Tom Cobley

If nobody steps forward immediately, Tom takes his torch and the lead and heads down the passage.
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Re: I. Tree Cave

#44 Post by AleBelly »

Zhym wrote:"Hey, you've got some pretty good armor on," Tippin tells the cleric. "You should be in front!"
"Silly Tippin" chuckles Canun, as if the halfling makes this mistake all the time. "As your channel to Hubbard, I am far too valuable to risk in menial combat."

The cleric will move to heal before heading onwards.

"Junius, allow me to offer some aid for your wounds. But as you know, to receive the blessings of Hubbard I must inform you of your recent faults before doing so."

The cleric pulls a sheet of paper from his pack, unfurls it, and reads pompously.

"Ahem. On the way to this dank underground dwelling, I saw you clean yourself with your right hand after relieving yourself in the bushes. You did not wash before your camp repast. Most distasteful. I do not require a handshake of thanks after I administer my healing.

Charging into battle against a large insect while wearing hardened cow's skin is foolhardy. Hubbard gave you life - to attempt to give it away so freely is a mistake.

I have cleansed you of your intellectual sins. How well my subsequent healing works depends not on my prowess, which is infallible, but on your willingness to correct your course."

Grasping his wooden disk he lays hands on Junius. "Be healed!"

Cure light wounds [1d6+1] = 3+1 = 4

Upon seeing the result of his spell, Canun has little expression. "Hmm. You can do better. But you seem willing to course correct. See me when we return to civilization and I will be happy to sell you a pamphlet on how you may do so."
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Re: I. Tree Cave

#45 Post by Bluehorse »


Will stay close to the middle of the group, too paranoid of what is ahead to lead and too convinced something will come up behind them to be in the rear. She will stay close to AdaRue her eyes darting to and fro in the dark, wishing she could see better. "I'm scared" she says so softly, most would likely question whether or not they heard it.
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Re: I. Tree Cave

#46 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Seeing Junius's wounds close, AdaRue exlaims, Praise the Mother! You have the gift, too, Canun? AdaRue prepares to continue into the tunnel further, We're right behind you, boys. Be super careful, okay? It might not actually be a child we were following... She squeezes Mila's hand once to comfort her. And herself.
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Re: I. Tree Cave

#47 Post by dmw71 »

"New plan," says Keebler, falling back alongside Tippin in the marching order. "Someone with armor can hold a light and lead the way." When no one jumps to claim the role, Tom quickly assumes it himself. Junius, the fresh recipient of Hubbard's divine grace (and Canun's near insufferable diatribe), rejoins the halfling up front.

After making the left-hand turn and cautiously sulking barely 10-feet, Tom and Junius notice that the passage -- wet in places, with a sandy floor -- bends sharply to the right after another 20-feet or so.

Between the clinking of Tom's chain mail echoing off the cave walls, and the light from his torch and Mila's lantern flickering well ahead of their actual position, the group is aware that they will be broadcasting their presence.
Cave Passage Curve Right.jpg
Cave Passage Curve Right.jpg (112.53 KiB) Viewed 646 times
Peering around this curve to the right, Tom can tell that the passage continues, but becomes cooler and begins to narrow.

After another 20-feet, the narrow mouth of the passage appears to open into a

large, natural natural limestone cavern with a rough, uneven floor. Stalactites hang from the voluminous ceiling, and stalagmites cover much of the floor.
Cavern Large and Small Exits View.jpg
Cavern Large and Small Exits View.jpg (113.24 KiB) Viewed 646 times
No noises can be heard from this cavernous area except for the occasional drip of water echoing from somewhere inside.


I've added a set of marching orders below, based upon the initial lineup suggestion, modified by subsequent feedback. Please feel to discuss/finalize the order in the 'ooc' thread.

Also, Tom has a weapon, shield, and a torch; but can carry only two of them at a time. Please let me know what his plan is.



Date: 20 Februarius, Year 7102
Time: 13:38 (Sunrise: 06:45, Sunset: 17:43)
Temp: 44F (53F topside)
  • Cool
Light Sources: Known Spells in Effect:
  • None
Character Status
  • Mila | MU: 1 | Mv: 120/40 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 9 | HP: 4 | Armor: Unarmored | Weapons: Dagger | Spells: 1st: 1
    Keebler| : Elf: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 7/6 | HP: 6 | Armor: Std Leather, Shield | Weapons: Longsword, Shortbow (20)
    Tippin | Halfling: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 7/6/5 | HP: 4 | Armor: Std Leather, Shield, Dex -1 | Weapons: Short sword, Shortbow (20)
    Junius | Dwarf: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 8/7/6 | HP: 10-8 = 2+4 = 6 | Armor: Leather, Shield, Dex -1 | Weapons: Scimitar, Sling
    AdaRue | Cleric: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 7 | HP: 5 | Armor: Std Leather | Weapons: Staff | Spells: 1st: 1, 0
    Tom | Halfling: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 5/4/3 | HP: 5-4 = 1+3 = 4 | Armor: Chain, Shield, Dex -1 | Weapons: Handaxe, Shortbow, Dagger
    Canun | Cleric: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3 | HP: 4 | Armor: Banded, Shield | Weapons: Mace, Sling | Spells: 1st: 1, 0
    Watts | Thief: 1 | Mv: 90" | THAC0: 19 | AC: 8/6 | HP: 5 | Armor: Leather, Dex -2 | Weapons: Longsword, Longbow (20)
    Rainey | MU: 1 | Mv: 90" | THAC0: 19 | AC: 10 | HP: 3 | Armor: Unarmored | Weapons: Dagger | Spells: 1st 1
Marching Orders
  • Scout:
    • Keebler
    • Tom
    • Tom & Junius
      Tippin & Keebler
      AdaRue & Mila
      Watts & Canun
  • None
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Re: I. Tree Cave

#48 Post by Alethan »

Tom Cobley

Tom passes the torch back to AdaRue before continuing to move onward, shield and axe ready.
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Re: I. Tree Cave

#49 Post by onlyme »

Junius thanks the braggadocious cleric and defiantly sticks out his hand for a shake.

He will move forward, knowing they need his instinctive abilities to root out trouble in their path.
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Re: I. Tree Cave

#50 Post by drpete »


Rainey moves into the cavern when he can. He'll suggests searching the cave, both for exits and for anything hidden among the stalagmites.
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Re: I. Tree Cave

#51 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

AdaRue looks up in awe of the formations. Amazing, she whispers. She asks if there is any sign of the tracks they were following. We've come a long way in now. I'd hate for us to get lost in here for nothing.
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Re: I. Tree Cave

#52 Post by ybn1197 »

Watts moves into the cavern slowly, weary of the over abundance of stalagmites and stalactites. "Carefully," he says in a low tone, "anything could be hiding in here behind the rock formations."
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Re: I. Tree Cave

#53 Post by dmw71 »

Tom passes the torch back to AdaRue before continuing to move onward, shield and axe ready. He stops at the wide-open entrance. Junius follows next, settling behind the halfling, then Tippin, Keebler, and AdaRue with the first light source. "Amazing," the cleric whispers as she stares in awe at the rocky the formations from just outside the entrance. "Any sign of the tracks we were following?" she asks. Mila, with the lantern, remains close behind AdaRue, followed by Rainey, who cautions about the possibility of things potentially hidden amongst the stalagmites. Watts and Canun fill out the party; the thief weary of the over abundance of stalagmites and stalactites. "Careful," he says in a low tone, "Anything could be hiding in here behind the rock formations," he continues, echoing the thoughts of Rainey.

Now at the entrance, and able to see the cavern more fully, it reveals itself to be at least 60-feet wide. What appear to be worn paths lead to at least one, but possibly two, smaller passages leading out of the cavern on the opposite wall; and a larger exit also across the way, but lower and off to your right a bit. The ground in front of this larger exit appears to reveal scattered footprints, but, from your current distance, it's impossible to make out any details about them.
Cavern Large and Small Exits.jpg
Cavern Large and Small Exits.jpg (108.69 KiB) Viewed 622 times
The occasional drip of water you previously heard echoing off the walls comes from somewhere off to your left. No other lights, sounds, smells, or signs of movement are detected coming from within.

The area seems eerily settled.




Date: 20 Februarius, Year 7102
Time: 13:39 (Sunrise: 06:45, Sunset: 17:43)
Temp: 44F (53F topside)
  • Cool
Light Sources: Known Spells in Effect:
  • None
Character Status
  • Mila | MU: 1 | Mv: 120/40 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 9 | HP: 4 | Armor: Unarmored | Weapons: Dagger | Spells: 1st: 1
    Keebler| : Elf: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 7/6 | HP: 6 | Armor: Std Leather, Shield | Weapons: Longsword, Shortbow (20)
    Tippin | Halfling: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 7/6/5 | HP: 4 | Armor: Std Leather, Shield, Dex -1 | Weapons: Short sword, Shortbow (20)
    Junius | Dwarf: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 8/7/6 | HP: 10-8 = 2+4 = 6 | Armor: Leather, Shield, Dex -1 | Weapons: Scimitar, Sling
    AdaRue | Cleric: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 7 | HP: 5 | Armor: Std Leather | Weapons: Staff | Spells: 1st: 1, 0
    Tom | Halfling: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 5/4/3 | HP: 5-4 = 1+3 = 4 | Armor: Chain, Shield, Dex -1 | Weapons: Handaxe, Shortbow, Dagger
    Canun | Cleric: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3 | HP: 4 | Armor: Banded, Shield | Weapons: Mace, Sling | Spells: 1st: 1, 0
    Watts | Thief: 1 | Mv: 90" | THAC0: 19 | AC: 8/6 | HP: 5 | Armor: Leather, Dex -2 | Weapons: Longsword, Longbow (20)
    Rainey | MU: 1 | Mv: 90" | THAC0: 19 | AC: 10 | HP: 3 | Armor: Unarmored | Weapons: Dagger | Spells: 1st 1
Marching Orders
  • Scout:
    • Keebler
    • Tom
    • Tom & Junius
      Tippin & Keebler
      AdaRue & Mila
      Watts & Canun
  • None
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Re: I. Tree Cave

#54 Post by AleBelly »

ybn1197 wrote:Watts moves into the cavern slowly, weary of the over abundance of stalagmites and stalactites. "Carefully," he says in a low tone, "anything could be hiding in here behind the rock formations."
"Well, not anything" replies Canun as he turns to face his marching partner. "I doubt we'll find a comfortable bed and a warm supper."

The cleric stands ready with mace and shield, guarding the party's back.
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Re: I. Tree Cave

#55 Post by onlyme »

Junius grumbles,
It's just a cave. There were several of these in town, if you'd wanted to see 'em.
But, be careful. There are many pits to fall down. The shadows are tricky. And bats. Many bats.
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Re: I. Tree Cave

#56 Post by Zhym »

"Bats?" repeats Tippin. "Cool! We could make this our hideout and fight bad guys!" He stands up straight, swirls his cloak, and puts on an expression of mock seriousness. "I am—The Bat Hobbit!"
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Re: I. Tree Cave

#57 Post by Zhym »

"Shall we continue following the footprints?" asks Keebler, pointedly ignoring the hobbit's antics.
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Re: I. Tree Cave

#58 Post by Alethan »

Tom Cobley

Tom nods and heads towards the larger opening with the footprints.
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Re: I. Tree Cave

#59 Post by ybn1197 »

AleBelly wrote:"Well, not anything" replies Canun as he turns to face his marching partner. "I doubt we'll find a comfortable bed and a warm supper."
"How about a hot bath with some oils for his lordship?" Watts comments as he moves past the cleric not waiting for a response.
Zhym wrote:"Bats?" repeats Tippin. "Cool! We could make this our hideout and fight bad guys!" He stands up straight, swirls his cloak, and puts on an expression of mock seriousness. "I am—The Bat Hobbit!"
"You're bat-shit crazy is what you are," Watts continues his tirade moving towards the larger opening. "We need to keep moving."
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Re: I. Tree Cave

#60 Post by drpete »


Rainey shrugs, following along. "I'm not sure the locals are going to offer us supper. Maybe we should look for a private cave that they *dont* use instead of visiting them...?"

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