BLACK ICE - Episode 1: Mission: Improbable

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Re: BLACK ICE - Episode 1: Mission: Improbable

#41 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Zuul, slow to react, grins at his fellow "scientists" and calmly closes the door behind them.
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Re: BLACK ICE - Episode 1: Mission: Improbable

#42 Post by max_vale »

Imperial Security Beureau Intel Analysis and Technical Branch Station; Planet Lotide; Mid-Rim (i.e. 'The Colonies')

The office of LT Pora of the ISB suddenly became a lot livelier as a mass of individuals rapidly converged on each other as Zuul discretely closed the door and Gavin Storm and Borsk La'Reth watched the action enfold right in front of them....

First, the tall, strapping Professor Clark raced over and grabbed the ISB LT in his strong arms just as Pora finished drawing his blaster, but was unable to point it at any of the Rebels due to the academic's strong arms locked around his wrists. Pora's mouth opened and spat out a curse as his eyes blazed in hatred at the Rebel operative...

Poor Jackson Crodowski was unable to worm his smaller, slight self around the bulk of his fellow Rebel and he was then further pushed aside as the even larger and more strapping Zinn moved him out of the way and then dove over the desk to bodily tackle the Imperial. Poor Jackson found himself pushed to the wall with the desk in between his own body and the melee taking place on the other side of the small room and with a bit of an annoyed shrug, he moved around to search the desk for the code-key they needed....

Zinn Valimar pushed little Jackson out of the way and bodily leapt over the desk and tackled Pora, right out of Clark's firm grasp. The air left the Imperial's lungs in a rush as he was slammed to the ground with Zinn on top of him and his Blaster Pistol scattered on the floor of the room to rest against the back wall. Pora looked like a fish trying to gulp in air and his eyes were clearly a bit dazed and unfocused from the crushing tackle and weight of the big pilot on his chest and stomach...

Borsk La'Reth just shook his head at the human shenanigans as QT-7 dangled in his hand in briefcase mode and Zuul smiled his scary, toothy grin as he watched the melee with undisguised glee...

OOC: Pora is on the ground, a bit dazed for now but still conscious....he is now unarmed and his Blaster is against the back-wall. There is limited room for people to get into the hand-to-hand fight but Jackson could go around the desk to reach the fight from the 'flank' and/or Clark could get into the action as well as he's standing right above both combatants. Zinn is obviously right on top of the action...literally...and Zuul or Borsk would have to ask someone to move (Zinn or Clark) or actually MOVE them to get into the hand-to-hand fight. Of course, they could do other things as well....but I'll let you all run with the situation and let me know what you'd like to do! :)
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Re: BLACK ICE - Episode 1: Mission: Improbable

#43 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Gavin thinks about the insane melee that he just witnessed looks to make sure they were not seen and looks back to the interesting scene "Hey how tall is he? Is he close to me size? If so lets swap clothing with him one of us can go dressed like him and lets take that blaster too and any other weapon we find in here."
Last edited by GreyWolfVT on Sat Dec 19, 2015 5:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: BLACK ICE - Episode 1: Mission: Improbable

#44 Post by kipper »

Clark reaches a meaty hand down and covers Pora's mouth to stifle any outcries.
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Re: BLACK ICE - Episode 1: Mission: Improbable

#45 Post by ybn1197 »

If the blaster is close to him, Jackson will grab it otherwise he will search the desk for the codes.
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Re: BLACK ICE - Episode 1: Mission: Improbable

#46 Post by Jedi Skyler »

((OOC: Zinn's actions are going to depend slightly on how Max decides to decode all these actions and have them come to pass; I'm making a bit of a presumption that, since Zinn is literally on top of the Imperial officer, his action would happen first due to proximity. If that is, indeed, the case, Zinn will take advantage of the officer's obvious state of distress to (hopefully) finish the job of knocking him out by driving the ram of his forehead into the officer's nose in a perfect Glaswegian Kiss.

If Max has Clark's hand snake in to cover the officer's mouth, Zinn will simply content himself with holding the officer in place for the moment.))
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Re: BLACK ICE - Episode 1: Mission: Improbable

#47 Post by max_vale »

Imperial Security Beureau Intel Analysis and Technical Branch Station; Planet Lotide; Mid-Rim (i.e. 'The Colonies')

The action in the office continued as the tall Rebel pilot/operative Zinn Valimar snapped his forehead down into the face of the Imperial officer Pora he was currently on top of and the resulting head-to-head blow left the ISB Lieutenant unconscious and the Rebel with a bit of a woozy feeling for a moment.

Zuul and Borsk La'Reth shared a look for a moment of amusement at the activity of the silly humans.

On the opposite side of the desk, Jackson Crodowski quickly rifled thru the desk and found the electronic key-card, a small Hold-out blaster and a locked drawer; before leaving the desk and moving to the back-wall to snatch up the regular-sized Blaster pistol that had been knocked out of Pora's hands during the melee. Professor Clark helped Zinn to his feet and after looking at the laid-out ISB officer, he turned to answer Gavin Storm's question with; "Well; I think his uniform would be a bit too big for you Gavin and DEFINITELY too small for me or Zinn. Maybe Jackson could wear it="; the academic's musings were cut-off as alarms suddenly started to ring out through the room and lights began to flash. A moment later, through a comms box on the wall, a voice started to call out in an authoritative tone....

"Intruder Alert....Intruder Alert....this is Captain Howra and this is NOT a drill! I say again, this is NOT a drill! Security personnel to LT Pora's office; we have Intruders! All other personnel stay where you are and be on the lookout for suspicious activity!"

A sharp-eyed Clark noticed the movements of a tiny camera in the upper back corner of the office and deduced that clearly, their actions had been witnessed...
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Re: BLACK ICE - Episode 1: Mission: Improbable

#48 Post by kipper »

"That's how they've seen us," Clark says, pointing at the camera. "QT had better get that intel, NOW!"
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Re: BLACK ICE - Episode 1: Mission: Improbable

#49 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Gavin "Well shit. Lets get some weapons or else this ends badly for us."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: BLACK ICE - Episode 1: Mission: Improbable

#50 Post by ybn1197 »

Jackson "I'll keep the hold out blaster. Who needs the good LT's blaster?"
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Re: BLACK ICE - Episode 1: Mission: Improbable

#51 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Gavin "I'll take that if you will."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
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― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: BLACK ICE - Episode 1: Mission: Improbable

#52 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Zuul, now in his element, grins maniacally.

"The Armory is two doorss down on the left, the vehicle bay is across the hall, power controlss and <ripples with anticipation> experimental weaponss lab are to the right acrosss the common room. The communicationss room is back at the entrance, possibly out of reach."

"I can hold out with QT here if desired."

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Re: BLACK ICE - Episode 1: Mission: Improbable

#53 Post by max_vale »

Imperial Security Beureau Intel Analysis and Technical Branch Station; Planet Lotide; Mid-Rim (i.e. 'The Colonies')

The Rebel party scrambles to action as the alarms and the comms box calls out their presence to the entire Station; with Jackson taking the Hold-out Blaster and tossing LT Pora's Blaster pistol to an eager Gavin Storm. The back of the room suddenly echoes with a distinctive humming sound as Borsk La'Reth finishes re-assembling his lightsaber and he ignites the Blue-Blade as he prepares for action and Zinn and the good Professor take up the rear of the party as they are the only unarmed members of the band remaining. Clark opens up QT 7, only to frustratingly learn that it will take the Droid about 10 minutes to utilize the Code-Key card to break the encryption to decipher the needed Intel; 10 minutes they don't currently have. However, they have what they need, so they can certainly make a break for it.

Zuul opens the door, his double-barreled Flechette launcher at the ready and he quickly sees that a make-shift barricade of turned over tables and the like clog up the entry way to the Living Quarters and the reptilian humanoid eases into the little bump out the wall makes to his immediate left and he take a quick gander down the corridor to see a trio of Security guards about 10 meters away, with blasters at the ready and he jerks his head back as they open fire and call out; "THEY'RE COMING OUT! BLAST 'EM!"; and several bolts fly out and smash into the corner near the Barabel, but not causing him any injury. With a tooth-filled smile, it occurs to the big Rebel operative that the Imperials are currently standing side-by-side-by-side; in a 5 meter wide corridor....PERFECT for the trusty launcher in his claws...
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Re: BLACK ICE - Episode 1: Mission: Improbable

#54 Post by kipper »

((OOC: I was thinking we were still missing a piece of something we needed, but I was incorrect.))

"If we can make it across the hall to vehicle maintenance, we may be able to hotwire a ride out of here." Clark says. "Clear the way."
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Re: BLACK ICE - Episode 1: Mission: Improbable

#55 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Gavin tries to blast the enemy to give the others time to make it to the vehicle maintenance bay planning to follow as they move. "I'll give you some cover fire and I'll be right behind you."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: BLACK ICE - Episode 1: Mission: Improbable

#56 Post by ybn1197 »


"Gavin, let Zuul handle the covering fire from here. He has that flechette gun. Zuul, cover Gavin and myself so we can cross over. From there, the three of us can cover the others. When they are over, we'll cover Zuul."
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Re: BLACK ICE - Episode 1: Mission: Improbable

#57 Post by Monsieur Rose »

"He likess thiss plan. Ready? Now!"

Zuul turns and fires at the guards while standing in the middle of the hall, ready to take any shots that might come his way.
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Re: BLACK ICE - Episode 1: Mission: Improbable

#58 Post by Jedi Skyler »

Zinn's hands are itching for a good blaster right now; heck, even Borsk's lightsaber would be welcome.

Not having an immediate task at hand, he grabs the chair from the desk, takes it to the corner where the holocam is currently watching them, and swings the chair into the device to render it useless. When he's finished that, he returns to the desk and gives a mighty kick to the locked drawer to see if A) he can get it open, and B) if there's anything useful inside.

Regardless of what he finds in the desk, Zinn will remove the rank insignia and code cylinder from the unconscious Imperial's uniform; there's no telling if or when either might become useful.
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Re: BLACK ICE - Episode 1: Mission: Improbable

#59 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Gavin "Very well Jackson but I'm still gonna shoot at em before I run over with you guys." takes a few shots at the enemy before running off to the vehicle maintenance bay.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: BLACK ICE - Episode 1: Mission: Improbable

#60 Post by max_vale »

Imperial Security Beureau Intel Analysis and Technical Branch Station; Planet Lotide; Mid-Rim (i.e. 'The Colonies')

The Rebel Agents burst into action and a deafening fire-fight soon erupts in the interior of the Imperial Base located on a remote platform in the middle of a large dismal swamp on the world of Lotide....

Zuul Ksska moves with a speed and agility that surprises the other Rebels as he bursts into the middle of the corridor and levels his Double-barreled Flechette launcher and fires one of the two loaded canisters with an ear-splitting BOOM as the missile leaves the launcher, explodes into dozens of razor-sharp projectiles and fills the end of the hall currently occupied by ISB security guards. Two of the three guards are practically shredded to pieces as they fall in a pulp; but the third guard is lucky to be able to duck back around the corner as several flechettes tear up the wall right where he just had been. He yells out; "I NEED BACKUP NOW!"; as he leans around the corner and fires a shot from his Blaster pistol that seems to glance off Zuul's hard scales on the side of his torso, right under his left arm. The bolt burns a bit, but the Barabel is merely grazed...

Clark and Borsk move at about the same time, racing across the hall behind their big companion and the Professor-turned-Rebel soon finds that the door to the Vehicle maintenance bay is locked. La'Reth gives him a toothy grin and says; "Allow me, Professor"; and he quickly uses his Lightsaber to cut through the lock and force the door open. The two Rebels scramble through...

Gavin and Jackson move next and both race across the hall and open fire with the blasters they took from LT Pora's office. Crodowski misses with his little Hold-out blaster pistol, but Storm manages to place a bolt right in the chest of the last Security guard and he allows himself a fierce grin as he calls out for Zuul and Zinn to run into the Vehicle Bay while he and Jackson have them covered. His grin fades as he ears the echoes of running feet coming from down the hall and around the corner and he can tell that several more Security Guards are arriving on the scene...

Back in LT Pora's office, Zinn picks up a chair and uses it to smash the security camera watching them and he then proceeds to attempt to kick the locked desk door open, but only manages to succeed in hurting his foot. He then leans down to snatch off Pora's rank insignia, which is a little hard, but the Pilot eventually manages to tear off the symbols on the shoulder-boards of the ISB officer, but when he goes to grab a Code cylinder, he doesn't find any. It dawns on him that ISB officers don't usually have code cylinders as typically only Imperial Naval and Army officers wear them. LT Pora DOES have some electronic keys carried in a pocket though and the Rebel pilot takes those. It's right after he filches those that he hears Gavin's yell for him and Zuul to get over to the Vehicle Bay and he turns to look out the door to see Zuul standing in the middle of the hall while Gavin and Jackson are ducked down behind the opened door across the hall with their appropriated blasters out and pointing down the hall....
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