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Re: Chapter 1 - Rescue Mission

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:01 am
by Daftendirekt
Eyes moving about the scene as it unfolds, Ventri watches silently, analyzing everything as it passes before her.

"Yes, Varkan, please come onto the ship where we can be marginally more comfortable," she speaks, smiling amiably at the Sullustan. As she speaks to him, she reaches out with the Force, trying to sense his mood.
Taking 10 on an Empathy check, for a result of 16. He gets a Will save DC 11. If he fails, I get a +3 on this Diplomacy check. Failure or success, he's not aware of it at all.

(ugh....) Diplomacy = [1d20+2] = 4+2 = 6

Re: Chapter 1 - Rescue Mission

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:08 am
by corum
Try as you might, the Sullustan is difficult to read. Ventri reads his mood and nothing else (see pm D!)

He speaks again animatedly and the droid translates... "Your mech droid thinks the drive will take some time to repair so we might as well load up the ship"

They motion towards the cantina. "this way" says the droid

Edit: changed ruling on empathy check

Re: Chapter 1 - Rescue Mission

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:03 pm
by kladams707
Groznik grunts. He clearly doesn't like being treated as a luggage service. However, he decides to comply only because it would be quicker than complaining. He goes to pick up the luggage and carries as much as he can back to the ship. Again, because it's faster.

Re: Chapter 1 - Rescue Mission

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:09 pm
by jpfite
"What exactly are we loading up here?" Trinn watches as the Wookie moves towards the cantina. Before they leave the ship, Trinn looks back at the R2 unit and their ship and shrugs. "Well since we are stuck here, you can show us around Varkan. Are there good times to be had in this shipyard?" He looks around them and takes in the environment.

Re: Chapter 1 - Rescue Mission

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:27 pm
by Expl0siv0
Noticing Goznik's displeasure at getting the luggage, Ranik walks up beside him. While holstering his pistol he says, "Don't worry my Wookie friend, he can't have that much luggage."

Re: Chapter 1 - Rescue Mission

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 7:49 pm
by corum
((assuming you all go)) You follow Varkan towards the entrance to the cantina winding through detritus discarded when the yard was abandoned. It is clear that the complex has not been used for a while. Its exterior is caked in thick dust, the electrogramatic signage is broken and the blast door entrance does not shut properly, its communication panel hangs from the wall by bare wires. Looking over the buildings, Trinn can see that the cantina is only the frontage to a more elaborate collection of dwellings which extend at the back.

Varkan explains that the lodgings were for the KDY workers, but they were abandoned when the empire commisioned the new starships.

Varkan and the droid squeeze themselves in through the opening. Through the half open blast door you can see a series of tables and a rusting counter towards the rear. Water covers the floor, which is littered with old food packages. Varkan grunts a few more words for the droid to translate.

"This way please, mind your step, it is a little dark in here, our powerconverters are malfunctioning"

Re: Chapter 1 - Rescue Mission

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:16 pm
by Expl0siv0
Ranik waits outside of the blast door until his companions make it through. Once they do, he follows them inside and takes out his glow rod. He turns it on and looks around at the mess scattered around the room. "Well, let's get this over with. Where's your stuff?"

((If it's not dark enough to worry about this then just forget I used it))

Re: Chapter 1 - Rescue Mission

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:11 pm
by corum
((its not dark enough to need a light source, its film noir dark))

Re: Chapter 1 - Rescue Mission

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:15 pm
by corum
((Ok so we are outside the cantina - can I just run a check on where our characters are and what we are planning?))

Re: Chapter 1 - Rescue Mission

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:16 pm
by ybn1197
((OCC: Sorry was out of town visiting relatives and I didn't have an internet connection.))

Zerrak is following the Sullustean and the droid to collect luggage along with Groznik.

Re: Chapter 1 - Rescue Mission

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:11 am
by kladams707
Groznik is going with the others to collect luggage

Re: Chapter 1 - Rescue Mission

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:22 am
by Expl0siv0
I had assumed I had already walked inside the Cantina to help him move stuff. But yeah I'm basically following the Sullustan.

Re: Chapter 1 - Rescue Mission

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:32 pm
by jpfite
Trinn is still moving along with the rest of the group following their rescue target.

Re: Chapter 1 - Rescue Mission

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 7:18 pm
by corum
You enter the cantina, squeezing in through the inoperative blast door and down an entrance ramp past the droid scanner unit. You enter a room approximately 60 feet long by 30 feet wide. A series of opaque portholes pepper the left side of the room letting in just enough light to see; and tables and chairs line a series of alcoves. Across to right side of the cantina a rusting L shaped counter juts into the room, a variety of metal and plastic pumps hanging from the ceiling and right in the centre a small office/store room leads off. A blast door leads from this wall at the far end. There are two other doors on the left hand corner a small metal door and a larger blast door. The floor is covered with around two inches of water and a variety of plastic glasses, food packets clog your footing.

As you reach the centre of the room the Sullustan raises his arms above his head. And says (in basic) so everyone can hear:

“I’m sorry, they arrived just before you, I had no choice!”

The lights go on and from the blast door on the right (40 feet away) spring three Stormtroopers carrying blast rifles.

“chhhhch, stop right there... chhhhch, drop your weapons..."

Varkan flicks the switch behind the droids head shutting it down and pushes it over in front of you. He bolts for the cover of an alcove.

((roll inititiative))

Re: Chapter 1 - Rescue Mission

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 7:43 pm
by Expl0siv0
"Damnit! I told you that Cantina's were trouble." Ranik whispered to his comrades as the Storm Troopers entered the room. As they came in, Ranik withdrew his blaster and tried to bluff the Storm Troopers into surrendering.

"You need to drop your weapons. I don't think you realize that we're an elite Rebel special ops team. We're highly trained and we don't miss. There's no need for anyone to get hurt or worse but we'll do it if you make us."

Can I do this Bluff check as/before we start combat? If you want, I can wait until it's my turn and then use this is a free/minor action or whatever you'd like.
Bluff - [1d20+6] = 2+6 = 8

Re: Chapter 1 - Rescue Mission

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:04 pm
by ybn1197
Zerrak pulls his blaster out (Quick Draw) and fires at last stormtrooper to enter the cantina. "One way or another, this is NOT going to end well."

Re: Chapter 1 - Rescue Mission

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:10 pm
by jpfite
"This really cannot be blamed on this fine establishment. Just our short friend here and that pile of scrap metal outside." Reaching for his blaster, Trinn pauses momentarily and leaves his hand hovering over the weapon. He tries to play his part as a super elite special operative. However, he finds it difficult to believe that the Togruta or Wookie would be a part of any special ops team. As one of his "comrades" opens fire without notice he sighs loudly and pulls his blaster out and looks for cover.

Re: Chapter 1 - Rescue Mission

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 9:53 pm
by kladams707
Initiative: [1d20-1] = 7-1 = 6
The wookie emits a gutteral growl in response to the incursion. He raises his paws, already wearing his combat gloves. His lip curls into a smile as he says...

Wwrcwocac scworaao!
Fresh meat

Re: Chapter 1 - Rescue Mission

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 8:09 am
by Daftendirekt
As the stormtroopers enter the room, Ventri grips her spear in both hands in a combat-ready pose, but otherwise makes no threatening movements -- she certainly poses less of a threat than her blaster-wielding comrades.

Re: Chapter 1 - Rescue Mission

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 4:11 pm
by corum
Ranik can make a bluff check as a free action.
((oposed roll = sense motive +10))

[1d20+10] = 13+10 = 23

The Stormtroopers are not taken in by Raniks proclamation "schhhech, drop your weapons rebel scum"

Stormtroopers init [1d20] = 11

Order for actions: Ranik, Trinn, Ventri, Stormtroopers, Zerak, Groznik