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Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:18 pm
by rredmond
Day 15 – late morning the expected spiders
Round 1

Spiders have an initiative of 2. You guys go first. I was going to wait for Bruard, but that initiative kind of makes his attack superfluous. (
yup SAT word baby! :) )

As the spider advances from the door the fighters get off attacks, Derek misses letting out a yell of frustration, but Jeloon's very first attack bites into the spider hard, right between the pincers, it's stopped by the sword, and falls limp unmoving ichor flowing from it's wound.

The spider bursting out of the window fares a little better, taking a grazing hit from Yosef's arrow, then closing with Till, taking a solid hit from the glowing short sword, which certainly hurts it further. But still it attacks Till Making a futile attempt to bite the quick halfling [1d20] = 11 who dodges the spider and is able to prepare to attack yet again.

Thus ends Round 1, round 2 is up. I need initiative and actions from all. The spider inside is dead, the one outside is still alive and attacking. The only two who can attack the outside spider are Till, and Yosef. Yosef can either close and attack, or chance another arrow, though the randomness of it may play a factor. There is always holding initiative and see if you want to shoot an arrow. Basically I usually add a segment, or in this case two (as you are closing and drawing a weapon) to the initiative roll for when Yosef would be able to attack if he wants to close. There is always the joyous CHARGE as well. :)

HPs: Jeloon - 24/29; Till - 36/36; Yosef - 10/10; Bruard - 18/19; Derek - 36/40
WIH: Till: short sword (15' radius light); Jeloon: Longsword (20' radius light), shield; Derek: Longsword (20' radius light), shield; Yosef: bow and arrow [or long sword]; Bruard: Mace, shield; Van: +1 ogre spear, shield; Eyman: +1 Battle Axe, shield
MO: 1- Jeloon & Derek; 2- Till; 3- Bruard & Eyman; 4- Ancor, Rosin, DAMs; 5- Yosef & Van
Consumables: Lantern - (Till) 2 hours, 31 minutes left (off), 30' radius; Torch (36 minutes), 40' radius; Torch (36 minutes), 40' radius.
--------Spells: Yosef: 1-1/2, 2-1/1; Bruard: 1-4/5, 2-4/4

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:23 pm
by migellito
Jeloon heads into the room and over to the window where the spider went out.

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:37 pm
by Alethan
Till fends off the first attack and readies for the next while trying to determine where to strike the nasty multi-legged creature... He tries for the abdomen, the largest target, to be sure...

Initiative [1d6] = 4

To Hit, Short Sword +1 [1d20+1] = 19+1 = 20

Damage, Short Sword +1 (Small/Medium) [1d6+1] = 2+1 = 3

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 8:26 pm
by Argennian
Fearing what could happen if the spider is able to bite Till, Yosef will immediately cast his last magic missile spell...

Magic Missile vs spider:
[2d4+2] = 6+2 = 8 ... ne&id=3307

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:40 pm
by ToniXX
migellito wrote:Jeloon heads into the room and over to the window where the spider went out.
Bruard follows Jeloon.

OOC: How big is the window? Can we get through it easily and on to Till's side of the building?

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 11:52 pm
by Vokarius
Head out the window after the spider when he can...

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 11:53 pm
by migellito
When Jeloon gets to the window, can she see the spider? Is it completely outside? If so, she will vault out the window and attack it.

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:48 am
by Alethan
I'm kind of hoping the spider is dead at this point. :P

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:33 am
by rredmond
Day 15 – late morning the expected spiders
Round 2


The spider leaps toward the halfling, but not as quickly as the thief who gets in the first blow. Dealing a solid blow, that causes the spider pause during it's attack, Till is dismayed to see that the spider keeps coming. And then feels a whoosh of air as flying bolts of light pass by each of his ears, unerringly slamming into the spider, it's jaws open a millisecond in a silent scream and then it explodes into mush.

The fighters and cleric come leaping out of the window, a few seconds too late, and this time it's the halfling who has bits of spider on him, and the elf standing a little over 60' away with a bow at his feet and smoking fingers.

Those spiders were less of a nuisance than I think originally intended. Of course an unwary party walking into that back room... ;)

HPs: Jeloon - 24/29; Till - 36/36; Yosef - 10/10; Bruard - 18/19; Derek - 36/40
WIH: Till: short sword (15' radius light); Jeloon: Longsword (20' radius light), shield; Derek: Longsword (20' radius light), shield; Yosef: bow and arrow [or long sword]; Bruard: Mace, shield; Van: +1 ogre spear, shield; Eyman: +1 Battle Axe, shield
MO: 1- Jeloon & Derek; 2- Till; 3- Bruard & Eyman; 4- Ancor, Rosin, DAMs; 5- Yosef & Van
Consumables: Lantern - (Till) 2 hours, 31 minutes left (off), 30' radius; Torch (36 minutes), 40' radius; Torch (36 minutes), 40' radius.
--------Spells: Yosef: 1-0/2, 2-1/1; Bruard: 1-4/5, 2-4/4

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:29 pm
by Alethan
rredmond wrote: Those spiders were less of a nuisance than I think originally intended. Of course an unwary party walking into that back room... ;)
What is this word you speak of? "Unwary"?
<shakes head with incomprehension>

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:32 pm
by Alethan
Till cleans the spider goo off himself as best he can with his hands, wiping them on the nearest object (ground, grass, side of the building...).

"Let's see if any previous travelers were more unwary than us..."

Till heads back into the building and goes into the back room, sword still drawn, just in case, and begins searching the room for anything useful or valuable.

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:08 pm
by rredmond
That back room is 20' by about 15'. It looks to have once been a commander's quarters, and it contains a bed, table and chair and a desk. This room is littered with animal bones, both large and small. Webs hang from the ceiling and several animal carcasses are evident.

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 5:50 pm
by Alethan
Till examines the piles of bones more carefully, moving them around with the tip of his sword to see if they reveal anything. He also examines the desk, checking it for secret compartments by examining depth of any drawers compared to the depth of the whole desk, looking for dead spaces. He also checks the height of the inside of all drawers against the outside of all drawers to ensure there are no false bottoms to any of them.

He then examines the floor more closely, looking for loose stones in the floor or stones that have marks indicating they may have once been moved/removed frequently.

Finally, he cuts down the webs with his sword and puts them to the torch to make sure nothing is suspended within them.

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 6:52 pm
by rredmond
Day 15 – late morning the commanders quarters


You all search the room. Other than the burnt webs, it's pretty easy, by the torch (that is still lit) to see that there is nothing further hidden in the webs. And cutting down some of the carcasses reveal only animals. But careful examination of the desk reveals that it has a long side compartment hidden in the drawer. The drawer won't come all the way out though, there's a lip holding it into the desk at the drawers end. There's no catch evident to open that secret compartment. The wood doesn't seem very sturdy (made of the same stuff as the drawer).


HPs: Jeloon - 24/29; Till - 36/36; Yosef - 10/10; Bruard - 18/19; Derek - 36/40
WIH: Till: short sword (15' radius light); Jeloon: Longsword (20' radius light), shield; Derek: Longsword (20' radius light), shield; Yosef: bow and arrow [or long sword]; Bruard: Mace, shield; Van: +1 ogre spear, shield; Eyman: +1 Battle Axe, shield
MO: 1- Jeloon & Derek; 2- Till; 3- Bruard & Eyman; 4- Ancor, Rosin, DAMs; 5- Yosef & Van
Consumables: Lantern - (Till) 2 hours, 31 minutes left (off), 30' radius; Torch (30 minutes), 40' radius.
--------Spells: Yosef: 1-0/2, 2-1/1; Bruard: 1-4/5, 2-4/4

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:10 pm
by Alethan
rredmond wrote: But careful examination of the desk reveals that it has a long side compartment hidden in the drawer. The drawer won't come all the way out though, there's a lip holding it into the desk at the drawers end. There's no catch evident to open that secret compartment. The wood doesn't seem very sturdy (made of the same stuff as the drawer).
Very carefully, Till uses his dagger to begin probing the area of the drawer with the secret compartment, looking for any seams where he might begin wedging his dagger to pry the drawer apart. If it is in the side of the drawer, then... he'll start with the front of the drawer, seeing if he can easily (or with some careful effort) remove the front. If the front is nailed to the sides, then he'll pry at it. If the front is dovetailed, then he'll try knocking the side of the drawer off the front board. To do this, he'll pull the drawer out as far as it will go, then use the pommel of his dagger to hammer the inside face of the side of the drawer (the side with the secret compartment) out, removing it from the drawer front.

(Dovetails on drawers should be cut so that the wedging action of the dovetail joint maintains drawer integrity when it is pulled out of the desk (forward/backward motion). But the joint is easily knocked apart (glue aside) if you apply force in the perpendicular direction where the wedging action of the dovetails has no power.)

Hopefully, being such a thin compartment, it doesn't contain anything breakable. Even in his use of force, Till will be as careful as possible to avoid damaging anything that might reside in the secret compartment.

"We'll crack this nut yet!" Till says with a smile as he pries at the secret compartment.

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:37 pm
by Argennian
Once the last spider is blasted to gooey bits, Yosef will move over to the outer wall where he can make eye contact with Van or one of the others with the DAMs and give them the hand signal to show all clear. He'll wait to receive their status via hand signal as well before returning to the main party.

Once back, he'll nock an arrow and keep watch by the entrance of the building currently being searched, making sure to keep vigilant eyes out for trouble whist Till and the others thoroughly search for stuff in the back room!

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:35 pm
by rredmond
Day 15 – late morning the commanders quarters


Quite quickly Till sees that the top can pop off with his dagger.

After popping open the top of that side compartment, Till can see a ring and a scroll case lying in some crumpled parchment to keep it all from rolling around.


HPs: Jeloon - 24/29; Till - 36/36; Yosef - 10/10; Bruard - 18/19; Derek - 36/40
WIH: Till: short sword (15' radius light); Jeloon: Longsword (20' radius light), shield; Derek: Longsword (20' radius light), shield; Yosef: bow and arrow [or long sword]; Bruard: Mace, shield; Van: +1 ogre spear, shield; Eyman: +1 Battle Axe, shield
MO: 1- Jeloon & Derek; 2- Till; 3- Bruard & Eyman; 4- Ancor, Rosin, DAMs; 5- Yosef & Van
Consumables: Lantern - (Till) 2 hours, 31 minutes left (off), 30' radius; Torch (25 minutes), 40' radius.
--------Spells: Yosef: 1-0/2, 2-1/1; Bruard: 1-4/5, 2-4/4

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:11 pm
by Alethan
Till reaches in and grabs both items. He passes the scroll case over to Bruard to see if he can make heads or tails of it.

"If you can't make heads or tails of it, we'll have to see if Yosef can..."

Then he gets right by the torch light to more closely examine the ring.


Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:51 pm
by ToniXX
Alethan wrote:Till reaches in and grabs both items. He passes the scroll case over to Bruard to see if he can make heads or tails of it.

"If you can't make heads or tails of it, we'll have to see if Yosef can..."

Then he gets right by the torch light to more closely examine the ring.

Bruard takes the scroll case and opens it. "Good job again, Till! You've got an eye for secrets that's for sure!"

If it contains a scroll, he'll pull it out and see if it looks clerical in nature. If not, he'll hand it to Yosef.

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:05 pm
by migellito
Jeloon watches Till intently, as always resisting the temptation to simply smash the desk wholesale. She is relieved when he pops the lid on the compartment. "Ah! Interesting! Could the ring be magic?"