Adventure start: The lords manor

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Re: Adventure start: The lords manor

#41 Post by OGRE MAGE »

dmw71 wrote:Lenore, sitting back observing the activity at the dock, has her attention drawn to their dwarven companion after he grows visibly upset over a perceived slight at the dwarven sailors. "Sensitive one," she thinks to herself as she moves to position herself in Krank's path as he storms off to seek out Ulban. "You know your kind can't float, right?" she says to him with a rare smile, hoping her offhanded comment will ease any tension.

Stopping when he hears Lenore's words, KranK looks her directly in the eyes. He stands there for what seems like forever with a puzzled look on his face.

Finally he bursts out in a wild, raucous laughter. His nose pulsates a little and his moustach braids flail around wildly. I thinks you and me are gonna get along swimmingly on this here trip little lass.

He gives her a friendly slap on the shoulder as he passes by, still shouting out for Ulban.
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Re: Adventure start: The lords manor

#42 Post by FronkyDondo »

Elrohir, Elvish hero
Elrohir will board the ship if the captain allows it. To Lenore he says, "Careful - some dwarves have an excellent sense of humor. Alas, not all..."
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Re: Adventure start: The lords manor

#43 Post by dmw71 »

Lenore continues to warm up to her new companions, chuckling at Elrohir's comment. "Let us hope that a cranky dwarf is the worst of our problems," she says casually as the elf passes before casting her gaze back to the ship.
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Re: Adventure start: The lords manor

#44 Post by barna10 »

Harick will stow his gear below deck, including his armor and warhammer. He returns above deck and heads to the railing around the main deck. There he leans on his elbows taking in the sights and sounds of the ocean while his shoulder length brown hair whips in the wind.
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Re: Adventure start: The lords manor

#45 Post by max_vale »

Beya is all smiles, loving the smell of the ocean and the sight of the ship with lateen sails isn't unfamiliar to her; but then, she was raised in an island archipelago used to trading with all different manner of cultures.

She smiles at the Dwarven stevedores and the joking between her party members and boards the ship with a grin; happy to lend a hand wherever needed....
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Re: Adventure start: The lords manor

#46 Post by ToniXX »

As the party boards the caravel, and Krank calls out for Ulban, a wiry middle aged man in sailing gear approaches. He addressed Krank first, then the rest of the group You must be the brave ones sent by Lord Bârânul. Come with me, I will show you to your quarters.He hurries along the deck, moving fore, down a short flight of stairs and towards two doors. He opens them both. You may quarter here or sleep on the deck. It will be a warm night. The captain, who will be along shortly, has asked that you help with the watch tonight. We shove off in less than two hours.

Other sailors bustle around you, and there are a few of the dwarves still loading the hold. The ship shifts gently under the loads, and the sail covers move slightly in the breeze. You hear gulls above, and all ponder the coming adventure.

Sorry for the delay. We'll be underway shortly. :)
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Re: Adventure start: The lords manor

#47 Post by dmw71 »

After being led to her quarters below deck, Lenore will remove and stow her armor, sword, and backpack. In her customary paranoid manner, she plants her normal dagger beneath her pillow in preparations for her nights sleep. With her bow slung across her back and her silver dagger sheathed at her right hip, she returns to the deck and seeks out Ulban.

"I'll stand watch first," she boasts.
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Re: Adventure start: The lords manor

#48 Post by thirdkingdom »

Crowcenty the Crass

"My need to memorize puissant magic forces me to eschew mundane tasks such as 'watches'. I will emerge from my quarters in the morning. "
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Re: Adventure start: The lords manor

#49 Post by OGRE MAGE »

KranK the Dwarf

KranK follows Ulban on board and stows his gear with the others.

He then lends a hand to his kinfolk as they load the last of the cargo holds, wanting to show his new comrades a thing or two about dwarven hard work ethics.

He speaks in Dwarven and asks the workers if they have any knowledge of this ship or its crew.
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Re: Adventure start: The lords manor

#50 Post by ToniXX »

OGRE MAGE wrote:KranK the Dwarf

He speaks in Dwarven and asks the workers if they have any knowledge of this ship or its crew.
PM on the way re: this
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Re: Adventure start: The lords manor

#51 Post by OGRE MAGE »


KranK does the traditional Dwarven forearm shake with his new friend.

Thanks for the information brother. Now go and lubricate your sore, overworked muscles with a few mugs the good stuff.
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Re: Adventure start: The lords manor

#52 Post by max_vale »

Beya 'the Blade' Magic-User

Beya helps out the human sailors and Dwarven porters both; though with the latter, she probably just gets in the way more than helps with her not-quite-frail self. She does speak Dwarven fairly well though; so she'll say a few words of thanks and appreciation to the Dwarves in their own language. After helping out the sailors; she stores her gear below and when night falls, she's happy to stay up on the deck and study her spellbook there; ready to fall asleep on her bedroll on the deck as long as the weather stays warms and fair.
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Re: Adventure start: The lords manor

#53 Post by FronkyDondo »

After stowing his equipment below deck, Elrohir goes to the main deck, walks to the prow of the boat, and looks out toward the horizon. He begins singing an elvish song as the sea breeze whips about his near white hair. He ponders what wonders, and dangers, await he and his fellow adventurers...
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Re: Adventure start: The lords manor

#54 Post by AleBelly »

Styrk takes to his quarters then reemerges 15 minutes later, shirtless. He makes his way around the top deck, half walking, half strutting. "This salty sea air is great for my pores!" he smiles, talking to nobody and everybody at the same time.

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Re: Adventure start: The lords manor

#55 Post by ToniXX »

The party settles into the boat, stowing their items in their quarters, and helping the dwarves load the last of the cargo into the ships massive hold. Lenore agrees to stand on the first watch. Crowcenty the Crass keeps to his quarters, pouring over his arcane spell books. KranK the Dwarf has a short and friendly conversation with a few of the dwarven stevedores. Beya, in good spirits, also helps the dwarves, but isn’t all that helpful save for moving a few ropes and holding open doors. Elrohir sings in his native tongue, pondering the seas and the adventure that is before him. Styrk struts around the deck, for some reason shirtless, commenting on how the salty air is good for his young skin. The dwarves snicker at his display, but continue to work around him.

The captain arrives shortly thereafter. He speaks quietly with Goder. Some in the party notice that he motions towards them. Without word, he takes his quarters. Soon the party notices that the dwarves have left, and Goder is pulling in the gang plank. The heavy lines are released from the dock cleats, and the ship begins to move away from the dock. The crew move quickly, unfurling the mizzen sails and aligning them correctly. The trusty caravel picks up a little speed and in no time is beyond the barrier island and in open waters. The sun is just setting in the west, and its long fingers of light are reaching just over the orange horizon. The sky has a few scattered clouds, and soon is dark, showing the shimmering stars above.

Lanterns are lit, and the captain moves to the main deck, Goder appearing by his side. The burly bosun shouts for the crew to assemble, which they do in short order. There are 12 men in the crew, not counting the captain, Goder, and Ulban the first mate. The crew is a ragged yet capable looking bunch. He tells them their destination, and what he expects from them. He assures them that if they work hard, he will treat them fairly, and that the ship has enough provisions for a month’s long journey. He then announces that, in case they hadn't noticed, the ship has special guests of Lord Baranul, and that they are to be respected, and they have agreed to help out with light deck duties and night watches.

The captain then dismisses the crew and moves to his place at the tiller. Goder calls for the party to assemble near the captain. You all do, and even Crowcenty sets his spell book down and emerges from his quarters. Once assembled, the captain speaks

My name is Audion, and I am the captain of the Windcaster. I am happy to have you aboard, and have great respect for the Lord that sent you. You will be well taken care of on your short journey. It is my intention to drop you off near the southern settlements on the island, then return within seven to ten days at the same landing point to pick you up. Hopefully this arrangement will work out, and with any luck we will all return to the mainland in one piece. You may come to Goder or I with any needs, and you are welcome to mess with the crew. I expect to be making landfall in just over 24 hours, but the sea is a fickle mistress and we shall see. For tonight, we need at least two on watch at any one time. It is my understanding that the elven lass has agreed to do so… who else will step up?

The captain pauses, waiting for a reply.
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Re: Adventure start: The lords manor

#56 Post by OGRE MAGE »


The bald dwarf steps forward and bows slightly.

KranK HamFist at your service my good Captain Audion. I am here to help with anything that needs doing. I have noticed that you are already familiar with my hard working race, and I assure you that I have no problem doing my share on board as well.
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Re: Adventure start: The lords manor

#57 Post by thirdkingdom »

Crowcenty the Crass, Magic-user

"Very well," he harrumphs, "I will take either the first watch or the last. Though puissant, the constraints of my craft force me to sleep uninterrupted if I am to re-learn my many magics."
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Re: Adventure start: The lords manor

#58 Post by max_vale »

Beya 'The Blade' Magic-User

Beya beams at the Captain and introduces herself and thanks him for his hospitality and compliments him on running what certainly appears to be a fine-working ship. She echoes Crowcenty's comments as she must also study her spell-book; though much more politely than her fellow party member....
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Re: Adventure start: The lords manor

#59 Post by AleBelly »

"I'll stand watch with the beautiful fighter" Styrk offers. "Although I can take second watch if the hocus pocus gang needs to go first."
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Re: Adventure start: The lords manor

#60 Post by Marcel »

Cmo - Halfling

Cmo watches the coast disappear as he listens to the Captain's call. As the party volunteers for duties, Cmo chimes in when an opportunity opens up. "I'll be around" he says while eyeing the crow's nest.
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