WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#41 Post by Zhym »

Roker nods at Acme. "Aye aye—I mean roger that," he says with a grin. He runs toward the nest. As he does, his hair grows out and thickens, his fingers grow longer and sprout claws, and he lets loose an almost gleeful howwwwwl.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#42 Post by max_vale »

Scrub tree line just East of Red Beach 1; Island of Saipan, approximately 1:35 PM, June 16th, 1944

On the island of Saipan, a small section of scrub woods marking the border of 'Red Beach 1' was the scene of conflict between the U.S. Marines and Sailors (and 1 Gurkha) of SST 4 and some members of the Imperial Japanese Army.....

Major Acme dropped low as stray U.S. rounds came flying his way and he split is his Team into two group to tackle the IJA Mortar team and the last MG nest facing LT COL Fawell's Army troops as they launched their attack across the open beach. He carefully raised his head JUST in time to see a spherical object appear as if from 'nowhere' and land right inside the Mortar Team's foxhole and a moment later it exploded in a LOVELY flash of fire, flying bodies and bits of dirt and......other things.....

Elias Tucker did his best to ignore his wound as he rushed his Invisible self towards the IJA Mortar team that was currently turning towards him and his companions as they snatched up Arisaka Carbines and turned to face the threat of the attack that had just taken out their protection in the form of an IJA NCO wielding a Type 96 LMG. Pulling the pin on one of his 'nades, Tucker let the 'spoon' fly off and then he hurled the object and then dropped to the ground and rolled behind the trunk of a tree as his explosive landed just short of the foxhole, then took a bounce and dropped gracefully inside. A moment later, it exploded and the entire IJA team was taken out....

Rifleman Gurung stayed low and just held his sore and battered body for a moment as the armored scales faded away and his Talent Power went inactive again. The felled tree he had ducked behind was hit by some American rounds, but he ignored that and strained to hear the sound of a grenade explosion, which he duly did. A quick glance over at his explosion-loving C.O. let him know that Elias had placed the weapon perfectly and he allowed himself a brief moment of rest. When he opened his eyes again, he heard Major Acme yell out for all of them to stay low and he nodded his head towards the Officer to let him know he understood.....

MM3 Fletcher dropped down behind some brush and he quickly pulled the empty clip out of the heavy Bren LMG he was carrying and he took a fresh one and rammed it home, working the bolt to chamber a new round. As he finished doing so, tracers from an American MG came zipping into the brush he was taking cover behind and one round grazed his left arm, causing him to hiss in pain and annoyance, but that vanished a moment later when he heard the sound of Tucker's grenade going off. Risking a quick look, his Bren pointing towards the Mortar pit, he saw all of the enemy had been eliminated and he briefly closed his eyes and let out a sigh of relief. He opened his eyes to see the rather disturbing gleam in Major Acme's eyes as he watched the explosion and then the officer shook his head clear and yelled out for everyone to stay low*.....

Meanwhile, the other two members of SST 4 had gone off to deal with the other MG nest, with Roker loping forward as his body transformed into that of a Wolfman and Rabinowitz's body suddenly took on the color of sand and scrub foliage and he practically vanished from sight....

Fred changed form and rushed through the scrub woods towards the 'woodpecker' sounds of the Type 92 MG firing at the advancing U.S. soldiers. He caught the scent of the IJA troops and his mouth watered and he started to subconsciously growl as he neared the nest and the two men inside of it. He vaguely ws aware of the new guy....Saul?....activating his Power behind him, but he ignored it as his entire focus narrowed in on his 'prey'. Stray shots from U.S. weapons zipped through the foliage and almost hit him, but again, he paid it no mind. All that mattered was the two men that were hidden inside the log-surrounded fox hole that MG nest was in. Now he was close**.....

The camouflaged Saul Rabinowitz followed in Roker's wake, but not as fast and keeping an alert eye out. As the Wolfman raced forward towards the MG nest, he never saw the IJA solider with a bayonet-equipped Arisaka Rifle crouched down behind some cover and let him pass his position. The crafty IJA solider then stood up and whirled around to plant the blade into Roker's back but Saul raised his M1 Garand and he quickly fired twice, both shots drilling the Japanese trooper. The solider fell, his Arisaka falling out of his grip and Rabinowitz moved up to back up his Wolfman teammate....

*Okay, Acme can tell the U.S. troops are really advancing now and likely to keep firing where they last heard/saw gunfire for a few more moments at least. It's probably best to stay low and maybe wave something white to get a moment of 'peace' and avoid a Friendly Fire incident. Fletcher was Grazed, but he'll be fine.....

**Roker can tell he has 2 opponents manning the MG who have no idea he's there, but he WILL have to make a Climbing roll (STR, but because he's a Wolfman, he can make this at 5D) to get up and over the protection, and then can make a normal attack (i.e. the Climbing is one action).
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#43 Post by Rex »


Gurung will stay low and when he thinks the Americans can se him he will wave his white handkerchief.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#44 Post by ateno »

Elias will run and jump in the Japanese pit and turn off his power.

His pistol out in case anyone is still active to resist.

He will begin throwing out the mg and attached equipment.

Assuming it is so, Elias will shout "Clear."

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#45 Post by Zhym »

Roker leaps over the barricade and attakcs the IJA soliders manning the machine gun, howling as he does so for extra effect.

Let's use a luck point, too.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#46 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Marvin keeps low, yelling at those nearby to do the same. "American! American!" He yells, trying to rise above the din.

He tries to remember to save some yelling for the LT Col.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#47 Post by max_vale »

Scrub tree line just East of Red Beach 1; Island of Saipan, approximately 1:40 PM, June 16th, 1944

The combat drama at Red Beach 1 on the island of Saipan was about to come to a close for June 16th, 1944......

Roker and Saul:

Senior Chief Fred 'Mediocre' Roker; currently in Wolf-man form, leapt atop the well hidden and protected Japanese MG bunker and with his stronger-than-human muscles in his current were-wolf-like state, he ripped the log roof up and delighted in the startled looks, yells and delcious smelling FEARFUL aroma of the pair of Japanese soldiers manning the weapon as he dropped down to next to them....

[imgurl=]https://www.lonesentry.com/articles/ttt ... er-ww2.jpg[/imgurl=]

First his claws and teeth raked and sunk into the screaming IJA gunner and his body moved viciously as he wrung the man this way and that, splattering blood and gore this way and that and quickly ending the threat the man possessed. The loader, screaming in fear the whole time, shakily started to raise up his Arisaka carbine to attempt to shoot the monster that just finished his off his companion, but Roker quickly dropped down on top of him, forcing the weapon to go flying out of his grasp as he was flattened to the ground. A moment later, Roker bit into his neck and the bunker was quickly MUCH quieter.....

Saul Rabinowitz, still camoflauged to blend into his surroundings, started to climb up after Roker as his wolf-man teammate leapt atop the structured and quickly tore off the coconut tree log roof and dropped in to take care of the occupants. Terrible screams, half muffled, reached Saul's ears as he reached the top of the bunker and then it was eerily silent. A moment later, the terrifying head of Wolf-man Roker was climbing out, this time covered in blood and substances that Rabinowitz did NOT want to identify. Saul froze out of instinct and Roker's nostrils flared and started to sniff as he could tell he wasn't alone, but couldn't see exactly WHERE the Marine Talent was, thanks to his power.....

Suddenly, a line of tracers....fired from a U.S. MG, probably attracted by Roker's movements, started to rapidly come their way. Saul moved quickly and tackled Roker down and off the roof of the bunker as the MG fire smashed into the area they had just been. Saul's power dropped and he huffed and puffed from the effort while Roker's yellow eyes flashed with menace and a growl started to come from his throat. Rabinowitz recoiled while staying low and said, "JESUS FRED, IT'S ME!"......a moment later, 'normal' Fred was lying next to him, shaking his head and doing his best to stay low while offering an awkward apology....

A long few moments later, the firing stopped and it became clear that their teammates had told the attacking troops that the sector was clear.....

Acme, Gurung, Tucker and Fletcher

Acme called out as loud as he could that they were "AMERICAN!" while Tucker confirms the Mortar Pit is truly cleared of threats (it is) and beings to break down the 'Stove Pipe' (Mortar Tube) and toss the pieces out of the bunker. As this is happening, nearby Fletcher just stays low and Gurung finds a white hankerchief to wave at the oncoming American troops.

It's a tense few moments, but soon enough, the yells of "CEASE FIRE, CEASE FIRE!" can be heard and within a few moments, all fire does indeed come to a stand still and the men of SST 11 are all reunited and Acme quickly finds some Medical Attention for Tucker, who is treated quickly and well. He does NOT find LT COL Fawell, but a Captain Miller gives him the 'good Colonel's compliments and some orders to head for a quiet section of the beach to get some R&R until the following morning".

All of SST 11, Red Beach 1, approximately 2 PM June 16th thru approximately 4 AM, June 17th, 1944[ thru 4 AM

Grumbling a bit under his breath, Marvin neverthless is happy to take the orders and he takes his weary men to the little section on the beach and while Tucker gets a bit more care at a proper 'Medical Station' (as opposed to just a Corpsman doing a quick once-over), the rest get some nice rest on the beach as they watch the rest of the Army's 27th Infantry Division make their way onto the beaches and move in-land or help set up the perimeter here.

The soldiers mostly give the veteran Marines and Sailors (and Gurkha) a wide space, some are curious and ask questions while others give good natured teasing to the 'leather necks' and 'jar-heads' and 'swabbies' and 'squids'. The men of SST 4 give the 'dog-faces' and 'FUBARs' plenty of razzing back and the hot meals and nice rest are well appreciated after the adrenaline-fueled early afternoon....

Tucker is all patched up and returned to his teammates and everyone is either asleep or enjoying a nice night, marred only by the never ending sounds of Army equipment moving to the shore and then to the various units in-land, when suddenly sounds of explosions and LOTS of engines can be heard. Shouting comes from outside and as the men of SST 11 groggily come outside their tents, they can see flames and explosions light the night, maybe half-a mile away along with the unmistakable sounds of a massive fire-fight going on....

A jeep comes rolling in a few moments later, carrying a couple of wounded Marines. As Medics move quickly to help treat the wounded, everyone asks the jeep driver what's going on. In a rush, the excited man calls out; "The Nips are attacking down the coast road from Nafutan Point with 40 tanks and a whole Battalion of troops! Those tanks are pretty tiny though.....the Devil Dogs (another nick name for Marines) are ripping 'em up with Bazookas and Mortars and a platoon of Army Sherman tanks are shredding 'em!"

Marvin looks at his men, his mind spinning. On the one hand, he had no orders to engage in this fight......so he COULD just take it easy until the sun came up and new orders arrived........but those Flames SURE DID LOOK LOVELY.......

OOC: Tucker is all patched up and okay now.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#48 Post by Rex »


Gurung does a quick check of his equipment and weapons and them gets ready to march.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#49 Post by Monsieur Rose »


"Whaddya say, Boys? They're playing my song. Who wants to go blow stuff up? Can't sleep with all the racket anyhow."

Marvin respectfully declines to order people to go, but it's clear he's going and would love the company.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#50 Post by Rex »


Gurung just nods to Acme as he gets ready to march.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#51 Post by ateno »

" Let me look around for a supply dump and get a grenade, can anyone use a bazooka?"

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#52 Post by Zhym »

"Ever seen a woflman with a bazooka?" Fred asks with a grin. "It's something everyone should see before they die. In some cases, very shortly before they die." His grin gets bigger.

Fred is 3D+2 in heavy weapons. Gurung has 4D and Fletcher is at 4D+2, so Roker is the third-best bazookaman (bazooka-er?) on the team. But even the possibility of having a wolfman firing a bazooka seems worth it for awesomeness (or comedy value) alone.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#53 Post by max_vale »

On the coastal road at approximately 4:45 AM, June 17th, 1944, Island of Saipan

The men of SST 4 all decide to take part in the 'Night Fight' against the IJA tanks and troops coming down the coastal road and they move as quick as they can to get their gear and find a jeep and an arms depot......which they do. In it, they manage to find a pair of Bazookas and 4 rounds total and scooping them up, they all pile into the Jeep and head to sounds of the fighting....

At about 4:45 in the AM, they get to the battle and see dozens of burning Japanese tanks and tons of bodies choking the road as the Japanese wave was concentrated in a narrow area and torn to pieces by a quartet of Sherman Tanks; a few '105s' (105mm Artillery Howitzers) firing in the direct fire roll, 81mm mortars and a even 'Ma Deuce' M2 .50 caliber machineguns that were powerful enough to tear through the thin armor of the light Type 95 Japanese tanks.....

The Japanese were still fighting valiantly however and here an there, some 7.7mm machine gun fire and 37 and 47mm tank rounds exploded amongst the American lines, causing a few casualties. Kermit Fletcher was driving and he soon pulled the jeep over to the side and they all piled out and Roker and Kermit were quickly selected as the 'Bazooka-men', after Fletcher showed everyone how to load the weapons and connect the firing wires to the motor powering the rocket charges.....

After this was done, they moved to get closer to the action and at that moment, a Type 95 tank, moving this way and that...seemingly avoiding all heavy shells fired its way, came turning towards them and it cut loose a round from its main cannon, that hit and destroyed theJeep they had all just drove up in, sending all of the Talents to the ground on their bellies for a moment.....

A nearby MG team, started to turn their .50 cal MG on the little tank, but it amazingly swung out of the path of tracers again and it fired its own 7.7 mm ball-turret MG back with great accuracy and the two Marines manning the MG were cut down in a red mist amongst the tracer fire....

The men of SST 4 found themselves in 3 groups of two.....Roker and Gurung were on the right and about 100 yards from the tank, that was moving forwards towards them at the moment while Fletcher and Tucker were off to the left of the tank, also about 100 yards from it. In the center were Acme and Saul, looking up and seeing the little tank coming towards them seemingly like a bat outta hell.....

Within about 20 yards in either direction were the shot up hulks of a pair of IJA tanks that had been put out of commission, while in front of them about 25 yards was a 3 foot high boulder that was about 6 feet wide.....in other words, it would provide cover for up to 3 of the team if they stayed crouched down or on their bellies.....

*OOC; Okay, Roker and Fletcher have loaded and armed Bazookas....Range is 75/150/300 yards.....Cover for everyone is about 25 yards away...which can be reached, but that will count as an action if you want to run to cover and do something else this round.....Gurung and Tucker each have a spare rocket as well. Acme and Saul don't have one....but Acme has plenty of rocks or whatever to use as make shift 'bombs' if he so chooses.....or other options are available...
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#54 Post by Rex »


Gurung will stick with Roker and help him as his second when he tries to take the tank out. He activates his armor, expecting to get hit.

Spends enough will to guarantee he activates his armor.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#55 Post by ateno »

Elias stays with Tucker. "If you want to sprint for cover, lets go."

Elias Tucker
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#56 Post by Monsieur Rose »


He looks at the incoming tank and grabs Saul. "Cover! I don't plan on getting run over!"

Marvin races for the nearest cover, trying not to become roadkill.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#57 Post by Zhym »

Roker dives for cover, rolling up into a crouch behind the boulder, and pauses just long enough for the tank to come into short range. Then he fires his bazooka.

Using 1 luck point.

And obviously, if the tank veers away or looks like it won't come into short range, Roker will fire without waiting for it to come into short range.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#58 Post by max_vale »

On the coastal road at approximately 4:50 AM, June 17th, 1944, Island of Saipan

The night battle between the Marines and IJA tanks and troops continued, with the U.S. forces largely crushing the head-long rush of the Japanese troops and 'armor', but one little corner of the fight was quite interesting.....

The members of SST 4 reacted quickly as the nimble and expertly driven little Type 95 tank raced right towards them. Major Acme grabbed Saul Rabinowitz and both crouched low and raced forward and ducked down behind a boulder as the little vehicle came angling towards them. They heard a sound like a train racing past them and they both realized that the Tank had fired its main cannon, and with a quick glance back, they saw a plume of dirt hit the sky as the round exploded RIGHT where they had just been.....

To the far left the pair consisting of Kermit Fletcher and Elias Tucker knelt down and took aim with the Coastguardsman setting the electrical wires for the rocket in the Bazooka launcher Fletcher carried and then tapping him on the shoulder to let him know it was ready to be fired. The Type 95 tank swung its turret to the right, it's co-axial MG opening fire at Gurung and Roker, while the rear MG was suddenly pointing at them! The weapon began spitting 7.7mm rounds and one clipped Fletcher's hip JUST as he pulled the trigger to the Bazooka and the rocket raced out and JUST missed the turret of the vehicle as the sailor cried out in pain and dropped onto his back, clutching at his wound*....

To the far right, Gurung took a moment to reach deep within himself and a moment later, his body was covered in hard, armored scales** as Roker took the readied Bazooka and moved forward to crouch behind a boulder. Right at that moment, the IJA tank turned its turret towards them and the co-axial 7.7mm MG opened up, sending a spray of lead towards them. Fred managed to duck down and wince as the loud whine of the ricochets off the rocks hit his ears while the Gurkha Talent was driven to the ground from the force of multiple impacts. Luckily for him, they were little more than bruises as his Armored Scales protected him from harm....

Fred 'Mediocre' Roker then took advantage of the moment to pop up from behind the boulder and center the little Tank in his sights. He then pulled the trigger and the back-blast from the Bazooka Rocket Launcher was blindingly bright in the dark night! The smoke trail led DIRECTLY towards the enemy vehicle and with an ear-splitting explosion the little vehicle went up in a fire-ball that blew the turret completely off from the main body!

OOC: *Flether is Wounded and will be at -1D until Treated; **Gurung didn't have to spend any WPs as activating his Armor Power only requires a 5 to roll and with 4D+1 in Willpower, the lowest possible result is 5.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#59 Post by ateno »

While Ketmit deals with bandaging his wound. Elias looks for any dangers heading their way.

Elias Tucker
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#60 Post by Monsieur Rose »


The Flash of light from the bazookas and explosion reveals his wide grin. "Now that was something! Nice shooting!" He offers a hand to Saul and mutters "That was a bit too close, huh? Let's ambush the next one, rather than have a fair fight."

Did he feel that there was a talent behind the driving of the tank?
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