Yarl in Charge

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Re: Yarl in Charge

#41 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl's blood begins to cool as the situation settles. As the guards pull back he sheathes his short sword, his hands slightly trembling with the adrenaline still flowing in his body. He looks over at Oak with a small sense of appreciation as he knows that he doesn't have the manner to have handled the situation they way Oak did.

Not knowing exactly what to say Yarl mutters I ain't coming up here again, you make sure she stays safe where she belongs. His own voice gets colder An' you best not ask for mercy if we cross paths in the Outers...
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#42 Post by hedgeknight »

Bryce chuckles and takes Victoria by the shoulder to lead her away.
"It's one of my weaknesses...kindness," he says to Oak.

When Yarl makes his statement about Victoria and about coming to the Outer City, she tries to turn to him, but her brother strong-arms her back in his embrace. He glances at Yarl as he walks away. "Well, I certainly do not belong in the Outer City...just like you do not belong in the Upper City."
Bryce turns around and begins walking Victoria toward the manor house, passing the guards who remain where they are; to make sure Yarl and Oak leave now. The head guard, Tull, snorts and grunts and says, "Run along now, little piggy. And take your breed friend with you."
The other guards laugh and Yarl can feel his blood beginning to boil again.

"Come on, Yarl! Come on, Oak!" It's Cookie. She is standing at the corner, slunk in the shadows, afraid to go past the gate on her own. She's waving frantically, a pleading look on her dirty little face.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#43 Post by dmw71 »

Oak remains with Yarl, waiting -- and hoping -- the new Rat king has the sense to escape the situation. "We should check on Cookie, no?" he encourages.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#44 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl would like nothing more than to spill blood right now but he recognizes what Tull is hoping will happen. Time is on Yarl's side and he can wait to see Tull again. He gives Oak a nod of agreement before turning and walking away towards Cookie.

Tull, House Bormul, Bryce he mutters to himself as he commits the names to memory. Lets get the fuck outta shit shithole" Yarl says to Oak as they leave.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#45 Post by hedgeknight »

The pair from Rivington walk away from a fight they know they can't win, and find Cookie waiting for them in the shadows of the hanging branches of a crape myrtle, and a wall abloom with climbing jasmine. The scent is strong and sweet and as they approach, Cookie has a finger to her lips; they hear voices around the corner. Trained to 'disappear,' Oak and Yarl step into the shadows under the tree with the urchin girl as four guards of the Watch walk by, stopping just a few feet from where they hide. Below their feet is a large metal grate leading to the sewers below.
BG Watch Guard.jpg
BG Watch Guard.jpg (91.3 KiB) Viewed 342 times

The four guards, three human men, one elven, stand and observe the Manorborn neighborhood as they adjust armor and weapons before beginning their patrol. Comfortable in each others presence and oblivious to being observed, the guards laugh and joke (mostly about women), and one says, "Another three killings in Shantytown last eve, not that I'm crying about it."
"The more of the scum who die off, the better for the Gate, if you ask me." Laughs another man.
"Aye that. Maybe once the murderer is done with Shantytown, he can migrate to the other side of Dusthawk Hill; clean out the riff raff over there."
"I will give them credit for bravery," says the Elf. "My source tells me a few commoners banded together by setting up an ambush. My source claims a heavy fog billowed around the commoners as they waited to catch the killer. When the fog cleared, there was nothing left except the decapitated bodies of the commoners. My source says multiple people spoke of a cloaked pale figure fleeing the scene toward the Upper City."

The Elf's words hang in the air for a minute. Cookie slips her hand into Oak's and he notes the fear on her face.
"Bah! I don't believe it." This from the first guard who spoke.
"Yeah me either. I think it's all a ruse by the local gangs or cultists to scare commoners. The latest news for folk to gossip about in their cups."
The Elf just shrugs and begins to walk on, the other three following.

"Can we go home?" Cookie whimpers when the guards are out of earshot.

OOC: Shantytown is the Outer City community outside Blackgate, the northern most gate leading directly into the Upper City and the Wide, a large open market.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#46 Post by Computer +1 »

No fuckin' way gangs would kill commoners like that Yarl mutters to himself bad for business... While still in hiding Yarl whispers to Oak. Thanks fer the words back there. Too many cunts to kill at once.

He takes a look around both ways. Now lets be having that reward. On account I the one who killed Slymorn and freed Vic I think 60 fer me, thirty fer your words and 10 fer Cookie fer doin' as she was told.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#47 Post by dmw71 »

Oak secures Cookie's hand for as long as the lass feels compelled to keep hold.

With his other hand, Oak produces the pouch tossed to him by Bryce. Without even opening it, he tosses it to Yarl, whose thanks he accepts with a nod. "Your cut seems fair," he says of the Rat King's proposed 60/30/10 disbursement.

Oak isn't aware of the pouch's contents, so he accepts whatever cut Yarl gives him.

hedgeknight wrote: Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:38 pm
The pouch Bryce tossed Oak, assuming he looks or dumps it out to divvy up, reveals mostly silver (30 pieces) and a few gold (15 pieces).

While Yarl does with the pouch contents what he will, Oak maintains focus on the sewer grate the guards were standing above moments earlier. He's specifically looking to see if they ever emit or exhaust anything that could resemble a heavy fog, like what was described enveloping the slaughtered commoners. Regardless, the possibilities the sewers present definitely intrigue the rogue.

"Can we go home?" Cookie whimpers. Oak gives her hand a light squeeze. "We will," he assures her. "Maybe not this second, but we will."

"What do you think?"
he asks Yarl. "Any other business to attend to while we're here?"

"Do we maybe have time to enjoy a honey butter biscuit from that inn with the smiling pig?"
he offers as a potential diversion for Cookie, in the event Yarl, like himself, wants to extend their stay in the Upper City a bit longer.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#48 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl catches the pouch with a grunt. He mutters to himself while quickly counting out the coins. Gods damned rich cunts. I wasn't even gonna ask for a fucking reward. He hands slips his share, 10 gold 8 silver into his how coin pouch, hands Oak 4 gold 14 siver and gives Cookie the pouch with the remaining 1 gold 8 silver.

I got nothin' for these high class fuckers. Yarl's stomach lets out a growl. We can grab a bite as we head to the boat if we are quick.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#49 Post by hedgeknight »

Computer +1 wrote: Thu Jun 24, 2021 12:49 pm He hands slips his share, 10 gold 8 silver into his how coin pouch, hands Oak 4 gold 14 siver and gives Cookie the pouch with the remaining 1 gold 8 silver.
I got nothin' for these high class fuckers. Yarl's stomach lets out a growl. We can grab a bite as we head to the boat if we are quick.
Cookie simply stares at the coins in her hand. She's never seen that much money in her life, much less held that much to call her own. Yarl's last words finally dawn on her and she smiles really big and jumps up and down. "The smiling pig! The smiling pig!"
The trio takes the corner and passes through the Manor Gate leading back into the neighborhood of Bloomridge in the Lower City. The guards give them an "Eat shit and don't come back" look and Yarl returns the same as they disappear into the swirling dark fog of the afternoon. Straight down the street, then hanging a left, the trio comes to the Smilin' Boar on the corner.
Yarl leads the way inside and is somewhat surprised to find it nearly empty.
There is one full table of four men along with a couple of loners scattered in the cafe. A tired-looking Halfling woman is cleaning a table when they walk inside. She brushes the curly hair out of her face, gives them a look, then smiles and says, "Welcome to the Smilin' Boar! I was cleaning this table just for you!"

Jentha_Allinamuch.jpg (449.32 KiB) Viewed 326 times

"I'm Jentha. I run this place. I don't recall your faces before. Is this your first time visiting?"
"Oh yes it is!" Cookie blurts, taking a seat. "We came for the biscuits!"

Jentha giggles and nods. "Oh well, then you must know we have the best biscuits in the whole city! What would you like to wash down those biscuits?" She looks up at Yarl and Oak, beckoning them to take a seat.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#50 Post by Computer +1 »

Cookie's reaction and joy gives Yarl a warm feeling inside that he tries to immediately squash. Cookie you better keep yer share hidden before some fucker kills you fer it he grumbles.

As they walk Yarl's frilly shirt annoys him. The guardsmen faces' annoy him. The whole scene with Vic's family annoys him. The uptown air annoys him. He contemplates ripping off the gods damned stupid shirt and walking bare chested. Let everyone see his scars, he earned them...

Arriving at the Smilin' Boar takes his mind off of a public display of half orc nipples for a moment. The greeting seems standard enough so Yarl doesn't blurt a reply along the lines of "fuck Upper City and all the rich cunts in the world."

Beer and meat Yarl says while taking a seat. He scans the room and gives the eye to the other patrons while rubbing the end of his club with his left hand. He thumb rolls over the knots in the wood.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#51 Post by dmw71 »

Oak smiles pleasantly at Jentha as he follows Yarl and Cookie to the recently cleaned table the halfling woman readied for them. He glances about the space casually. "Nice place you have here," he offers, complimenting the hard-working owner.

"Business seems a bit slow," he adds, noting the relative few occupants in the space. "Meaning no offense."

"Is this normal?"
he wonders aloud while settling into a seat next to Cookie.

"I'll have any wine you have open, and the catch of the day... plus, the biscuits, of course." he finishes with a smile.

Once Jentha leaves to fulfill their orders, he turns to Yarl. "So, Upper City doesn't suit you?" he offers, half-teasingly, hoping to slow the fuse of the tempered half-orc. Then, lowering his voice so just those at his table can hear: "Are you at all interested in sticking around to learn more about those slaughtered commoners?" Or, depending upon anything Jentha offers in response to the slow business inquiry, poking around her situation.

"Or maybe Trueshot has been waiting long enough."


Let me know how much the drink and food above costs so I can deduct it.

Apologies for the delay, guys.

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Re: Yarl in Charge

#52 Post by hedgeknight »

Beer, Biscuits...and Bodies

Beer and meat.
It's a simple request, growled in part frustration, part paranoia. The tone of his voice turns a few heads from the table of four men, but Yarl gives them a glare as he rubs his knobby stick...erm...club :oops: and dares them to respond.

"And biscuits! I want two...no three!" Cookie exclaims, holding up three grubby fingers that look as if they haven't been washed in a few days.
Jentha smiles and leans down to the girl. "And maybe some milk to wash those biscuits down, yes?"
Cookie nods vigorously, beaming at Oak, then glancing at Yarl apprehensively.

Jentha looks up at Oak who compliments the place at first, then mentions the obvious: the lack of customers, before ordering wine and food.
Jentha sighs and looks out the window to the foggy street. "We've seen a down turn in the past few months. I suspect it's just a phase all eateries go through. When things are new, folk flock to see it, but after awhile, the newness wears off. Um...I'll be right back with your drinks. Say, little one, would you like to help me wash up and get the milk?" Jentha asks Cookie.
Cookie looks to Yarl for permission, but really doesn't wait for an answer, hopping down from her chair and following Jentha to the back of the cafe.

Oak turns to Yarl, lowering his voice and asking questions about the Upper City and "slaughtered commoners" as the four men get up from their table, toss a few coins down, and walk out. They make no mistake of hiding their stares at Yarl and Oak as they leave...soon disappearing into the foggy street.
Yarl doesn't answer, and then a minute or two later, Jentha and Cookie return with trays of food and drink. The child's face and hands are unbelievably white...maybe it's just because they are clean for the first time since either of them can remember...and she gently holds Oak's wineglass, careful not to slosh it on him as she puts it on the table.
"The white wine goes with the fresh trout we have today," Jentha says, "along with grilled asparagus, and the garlic biscuits are an extra bonus."
She serves Yarl a large mug of dark beer and puts a thick slice of roast in front of him, "with hot, buttery potatoes; my grandmother's recipe."
Cookie, of course, has cold milk and two large biscuits with butter and honey. She eats slowly, but only just.

"Now, once you've eaten, I'd like to talk to you about perhaps...some business, if you have time."
Jentha smiles and walks over to clean off the table nearby.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#53 Post by dmw71 »

Oak thanks Jentha for the food and drink, and Cookie for her service. He flashes an optimistic smile at the halfling proprietor but is unsure whether she caught it before moving on to clean the neighboring table.

He waits for Cookie and Yarl to begin eating before beginning to eat himself.

While curious about the "potential business" Jentha mentioned, as a guest on the trip, he ultimately waits for Yarl to break the silence.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#54 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl glares at the four men and dares them to say anything. He grunts at Jentha when she brings the food. When she walks away he lifts the mug of beer and takes a deep pull followed by a second. He puts down the mug and appreciates the beers dark flavor on his palette. He then picks up the knife and fork and begins to work on eating. Between bites he starts to talk in a low voice.

I ain’t never been up in Upper City until today. You from Rivington, you know how it is.. He keeps eating the roast and potatoes. He has eaten a lot worse but not much better.

I ain’t belong here with these fancy fuckers but I know the score in the Outters.. He gestures with the knife as he continues quietly “Sticks’ got me by the balls, half the Rats want me dead, the Guild is prolly pissed and I ain’t ever been in charge before but all that is still better than those rich cunts. He drains the rest of the beer and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. Seems like you may fit in up here, why you still in Rivington? Cuz of yer folks?

I assume Yarl, being from the same small area, knows a bit about Oak such as his folks live nearby.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#55 Post by dmw71 »

"I like to think I could fit in anywhere," Oak boasts unabashedly while considering Yarl's question. "My parents. Our business. They keep me grounded in Rivington."

"Not to mention the expenses."
he adds before enjoying a piece of trout. "I still need money for --" he starts, but quickly stops, taking a long sip of his white wine.

He pivots the conversation.

"You seem to have found yourself in quite the situation. Anything I can do to help?" he asks, while keeping a watchful eye over Cookie.

Yarl would definitely know basic details about Oak, and his family.

Instead of detailing it all here again, which will quickly get lost, I refreshed the entry for Oak in the Character Descriptions topic.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#56 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl stops chewing and looks at Oak square in the eye. Why would you wanna help me? We ain’t clan, gang or kin.. He looks towards Cookie and then scans the room. Nobody from Rivington does nothin’ for nothin.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#57 Post by dmw71 »

Oak considers Yarl's response, and appreciates the position the half-orc must find himself in. While he's personally on a goal to accumulate wealth, it still goes against his nature to not want to assist those in need when it's within his capabilities. A Rivington oddity, for sure.

He plays the game.

"Well, if there was some coin in it... like you said, nothing for free, right?"
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#58 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl shrugs. I’m happy to have someone watch me back but how much will it cost? An’ how you feel about fighting wererats? Fancy words ain’t gonna mean shit in Rivington. He shows off the scars on his fists. Only thing that gets respect is the blood ya spill.

Yarl’s shoulders slump and a softer edge enters his voice. The whole things been fucked. This morning I figured I was a dead man and it keeps getting more and more tangled. Even trying to do something right still made it all worse.. He looks around the room again. I’d say its time to run but I ain’t left the Gate and besides he looks at Cookie it would only be worse for the few who are left behind. Most of the Rats is the same as us and just doin’ what they need to survive.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#59 Post by hedgeknight »

"Hmm. I've heard that phrase before," Jentha says, returning to the table with a pitcher and refilling Yarl's mug with dark beer.
"You need another biscuit, hon?" she asks Cookie, who nods vigorously, her mouth covered with honey and biscuit crumbs. Jentha smiles and leaves and Cookie turns to Oak.
"Ain't she the nicest person? I think she likes us. Maybe we could come here again!"
Cookie rolls her eyes toward Yarl for approval...
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#60 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl doesn’t have the heart to smile or to dash Cookie’s hopes at this time. He makes a noncommittal grunt and shrugs his shoulders. Maybe Oak can bring ya up if I can’t he trails off and drains the next mug of beer.
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