Chapter 1: Prudence

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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#41 Post by Marullus »

Taavi: OOC
I rolled a failed Notice check for you in my post above. :) Watching Talina and being confused by her intent is fine from your second roll.

To clarify, he didn't hear boots coming down the stairs.

I'll let Taavi's actions stand (he can think to limber up his jacket and pistol based on the obviously-rough environ whether he's noticing all the current details or not), but I would like to allow Hansel and Lira's successful Notice actions to be consequential.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#42 Post by jemmus »

Marullus wrote: Wed Feb 17, 2021 5:21 pm Taavi: OOC
I rolled a failed Notice check for you in my post above. :) Watching Talina and being confused by her intent is fine from your second roll.

To clarify, he didn't hear boots coming down the stairs.

I'll let Taavi's actions stand (he can think to limber up his jacket and pistol based on the obviously-rough environ whether he's noticing all the current details or not), but I would like to allow Hansel and Lira's successful Notice actions to be consequential.
Sorry, I didn't spot the roll. For clarity and to clean things up, I've revised the post.

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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#43 Post by redwarrior »

Hansel notices that the bar has turned into what passes for grand central terminal for this backwater town. There's the bounty that he came to collect, finally, no questions asked. But she doesn't look worth the payout, too innocent. And did she really just cadge for water from the bartender? In any case, he's not too fond of what he expects that these gentlemen at the other table are likely to do to her before delivery. He takes another swig, straight from the flask, making sure that he doesn't actually drink more than a drop or two, and brings up his compad to study its screen. Actually, he's paying close attention to the room, trying to keep track of who's with who, and what they're up to. While also keeping his eye on Zoe. It would be a shame for her to get in a crossfire. He drops his left hand to the table and lets it slide down next to his holster.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#44 Post by Mister-Kent »

Faraday finally rolls up one end of his tarp to cover his scraps before entering the Saloon. In hand he has a small gasket-like fixture and a wrench. He kicks the dust off his boots before entering, seemingly ignorant of the grease miring his hands.

Once inside, the young man waves to Zoe, approaching with a conspiratorial grin. "Look what I found," he tells the woman. "This should fix the pressure problem on your beer tap! What do you think--this worth another room for the night?"
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#45 Post by Marullus »

Particularly for the new players, I'm going to dump some info here. :) I'll explain the game turn and focus on things that support the western/gunslinger flavor.

So far, we've been a free, narrative structure. When something big happens (like potential combat) we move into structured time. As an OSR game, structured time happens in Rounds. In one round, each character gets 1 Move action, 1 Main action, and as many Instant Actions and On Turn actions as are appropriate. What falls in these categories is on pages 50-51.

Everyone rolls individual initiative. Initiative is 1d8+ Dex Modifier. Initiative order is not re-rolled - it will stick through combat.
Instants can happen any time as interrupts. Move, Main, and On Turn actions happen on your turn in the initiative order.

Normal actions include:
  • Move - Run uses your move action to move your normal range (abstract in our setting, I'll adjudicate), or you can Stand Up (from Prone), or Take Cover (+2 or +4 AC v ranged, ignored by melee).
  • Main - a ranged attack, a melee attack, or using a skill are normal Main options
  • On Turn - Go Prone (prone grants +2 AC v ranged, -2 AC v melee)
  • On Turn - drawing a readied item (like an openly holstered gun) is free as an On Turn action
  • Main - drawing or stowing an item (i.e. that isn't readied) takes a Main Action (the Gunslinger focus allows drawing a stowed weapon)
  • Dropping an item is an Instant action, picking an item up takes your Move Action
  • Reloading is a Main Action

As explained before, skill rolls are 2d6 for non-combat actions.
As an OSR game, combat uses a 1d20 roll to hit against the target's armor class (AC). Add your Str/Dex modifier (as appropriate) and your skill level (0 or 1). Attacking with a weapon you aren't proficient in is a -2 penalty to hit. I already calculated most of these with you when reviewing your sheets.
All ranged weapons have two numbers. You can shoot to the first range normally and to the full range at -2 to hit.

Special rules exist for interaction of ranged and melee combatants (unique to SWN Revised from other OSR games):
  • A rifle or two-handed ranged weapon can't be used if a melee combatant is in melee range (they're too easy to interfere with)
  • A revolver or one-handed ranged weapon can be used if a melee combatant is in melee range but at a -4 penalty
  • "Clubbing Up" a ranged weapon to use it in melee takes your Move action, but you can then attack as Main as if it is a primitive bludgeon.
  • Melee weapons list normal damage and Shock damage - shock damage is what they do on a miss.
  • No action is needed to withdraw from an opponent with a ranged weapon.
  • It takes a Main Action to do a Fighting Withdrawl to get out of melee range with a melee opponent.

Hansel is watching the room and preparing for trouble. I'll allow him an action prior to the first round. This can mean:
  • Setting up a prepared firing position under the table, getting +2 to hit on the first shot against a pre-specified target. (This can only be done in narrative time, and is normally more akin to five minutes of sighting in your sniper rifle, but I'll allow the "Han Solo under the table" option here if he picks who he is going to shoot before action starts.)
  • Hold an Action. This consumes your Move action to let you turn your Main Action into an Instant action. You can then save your main action for a trigger event later in the initiative. (Since he has a round before any combat may start, I'll allow him to save it to trigger at the top of the first round if he specifies that trigger.)

For anyone who didn't pass the Notice check (like Taavi), they can still react. If they wait for their turn in the initiative order, they act normally. If they want to also use an Instant Action to react quickly when something goes down, they can Make A Snap Attack as an instant action if they already have a weapon narratively in-hand. This consumes your main action for the round to fire before your initiative with a -4 penalty to hit. (You still have a Move action remaining when you get to your own initiative.)

So, when we enter structured time, I'm going to set up the round. Everyone will narrate, rolling initiative, rolling to hit or skills and specifying actions. I'll then put them together into initiative order and adjudicating. You will need to be explicit in specifying actions to act out of initiative order.
Zoe smiles bashfully at Farraday, tipping her head to redirect him to the bartender. Looking up from Talina and her glass of water, the Bartender grins. "Yeah, that'd be a Godsend, if you can do it." He waves Farraday to come around the back of the bar and take a look.

Still giving Lira a chance to post before I move.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#46 Post by redwarrior »

Hansel continues to watch the room, and especially his "competition", as it continues to fill up.
I was TOTALLY thinking "Han shot first!" :D I'm focused on the bearded man, who seems to know what he's doing with his guns.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#47 Post by jemmus »

Taavi had seen the hanging from the mesquite tree down the road. That's a bad way to execute a person, male, female, criminal, unbeliever, or anything else. There's an old saying, 'Hung with a new rope.' Well, hanging from a mesquite is 'Hung from a green branch.' And there are the long, hard, thorns. But I guess that doesn't matter much in the long run. Surely, even Prudence has a jail. First goal--- Get a conviction (hopefully a rightful one), and get jail time rather than the noose. Constable to supervise serving the sentence. Family and/or friends to feed the prisoner, at no expense to the village boss and/or constable. Second goal, when we're here next-- Put a fair trial over on them, get a jail term. Maybe even a just a fine. Some Coppers, a goat or something. We'll see how the constable's supervision of the first malfeasor's jail term sentence went. And adjust."

Deep in thought, he again draws his handkerchief from his sweat-damp suit coat pocket and mops his brow. The bandana girl is still standing at bar, the card players are still at their table. The cigarette-snuffing tough guy might be just another card player, but nagging doubts go through Taavi's head. "a) Quite a bit of traffic in Prudence's saloon right now, no? But maybe this town has an exception amount of bachelors or delinquent dads gambling away the bread money instead of working the oil fields? Who can know? b) Does the sheriff know about this gathering? c) I think we've seen enough of the local flavor to get an impression and make an impression. When does strange outlander Judge Lira plan to visit the local constable and set up any proceedings? And does she know how to use that rail rifle? d) Do I have enough time to order a bowl of that stew I overheard about? And what kind of ninny would make a pot of hot stew in this kind of weather?" Looks at the bartender/proprietor. "Yeah, that kind of ninny."

Takes a swig of iced tea, wipes his brow again, and reaches down and snaps the leather strap off of his semi-auto. I can't see any of these people here on a panel of impartial jurors....
Last edited by jemmus on Fri Feb 19, 2021 2:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#48 Post by shroomofinsanity »

I just got into town, still not quite adjusted to this place yet, and yet, here comes another welcoming brawl, do any of these towns have proper manners Lira thinks as she notices everyone trying to both tense up and not look like they are doing so, a dance as old as this broken system of laws. She sighs to herself, removes the dark glasses from her eyes revealing that her eyes are not quite right, the irises are tinged red when the catch the light just right, and what should be the whites of her eyes are darker, like used charcoal. The glasses are slowly placed in an inside pocket of her coat, to keep them safe. she lets her hand rest around the grip of her rifle, ready to draw it up and fire if need be, but hoping it won't come to that.

She takes a measured step to put her back to a wall and makes eye contact with whichever cardplayer looks the most likely to twitch first, her irises begin to glow slightly, like the embers of a dying cigarette, and the man hears her voice in his mind and his ears, even though she barely speaks above a husky whisper, Those who dine on wine, have water for breakfast, and I am spring from which that water comes. I would choose to assist me in the coming moments I sure hope I am getting these phrases right, I tend to like a few hours before I try anything, taxing... she thinks as she attempts to compel the man to keep her safe.
So reading compelling gaze, it doesn't seem like a roll is required on my part to implant the idea, I just have to hope it sticks, and I figure either way, to those paying me attention, they will see me trying something and will hopefully try to keep their eyes off me, netting me some advantage in the coming fun. Let me know if I need to add a talk roll to that please and I will revise. Also if there is not enough time to do a proper gaze before hand, that will most likely be my first action in combat anyway.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#49 Post by Craigers07 »

""It's a little hot outside if you haven't been, but I'll take a whiskey if you insist. One of these chumps will end up paying for it anyway." Talina
points her eyes towards Hansel. "Maybe that one over there who keeps staring at everyone."

"You know I'm still looking for a ride out of this place, but it doesn't look like a good time to ask around."

She settles back and tries to take in all of the interactions between people. The room filling up is making her uneasy and she knows that she's likely been identified. There's nowhere else to go now.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#50 Post by Marullus »

Ambiance: 99 Problems

Inside the Saloon...

"Those who dine on wine, have water for breakfast, and I am the spring from which that water comes. I would choose to assist me in the coming moments," whispers Judge Bunt, locking eyes with the man in the red flannel shirt at the poker table. Her words are clearly not audible over such a distance, but the man nonetheless nods slightly.

Mirko the bartender slides a shot of whiskey to Talina with a wry smile as he makes room for Farraday to step behind the bar with his gasket.

Taavi sips his iced tea, contemplates the local need for jurisprudence, and puts his hand on his pistol.

The mustached man with the black fedora and bolo tie rises from the card table without saying anything, his chits slid into his pouch, and saunters towards Talina at the bar with purpose.

Zoe is in the middle of the room talking to Báleygr about transportation, looking anxious. She excuses herself to begin toward the kitchen.

Two unshaven brutes get up from the card table with the man in the red flannel shirt, moving to the front entrance, pausing inside the front door, near Lira Bunt. Zoe freezes, uncertain, her path blocked by the presence of the brutes.

"Sin vraga, Teo Hrsak!" screams Sister Anja her form silluetted in the center of front doorway, her hand extended in an accusatory point at the dark man by the back stair. The entire room jolts and flinches, freezing for just a moment; the bearded man in the vest and bowler hat rises abruptly from the table, his six-shooter in his hand.

Actions in the room for Round 1! :-D
Hansel: your held action is triggered. You can choose to shoot the bowler-hat man (with an extra +2) or not, then proceed to your first-round action.

Ranges: The game works in yards/meters, with personal movement being 10m. Assume the saloon interior is 20m by 20m, so two moves across from one side to the other in either direction. The front entrance is the middle of the north wall. The stairs are in the southeast corner. The bar is along the west wall.

Outside on Main Street...

Shadrach looks sidelong at Emile the gunslinger. "As for you, Mister Do-Gooder: be careful. Principles are all well and good, but sticking to 'em too hard is a good way to wind up dead. Ain't no towers out there, and if there were, they damn sure wouldn't be holding fair maidens." He gestures down the road, with the badlands rising up beyond. "Dragons, though. Those and worse are out there." sooner are the words spoken than he regrets them. His attention turned down the road, he notices that an ominous cloudfront has rolled in from the west, dark and heavy with rain. A stiff breeze tumbles trash and brush in the Badlands where he points, the afternoon sun casting abnormally long shadows.

Where Sister Amalia regards the Hanging Tree, she notes the shadows moving as well, shifting as the wind blows the treee's branches. Emile hears the plantive whine of what he would swear is a wolf.

"Sin vraga, Teo Hrsak!" screams Sister Anja her form silluetted in the front doorway of the Saloon, her hand pointing accusitorally within. Two large canine forms move abruptly from the shadows of the refueling station, advancing to the cover of the flatbed truck, two more pairs of eyes glint in the darkened lee of the Saloon.

Actions in the street for Round 1! :-D

Ranges: The group stands outside the Mercantile, so about 20m to the wolves at the back of the truck, 40m to the refueling station, 40m to the wolves at the side of the tavern, and 80m to the hanging tree.

Rolls: Emile and Lira:
You recognize the spoken language as Croatian. You translate as, "Son of the Devil, Teo Hrsak!" meant as a literal accusation.
With Know 0, you know one language you didn't grow up with. Greek and Russian are the major ones for this region, if you want to choose one of those. (Or pick any another.) If you pick Russian, write it down, then read the note above for Emile and Lira, as it is close enough to get the gist of the Croatian cursing.
Last edited by Marullus on Fri Feb 19, 2021 10:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#51 Post by Enoch »

Shadrach: AC 16 (15 after cybernetics activated), HP 6/6

Shadrach curses softly as he swings his rifle off his shoulder and brings it to a low ready position, glancing back and forth between the wolves on either side. "Look out, Sister! Get behind me. Better yet, get into the store."

Initiative: Initiative: [1d8+1]=1+1=2 Slow on the draw this time!
Main Action: Activate the Twitchlock Actuators.
Move Action: Stay with Amalia, as long as I still have a shot at the wolves. Otherwise, follow her until I'd lose line-of-sight, then stop moving.
Last edited by Enoch on Sat Feb 20, 2021 3:10 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#52 Post by greyarea »

Emile Initiative [1d8+2]=1+2=3

Emile is also taken aback by the appearance of the wolves. He pulls his SunShooter, takes cover, and fires off a round at the nearest wolf.
SunShooter [1d20+4]=8+4=12 Damage: [2d6+3]=6+3=9 Range: 50m Magazine: Unlimited
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#53 Post by redwarrior »

Despite preparing, Hansel is still startled when several people all move at once, causing his aim to go wide!

Shoot [1d20+3]=2+3=5
Should have been +5, but it really doesn't matter..

Settling into what looks to be a complicated brawl, Hansel Shoots again, also going wide.

Init [1d8+2]=8+2=10
Shoot [1d20+3]=3+3=6
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#54 Post by cybersavant »

Báleygr Gangleri

initiative [1d8]=8

if shooting breaks out, drop under table for cover, unless somewhere else looks safer
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#55 Post by Faanku »

Initiative: [1d8+1]=8+1=9

I would like to cast Analyse Shadow on the wolves.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#56 Post by Marullus »

It is a shadow. It has been summoned.
2HD, it is partially phased and takes half-damage from mundane sources. Pack life: it gains a +2 to hit if adjacent to an ally.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#57 Post by Craigers07 »

Initiative [1d8+1]=3+1=4

Talina takes her hand off her drink and quickly pulls her bandana down when she meets the eyes of the mustached man coming at her. She raises both her hands and dives headfirst over the bar!

When she regains her stability she'll reach for her laser pistol and uses her other hand to wave at Malko the bartender.

"Is there a way out?" she says to Malko in a quiet voice.

She keeps her head below the top of the bar and looks for a way to get away from the mustached man.

Sneak [2d6]=10
Last edited by Craigers07 on Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#58 Post by Marullus »

Dive for cover - Move Action (The bar will provide full cover which means +4 AC for anyone out of melee range)
Draw her readied weapon - On Turn Action

...does she also want a Main Action? Fire the pistol (at whom), use a skill?

Talking and roleplaying are also free. :) Behind the bar are currently Malko the bartender and Farraday the beer-tap-fixer.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#59 Post by shroomofinsanity »

Initiative: [1d8+1]=8+1=9

Ok boys, tell me about your card playing friend? Is he working for that ominous gent on the stairs? Lira whispers to her new and temporary posse. She raises her weapon and let it rest aiming in the general direction of the man on the stairs, and after seeing 2 shots missing him, states: I am an honorable and respected judge the land over, why don't we all just sit down and have a nice conversation, possibly with more drinks and fewer firearms, I'd hate to see anyone meet their fate without due process.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#60 Post by jemmus »

Initiative: [1d8+2]=6+2=8
Revised text
Taavi watched the mustached man with the black fedora and bolo tie move toward Talina and two other men move toward the entrance. Seems something is quite up.

The name Teo Hrsak doesn't mean anything to him, but it must mean something to that fellow shooting at him. Taavi remains seated at his table for partial cover, draws his semi-auto pistol, ready to shoot anyone that directs a weapon his way. Can't defend Hrsak against the shooter. Don't know the facts, don't know which one's more guilty than the other. I'm with the honorable judge here. Settle things peacefully! Fair legal process will be provided! He doubts anyone paid any attention, live fire having already commenced. But maybe, just maybe, somebody would lose their nerve and take he and judge up on the offer. Preventing this kind of thing was exactly what he and Judge Lira Bunt had been sent to do.
GM, added Russian language to the char sheet.
Last edited by jemmus on Mon Feb 22, 2021 1:02 am, edited 10 times in total.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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