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Re: Chapter I: Damring Fortress, Part 2

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 9:26 am
by Starbeard

Raizenbrayne looks at Harlan sulkily, trying to flounder a defensive response while also feeling a little ashamed about his obvious indifference toward everyone's safety. 'Well, what, we made it across without incident and got the treasure, didn't we? That's a lot better than yesterday's record.' His sullen expression is exchanged for one of slight embarrassment as he realises that Harlan was teasing him, and half-heartedly chuckles at himself, opening the case and promptly leaving behind all other matters in the deeper recesses of his concern.

'Look here! A Wizard's Aegis spell! This could really come in handy! And a clerical spell of some kind, as well. Not bad. I might be able to read it if I sat down for a few minutes and incanted one of my spells from my spell book, but I'd rather not waste it until we get back to town—it can be fairly cumbersome trying to recopy spent spells back into a spell book, as you both know, I'm s—wait a moment, what's all this?'

Raizenbrayne pulls out the treasure map and shows it to Harlan and Agrom, his eyes wide in the expectation of future enterprise. 'The barrow of the "Wizard King"… I'll say, there should be some magic treasure under that hill…' As he passes the map around, he retires the scrolls to their case and hands it to Agrom for safe keeping in his pack. Looking over the fragmentary map with them, he tries to think back and recall who this 'Wizard King' might be, and what treasures might be contained at his burial site.
I'm not bothering with any kind of lore test right now, we can wait to do that later when we're not as tied down to the Grind—just looking for any basic information our characters might already have.

Re: Chapter I: Damring Fortress, Part 2

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 1:53 pm
by Keehnelf
There've been a lot of kingly types over the years, but the wizard king is actually something of a regional legend. He was the first king of men to fall into corruption and darkness, consumed by his pursuit of forbidden mystical knowledge. His kingdom survived for a time, led by men of sturdier character, until it too fell into shadow and was lost to history. The most famous tale of the wizard king has been immortalized as a children's bedtime song, telling of when the king was dragged through the streets of his shining city in chains to be carried off to an ignoble hole and be burned alive along with his spell books and other artifacts of his unholy craft.

Re: Chapter I: Damring Fortress, Part 2

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 2:40 pm
by Keehnelf
This information primarily comes from Agrom, who grew up in these parts.

Re: Chapter I: Damring Fortress, Part 2

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 7:20 pm
by sulldawga

Interesting stuff, guys, but useless unless we make it home and get new supplies. Let's keep moving.

Agrom will head up the stairs and then go south into the room with the magic circle. He will immediately exit the room via the west door, into the dining room. He'll walk south to the other door in the east wall, and go through that into the statue room.

Here, he will say, Ok, guys, we don't have the rope anymore so do we want to force the front door, no matter the noise, and get out of here? Or do we want to climb over one of these piles of rubble and escape that way? Me, I'm all for trying the door. I don't think we need to worry about being quiet anymore.

I actually want to jump that pit trap to the north of the stairs and see what's there but QQ is waiting so we should wrap this adventure up first. We can always come back another time.

Re: Chapter I: Damring Fortress, Part 2

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 7:43 pm
by Keehnelf
Yeah I was interested to see whether the other two would bite on that or not, but it looks like not.

The group makes it easily back to the front room. The nice thing about trying to force the door from this side is that you're not on a narrow platform so everyone can help.

Re: Chapter I: Damring Fortress, Part 2

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 12:26 pm
by Starbeard
I agree about the pit trap and getting back to town first, I think QQ's been waiting quite long enough!

'Yes, let's just blast this door open and get going. I'm starting to get sick of this dim light.' Raizenbrayne props his shoulder against the frame and gets ready to push.

Re: Chapter I: Damring Fortress, Part 2

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 1:19 pm
by sulldawga
Are we rolling to open the door or are we assuming that the three of us can force it?

Re: Chapter I: Damring Fortress, Part 2

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 3:24 pm
by Keehnelf
It is a roll-ob2 (3 if with dim light) health test.

Re: Chapter I: Damring Fortress, Part 2

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 4:55 pm
by Starbeard
I haven't crunched any numbers, but my instinct is that Agrom would be best suited to lead the test on this one.

Re: Chapter I: Damring Fortress, Part 2

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 2:45 am
by sulldawga
So Health 5 +2d for help from Harlan and Raiz?

Or we could let Harlan lead it. He needs the fail to get to Health 4 anyway, and we have other options for climbing out... I guess that could get messy.

I would roll here and be done with it but I'm getting an error message when I try the dice roller.

Re: Chapter I: Damring Fortress, Part 2

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 1:44 pm
by Simon
Ag should definitely roll this. Now's not the time to get cute. And I'm eager for some sweet town action, as I'm sure QQ is.

Re: Chapter I: Damring Fortress, Part 2

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 2:08 pm
by Keehnelf
Let me know if you continue to get errors and I'll roll for you!

Re: Chapter I: Damring Fortress, Part 2

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 2:20 pm
by sulldawga
Roll for me, please. Still error-ing out.

Re: Chapter I: Damring Fortress, Part 2

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 3:27 pm
by Keehnelf
[1d6] = 6, [1d6] = 4, [1d6] = 3, [1d6] = 3, [1d6] = 5

Trying to do the full 7 dice caused errors for me too. Let's assume the input string was just too long for the parser. You got it in 5 so let's leave it there.

Re: Chapter I: Damring Fortress, Part 2

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 3:34 pm
by Keehnelf
13 Brightmorn, 814 - Turn 3 - The courtyard of Damring

The party forces the front door and makes it's way out into the large, rubble-strewn courtyard of the fortress. The slanting rays of the sun are just beginning to filter through the most around the clearing as it approaches mid-morning.

The party is surprised to see, and equally surprising to, a group of three orcs squatting around a small fire pit they've set up off to one side near the base of the stairs. Agrom can immediately tell that all three are grunts, or normal size and with no special insignia or unusual armaments.

Party status:
Agrom, sick
Harlan, exhausted
Raizenbrayne, exhausted and sick

Re: Chapter I: Damring Fortress, Part 2

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 1:23 pm
by sulldawga
Agrom immediately takes an aggressive position, rushing down the stairs to face the orcs.

What are you doing here? he says in Orcish.

Be ready to run them off, he curtly says to his fellows.

Re: Chapter I: Damring Fortress, Part 2

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 4:42 pm
by Simon
While the Orc band may look "normal sized" to Agrom, to Harlan they are gargantuans, easily three times his size. Sure, he's used to dealing with folks larger than him, but his usual method isn't to "run them off." Lets see if we can get around them while we've got the element of surprise is what he's about to say as Agrom rushes down the stairs. All he gets out is Let's see... which we can all agree isn't a very compelling argument.

Mind whirrring, Harlan recognizes their tactical advantage and stows his blade in his belt, prepping a stone in his sling, ready to "make it rain pain," as his old friend Finn would put it. He follows several paces behind.

Re: Chapter I: Damring Fortress, Part 2

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 5:02 pm
by Keehnelf
These Orcs are pretty cowardly, and only have a disposition of 4 for Nature, plus one per helper, against Drive Off as it's not one of their listed conflict strengths. That gives 6, or 2 per Orc. They will be using their Swords and Shields for this conflict, as they are trying to injure you enough so you're capturable.

Your disposition for this will be: Fighter Roll + Health total, which makes Agrom your best bet for this. He is Sick so he gets the -1D for the Fighter roll as per usual, +1D for Harlan's Figher skill to help. That's a 4D roll added to the base 5 points, for solid odds to at least start out on top.

Re: Chapter I: Damring Fortress, Part 2

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 5:27 pm
by sulldawga
Two successes for a total of seven. Three to Agrom, two to the others.

Let me know, Keehnelf, when you have your moves set up.

Guys, any ideas on our strategy?

Re: Chapter I: Damring Fortress, Part 2

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 6:02 pm
by Keehnelf
I'm all set.