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Re: Chapter 6: The Iron Door mission

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 12:53 am
by Zorroroaster
I figured we'd get to the looting once the threat had passed...don't you worry, Torgyr spotted those chests right away. :lol:

Re: Chapter 6: The Iron Door mission

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 1:06 pm
by Dogma
Ranulf directs Emm,Audi, and Zim to guard the passage way to the east. They will try to keep the passageway up to room 42 clear also in case they need an escape route. Randy, Torgyr, and the dwarves can support from the back.

He holds out Lucille (his arbelast) towards the two dwarves. "Either of you know how to use one of these? Treat her gently as I'll want her back. Those little bastards that ran away may be coming back with reinforcements."

Do we know if room 67 is empty of foes? Should someone check?

Re: Chapter 6: The Iron Door mission

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 1:44 pm
by Zorroroaster
I think the fight with Guran and the kobolds was in 67. Dr?

Re: Chapter 6: The Iron Door mission

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 1:58 pm
by drpete
The dwarves, grim-faced from the loss of their leader, nod to Ranulf and un sling their own arbalests. They move to guard the tunnel.

The fight just happened in 67, and it seems clear (now). The opening toward 66 & 68 is blocked with flaming oil, and there seem to be lots of kobolds hiding back there. Technically, there's a clear path out now, but the fire break will burn out soon, opening the kobold cave up again.

Re: Chapter 6: The Iron Door mission

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 5:18 pm
by Dogma
Got it. I thought the battle was in the corridor just outside of 67. My error.

Re: Chapter 6: The Iron Door mission

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 5:42 pm
by drpete
Dogma wrote:Got it. I thought the battle was in the corridor just outside of 67. My error.
The party was mostly in that corridor, but the dwarves, kobolds, etc were in the cave, and the kobold reinforcements at the intersection on the other side. They came out of 66, and scattered both to 66 and 68.

Re: Chapter 6: The Iron Door mission

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 6:28 pm
by barkman
" Hand me Lucille, I can pick them off from back here, better than a sling stone."

Re: Chapter 6: The Iron Door mission

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 6:38 pm
by Dogma
"Just treat her like a lady,"says Ranulf as he hands the weapon over to Randolpho.

Re: Chapter 6: The Iron Door mission

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 7:00 pm
by kalstone
Solaine kneels over Torgan, beseeching Mavor's mercy on a fallen warrior.

Casting Cure Light Wounds.

Re: Chapter 6: The Iron Door mission

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 7:07 pm
by barkman
"You mean like you do? Do I put the coin in the stock, or hand it to you?"

Randolpho makes certain the action is clean and a bolt is loaded. He takes a few other bolts to be ready.

Re: Chapter 6: The Iron Door mission

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 7:38 pm
by drpete
Galen applied Comfrey to Quinn's wound, and heals him. Quinn regains consciousness, but he has a serious leg wound, and can only talk and move at half speed for the forseeable future (until he's had a weeks bedrest).

Galen and Solaine check on Torgan, and Solaine prays over him. Even with Solaine's prayers, he is mortally wounded. The muscles in his legs have been liquified by the spider's venom, and though Mavors has planted a slight hope of rescue, it will require both luck and the immediate application of Comfrey. (He needs 2 hp of healing within a round, and he won't be able to walk out without crutches). Galen moves to apply the Comfrey, and is able to stabilize him.

Moving to the others, he finds one unconscious dwarf has a severed hand, but could be saved if he could be healed, and the other is definitely dead. He applies Comfrey to the dwarf's stump, and stabilizes him.

So Quinn and the dwarf with the severed hand can move at half speed, but Torgan will probably need to be carried if he is going to escape.

Re: Chapter 6: The Iron Door mission

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 9:12 pm
by Zorroroaster
Torgyr leaves the watch to Zim and the others a moment and walks over to Torgan. He drops to one knee and puts and calming hand on the injured dwarf's shoulder.

"You took a real thrashing. We've defeated Guran, but his kobold minions are mustering nearby, waiting to strike back. We need to make a stand, and then get you out of here. If there's anything you know that will help us win the day, now is the time to speak."

Re: Chapter 6: The Iron Door mission

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 10:19 pm
by drpete
Torgan gasps weakly"Guran was a good dwarf, hardworking, an engineer. I don't understand... he must have gone mad. .."

Meanwhile, the voice in Randolpho's voice continues:
"Tell me, tell me what you seek... Perhaps... to finally be a wizard?"

Re: Chapter 6: The Iron Door mission

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 11:21 pm
by barkman
Randolpho sights Lucille at one of the kobolds, getting ready for the call to fire.

He thinks in reply to the voice "who is this, and what are you offering?"

Re: Chapter 6: The Iron Door mission

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 1:08 am
by drpete
Once he's stabilized the most injured, Galen comes over and treats Randolpho with Comfrey (2 hp recovered).

The kobolds fled after Torgyr's oil flasks killed one, so there aren't any visible, but you sense that they are not far away.

The voice continues in Randolpho's mind:
"Me? Great Mother of the Kobolds, truth-teller, spinner of secrets, a dark Queen in search of ... a new King, now. A pity about Guran, but no great loss. I offer you a choice... a weaving together of our fates, an alliance. Join with us. We can make you strong. Give you what you seek, your ... key. Is that all you want? Or do you really want power, Rudolpho? I can grant you that, if you wish it."

Re: Chapter 6: The Iron Door mission

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 1:23 pm
by barkman
"You don't seem to have much care about your tools, what's in this for you? The kobolds don't seem that strong, and don't seem to cast spells, why haven't you gifted them with.... Power?" Randolpho continues his thought conversation with the voice.

He mutters under his breath, "Queen of the kobolds my ass"

Re: Chapter 6: The Iron Door mission

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 2:36 pm
by drpete
The voice in Randolpho's head:
"You are special... you are trained. The candle just needs to be lit, and your magical fire will burn bright. I gave life to the kobolds. Is that not proof of my power? Who do you know that can create life? You are already alive. To you, i can give other things, if i will it. "

"But you ask if I greive? If I am mad you killed my children? I am, but I have other children to protect, a home to make. If we fight, some of my children will die. I see your power. But make no mistake, many of you will die as well. Peace, and mutual benefit, that is all I ask. Imagine what having a powerful friend can do for you as you seek out Dwimmermount's treasures... "

Re: Chapter 6: The Iron Door mission

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 4:49 pm
by Zorroroaster
Torgyr hears Randolpho muttering to himself.

"What's up with you, friend? Talking to yourself can be an indication something ain't working right." He taps his temple with a stubby finger.

"Torgan, we are going to have to change plans. We want to get you and the other injured out of here to somewhere safe enough to look after you. Before we go, we are planning on turning this cavern over for useful things to take with us. If there is anything of Guran's you feel you need to hang onto for whatever reason, say so. I have no wish to disrespect you or your clan by indiscriminate looting."

Torgyr gets up and moves to the wall of flame. He will take three flasks of oil and throw them on the ground in the center and both sides of the conflagration to increase its intensity. Once done, he will gather a few folks and loot the bodies and check the contents of the chests.

Re: Chapter 6: The Iron Door mission

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 5:40 pm
by kalstone
Solaine says to Randolpho, "Are you hearing a voice speaking to you in your head? I swore I heard a woman trying to convince me to give up and join her. I thought it was just a lingering effect of my near-death experience."

She will help Torgyr with the looting.

Re: Chapter 6: The Iron Door mission

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 6:23 pm
by Dogma
Ranulf nods towards Guran's quarters as he sends Emm and Audi back to help turn over it's contents. "Zim and I can keep watch. Just come running if we call out."