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Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 6:43 pm
by Storm11
Hex stands beside the door with his back and topknot to the wall, daggers out he nods at Kragg, indicating he is with him.

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 7:47 pm
by coil23

Whispering, I would rather we explore behind the door before proceeding downstairs. I think we leave the least risk at our backs by being methodical in that way. Does anyone have anything noisy to step on we could leave on some of the top stairs of this second staircase? That might give us warning if anything comes up from there while we explore behind the door.

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 8:06 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Kragg shakes his head no to Osprey's question "If I had thought of it I could've bought some caltrops they aren't noisy but they sure as hell would leave someone hurting if we put them down on the stairs."

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 4:24 am
by Grognardsw
"Others have been here and are likely below," warns Aric.

The barbarian kicks the door in, sword and shield at the ready.

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 10:40 am
by ravenn4544
Wil halts his downward movement as the door is kicked open and rejoins the group at the door.

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 11:17 am
by coil23
If others are likely below, then why are we making a racket like kicking in doors, hisses Osprey?

With the noise just created, Osprey stands for a long moment peering around the corner down the second flight of stairs to see or hear if there is any reaction down there to the noise.

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 11:28 am
by GreyWolfVT
Kragg still whispering "Why the hell did ya kick the door in ya brute, trying to draw attention to us more?"

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 4:25 am
by mjulius
Well, at least it's open. What could go wrong? says Morris, patting Kragg's shoulder at the unhinged entrance.

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 5:36 am
by Mant72
As Aric kicks open the door, the distinctive smell of old parchment wafts over the party.

In the torchlight, a row of tall, sturdy bookshelves can be seen standing against the far wall. A library ladder leans against the shelving, providing access to the hundreds of books and scrolls that stock the shelves.

A long, stone table and benches sit in the center of the room; three oil-lamps hang from chains in the ceiling directly above. A few stacks of books and unraveled scrolls are spread out on the tabletop.

A pair of life-sized, bronze statues stand in the southeast corner. The statues face one another with outstretched palms; however, they are separated by a double-sided mirror.

Yon recognizes the figures as representations of Lunia and the Lord of Light, and he knows the tableau to be a reference to the fact that the god and goddess are only destined to be together during eclipses.


Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 6:05 am
by Storm11
Hex enters tentatively behind the first person to go through the portal. He whisltes quietly through his teeth at all the lore laid out before the company. "Is any of this magical hmmm?" he wonders out loud as his small halfling eyes scan the vast chamber before him.

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 11:26 am
by GreyWolfVT
Kragg shrugs "Dunno Hex but I'm not really into all that stuff. Maybe a history book or a military book but the rest of that stuff I'll leave to the mages, and clerics."

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 11:46 am
by mjulius
Morris approaches the shelves and begins to examine the books, dragging his finger along the spines as he looks for anything familiar or useful.
He also looks at the texts on the table as Iris drops from his shoulder, stretching her wings. She appears comfortable among the books and scrolls.
I wonder what they were reading last?

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2016 2:16 am
by Grognardsw
"We've been making a racket up here for hours," growls Aric to Kraff. He steps through the doorway.

"No crook here," says Aric. "We should torch the room for all the good it will do us. After I take a few scrolls. Good for wiping arse after."

The barbarian looks suspiciously at the statues, after past experiences. "The mirror. We'd best cover it."

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 1:59 pm
by coil23
Aslaan Osprey

The elf nearly starts drooling at the sight of all of the books and scrolls. He begins perusing the material while frequently glancing toward the statues. He is decidedly wary of statues after recent experiences. Could someone who doesn't care about this material keep an eye on the door and stairs? I just want to look a moment...or three.

Damnit! Got sloppy and mixed the streams/character names. Sorry.

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 2:01 pm
by coil23

Before Osprey begins to lose himself in an ocean of scroll porn he searches the room for secret/concealed doors/portals.

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 10:51 pm
by GreyWolfVT
coil23 wrote:Aslaan

The elf nearly starts drooling at the sight of all of the books and scrolls. He begins perusing the material while frequently glancing toward the statues. He is decidedly wary of statues after recent experiences. Could someone who doesn't care about this material keep an eye on the door and stairs? I just want to look a moment...or three.
Kragg volunteers for guard duty "Sure thing I'll go keep watch."

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 2:09 pm
by ravenn4544
Wil offers, "I'll keep watch - considering our last encounter with statues and painting we should all tread extremely careful"

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 4:47 pm
by Mant72
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The group files into the library, and Osprey quickly scans the room for secret doors. He is certain there are none to be found.

The elf then joins Morris and Hexalon as they peruse the shelves of texts, tomes, and treatises. The mages find the majority of the books are religious and historical in nature.

Attention turns to the texts scattered about the table. There are four in all, and they are as follows:

Scions of the Nine Circles - a dense volume on demonology containing instructions on binding and banishing the denizens of Hell. Many disturbing woodcut illustrations and etchings fill these pages, detailing malevolent things that lurk just beyond the fabric of the corporeal world.
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The Tome of Unrest - a thorough account of the undead, detailing their haunts and how to combat them.

Declarations of Her Celestial Majesty - details the canon of the church of Lunia, including the history of the faith, its primary ceremonies and rituals, and exhaustive lists of names of renowned priests and priestesses spanning back to the monastery's inception.

Treatise on Demihuman Divinities - describes the various religions, gods, and goddesses of the demihumans of the world. Hex, Morris, and Osprey note that this book is extremely old, much older than the others. Hex, Morris, and Osprey, please give me a d20 Wisdom check.

Kragg and Wil stand guard at the top of the stairs while Yon and Aric warily eye the odd pair of statues.


Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 5:19 pm
by coil23
Wis (12) [1d20] = 14 :cry:
Hmmm, I suggest one focus on the demon banishment material, one focus on combatting the undead material, and one focus on the Lunia history. Between our experiences and our visions, all three may not only be helpful but absolutely necessary. I would defer the Lunia material to the cleric who could also make faster work of it. That would free someone to study the last book. What say you?

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 5:55 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Kragg does a bit of a patrol going to the stairs leading up waiting and listening then walking back to the stairs continuing down from the "study" door waiting and listening as well as checking for any prints in the dust other than the current groups.