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Re: Quest #27 "Detecting Snares and Pits"

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:19 pm
by Darklin2

I will cut some bandages from my cloak if we find a spot to clean the wounds and get him comfortable. I must have left my healing bag in my chest back at the tent. My cloak will do for now.

Re: Quest #27 "Detecting Snares and Pits"

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:23 pm
by SirOwen
Just sayin'... Dexter already cleaned and rough-bandaged Drakkar's wounds.

Re: Quest #27 "Detecting Snares and Pits"

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 2:07 am
by hedgeknight

Fitz chokes, spits, swats, and slaps at the biting insects, certain they are determined to drain him dry.
"Is everything...(spitooee) on this island..ack!...trying to kill us?" he manages...just before they spot the tent and Drakkar face plants...again.

Following Sir Narramore's lead, Fitz accompanies them toward the camp, sneaking along as quietly as he can.

Re: Quest #27 "Detecting Snares and Pits"

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 2:48 pm
Night Questing In The Jungle
Sunday, 21st of Goodmonth
Evening, Warm, Humid, Very Buggy

Getting the unconscious dwarf cleaned up as best they can with their dwindling water supply, Narramore moves closer to hail the camp. He gets no answer in response to his calls, and sees no movement at all through the trees and bushes to indicate that anyone is at home.

With no light seen inside the tent, and the small campfire dying down in front of it, it appears the inhabitants are either sleeping, or have stepped out for a while.


Can I get everyone to include a random d20 roll with their next actions, please?

Sir William Narramore 8/12 LOH
Cornelius Fitzenbell 4/8 1/1 RM, DI
Drakkar Deepcrag 0/11 (Unconscious)
Dexter Broadleaf 11/15
Maximus Fleetfoot 4/8 (C) 0/2 (MU) 0/1 CL, DM, RM

Re: Quest #27 "Detecting Snares and Pits"

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 3:09 pm
by hedgeknight
Random roll: [1d20] = 14

"Hallooo...anybody in the camp?" Fitz calls out, trying to keep his voice calm, even though he is as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

IF...he gets no response...he creeps toward the tent and says again, "Hallooo...sorry to wake you, but our friend needs help."

Re: Quest #27 "Detecting Snares and Pits"

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 3:11 pm
by SirOwen
Dexter Beroadleaf

Having separated from the others to the back of the camp (that would be the side of the camp opposite the front flap of the tent), Dex has a very careful look around, checking with normal and infra-vision, both high and low, for any sentries that may be waiting. He keeps his movements quiet and continues to use the leaves in his clothes to break up his outline. If he makes it all the way to the tent without seeing anyone, he carefully listens at it.

Roll a d20 [1d20] = 1

Boy, I hope I'm checking against an Ability Score.

Re: Quest #27 "Detecting Snares and Pits"

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 12:32 pm
by Darklin2

Hello in the camp, we are friendly. We just have a injured team member. We are coming in.

[1d20] = 13 Forgotten Roll.

Re: Quest #27 "Detecting Snares and Pits"

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 1:18 pm
by Paladin
Sir William Narramore

He sighs and waits another moment to see if anyone materializes. "Nothing is simple here, is it?"

I rolled a 19 and forgot to post it yesterday. Can't recall how to find my rolls to repost them.

Re: Quest #27 "Detecting Snares and Pits"

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 6:06 pm
I guess I'll roll for Max.

Night Questing In The Jungle
Sunday, 21st of Goodmonth
Evening, Warm, Humid, Very Buggy

Carrying the thick dwarf along with him, Narramore moves a little closer towards the camp as Max and Fitz call out again. There is still no response and no movement at all inside the tiny clearing.

Fitz and Dex move in further, the halfling getting close enough for a listen. What he hears inside the dark tent sends a chill up his short spine. (please see private thread)


Sir William Narramore 8/12 LOH
Cornelius Fitzenbell 4/8 1/1 RM, DI
Drakkar Deepcrag 0/11 (Unconscious)
Dexter Broadleaf 11/15
Maximus Fleetfoot 4/8 (C) 0/2 (MU) 0/1 CL, DM, RM

Re: Quest #27 "Detecting Snares and Pits"

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 1:31 am
by Paladin
Sir William Narramore

The knight growls and roots himself a healthy distance from the eerily silent (as far as he can tell) camp. "I'm not creeping in on something I can't see. Or poking into someone's possessions if they aren't inside," he declares. "Perhaps our light-footed companions might observe the inside without troubling anything and tell us something of use," he adds in a quieter tone.

Re: Quest #27 "Detecting Snares and Pits"

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 1:40 pm
by SirOwen
Dexter Broadleaf

Sir William, Fitz, and Max hear a voice call out from behind the tent. Dexter is almost yelling, "Back off from the tent! That Pied Piper guy is inside, playing his flute!" Dexter then follows his own advice and a few moments later he comes out of the trees near Sir William. "The rumors in town say he has gotten children to follow him into the forest. Most folks think he charms them with his flute. But I don't know what happens to them and don't want to find out the hard way." Dex takes a bit of extra precaution, picking up some mud, spitting into it, rolling it around and making some crude earplugs, which he then uses.

Re: Quest #27 "Detecting Snares and Pits"

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 2:28 pm
by Darklin2

Hearing Dexter yell, Backs off and starts to put his Chainmail back on. Dropping his mace, shield, and pack on the ground to get to his mail.

This place is a living hell! Every time you turn around something is trying to kill you. Grunting and groaning to try and shrug his mail back on.

But if this bastard is abducting children it is time to put and end to him.

Once his mail is on he shoulders his pack and retrieves his shield and mace. Cutting strips of the hemn of his cloak to make a wrap to go around his head and ears to deafen himself.

Re: Quest #27 "Detecting Snares and Pits"

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 7:12 pm
by Paladin
Sir William Narramore

"We're in no shape to borrow trouble," Narramore replies. "You're half dead, Drakkar is mostly dead. We'd need a miracle, Max. We need to move." While he speaks, Narramore backs away from the tent and lowers Drakkar gently to the ground. He grabs a bit of cloth torn from the edge of a sack and uses it for makeshift earplugs, then gathers his charge back into his enormous arms and grunts as he stands upright. "Can't fault you if you attack him now, my friend, but I'm headed home with Drakkar. Another day." He strides cautiously in the direction of Beachtown.

Re: Quest #27 "Detecting Snares and Pits"

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 8:48 pm
by SirOwen
Dexter Broadleaf

"I'm on it, Sir William." Dexter sets off along the opposite side of the trail from the flutist's tent, avoiding it as widely as possible, and otherwise making a beeline for the shore. He's trying to get them out of there and away from the worst of the bugs as quickly as possible. Once they reach the shore, "What do you think? We could take a moment and wash the worst of Drakkar's burns. When we re-cover them, at least they'll be clean."

Re: Quest #27 "Detecting Snares and Pits"

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 2:19 pm
Lets hold off with the conversations on the beach until we see how this plays out on the trail first. Thanks!

Re: Quest #27 "Detecting Snares and Pits"

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 4:05 pm
by Darklin2

After Narramore states his case and I have my Chainmail on. Retrieve Shield and Mace.

Alright, We shall return. Press on Big Man, I have your back.

Readies shield and mace and follows behind the Paladin.

Re: Quest #27 "Detecting Snares and Pits"

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 10:16 pm
by hedgeknight
There's no new message in my private thread.

Hearing Dex's warning, Fitz backs up quickly and covers his ears with his hands. He follows the others out of the clearing and back to the trail.
When Max and Sir Narramore determine to return, Fitz says, "Let's go back to town! Maybe get some others and return. We ain't in no shape to take this on!"

Re: Quest #27 "Detecting Snares and Pits"

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 2:16 pm
hedgeknight wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 10:16 pm There's no new message in my private thread.
Sorry, that was for Dexter.

Re: Quest #27 "Detecting Snares and Pits"

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 2:37 pm
Night Questing In The Jungle
Sunday, 21st of Goodmonth
Late Evening, Warm, Humid, Very Buggy

After a stern warning from Dexter, the group decides against waiting around to see if anyone is at home.

Though the place looks (and even smells) like a normal campsite, by the time they have made their way further down the trail, shoving all manner of thigs into their ears, they peek back to find the firelight they were sure was there can no longer be seen. Unwilling to investigate in their current condition, they continue along the trail until they make it back to the beach, just a few miles outside of Beachtown. The bugs are so thick in the air now that they are impossible to ward off, regardless of the amount of shooing or swatting. Their constant biting and stinging causes all kinds of pain and discomfort, and the group knows they wont be able to deal with this open torture all night long. 1 dam each

At the edge of the jungle, Narramore needs to drop the unmoving dwarf for a moment in order to take a rest. As they catch their breath while trying to keep the bugs out of their mouth, eyes, and nose, the party can see and hear several shapes in the nearby shallows. The demi-humans instantly recognize the shapes as the huge lizards they saw out in their field earlier. Their dwarven handlers are nowhere to be seen at this late hour, however.


Sir William Narramore 7/12 LOH
Cornelius Fitzenbell 3/8 1/1 RM, DI
Drakkar Deepcrag -1/11 (Unconscious)
Dexter Broadleaf 10/15
Maximus Fleetfoot 3/8 (C) 0/2 (MU) 0/1 CL, DM, RM

Re: Quest #27 "Detecting Snares and Pits"

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 2:50 pm
by SirOwen
Dexter Broadleaf

Dexter looks around the party and shakes his head. "We don't have long. We have to make best time back to town and the fires and shelter. One more long push and we'll be there." He looks at the Dwarf lying at Sir William's feet. The then looks at Max. "Max, Fitz and I are too short to help Sir William carry Drakkar. But if you help him, we can make much better time."

Once they get moving, Dexter leads them through the center of the beach, as worried about what may come from the water as he is worried about what may come from the trees.