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Re: Chapter #2: Adventure 2: Nine Flawed Sapphires

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 3:07 am
by Dram
Anuzal- Hearing two different destinations as pulls away to scout ahead stops. Dear friends am I looking for a safe place to hold up night or we going back to town?

Re: Chapter #2: Adventure 2: Nine Flawed Sapphires

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 2:20 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Travel back to Muluk

The group takes the caution packs up camp and proceeds back to town to meet their contact. Worried for running into the back for the bitch half-elf fire sorceress using the cover of night to hide them for half the travel the group manages to make it without meeting the reinforcements. The trip is uneventful other than encountering some of the Muluk guard on patrol and the guards at the city gates. Trip was safe and uneventful through the night and into the morning.

You arrive at the spot indicated to meet your contact and she is waiting eagerly for you all. Aside from herself nobody else is in the hidden garden.


Re: Chapter #2: Adventure 2: Nine Flawed Sapphires

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2017 2:48 am
by Dram
Anuzal - I believe we have what you been looking for.

Re: Chapter #2: Adventure 2: Nine Flawed Sapphires

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2017 4:45 am
by Bluehorse

Exhausted from the hard journey to the falls and back in such a short time, and looking it, she still manages a smile and hands the ledger over to their benefactor.
INT (14) [1d20] = 9

Confident that her scholarly skills were enough for her to memorize the contents, at least enough of what was important, "I believe you will find specifics of great interest on pages 9, 15, 29, and 36." she says confidently.

Re: Chapter #2: Adventure 2: Nine Flawed Sapphires

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2017 5:47 am
by Storm11
Jamal waits for the others to conclude their business with the mysterious woman. He says nothing, watching invisibly.

Re: Chapter #2: Adventure 2: Nine Flawed Sapphires

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2017 12:45 pm
by ravenn4544
Asad crosses his arms and glowers and their contact.

Re: Chapter #2: Adventure 2: Nine Flawed Sapphires

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2017 3:06 pm
by Monsieur Rose

"Greetings again! You see, we are people of our word." Dubb greets the Maid warmly. "There was but one complication. The manager of the complex remains alive and aware that the ledger has been taken. I might suggest that your master use whatever content contained within as soon as possible."

Dubb turns serious for a moment. "Now before my companions get restless for the sights and tastes of the city, I believe there is the matter of payment."

Re: Chapter #2: Adventure 2: Nine Flawed Sapphires

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2017 4:57 pm
by GreyWolfVT
The Maid smiles warmly "You are early, to that I give you great credit you are more than the praises told to me indicated." she thumbs through the ledger and looks very pleased. "You've done well. As promised here is the rest of your payment." she hands over the remainder of the payment promised to the group. She hands Emma a money pouch containing the other 600 GP. "My name is Ayyam. This ledger will be turned in immediately to the chief tax collector. As it turns out the falls is within city limits and the winery is highly illegal. Not to mention the hiding of the funds to the city, this merchant is a dirty dealer. I cannot thank you enough." she smiles and awaits to make sure the others have nothing more for her at the moment, before she departs to the chief tax collector's offices.

Re: Chapter #2: Adventure 2: Nine Flawed Sapphires

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 12:26 am
by Bluehorse

Grins widely, holding up the purse of coins for her companions to see as the happy wife departs.

Re: Chapter #2: Adventure 2: Nine Flawed Sapphires

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 2:55 am
by max_vale
Rahkeem ibn Hamad al-Qudra

Rahkeem calls out to the maid; "Ayyam! These people are very resourceful, organized and capable. Please be VERY CAREFUL and do not under-estimate them. If I were you; I'd look into getting some added protection....perhaps leaving for awhile. May Fate bless you"; he finishes.

Re: Chapter #2: Adventure 2: Nine Flawed Sapphires

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 3:28 am
by Scott308
Benham Iskandar

The sha'ir gives a slight wave as the maid departs. He smiles almost imperceptibly upon seeing the sack of gold. Emma, please check that the purse does indeed contain the appropriate amount of money.

Re: Chapter #2: Adventure 2: Nine Flawed Sapphires

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 3:36 am
by Bluehorse

Checks the contents.

Re: Chapter #2: Adventure 2: Nine Flawed Sapphires

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 5:34 am
by Cwreando
Abrex keeps his eyes peeled and stays alert for any suspicious activity as the deal with the woman is dealt with. Somehow he can't shake the feeling Fate is not on their side. "Let's wrap this up folks. Time to move on. keep on your toes and stay alert."

Re: Chapter #2: Adventure 2: Nine Flawed Sapphires

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 7:58 am
by Storm11
The halfling Sha'ir will head back to the inn once the money has been heckled and the ledger handed over. Unhappy with how everything went down the still invisible halfling wonders the streets with his share of the gold back to his room at the inn, with Alara beside him. Flopping on to his bed the halfling falls straight to sleep, unsettled by what has occurred.

Re: Chapter #2: Adventure 2: Nine Flawed Sapphires

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 2:40 pm
by Monsieur Rose

"Ah. A job well done. Anyone care to join me in celebrating at the nearest drink establishment?" Dubb appears in good spirits, unable to see the concern on the face of the invisible Sha'ir.

Re: Chapter #2: Adventure 2: Nine Flawed Sapphires

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 5:12 pm
by GreyWolfVT
max_vale wrote:Rahkeem ibn Hamad al-Qudra

Rahkeem calls out to the maid; "Ayyam! These people are very resourceful, organized and capable. Please be VERY CAREFUL and do not under-estimate them. If I were you; I'd look into getting some added protection....perhaps leaving for awhile. May Fate bless you"; he finishes.
Ayyam nods acknowledging Rahkeem's warning and gives him a salute before departing.
Bluehorse wrote:Emma

Checks the contents.
Checking the belt pouch/sack it does indeed contain the other 600 gp.

Ayyam "Don't forget to return those steeds to the stables. Also be wary of Yodfah should you encounter him again." she says in low tones so as not to be overheard by anyone else.

Re: Chapter #2: Adventure 2: Nine Flawed Sapphires

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 2:35 am
by Cwreando
Abrex takes his cut and tithes 20% (23 GP) to his diety/temple if there is one in the city, otherwise he gives it to the por but after they hear his viewpoints on the God Learned Zann Zann and ask them to join the temple.

Re: Chapter #2: Adventure 2: Nine Flawed Sapphires

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 2:52 am
by Bluehorse

Quite happy, she takes her cut and goes shopping in the craftsman's quarter.

Re: Chapter #2: Adventure 2: Nine Flawed Sapphires

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 12:47 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Anything else anyone wishes to say or do for/with Ayyam? Otherwise this puts us in the "down time" between adventures where you can do anything you wish in Muluk, buy anything you want try and locate any allies gained already arm up new Hirelings so on and so forth. Purchasing potions is possible, same with lesser magical items. Is everyone keeping their "steeds"? The Stable can keep them and feed them for you at a cost, or you can have a stable built near your dwellings for a price.

Re: Chapter #2: Adventure 2: Nine Flawed Sapphires

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 2:26 pm
by Storm11
Nothing from Jamal no.