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Re: Chapter 3: The truth lies in the mountain...

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 3:29 pm
by onlyme
Rukellian wrote: The captive bandit just nods his head in response, willing to do just about anything now to gain his freedom, and most importantly, keep his life. "I stole yes, mostly food and drink though. I can show you where we keep the stuff, but I think you guys already found all of it... the other stuff I know nothin' about. I will help bring it all back though, just don't kill me!" The poor man is on the verge of tears now, unsightly to say the least, but at least he sounds genuine in his responses.
Whitsell looks at the bandit then the seething avengers.

Folks, from my conscience, I believe the man could be rehabilitated. But, he acted against you. It must be your decision.

He looks back at the prisoner. Man, I am sorry you put yourself in this position. May your soul be in peace regardless of their verdict. I do wish you well and hope you can make ammends.

Re: Chapter 3: The truth lies in the mountain...

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 6:05 pm
by NJWilliam

"I don't suppose he knows much more of use, but he may be sincere about helping."

Gustov traces the edge of one of his daggers with his fingertip.

Re: Chapter 3: The truth lies in the mountain...

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 4:23 am
by Grognardsw
Deceidon growls in frustration as he continues having a tough time getting past 8-Finga Joe's defenses with both sword and dagger.

Re: Chapter 3: The truth lies in the mountain...

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:37 pm
by tooleychris
Flynn has had enough.
"A fool and his pride. " spits the sailor.
"I have given you more chance than you deserve"
The blond sailor attacks.
"Now, sir, you may go to your father's halls and tell them Flynn Ryder offered you quarter and you refused!"

Rapier to hit roll [1d20+7] = 20+7 = 27 Damage [1d6+3] = 6+3 = 9

Re: Chapter 3: The truth lies in the mountain...

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:37 pm
by Rukellian
tooleychris wrote:Flynn has had enough.
"A fool and his pride. " spits the sailor.
"I have given you more chance than you deserve"
The blond sailor attacks.
"Now, sir, you may go to your father's halls and tell them Flynn Ryder offered you quarter and you refused!"

Rapier to hit roll [1d20+7] = 20+7 = 27 Damage [1d6+3] = 6+3 = 9
..... yep, that did it. 8-) Will provide an update after dinner, closing up the defeat of the bandits and the distribution of experience points. Nice finishing blow too!

Re: Chapter 3: The truth lies in the mountain...

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 12:39 am
by Rukellian
The long fight with the bandits is finally over, the Dunnet community is finally free of the criminals that plagued them, and the adventuring group is one step closer to their goal! With swift thrust of his rapier, having lost all patience with his opponent, Flynn finishes 8-Finga Joe in a spectacular display of swordsmanship.
"A fool and his pride. " spits the sailor.
"I have given you more chance than you deserve"
The blond sailor attacks.
"Now, sir, you may go to your father's halls and tell them Flynn Ryder offered you quarter and you refused!"
The bandit leader than collapses to his knees in a dramatic manner, dropping his longsword and then slumping over. The battle is done. Captain Hal is back on his feet again and stares down at the dead bandit leader with cold eyes. "It would have felt more satisfying if my blade was the one that did him in, but.... I cannot let my stubborn pride ruin this glorious moment. The man that I have been tracking for years, is finally dead; the Dunnet community is safe, and we can start to focus on finding a way out of here." The captain then turns to the adventuring group and says with a bit of a bow, "you all have our thanks. We couldn't have done this without you."

Re: Chapter 3: The truth lies in the mountain...

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 12:14 pm
by onlyme
Whitsell speaks to the crowd before leaving the captured bandit.

Men, you have your victory. Justice allows you to slit his throat if you wish. However, he is the only remaining person who can give information. He also can go back to town and make amends for all that the rest of them did.

With that Whitsell begins to look around for his travelling party, to see if any need help. And, of course, he is curious to see if his armor is still being worn by an alive villager.

Re: Chapter 3: The truth lies in the mountain...

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 12:51 pm
by Rukellian
onlyme wrote:Whitsell speaks to the crowd before leaving the captured bandit.

Men, you have your victory. Justice allows you to slit his throat if you wish. However, he is the only remaining person who can give information. He also can go back to town and make amends for all that the rest of them did.

With that Whitsell begins to look around for his travelling party, to see if any need help. And, of course, he is curious to see if his armor is still being worn by an alive villager.
Laywin, the person wearing the armor in question, is still alive and well. He can be found with the group surrounding the captured bandit. He puts down his sword and looks away, not wanting to take unnecessary life as well. However, as Whitsell slowly approaches the others and looks at the bandit leader, he notices that Joe was wearing some plate mail of his own. With a few repairs, it could be in working condition again.

Captain Hal nods to Whitsell's comment and says to the rest of the his men as well as the adventurer's that tagged along. "We have won today! The bandit threat is no more. Let this man live, and have him repay us with labor and servitude." He then turns specifically to Lump. "You have shown true valor and skill in today's battle Lump. I am impressed, and we can make a soldier out of you yet. You have earned yourself a reward. Go see Wessiwiser and tell him of your efforts, tell him the Captain wants to reward you, he will understand. For now, help the others in cleaning up this place, return the stolen goods back to the community. You are dismissed."

After seeing the commotion die down, Amberlynn rushes over to Flynn first and foremost to see if he is alright, concerned that he may have recieved any injuries. She then looks to the others and helps where she can. (Whitsell has already been treated by her today, and cannot be treated again until tomorrow, as per rules of a healer's service. The rest of the group can recieve one ministration though.)

Re: Chapter 3: The truth lies in the mountain...

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 12:51 pm
by tooleychris
Flynn rushes to AmberLynn and scoops her into his arms in a deep embrace. He holds her a moment, thankful they are both alive.
"Apologies... there are wounded to tend. " he says resting his forehead on hers.

Re: Chapter 3: The truth lies in the mountain...

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:40 pm
by onlyme
Rukellian wrote: However, as Whitsell slowly approaches the others and looks at the bandit leader, he notices that Joe was wearing some plate mail of his own. With a few repairs, it could be in working condition again.
Whitsell looks for any competing eyeballs for the plate, and walks over to examine the bandit leader's aromor.

Gents, I have no right to ask for particular spoils of the battle, especially in the rear spewing my own blood rather than the enemies. However, I feel my skills with armor and steel would benefit the good of the party by me wearing this plate. Hopefully, I wouldnt have these holes in my body each time I see an opponent in battle.

Re: Chapter 3: The truth lies in the mountain...

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 4:44 pm
by Grognardsw
"Aye, take the armor Whitsell," says Deceidon. He walks over to AmberLynn to have his wound tended before joining in the interrogation.

Re: Chapter 3: The truth lies in the mountain...

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 4:53 pm
by tooleychris
"Sorry about the blood stains..." says Flynn to Whitsel. "I don't see how anyone wears something so...uncomfortable. "

Re: Chapter 3: The truth lies in the mountain...

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 5:06 pm
by Rukellian
Grognardsw wrote:"Aye, take the armor Whitsell," says Deceidon. He walks over to AmberLynn to have his wound tended before joining in the interrogation.
Deceidon is healed 3 hp [1d3] = 3
Flynn gains 2 from healing as well [1d3] = 2
Gustov recovers 2 from Amberlynn's ministrations [1d3] = 2

The HP/XP thread has been updated to reflect this.

Re: Chapter 3: The truth lies in the mountain...

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 5:10 pm
by Rukellian
Because Whitsell is taking the plate mail with him, the group gains 400 xp points for the item's gold conversion. The experience is gained automatically and the item does not have to be sold. Will update the HP/XP to reflect this.

Re: Chapter 3: The truth lies in the mountain...

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 6:17 pm
by onlyme
Are we going back to town to divide any remaining gold/etc that might have been lying around? or try to move into the mtn?

Re: Chapter 3: The truth lies in the mountain...

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 1:25 pm
by onlyme
To attempt to ask question in character...

Whitsell takes the plate and looks it over. He signals his more intimate travelling partners to huddle so a more private conversation, away from the hired help.

Folks, what is our best course of action at this point? Plow ahead, or go back with them, rest up. Repair some steel and flesh, and head back in here? I personally would like to get this armor a bit adjusted. I also suspect we may find a few trinkets worth saving as we clean out the bandits' hiding places.''

Re: Chapter 3: The truth lies in the mountain...

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 1:45 pm
by tooleychris
"It's a good bet our foe knows we're here." Flynn says looking over the group for their conditions.
"The time we take to rest gives him more time to prepare whatever witchery against us. " he pauses.
"My gut tells me time is valuable. We should push on."

Re: Chapter 3: The truth lies in the mountain...

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 8:17 pm
by Grognardsw
"Aye, let us push on," says Deceidon to Flynn's comment. "If the rogue mage is in there, let's give him as little time as possible to prepare."

Deceidon turns to the surviving soldiers and mercenaries. He raises his sword and yells: "To a job well done! Your efforts have routed the bandits and freed these lands from their menace! You are all heroes!! We shall put Joe's head on a spear, and post before the town as warning to future bandits!"

"We have learned there is a secret chamber or complex in the mountain," continues Deceidon, more of a guess than certainty. "Let us find this and retrieve whatever treasure these villains may have hidden!"

Re: Chapter 3: The truth lies in the mountain...

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 10:59 pm
by Rukellian
After the prisoner is escorted away with the rest of the guard, the hired adventurers hurry back to the tunnel to the treasure room they passed. Captain Hal stays behind though and starts to go through the various tents in camp, as if he were looking for something... The one and only towering mountain in this region stands before the main adventuring group, the camp just outside an entrance into it. Whitsell seems in intent on taking a breather before continuing their mission but Deceidon and Flynn says otherwise. Gustov keeps to himself but shows an interest in what the Captain is up to and watches closely.

Re: Chapter 3: The truth lies in the mountain...

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 11:07 am
by onlyme
how useful is the plate armor without going back to town?