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Re: Assignment One: Bug Hunt

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 4:16 pm
by tooleychris
Evie: " Ma home is a lil farm westa Midway. But me pa died a couple seasons ago. Ol'Rancho took his land an gives me da boot. Mema was friendly with Poppy, anudder farmer. SShe's nice ta take me in, feelin sorry, I Spose. "
She seems to tense a bit again.
"But I ain't bringin her no trouble. Ain't goin back never."

Re: Assignment One: Bug Hunt

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 4:29 pm
by MonkeyWrench
Varrick stands up, pulling the girl to her feet. "A'ight lettus git outta 'ere an' 'ead back ta camp, we can decide wot ta do witch ya den an' talk as we wolk, dun spent too much time 'ere as is, But befo we go an all... Ya still owe meh a name girl."

Along the way back to camp while making small talk he will ask the girl to give him more details on this Mema

Re: Assignment One: Bug Hunt

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 4:43 pm
by tooleychris
Beggin yer pardon sir, Mema named me Evelynn, but most call me Evie. " she introduces herself when the group gathers.
You walk back across the bridge and around the corner to the fork.
Evie stops and peers down the tunnel where the water flows to.
"This be where da witch'n er kids be droppin da dead. Dey jus wash away down yonder. Gone ferever. "

Re: Assignment One: Bug Hunt

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 4:49 pm
by tooleychris

Re: Assignment One: Bug Hunt

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 4:55 pm
by MonkeyWrench
Varrick looks down the path for a moment,"A' ain't no stranga ta tha dead, unless ya got bidness down thar A' be sayin we 'ad best be gone yeh?" He looks to the rest of the group for their ideas.

Re: Assignment One: Bug Hunt

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 6:16 pm
by tooleychris

Re: Assignment One: Bug Hunt

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 7:19 pm
by Rukellian
Malfiac stands bewildered as he sees a new addition to the group. "W-wait a moment! What happened in the few minutes I was gone... Who is she?" Malfiac looks at the little girl and back to the group with a very confused look on his face.

Re: Assignment One: Bug Hunt

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 7:22 pm
by MonkeyWrench
Varrick looks at Malfiac, his smile returning to his face, "Well ma good 'ol frend Mal, turnin out tha snakes? Thay was pregnant! Hahahaha... This be Evie, she be from a farmland near Midwest yeh?"

Re: Assignment One: Bug Hunt

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 7:28 pm
by tooleychris
"Midway. " clarifies Evie, giving a curtsy to Mal, giggling for the first time.
"Ain't born a no snake, neither. Beggin yer pardon. But from a DRAGON like most folks. " she giggles again.
"S-Sorry. I just so happy ta be free a dem demons!"

Re: Assignment One: Bug Hunt

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 7:34 pm
by MonkeyWrench
Varrick laughs along with Evelynn's jokes, "Hahahaha, O' course it was a dragon! I dunno ow A' cuda fergotten. It alway' good ta see day even afta such a thang ya still got ya humor. I can already tell we's gonna git along jus' right! So, we gon' be leavin dis cave an' 'ead back ta camp er wot?" Varrick looks among his companions.

Re: Assignment One: Bug Hunt

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 7:52 pm
by Rukellian
"Ummm, uh yeah... let's head back to camp," Malfiac says with a nervous smile. He isn't quite sure how snakes or dragons got mixed up into this and if they were jokes, completely flew over his head! "We will need to sort this situation out. She doesn't seem to have a contract so we will need to find a home for her, I think." Malfiac then steps over to Caltus and whispers, "Uh, what exactly happened back there? Can you give it to me plain and simple?"

Re: Assignment One: Bug Hunt

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 10:36 pm
by MrHemlocks
***Rafo, Talk With Evie ***

"Nice to meet you Evie, I am called Rafo and welcome to our merry little band. I fear this is no place for the likes of a pretty little woman as yourself. The best you gets out of here the betters!" Smiling at Evie, "and that goes for all of us!"

"One more thing, why would that old hag grab you to mate with her beastly children? Did you or your family do her harm at one time or...???"
Insight (30%)
Insight Roll insight [1d100] = 26

Rafo, tries to see if Evie is not telling the entire truth.

Re: Assignment One: Bug Hunt

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 1:33 am
by tooleychris
"No sir, mista Rafo, sir. Ma family ne'er hurt no'un. I come here lookin fer a diamond. Big as me fist. Figurin if I had dat, I could buy me land from Rancho. Leave me alone. "
She shudders remembering...
"Soon as I gets in this cave I can see them. The.. hag? Good name. The hag an her childs. Not like I see you, mista Rafo. No. I see them like I seen the diamond. In ma head. "
She twists her face up trying to think.
"You don't beat me, huh? I'm not fibbin. I see'em draggin folk here. Eatin 'em. Sendin der bones down stream. Sometimes dat hag...she does things to da men...she rides 'em like... well like she wantin her boys ta ride me...before dey eats em..."
She hugs her own arms.
"I thunk to meself ain't nuthin worth runnin inta dem so I made ta leave...but dey findin me. When I wakes up..theys all pawin me...and somethin happened..."
She looks to her feet. Afraid all over again.

Rafos check succeeds and he feels she is telling the truth, but is holding back, a lot."

Re: Assignment One: Bug Hunt

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 1:56 am
by Blazeguard
Thorgrim shakes his head in disgust and frustration at hearing the girl's story. "Monsters like that don't deserve to live. I'm glad we sent them back to the seven hells where they belong. Let's get her back to camp so she can rest and recover. We may need to look into this Rancho character as well."

Re: Assignment One: Bug Hunt

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 5:22 am
by MrHemlocks
***Rafo, Cave With Evie***

Taking some ointment out of his bag and working his injury with it makes Rafo feel better. "Dwarven survival to love it!"

Physik (34%)
Physik Rolled...physical heal [1d100] = 27
Points Healed...healed [1d3] = 3

Re: Assignment One: Bug Hunt

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 12:41 pm
by Tomcat42
Caltus the mage
Rukellian wrote:"Ummm, uh yeah... let's head back to camp," Malfiac says with a nervous smile. He isn't quite sure how snakes or dragons got mixed up into this and if they were jokes, completely flew over his head! "We will need to sort this situation out. She doesn't seem to have a contract so we will need to find a home for her, I think." Malfiac then steps over to Caltus and whispers, "Uh, what exactly happened back there? Can you give it to me plain and simple?"
"Found this one in the cauldron back there." Caltus whispers "She was spellbound by the Hag and we managed to free her. She looks to be a local."

Re: Assignment One: Bug Hunt

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 1:26 pm
by Rukellian
Tomcat42 wrote:Caltus the mage
Rukellian wrote:"Ummm, uh yeah... let's head back to camp," Malfiac says with a nervous smile. He isn't quite sure how snakes or dragons got mixed up into this and if they were jokes, completely flew over his head! "We will need to sort this situation out. She doesn't seem to have a contract so we will need to find a home for her, I think." Malfiac then steps over to Caltus and whispers, "Uh, what exactly happened back there? Can you give it to me plain and simple?"
"Found this one in the cauldron back there." Caltus whispers "She was spellbound by the Hag and we managed to free her. She looks to be a local."
Malfiac starts to nod his head then as Caltus fills him in. Now the situation makes a little more sense to him. "To camp indeed. After hearing this girl's story, I have half the mind to clear this place out myself! One thing at a time I suppose."

Re: Assignment One: Bug Hunt

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 2:50 pm
by tooleychris
The party makes their way from the cavern to the exit. The cool, dankness of the tunnel at once is replaced with the stifling humidity of the jungle, even though the sun is still hours from rising.
The short trip to the camp is uneventful, and the camp appears just as you left it, maybe two hours ago. The fire is little more than smoldering cinder, and the swamp beast still lies rotting.
There is still time to get a small amount of rest before the sun peaks through the thick forest canopy above. Or time to question the strange girl...


Re: Assignment One: Bug Hunt

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 2:59 pm
by MonkeyWrench
Varrick removes his fishing pole from his pack and starts to head over to the nearby water, "See'in as it be almos' mownin' A' thanking Am'ma get sum fishin fer sum food yeh? Now dat we got er'selves a lit'tle one we can't be eatin none o' dem rations yeh? Hahahah" Once at the water he will get the rest of the stuff he needs from his pack and begin setting it up, once done he will cast and begin fishing! For fish even! and hopefully not some boots....

Re: Assignment One: Bug Hunt

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 6:23 pm
by tooleychris
Elsie: "Food? I feel azif I ain't ete in days...not good hosts, dem demins. Look, I thankya fer the savin anall, but I meant what I says about dat diamond. It's in der, I knows it! An now dat you good folk killed them...things..I gotten ta try, don't I?"