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Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 8:54 pm
by Anivar
Vane, readies his bow and runs after Gutram.

Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 3:04 am
by Fearghus

After Gutram hollers Footsteps! a duergar voice calls out in the language of the deep dwarves, "We are found!". The party moves with haste until the familiar command is given by the duergar commander, "Shmek doz!"; Kill them.

You all round a bend in the tunnel. At the limit of your vision where the shadows turn into darkness, you see two gray skinned dwarves with crossbows in their hands. They are turning with the intent to take a knee and discharge their crossbows at you.

Brezebar begins an incantation to put the intruders into a state of slumber.

The villagers cry out, "Shall we destroy the supports now?!"

Meanwhile, coming from the direction of Allathurion...

Having heard of the strange goings through the rumors at the fair, Penuttler noticed a group of rough looking individuals entering and exiting the chapel cellar several times. After they exit again for a brief reprieve, he sees them enter again with three men carrying axes and mallets. Curious, Penuttler follows. The group has some distance in the tunnels when he decides to follow, so he strikes a torch and travels the winding tunnel out of the cellar and to another chamber. From that chamber Penuttler can see lamp-light from another passage, and hear the shouts of the two groups.
There is no surprise round. The enemy is hostile and roughly 50 feet from Eldrek and Gutram. Kargoth and Eldrek are stacked to the right so humans have an open view for ranged attacks over their heads. The front two duergar are taking a knee and firing their crossbows, one at Gutram, the other at Eldrek. The two immediately behind them (unseen by the party) remain standing and will fire their crossbows, one at Eldrek and one at Gutram. The remainder of the duergar group refrain from action, waiting to see the effect of the volley.

Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 2:30 pm
by NJWilliam
Gutram, Ranger (hp 13/15)

Seeing the duergar are too far to hurl his hand axe at, Gutram breaks into a sprint, charging the duergar (double move rate is 240', I believe he will be within 10' melee range before the end of segment 2) and hoping that once he is at melee, the duergar he engages will not be able to use his crossbow, and the others firing at him may shoot the duergar at melee instead.

Once at melee, Gutram will strike the duergar with his hand axe.

Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 5:42 pm
by Anivar
Vane looses an arrow at the dwarf farthest from Gutram.

Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 6:01 pm
by Grognardsw
Kargoth / corridor

"Ye dirty drow-shaggers!" yells Kargoth to the duergar. Given the distance, Kargoth takes out Sting of Guilt and slings a stone at one of the duergar. Kargoth orders Drog to hold back his attack for the moment.
Kargoth will have Drog attack last in the round, after the duergar fire their bolts. Can Kargoth make out the second line of duergar with his infravision?

Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 8:51 pm
by Rukellian
Penuttler will get just close enough to fire an accurate shot with his sling and will do so to the target farthest from the group, still standing. After he lays down his torch of course. He utters not a single word or makes a sound when performing these actions.

Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 2:49 pm
by Blazeguard
Eldrek, Fighter (HP 13/16)

Eldrek will advance half the distance towards the enemy and will then stop and attempt to lob a flaming oil pot over the head of his comrade and in behind the first row of duergar.

Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 10:36 pm
by Fearghus
The First Platoon

Gutram charges into the front rank of the duergar.

Penuttler advances, startling the villagers that bring up the rear of the main group. The village men move to the left as the shepherd reveals his sling. "Fool!", cries one of the townsman, "return to the pasture before you get yourself killed!"

Eldrek advances several steps while lighting his flask of oil.

Kargoth, Vane, and Petyr release their missiles. The dwarven cleric's bullet embeds in a ceiling beam, while the assassin's arrow clatters off of the lead duergar's splinted armor. Petyr's spear connects with the duergar to the front and right, penetrating the splinted plates of metal.

Still advancing, and nearly at extreme range, Penuttler slings a bullet and strikes the same duergar's unprotected neck that Petyr's spear hit. The gray skinned dwarf crumples, proving why the fool tends to the village's flocks.

Eldrek's flask of oil sails over Gutram and strikes between the front ranks of deep dwarves. The oil splashes onto the duergar, one taking the brunt of the viscous fluid onto his chest and falls. The additional illumination reveals the remainder of the duergar raiders. Pleased with the amount of additional light, Brezebar completes his incantation and focuses the effect on the center of the raiders. Six of the duergar fall with a heavy thud into the dirt.

The duergar commander screams his rage at the lot of you. Directing his sergeant, both level their crossbows at Gutram and fire nearly simultaneously. The commander's bow string snaps. The seargeant's bolt strikes the ranger, grazing his right forearm before continuing into the wall.

Init: Party [1d6] = 5, Duergar [1d6] = 2. The party wins!
Morale N/A
Gutram charges the duergar. Double move, +1 bonus to hit, +1 penalty to AC. Carrying about 70+ pounds so standard move is 30. Double is 60 which puts him in melee.
Penuttler moves to the right side of the tunnel and advances to medium range.
Eldrek advances 20 feet.
Vane's bow attack: [1d20+1] = 9+1 = 10 [1d6+1] = 1+1 = 2. +1 for short range is an 11. Miss.
Kargoth's sling attack: [1d20+1] = 4+1 = 5 [1d4+2] = 2+2 = 4 . Miss
Petyr's spear throw: [1d20+1] = 17+1 = 18 [1d6+2] = 5+2 = 7. Success!
Penuttler's sling attack: [1d20+1] = 14+1 = 15. Success!
Penuttler's sling damage [1d4+2] = 3+2 = 5.
Eldrek hurls oil: [1d20+1] = 12+1 = 13. Success!
Oil splash damage: [1d8] = 3 [1d8] = 5 [1d8] = 6
Brezebar's sleep spell: [2d8] = 12.
Gutram's axe attack: [1d20+2] = 1+2 = 3 [1d6+2] = 3+2 = 5. Miss. Even with charge bonus.

Duergar - Red circle's are asleep.
Duergar Sergeant: [1d20+1] = 18+1 = 19 [1d6] = 1. Success! Gutram loses a HP.
Duergar Commander: [1d20+1] = 1+1 = 2 [1d6] = 5

Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 2:28 am
by Grognardsw
Kargoth / battle

Kargoth orders Drog to attack (did the dog get his attack last round, going last?) The dwarf cleric waits till his comrades volley their distance weapons, for he does not want to be near errant missiles, then he charges the duergar with Godswrath.

Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 10:37 pm
by Rukellian
With lightning fast reflexes, Penuttler does not hesitate in slinging another bullet, this time aimed at the hands of the sergeant holding the crossbow. After hearing the villagers' complaints, he just clucks a chiding chuckle to himself.

Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 6:24 pm
by Anivar
Assuming there is a shot without hitting his comrades, Vane takes aim at the dwarf that appears to be the leader and looses another arrow.

Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:46 am
by Fearghus
Grog, I forgot to give Drog his attack last round. I'll give him two this round.

Reu, Penuttler is at long range. You are able to move 1/3 your standard movement in combat and still perform an attack.

Anivar, Vane can get line of sight so no issues, though that will change once the dwarves and ranger are in melee.

Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 1:29 am
by Fearghus
The First Platoon - Continued Engagement

The party of villagers and fae folk continue to press the melee. Though the duergar suffered devastating casualties from the initial engagement, they show no signs of surrender.

Eldrek, Petyr and Drog advance to the front line to aid Gutram in the hand-to-hand. While doing so they block any clear shot available to Vane and Penuttler. The fire from Eldrek's oil continues to burn, consuming one of the duergar still in its area but awakening the other amidst pained screams.

Gutram attacks the duergar that was burned awake, cutting the deep dwarf as it scrambles to its feet. Kargoth charges to Gutram's side, but is unable to gain advantage over the standing duergar. Drog, lunges atop the duergar and mauls the gray-skinned dwarf before it can recover. Petyr drives his sword through one of the duergar, ensuring its sleep is permanent.

Eldrek unleashes a devestating attack on the duergar sergeant, backing him to the tunnel wall and preparing for the killing stroke. The sergeant swings his pick in a wide arc to fend off the fighter as the deep-dwarf commander advances upon Eldrek and gains some advantage against him.

The oil burns the clothes and flesh of the duergar, creating and thick, foul smelling, black smoke in already poorly ventilated tunnels.
Initiative: Party [1d6+1] = 2+1 = 3, Duergar [1d6] = 1. Party wins!

Duergar Morale [2d6] = 5. Success!

Eldrek moves into melee.
Drog rushes into melee.
Petyr rushes forward.
Fire continues to burn: [1d8]. One roll to the all in the area of the fire. One dies, the other awakes!
Penuttler's ranged attack: [1d20], [1d4+2]. +1 dex, -1 long range. Ruined due to movement.
Vane's ranged attack: [1d20], [1d6]. +1 dex, +0 medium range. Ruined due to movement.
Gutram attack's awakened duergar: [1d20+2] = 16+2 = 18, [1d8+2] = 1+2 = 3. Success!
Kargoth's charge attack: [1d20+3] = 8+3 = 11, [1d6+2] = 5+2 = 7. +1 bonus to hit, +1 penalty to AC. Miss.
Drog attacks: [1d20] = 9, [2d4] = 3; [1d20] = 17, [2d4] = 6. Miss and Success!
Eldrek attacks duergar sergeant: [1d20+2] = 16+2 = 18, [1d8+2] = 8+2 = 10. Success!
Petyr slays sleeping duergar: [1d20+2], [2d4+2]. No roll necessary.

Commander engages Eldrek.
Commander attacks Eldrek: [1d20] = 16, [1d6] = 6. Success!
Sergeant attacks Eldrek: [1d20] = 12, [1d6] = 6. Miss.

Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 2:04 am
by Grognardsw
Kargoth / combat

"For Allathurion and the Light!" cries Kargoth the cleric, swinging Godswrath at the duergar.

With a growl Drog continues his attack.

Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 2:43 pm
by Rukellian
Putting his sling away, Penuttler realizes that the melee combatants will make short work of the enemies before him. With a sly smile behind his mask, the shepherd pulls away back into the shadows and waits for things to die down, all the while keeping an eye and ear on the other side of the tunnel.

Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 5:01 pm
by NJWilliam
Gutram, Ranger

Gutram chops into the next nearest grey dwarf with his hand axe.

Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 6:14 pm
by Anivar
Vane sighs, drawing his sword and shield, I was hoping this wouldn't get messy... and charges toward the melee. Once he reaches the duergar, he begins to quickly execute the remaining prostrate dwarves.

Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 3:13 am
by Blazeguard
Eldrek, Fighter (HP 13/16)

Eldrek continues to press the attack while trying to defend against both the sergeant and the commander. He will try to maneuver and push his opponents back into the flames if possible.

The Duergar Threat

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 1:31 am
by Fearghus
The First Platoon - Third Round

Wanting to make use of the burning oil, Eldrek deftly maneuvers past the duergar. With his better position he presses the attack on the sergeant in an attempt to push them to the fire. Petyr takes the opportunity to attack the sergeant's exposed back and kills the duergar.

Ducking under the dense smoke, Gutram, Kargoth and Drog rush to confront the duergar commander. Sprinting into the melee behind them is Vane with his sword now in hand. Vane looks over the bodies hastily, batting the smoke out of the way, and seeing a chest rising and falling buries his blade into it. Gutram and Drog are unable to gain any advantage on the commander, but Kargoth's hammer strikes true and rattles the deep dwarf.

With so many bodies in the melee and his view obscured, Penuttler backs away from the adventuring band and villagers, as Brezebar moves closer to the melee with the villagers following close behind.

Roused by the close proximity of the melee the two remaining sleeping duergar awaken. The scramble to their feet while drawing weapons and hastily cut and those nearby, but with no real effect.
Initiative: Party [1d6+1] = 4+1 = 5, Duergar [1d6] = 4. Party wins!

Kargoth and Drog advance to the commander.
Gutram advances to the commander.
Vane advances to the nearest sleeping dwarf.
Penuttler retreats a short distance.
Eldrek maneuvers past the duergar: [1d20] = 20 save vs paralysis. Eldrek deftly maneuvers past the duergar.
Brezebar nears the melee as do the three villagers.
Vane dispatches the dwarf at his feet. No roll.
Eldrek attacks the sergeant: [1d20+2] = 1+2 = 3, [1d8+2] = 3+2 = 5. Miss.
Petyr attacks the sergeant: [1d20+2] = 13+2 = 15, [2d4+2] = 5+2 = 7. Success!
Kargoth attacks the commander: [1d20+2] = 20+2 = 22, [1d6+2] = 1+2 = 3. Success!
Drog attacks the commander: [1d20] = 8, [2d4] = 4. Miss.
Gutram attacks the commander: [1d20+2] = 7+2 = 9, [1d6+2] = 5+2 = 7. Miss.

The close proximity of melee causes the two sleeping duergar to awaken. They quickly get to their feet and pull short swords.
Commander attacks Kargoth: [1d20] = 11, [1d6] = 4. Miss.
Sergeant attacks Petyr: [1d20] = 8, [1d6] = 5. Miss.
Soldier attacks Eldrek: [1d20] = 5, [1d6] = 3. Miss.

Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 3:20 am
by Grognardsw
Kargoth / battle

"By Clangeddin's beard, strike true!" shouts the avenging adept of the undermountains, swinging Godswrath again at the duergar commander.

Drog snaps and claws again, feeling his master's fury at the enemy.