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Re: Chapter #5: Adventure #5 The Hermit's Riddle

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 2:45 am
by Dram
Anuzal- Is down bleeding out in the sand.

Re: Chapter #5: Adventure #5 The Hermit's Riddle

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 2:51 am
by Zeromancer
Ameer quickly moved in to pull Anuzal from the battle. He dragged the warrior into the rear ranks and did his best to bandage the man's wounds using any scraps of cloth that are available to him. "You are not fated to die this day, my friend." he said, coolly.

Re: Chapter #5: Adventure #5 The Hermit's Riddle

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 3:06 pm
by Monsieur Rose

"These beasts have not been kind to you Anuzal. Unfortunately, this is the last time I can help today." Dubb tends to Anuzal and places his hand on his shoulder.

Casts cure light wounds on Anuzal. [1d8] = 1 Wow. Just wow.

His hand seems to slip off of Anuzal's shoulder. "The Gods are not favoring you today, friend."

Re: Chapter #5: Adventure #5 The Hermit's Riddle

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 3:32 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Cave 3 - Werehyena(s): Round 4
Initiative: PCs [1d10] = 5 NPCs [1d10] = 2 Werehyena's go first!

NPCs/Monsters Werehyenas: AC5; THAC015
Soraya: attacks Asad but misses.
Batul: attacks Abrex hitting for 6 dmg!
Abrex: attacks Batul hitting for 9 dmg!
Ameer: rushes in with retainers and gets Anuzal out of harms way and binds his wounds to stop the bleeding.
Anuzal: falls to the sands bleeding.
Asad: bashes with the shield on Soraya hitting with a hard thump for 18 dmg!
Benham: moves back being of little use in combat with his weapon and searches the 3rd cave. This is being dealt with via PM for the moment.
Dubb: moves to cast more healing upon Anuzal healing him for 1 HP! stopping his bleeding out futher.
Emma: spell over backs away having nothing more to aid the group with.
Jamal:continues to search cavern 4 and scout This is being dealt with via PM for the time being.
With the inflicted wounds on the two werehyena's not levitating in the sky they both stop fighting and transform to human form and beg the group to spare them.

Batul dropping to his knees begs the party "Mercy! Don't kill us and we will leave and never return here. Please retunr Maaz to the ground and we will flee here never to attack you should our paths ever cross again."
Soraya also down on hands and knees begs "Let us live and we will help you free the old man. But I must ask what happened to Abdo? You must have defeated him to make it this far."


Re: Chapter #5: Adventure #5 The Hermit's Riddle

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 5:15 pm
by Scott308
Benham Iskandar

Benham runs out of the cave, waving a sword overhead, yelling, Magic sword! Magic sword! intending to hand it over to a fighter who could put it to use against the werehyenas- then he saw the current situation. Well, I still have a magic sword for whoever wants it, he mutters, coming to a halt near the surrendering foes.

Re: Chapter #5: Adventure #5 The Hermit's Riddle

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 6:42 pm
by Storm11
Jamal once done with his gifting of rations moves to look down at the others. I have found Mahara! he calls, indicating cave four. He is trapped behind some kind of genie stone wall.

Re: Chapter #5: Adventure #5 The Hermit's Riddle

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 10:55 pm
by Cwreando

Abrex says,"Let's secure these beasts with rope and bring the other one down to do the same my friends. My sword works fine give it to another that can use it. A magical stone you say. Is Mahara ok though? I get the feeling we may see a genie again. Let's get everyone over to Cave #4 and check things out shall we? I'm slightly injured and I'll bandage up my wounds so they'll heal better or maybe Dubb can bandage me up?"Abrex will head over to Cave #4 once the prisoners are secured. He wipes his blade clean.

"Everyone let's go help Mahara. Let's escort the prisoners as well."

Re: Chapter #5: Adventure #5 The Hermit's Riddle

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 11:50 pm
by ravenn4544
Asad praises Fate for his glory in combat. Seeing his enemy begging for mercy he presses his advantage. He straddles Soraya's back and pulls it's head painfully to the sky "How do we free the old man! Speak quickly or die! Speak!"

Re: Chapter #5: Adventure #5 The Hermit's Riddle

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 2:49 am
by Bluehorse
ravenn4544 wrote:Asad praises Fate for his glory in combat. Seeing his enemy begging for mercy he presses his advantage. He straddles Soraya's back and pulls it's head painfully to the sky "How do we free the old man! Speak quickly or die! Speak!"
Oh, here we go... She shakes her head and begins scooping some sand back into her waterjug for later and corks it before walking back over to check on her friends, making sure they are all okay while Asad plays Bad Cop Bad Cop with himself.

Re: Chapter #5: Adventure #5 The Hermit's Riddle

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 9:20 pm
by Monsieur Rose

Dubb chuckles at the sudden combination of events. "It seems that everything is falling into place. New weapons, finding the hermit, and surrendering foes." Dubb smiles broadly. "This is nice."

"Is Mahara well? Does he need immediate assistance?" Dubb takes a look at Abrex and tries to heal and patch him up a bit.

Healing proficiency WIS -2 (16): [1d20] = 18

"Here, just let me put that shoulder back in place....oops!"

Re: Chapter #5: Adventure #5 The Hermit's Riddle

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 10:45 pm
by Storm11
Jamal shrugs and waves at the rock wall. He has been keeping himself alive with his mysticism, but the yowling of these miscreants has prevented him from renewing many of his spells. The genie that imprisoned him is a bit of a dullard, and the old man has tricked him into solving a riddle to buy him some time. The earth genie will return at some point with another answer he says, though he knows not when. He only has a 3 inch diameter hole in which to breathe. We need to find a way to free him. I suggested making him invisible so the genie might think he has escaped and dispel his own magic in an attempt to look for him. Any other suggestions are most welcome however.

The Halfling sha’ir, once the other two werehyena’s are secure lowers the third to just above the ground, so the others can tie him with rope as well without fear of him running away.

Alara, be a dear and fetch another invisibility spell would you. Thank you. The air gem vanishes to comply immediately.

[1d100] = 53 : [1d6+1] = 4+1 = 5 : [1d6+2] = 6+2 = 8 : [1d6+3] = 5+3 = 8 : [1d6+4] = 5+4 = 9

We should gag them as well to be sure they don’t alert the dao when it returns

Re: Chapter #5: Adventure #5 The Hermit's Riddle

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 3:40 pm
by Cwreando

Abrex grateful for Dubbs healing until he tries to put the wrong shoulder back in place, "Hey, it's the other shoulder..... Don't get distracted with all the crap going on around us. Thanks for trying to bandage me up though."

Abrex tells the others, "Is it possible to make Mahara smaller or make him become an animal like an squid so he can squeeze out of the hole that way?????? Are any of you able to cast spells like that or make him gaseous?

Re: Chapter #5: Adventure #5 The Hermit's Riddle

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 4:07 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Batul "We can't dispel genie magics we are limited in what spells we have. Mostly just charm and illusionary audible spells. To remove the spell you would need the master Ynadin you met with the riddle a couple days ago. We merely were his minions to distract and scare off folks like yourselves. We are merely his guard dogs if you wish to call us so."

Soraya kicks and squirms trying to get Asad off her back "OW! I cannot do anything about the stone wall."

Re: Chapter #5: Adventure #5 The Hermit's Riddle

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 5:46 pm
by Zeromancer
Ameer was pleased that there were no casualties among their party, but he wondered if they could trust their former foes to keep their word should the situation once again favor them. When Asad gripped the female werehyena in an insidious grappling hold (camel clutch), the scholar could only shake his head and speculate if such treatment would serve as a catalyst for later revenge against the group.

Re: Chapter #5: Adventure #5 The Hermit's Riddle

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 5:49 pm
by Dram
Anuzal still severely wounded he moves slow with the other to cave #4. I have a potion of invisibility.

Re: Chapter #5: Adventure #5 The Hermit's Riddle

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 2:06 am
by Bluehorse

Moves forward to play Good Cop. Enough everyone... Didn't your mother ever tell you it was easier to get flies with honey than vinegar? She turns towards their captives. I appreciate you speaking to us now. I for one think there is enough bloodshed and suffering in the world. Is there anything you can tell us, please, that I can justify as good trade for your safe release to my friends here? Information on the caves, possible back entrances? Anything else we need to be mindful of in the area? Please, help me help you. My companions... they are not as empathetic as I am... I don't want to see you or them hurt. Let us make an honorable trade so you can go one your way.

CHA Check (12) [1d20] = 7

Re: Chapter #5: Adventure #5 The Hermit's Riddle

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 8:54 am
by Storm11
Jamal shakes his head sadly. I have the spell to shrink but it only works once, and I can only shrink him enough to make him almost 50% smaller, not enough to squeeze through the hole. I have a spell that can make ME insubstantial, but no one else sadly. If we could shape the hole bigger, or dispel the walls magic it might work. But I know no such enchantments.

Re: Chapter #5: Adventure #5 The Hermit's Riddle

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 10:25 am
by GreyWolfVT
Batul "These caves have but one entrance the front and no others that are known to us."

Re: Chapter #5: Adventure #5 The Hermit's Riddle

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 8:46 pm
by ravenn4544
Asad grows bored of the discussion. He releases the creature with contempt. "Bah," he spits. Pacing around he scans the group, "What next?"

Re: Chapter #5: Adventure #5 The Hermit's Riddle

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 11:14 pm
by Monsieur Rose

Smiles as Asad releases Soraya. "The loot, Asad. The spoils come next. Even though Benham here has found the sword, there may yet be a treasure for the taking in the cave."

He turns to the werehyenas. "Tell us more about Ynadin. What is his motivation for such games?"