Everyday Life in Beachtown

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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#221 Post by SirOwen »


Hearing the shouting outside, which quickly turned into screams, and then Chauncey's attempt at communication and his yells to abort, Avalaa decides he should see if his help is needed. He orders Rollo to "Stay." and heads for the door. He runs out onto the porch of the Hi-Lo and sees the huge creature attacking. Deciding that people are going to die unless he helps them, he reaches into his pocket and grabs the gift Master Finn gave him. 'I hate to use this already, but I can't let those folks get hurt,' he thinks.

He runs just far enough to make sure he is in range of his spell, raises the hand with the gift in it and commands,"Winchester!" and points at the monster. Bolts of energy begin shooting from his fingertip and striking the monster. One.... three... seven ... TEN of the bolts hit the monster.

[10d4+10] = 32+10 = 42 Ten Magic Missiles
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#223 Post by Dalor »

Sotha grimaces and drops his bow; he launches himself forward as quickly as any human can while drawing a knife in each hand. Rushing at the monster, he quickly drops to one knee and slides past the beast swiping high and low at the same time.

[1d20] = 1[1d3+1] = 2+1 = 3[1d20] = 18[1d3+1] = 3+1 = 4
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#224 Post by OGRE MAGE »

What Is This Thing?
Early Afternoon
Hot, Sticky, Buggy

As Chauncey backpedals, he watches this newcomer closely. He can tell by the mans clothes that he might be of the arts, but when he sees him begin a common prestidigitation, he becomes certain of it. He didn't expect what he would see next. The robed man poured the contents of a tiny leather pouch into the mechanisms of his incantation, giving both wizards a tingling feeling up their spines as it sizzled and crackled, ready to burst.

Neither man could believe the intensity of the enhancement created by the magical metal dust. The spell is so hot it actually leaves a small burn on the fingertips of Avalaa and causes fluttering internal shock for Chauncey. One by one, tiny sizzling darts of energy shoot forth and strike the monster directly in its chest. The wicked spell slows it down considerably, bet even with a large hole now burned into it, the thing continues its advance. The wizards look on in horror when the beast doesn't fall from such an intense barrage, quickly realizing that this thing is no simple undead zombie.

Lightfinger flies around the back corner of the shack, quietly coming up from behind the beast, ready to jump in for a backstab. Sotha stows his bow and sprints ahead for a two fisted knife attack. One of his blades slices a gash in the things upper leg as he slides by with the grace of a dancer. Despite the thing looking ready to fall over on its face, it somehow stays on its feet and clubs Sotha across his back with one thick fist. 4 dam


Can I get a normal Wisdom check from the four of you, please? Just post it in your next action. Thanks!

Sotha 8/12
Lightfinger 7/7
Chauncey the Adequate 6/6 CL, DM, RM, 1/1 first
Avalaa 5/5 CL, DM, RM, 0/1 first
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#225 Post by Dalor »

OOC: Wisdom check vs 12 Wisdom [3d6-12] = 11-12 = -1

Sotha rolls with the blow landed, and whirls on the beast leaping high and plunging both knives at the creatures back while somersaulting past it again so as to stand between the monster and the bookish spellcasters.

[1d20] = 14[1d3+1] = 1+1 = 2[1d20] = 11[1d3+1] = 2+1 = 3
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#226 Post by SirOwen »


Avalaa sees the zombie stagger a bit, offers up a quick prayer to Zagyg, and calls for help. "Rollo! Come!"

When Rollo arrives, Avalaa points at the zombie. "Rollo, Attack!"

Normal Wisdom Check [3d6] = 10 Wisdom = 11 Yay!!

'Rollo' English Mastiff
AC: 4 (Leather Armor and Wide Leather Collar)
Move: 12''
HD: 2+2
Hit Points: 17
1 Attack (Bite) for 2-8 pts
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#228 Post by OGRE MAGE »

What Is That Thing Now?
Early Afternoon
Hot, Sticky, Buggy

Slightly flustered by the thing still standing, Chauncey decides to........throw a dart.

Blowing on his hot fingers, Avalaa keeps his distance from the fight and calls out for something called a Rollo. Suddenly a large Mastiff guard dog, complete with leather barding and saddlebags, rushes forward towards the monster. At this same time, Lightfinger leaps up onto the back of the hairy beast, plunging his sword deep into its innards. Sotha also spins around again, trying to block the monster from getting too close to the spell slingers. He strikes out with both blades again and is rewarded by seeing one of the mages darts whizz past his head, barely missing him.

The intense multi pronged attack is more than this big, dirty, undead monster can take. It succumbs to the damage caused to it, finally dropping to the ground with a loud thud. It stinks worse in death than it did while animated, with smelly black blood now oozing from its many wounds. Before any celebrating can commence, Sotha and Avalaa spot something strange off in the distance. It appears that they are being watched by.......something. Pointing it out to the others, Lightfinger and Chauncey remember that they too were watched by something when they first arrived on the island, during their initial fight with the beach zombies. It was something that looked a lot like a normal zombie, but it blinked out once Luther accosted it. Getting a better look at it as it stands there watching from a distance, they are convinced that this must be the same creature.

It does not attack, but just stands there at the loggers trailhead watching the group. A few townsfolk begin to approach the party at the site of the victorious battle, hoping to thank them again for their heroics. They stop, looking on in horror as the group and the lone zombie stand there studying each other at about 40 feet apart.


Sotha 8/12
Lightfinger 7/7
Chauncey the Adequate 6/6 CL, DM, RM, 1/1 first
Avalaa 5/5 CL, DM, RM, 0/1 first
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#229 Post by SirOwen »


"Rollo, come." Avalaa says to his dog. Looking up to the staring 'zombie', he says louder, "What do you want? You have our attention."
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#230 Post by Dalor »

Sotha gathers himself together: quickly wipes his blades well enough to clean them of blood and puts them away. He then quickly gathers his bow up and moves to one side. While not pulling an arrow, he rests his hand on one just in case.
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#231 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Glancing at Sotha with the merest hint of embarrassment, Chauncey walks up briskly to retrieve the dart that somehow got away from him, but stops short when he notices the creature. He does not try to communicate directly, but studies it, looking for some clue to its odd behavior. Particularly, he examines the eyes for any hint of sentience. He has a feeling they're being watched, remotely, by some diabolical necromancer. Who he would very much like to meet.

"Sotha? Are you the tracking type? Could you follow it were it to leave? This could be our chance to discover the source of this undead scourge..." he says, pleased he was able to work the word "scourge" into a sentence in a way that didn't feel forced.
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#232 Post by Dalor »

Sotha looks at Chauncey with a hint of horror on his face. "Da spirit? You wan' me to track da spirit?" He looks back at the humanoid form that is looking at them and shrugs "If it leave a trail den yes. But spirit's don' leave no trail mahn."
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#233 Post by OGRE MAGE »

With the main threat now dead.....again, the group focuses its attention on the lone zombie that is watching them from the foot of the trail. Avalaa calls his guard dog back to him and addresses the strange monster. It does not answer or even acknowledge the man in the least. It just stands there looking back at you, and all around Beachtown, from about 40 feet away.

Chauncey and Sotha begin to converse over what to do about it while Lightfinger, usually quick with a clever idea or a verbal shot across the bow, remains uncharacteristically silent. The mage studies its cold, grey eyes but sees no hint of sentience in them at all.

The zombie stays right where it is and continues watching over things from its safe distance away.

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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#234 Post by Dalor »

"Dis ting be a wizard's eyes mahn; best ta be done wit it." He pulls an arrow; "Say da word book-mahn an' I will shoot da ting."
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#235 Post by ChubbyPixie »

As an experiment, Chauncey strides purposefully in the thing's direction, stopping abruptly about 30 feet away. He tries to determine what sort of humanoid it might have been while it was living. He looks for any distinguishing markings. "Can anyone here cast Light on it? We might thus be assured of tracking it, should it flee," he says. He glances at the newcomer. "Perhaps you, sir, have a fancy light shooting device you'd like to unveil dramatically?"
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#236 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sotha raises his bow and aims an arrow at the things head. This action has no effect on the creature.

Chauncey steps forward about ten feet and stares the thing down. This also has no effect on it. The mage believes that the thing used to be human, but other than looking around some more, it takes no further action.
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#237 Post by SirOwen »


"No," says Avalaa. "I have no fancy magical devices of any kind. At least not since I used one defending you from the now-dead beast back there."

"However, I will risk a closer look at this new visitor. Rollo, heel."

Avalaa approaches to within the length of his staff (8 feet) to the zombie. He doesn't do anything but use his senses on it. He tries to gauge if the thing is technically dead (breathing? rotting? obviously lethal wounds?), how long it's been dead, and if it seems to have any intelligence of its own. (Do its eye track reflexively? From a more 'gut' feeling, does Avalaa sense anything intelligent, or does it just feel like a drone, supplying intelligence to a necromancer near by by?)

EDIT: Avalaa will get within 8 feet, but not between it and the others. He's allergic to arrows and darts.
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#238 Post by Dalor »

OOC: if the thing takes even a single step forward, Sotha will let fly his arrow
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#239 Post by ChubbyPixie »

"A shame," Chauncey replies to Avalaa. "...I've chosen not to prepare this spell today, either. Any other ideas for how we could mark it? Where's Saracen when you need him? He probably has a Light spell, being a devotee of Pholtus and all...." Seeing Sotha ready his bow, he will ready a dart. "Ahem... yes, that's probably best," he says when the mysterious mage steps to the side, given Chauncey's near miss of Sotha's face mere moments ago.
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#240 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The 4 intrepid adventurers carefully move towards this strange lone zombie with their weapons at the ready. Avalaa gets up close and personal, moving to within 8 feet of the thing. Though he has little actual experience with the undead, he is pretty certain that this is nothing more than a normal animated dead body. It is not breathing in any way, and it shows no sign of sentience whatsoever. The body itself does not look that old, and it isn't covered in dirt or decaying at all yet. Its eyes are a glazed over grey color, showing no signs of natural life. It does not track the mages movements, it just continues to look around the area mindlessly.

It does not try to communicate or express any real interest in the group, except to continue to stare at them through its cold, dead eyes. The bravest members of Beachtown that were watching the battle begin to creep closer to the zombie as well, their curiosity finally overpowering their fear. Mr. Nehru and Nalissa also watch the group from the safety of their porch. They too want to see how the group will handle this latest predicament.

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