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Re: 1. The hunt ends?

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 1:24 pm
by Pulpatoon
Oelle is grateful for his plague mask, which hides his crimson blush at Bedwyr's words. He nods in agreement, "Yes, let us make haste. And I shall endeavor to be more silent."

Re: 1. The hunt ends?

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 12:21 pm
by mb.
Racing through the trees in the receding light, having thrown caution and silent movement to the wind, you make good time towards the cliff and cave mouth. The more the light fades, the slower you're forced to go to avoid unpleasant falls, but you make quick progress and reach the cliff face without incident. The most disturbing thing about the short journey is that every time you glance at the sentry, it seems to be facing you, despite staying, as far as you can tell, as still as the stone of which it is made.

It is pitch black at the cliff face; what little light the thin moon casts is lost to the inky shadow cast by the cliff. It hardly seems possible, but the cave is a slightly darker darkness in this shadow. The roar of the unseen waterfall is now loud enough you'd be forced to raise your voice to make yourself understood, and the cloud of spray rising incessantly from the cave blankets everything nearby, including you, in fine, damp mist.

What do you do?

Re: 1. The hunt ends?

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 12:51 pm
by Pulpatoon
Feeling his way along the cliff wall, Oelle makes his way into the cave. He looks back at the presumably-lighter shape of the cave mouth to see if the silhouettes of his companions are following him.

Re: 1. The hunt ends?

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 3:15 pm
by KingOfCowards
Boggs stares into the cave for a few seconds, before speaking loudly over the roar of the falls "Not much to do about it now. If they know we're here, they know. Let's move on."

Boggs will light a torch, it would be reckless to travel in without being able to see the enemy.

Re: 1. The hunt ends?

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 12:59 am
by Pulpatoon
Oelle: "There is the possibility that they don't know we're here. Didn't know, rather."

Re: 1. The hunt ends?

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 7:38 pm
by Spartakos
I am unclear of the situation at the cave mouth. Can we enter the cave without going into the water? With Boggs's torch, can we see anything of the interior before we go blundering in?

Re: 1. The hunt ends?

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 10:05 pm
by mb.
Although the torch is likely to alert anyone in the cave that you're coming, it's clear as soon as you try to enter that blundering into the cave in complete darkness is a very dangerous idea.

The cave is a wide crack at the bottom of the cliff, about twice your height, and at least 300 feet wide, although you can't see the other side in the dark. Most of the floor of the opening is underwater where the small lake around the ancient sentry flows swiftly into it, but at the very edge is a path, obviously carved from the stone of the cave, which is wide enough for two men to pass abreast. The path is well made and smooth, with mortared stones at the edge and occasional pairs of steps, and not far from the cave mouth the stone of the walls have obviously been worked and reenforced by occasional pillars of large square stones.

Who's going first? Two will fit comfortably, so maybe the better question is "who's in the back?"

As you descend through the extremely wide, straight tunnel, you are blasted with both the sound and spray of the waterfall that must be not too far ahead of you. You unavoidably slip on the slick stone floor, but by moving with care you manage to not fall. What with the spray in the air and the constant dripping from the stone ceiling, you're all quickly soaked through and quite chilly, and Boggs' torch sputters and hisses constantly. The tunnel eventually narrows, and the opposite wall comes into view.

After a few minutes the end of the tunnel becomes visible ahead, where the water falls into blackness. You also think you can see a narrow, dark entry on the wall across the water.

What do you do?

That's a good spot for a chapter break. The action continues over here.