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Re: Adventure 2: Spring Is A Time Of Plans And Projects

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 7:11 pm
by MonkeyWrench
Blood magic? Would a warrior "class" even have the opportunity to perform a blood magic ritual? Or would it be something along the lines of Simon performing the ritual with Marcus as a battery?

I'll be honest... pulp got me attached to the little ball of fur, when the zombie bear crushed it I almost audibly gasped.

Re: Adventure 2: Spring Is A Time Of Plans And Projects

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 8:18 pm
by mb.
I believe that Simon was only suggesting that Marcus provide the blood part of the blood magic. ;)

I'm all for it. Nothing like having a raised from hell demon bear cub in our party. :D

Re: Adventure 2: Spring Is A Time Of Plans And Projects

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 8:28 pm
by Pulpatoon
KingOfCowards wrote:OOC: Just wanted to throw this out there to Pulpatoon, I always loved the idea of doing a blood magic ritual and it would be interesting in the way of character development to see how much Marcus would sacrifice to save his cub.
With a successful skill check (INT+some sort of medical skill), the Cub can be stabilized. The leg is crushed beyond repair, and will need to be amputated as part of the Cub's recovery. Unless...

I'm curious as to what KoC has in mind with a blood magic ritual. Feel free to pm with examples of what you're thinking, or just have Simon blurt it out and we'll see if it works!

Bürd goes in the cabin and enters a meditative state whereby he can observe the magical ecosystem. This'll take about as long as the Cub's countdown to death, so let's see what happens there before we check in on what Bürd sees.

Re: Adventure 2: Spring Is A Time Of Plans And Projects

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 10:23 pm
by MonkeyWrench
I'd be pretty interested myself.

Perhaps a blood ritual that will use Marcu's life source as healing for the cub? I can also see this type of rituals becoming very crazy, such as using any blood having creature/humanoid to act as a puppet or even mind control!

Re: Adventure 2: Spring Is A Time Of Plans And Projects

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 10:45 am
by KingOfCowards
Simon recognizes the anguished look in his friend's eyes wrestling with the choice of losing the bear cub or seeing it permanently maimed. In a moment of weakness, his compassion for Marcus' plight overpowers his good common sense.
"Unless...", he stammers.
Marcus picks up on the opportunity. He looks hopefully at Simon, who now wishes he kept quiet.
"Marcus, my friend, you must understand that the old gods do not change for our mortal desires. This cub was motherless, it should be dead if not for our interference. Once again the old gods claim this animal's life, and it will require a sacrifice to save it. An exchange of life force between you and it. A blood ritual."

Blood Ritual Mechanics
The bear's wound must be submerged in Marcus' blood. The blood must be drawn out with the only magical weapon we own (normally a sanctified dagger would be used). Simon will bless the blood so that it will heal the bear cub. A bond is created between Marcus and the bear.
Simon rolls WIS -4. For every point he misses the roll by, Marcus takes 1 point of damage due to blood loss. (Min. 1 pt) on a naturally 20 either Marcus or the bear will pass away during the ritual.
If the roll succeeds, the bear will make a full recovery. If it fails, it will keep the leg but it will have permanent injury.
Despite the results, Simon will be exhausted for 24 hours after the ritual and Marcus will permanently lose one fate point that is given to the bear.

Re: Adventure 2: Spring Is A Time Of Plans And Projects

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 10:52 am
by mb.
And the cub will develop an insatiable lust for human blood. C'mon guys, haven't you seen Game of Thrones??? ;)

Re: Adventure 2: Spring Is A Time Of Plans And Projects

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 12:14 pm
by Pulpatoon
Well, the bear will be changed by this sort of human blood magic, and by sharing what is effectively a portion of Marcus' allotted lifespan. Beyond having one of Marcus' Fortune points, the bear will have a True Name, which Marcus will know.

On True Names:
Many creatures, such as spirits, demons, and dwarves, have common names, which they will give out freely, and true names, which they keep secret. Demonic true names are often nearly unpronounceable to humans and appear as gibberish when written, though mortals may still memorize them with some difficulty. Spirits usually have true names in ancient, forgotten tongues, and the true names of dwarves sound like metal on stone. A dragon’s true name is a word of such power that most fear to utter it aloud.

Humans and many other creatures do not have true names. However, it is possible for them to gain them in naming ceremonies, often when they come of age, thereafter using a common nickname when among all but their dearest friends. Some human cultures practice this regularly. It is up to a player to decide if his character has received a true name or not.

A creature’s true name can be used against it. Knowing someone’s true name gives a character great power against him.

By calling out the name, a character gains +5 to all actions taken against the creature, including attacking it.

Uttering the name also gives a character a +5 bonus to all saving throws against the bearer’s powers and spells.

Sharing your true name can also have a benefit. If a character calls out a friend’s true name while using the helping rules, the character receives an additional +1 to the roll (usually for a total bonus of +3).

Furthermore, if a character is magically healing another and calls his true name, the recipient receives an additional hit point.

Note that in all cases a character must call the true name aloud in order to receive any benefit. This means that it is usually only done in complete privacy, or when in great need.
But let me emphasize: PERMANENT LOSS OF A FORTUNE POINT IS A BIG DEAL. Marcus has a tendency to be first into combat, last to retreat, and first to hit 0 hp. Those Fortune Points represent his ability to avoid death or permanent injury.

Re: Adventure 2: Spring Is A Time Of Plans And Projects

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 1:46 pm
by mb.
Bürd reckons it's probably time to make a rug of Rug - one that'd fit nicely across Bürd's shoulders, come to think of it – but you probably already knew that, and luckily for Rug it's not the dwarf's decision to make. ;)

Re: Adventure 2: Spring Is A Time Of Plans And Projects

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 4:18 pm
by MonkeyWrench
So Marcus will then have a max of 2/2 fate points?

That is a bit scary but... Screw it, that blood ritual sounds freaking interesting.

I jumped on the crazy train, lets see where this thing takes me.

Marcus doesn't even need to look up to see the apprehension clear in Simon's voice, he stares down at the bear cub as it's breathing gets more labored... "Do it."

Re: Adventure 2: Spring Is A Time Of Plans And Projects

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 6:37 pm
by KingOfCowards
Let's do this.
Simon sighs reluctantly, but he sees that Marcus cannot be talked down. He asks for Marcus' helmet again, to collect the blood in, and then picks up the magic sword, Brand. Instead of using a gentle hand like before, Simon cuts deep, nearly piercing Marcus' arm (-7 hp)
Ritual (16): [1d20+4] = 19+4 = 23 It's not a 20, but it doesn't get much worse than that.
Pulp, am I allowed to use a fate point to roll again? Obviously taking the +4 bonus to roll still won't help on that ghastly number

Re: Adventure 2: Spring Is A Time Of Plans And Projects

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 6:47 pm
by Pulpatoon
Okay, KoC can spend a FP for a re-roll. Although I don't know if you need to. Marcus will be hurt badly, but you're going to need to lay up for awhile and let Gizzy heal, anyway.

Re: Adventure 2: Spring Is A Time Of Plans And Projects

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 7:18 pm
by KingOfCowards
My thought was more towards the bear. Poor Marcus is going through all this trouble, and he won't even be able to rider the bear into combat if it has a permanent limp.

Up to you MW. I didn't roll a 20 this time, so it could be worse.

Re: Adventure 2: Spring Is A Time Of Plans And Projects

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 7:24 pm
by MonkeyWrench
I'm feeling risky?

Lets go for it!

Re: Adventure 2: Spring Is A Time Of Plans And Projects

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 7:40 pm
by KingOfCowards
Here goes nothing, best of luck to you.
Ritual (16): [1d20+4] = 9+4 = 13
As Simon concentrates on his blessing, the blood seems to hiss and boil and the bear cub cries out. All at once, he collapses in a heap, barely able to keep himself upright even on his hands and knees. But the deed is done, and the old gods are sated for now.

Re: Adventure 2: Spring Is A Time Of Plans And Projects

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 8:53 pm
by MonkeyWrench
Whew! I was afraid the gods would stay vindictive.

So now I can only wonder, we just went dark here. No matter what setting your in blood magic is bad magic, so what will that entail for Simon, Marcus, and the young bear cub?

It's crazy stuff like this that drew me away from video games and more into roleplay games, the options are limitless!

Marcus attempts to staunch the bleeding after the ritual ends, passing out himself from blood loss and fatigue, the last sight he has is the bear cub, healing as his breathing becomes easier.

Re: Adventure 2: Spring Is A Time Of Plans And Projects

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 2:32 pm
by Pulpatoon
During the blood ritual, the sky noticeably dims as charcoal grey clouds fill the sky, light red by the spreading grass fire below. The air smells of copper and iron and ozone.

Genna's look of awe tips over into fear as she watches the Simon drain his friend's blood over an animal's leg.

When the ritual is over, the bear is not healed—that will need to occur over time—but Simon is confident that the cub will make a full recovery.

Simon realizes that this act outstrips healing. It was nothing less than rewriting Fate. He can scarcely believe that the gods actually granted such a boon. There must be other forces at work here. The gods have designs on Marcus and this bear. And, pious as Simon is, he knows that the attention of gods is rarely a healthy thing for mortals.
Marcus passes out from something more than just the loss of blood.

As his consciousness slips into darkness, he feels the bear's company deep in his own breast. He hears a sound echoing in his heart and knows that it is more than just a sound. It is something new, a vibration traveling a tether between two souls, laden with ancient significance and primal power. It is a Name. (please note that knowing aTrue Name is not the same as being able to pronounce a True Name. Marcus may need to find some quiet, private place to practice)

Simon and Genna stand in front of the cottage. Rug, Marcus, and Gizzy are all in terrible shape, and will need time to rest and recuperate. Genna, a little stiffly, says, "W-we're a good hike from anyone else. Azekiel get his family mighty private. Your wind-up man looks like he cans till walk, and we can make a sling between up to carry the cub. Do you think the dwarf could carry this one?" She indicates Marcus. "Anyway, where is the dwarf? We need to get out of here before the fire spreads any more."

Meanwhile, Bürd is within the cabin, eyes open wide to the reality just behind this one.

The cabin is soaked in the dark magic you encountered under the Grove, although it is weak and diminishing. Withered tendrils stretch out of the cottage to the ruined corpses of the fungal zombies. There is also a small, contrasting spark of something else—a pinprick of magic from a completely different source than the fungus, near a corner of the cabin, apparently under the floor. Peering more intently, there are several small sparks, clustered close together—WHEN SUDDENLY! Something huge and primordial is happening outside the cottage. This is magic so old that it can barely even be called magic. It is CREATION.

Re: Adventure 2: Spring Is A Time Of Plans And Projects

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 4:39 pm
by MonkeyWrench
I figured with something as great and ancient as this ritual a somewhat magical/fever/supernatural induced dream and or vision and or journey was needed. So I quickly typed one up! Hope you guys enjoyed the journey of Marcus finding the bear cub in the spiritual realm!

Marcus dreams of running through an ancient forest naked, he slips between the trees and jumps from ledges as he follows an unknown path, going off of nothing but a feeling. His mind blank, almost as if he was an animal himself stalking through the forest in search for prey.

He runs past tree after tree, for what seemed like an age, before eventually coming across a wide river, large stones jutting out of the waters surface, making a natural stepping stones path to get across. The sounds of an enormous waterfall in the distance, as he stops for a moment to check his surroundings he notices for the first time that the sky is dark and cloudy, tinted in red; for some reason, this does not bother him. After taking a brief moment to drink from the water he is off again, jumping from stone to stone with an agility that he is not sure he truly possesses.

Marcus makes his way up, the ground casually slopping up as he ascends the woodlands. The ground, which was hard packed dirt and leaves from the forest, gives way more and more to rock as he proceeds, never stopping; his endurance seeming limitless. He passes caves and ridges, stopping only briefly each time to glance inside or look out over the terrain from the ridge, never truly stopping his progress as he follows his unseen guide as it constantly urges him forward. Marcus runs forward until he reaches a steep rock cliff wall, spotting the occasional holes that he can insert a hand or foot into, not knowing what else to do Marcus begins scaling the cliff.

The climb seemed to take days, the cliff face growing ever taller with reach inch he made. Marcus finally reached the top, a rather small out looking ridge that extended several feet before hitting the mountain top, after looking around Marcus found a lone cave that entered the mountain face, obscuring everything inside in darkness, even as the red sun beat down every nook and crevice of the area. He took several steps forward before stopping, something tell him this was far enough. He felt the presence inside, instinctively knowing exactly what it is, with nothing else to say Marcus gives the cave entrance a smile, "I found you."

Once the words left his mouth Marcus could hear the steps, growing ever louder as the thing headed towards the light, and him. Marcus couldn't help but smile wider as it came into view, a magnificent furred beast, the large bear stood on it's back legs, now towering over the man, letting out a roar that seemed to shake the very heavens. The creature then dropped to all fours and slowly walked towards Marcus, getting within mere inches of the naked man. Marcus took his left arm and held the beasts massive head as he stared into it's eyes.

Re: Adventure 2: Spring Is A Time Of Plans And Projects

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 5:10 pm
by KingOfCowards
Simon, looking very pale, slowly rises to his feet. He walks stiffly, testing the strength in his limbs. He tries to help Marcus up, but he is too weak to lend his strength.
He addresses Genna and Gizzy, shaking his head. "That didn't go as I planned. I believe Marcus and the bear will be alright. But still, Genna's right. We need to get moving. Where is Bürd?"

That was fun, if only because it was out of the ordinary. I always love exploring the darker side of the old gods.

Re: Adventure 2: Spring Is A Time Of Plans And Projects

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 8:12 pm
by mb.
Bürd comes out of the cottage, eyes wide and axe raised over his shoulder, looking wildly from Simon, to the bloody cub, to Marcus' pale face, "wha' in th'name a th'Stoneheart 'ave y'lads been up t'!? I kin feel it ain't right whatever it were!" He calms and looks everyone over more closely, and finally faces Simon with sad eyes, "ah nay lad, tell me y'dint do what it seems, an' fer a stupid beast no less." His axe droops and he turns to slowly reenter the cottage.

Re: Adventure 2: Spring Is A Time Of Plans And Projects

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 8:15 pm
by mb.
Bürd will make sure he's wrapped up well, and investigate the corner...