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Re: Announcements:

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 2:12 am
by Zorroroaster
I've got just one thing to say:


Re: Announcements:

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:45 pm
by hedgeknight
Hey folks > just wanted to let you know I'm moving on from this game. No offense to Keehnelf; just cleaning my gaming platter a bit.
Best of luck to the rest of you and hope you have a great holiday season and happy new year!

- Hedge (Gary)

Re: Announcements:

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:30 pm
by Keehnelf
Thanks, Hedge. You've been a great addition.

Sorry to all that things have been so chaotic lately. I am working on straightening out my schedule and making sure I have time for all the things that need doing. Recently I've been moving pretty much from crisis to crisis and struggling a bit to keep up.

Re: Announcements:

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:53 pm
by Starbeard
It's been fun, Hedge! I hope to play with you again soon.

Re: Announcements:

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 1:24 am
by KingOfCowards
Its been a pleasure Hedgeknight. Hope to game with you again sometime.

Re: Announcements:

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 9:42 pm
by Spartakos
Take care, Hedgeknight, I've really appreciated your contributions to the game.

Re: Announcements:

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 3:45 pm
by Keehnelf
Hey guys, I've been mulling this for a few days after a series of issues came up in succession that have kept me from anything like a careful posting schedule, but I think it makes sense to put this game on hold for a few weeks until I get things in order.

First, I'm still struggling to find a window during the days to be able to make things happen on here but at the moment it is just not working. On the plus side, I'm killing at the new job. On the downside, I'm routinely running into five to seven hours of meetings every workday and that just leaves no flex time: who knew that managing five departments would be a full-time job?

Anyway, that wouldn't be such a big deal except that the wife has been struggling pretty heavily with depression since the seasons started to change and almost all of my evenings have been spent trying to keep the family together and safe.

Blah. In any case, I want to put a hold here until January 16, which is a month from now--but it's been a month plus since updates of the sort I would consider meaningful. That will get me past my next big work deadline and give counseling the opportunity to make some difference in the home life.

I understand if anyone is frustrated or impatient--just let me know if I shouldn't expect you at the table when we start back up so I know what to expect (and feel free to change your mind at any time).

Thanks all, and especially to zhym for prompting me in multiple areas to do what I've been too stubborn to :)

Re: Announcements:

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 3:51 pm
by Zhym
Thanks, Keehnelf. It's great to hear that the work situation is going well, and here's hoping the home life all works out too.

The problem with all those meetings is that you're in charge. Grunts can secretly browse the Internet while everyone else is talking. ;)

Re: Announcements:

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 4:55 pm
by Zorroroaster
i second Zhym's sentiment - and although I've been hoping for updates, you have always made it very clear when things were too hectic for you which is always appreciated.

While I'm overjoyed to know that Vaul will rise again, I would prefer that you only put the time in when you personally can enjoy it as well and not because of any pressure you might feel to resume. We all have to be having fun!

Very sorry to hear of the depression - I know that can't be easy as you take up the slack and try to be superman both at home and work. Your family is lucky to have you!

Be well, and let's all jump in here from time to time until then for some holiday cheer!

Re: Announcements:

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 5:03 pm
by AleBelly
Depression is a nasty bastard. Many on my wife's side of the family suffer from it. Please do tend to your family. I'm not going anywhere and will enthusiastically participate once your more important RL issues have been resolved.

To echo Zorro, thanks for keeping us abreast of your schedule. Too many on this board just vanish without the same courtesy.

Re: Announcements:

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 7:56 am
by Spartakos
Appreciate the update, and sorry to hear about the personal issues...hope everything works out well for you. Take care of yourself, and we'll be here when you're back in the groove.

Re: Announcements:

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 2:12 pm
by Dogma
As others have already and job come first. Take the time you need to care for them, come back when you have the time to spare.

Re: Announcements:

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 8:52 pm
by Starbeard
Take care, Keehnelf, and I hope your wife breaks through the depression. Family and job certainly come first, and the game can always wait until next time: take as long as you need.

Re: Announcements:

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 1:54 am
by hedgeknight
Nothing more important than family > I will be keeping you and yours in my thoughts and prayers, my friend.

Re: Announcements:

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 2:26 pm
by Keehnelf
For transparency's sake, here is my current to-do list before I'll consider us "up and running" at full steam again:

1. Update Harold's private thread
2. Get Marullus' private forum set up
3. Update Rogues' Gallery thread
4. Start a new Town Business thread
5. Update Mercenary Camp thread
6. Put up another establishing-shot post in the Reboot thread to make sure everyone is on the same page to open up the town fully to RP
7. Get Visitor expedition moving again

Let me know if you think I've overlooked anything you're expecting to see before you get back into things.

Re: Announcements:

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 11:40 pm
by Keehnelf
My list is almost complete! I'll get started on an update post to the Reboot thread, hopefully posting it tonight. It will be the gate for carte-blanche roleplay inside of Vaul up until May 20, which will be the first date expeditions can leave the town.

The arrival of May 20, however, will wait until the Visitor's expedition either ends in horrific tragedy, advances to May 20, or returns to town.

Re: Announcements:

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 4:29 pm
by Keehnelf
You folks are really not kidding around here. In the 11.5 days since I posted the first full update in the reboot thread, we collectively have made over 500 posts and I've received 42 player PMs that were not simply "let's get restarted" related.


Re: Announcements:

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 6:32 pm
by Keehnelf
Hi all:

I anticipate the quest to recover Bromric from the clutches of the demon will be complete by Wednesday of next week at the very latest. Feel free to begin organizing in earnest your desired expeditions from Vaul as of today, so that we can seamlessly move forward!

Re: Announcements:

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 3:52 am
by Keehnelf
We've just this morning passed 15,555 total posts in this campaign (wow!). In honor of this numerically insignificant but kind of cool achievement, the gnomes of Vaul will be announcing a new project on the town's bulletin board shortly.

Re: Announcements:

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 1:44 pm
by Keehnelf
When I have the time today, we will roll over to May 20 and expedition departures (if folks have em), along with the agenda for the open court session.