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Re: Out-Of-Character Chat

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 5:07 pm
by GreyWolfVT
well if we are getting archived here it gives me one less game to "worry about" and i can focus more fully on the ones still active. :)

Re: Out-Of-Character Chat

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 7:41 pm
by DadsAngry
I can fix this.

Eugene - Naviagtor on the Bridge

Eugene hard at work at his console putting together the paper work needed to release the cargo to the Trieste thugs. A steaming mug of hot coffee sit at the top of his console to aid him in mundane bureaucracy of filling in triplicate. More than once has Eugene nodded off due to the shear boredom of filling out paperwork. Luckily and unfortunately this would be the last time Eugene had to engage in this tasks, for you see the last and final time Eugene nodded off his hand knocked into the coffee mug sending hot coffee all over the console. Sparks flew and big puffs of white billowy vapor emanated from the console. Eugene quickly grabbed anything with absorbency and applied it to the spill. In doing that he beat the odds, one in million, that his wiping would push the correct button in the correct sequence, even pressing the little flashing button on the screen that said "are you sure you want to do this press O.K.", to initiate the ships self-destruct. Before Eugene could even think about stopping it, it was to late. The unnamed ship erupted into a fire ball of expansive gases and shards of hot metal shrapnel. Those lucky enough to be in the ships epicenter were instantly vaporized. Those outside were not so lucky, for the ever expanding ball of gases and the flying shrapnel put untold pressures onto the domed city enclosure. This in turn created little tiny cracks into the dome itself. These cracks started small but quickly grew larger with inside air pressure greater than the lower outside pressure of space. It got to the point in which the dome could no longer hold. Citizen's of Dome 6 could do nothing to prevent their imminent doom. Some took the few seconds to say a prayer while other's just stood motionless, helpless to do anything. The dome shattered and the occupants were sucked into the void of space. Eugene always knew he was "Fated for An Ugly End".

Done. Game over we are all dead.

Re: Out-Of-Character Chat

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 9:59 pm
by atpollard
A couple thoughts, in no particular order ...
  • Some of us are still stuck at dome 23 ... now stranded and penniless ... :(
  • Were it not for this game, and the Ref poking his head over at COTI (Citizens of the Imperium) ... I would never have known about 'The Unseen Servant'.
    So I am very grateful for this game ... It has lead to a lot of fun for me ... and I played my first Super Villain.
  • Visiting The Unseen Servant inspired me to start a PbP Traveller game back at COTI ... (there was already a game here) ... so thanks for the nudge.
  • Just once I want to see a game utterly crash and burn ... I am tired of the slow fade to black withering death of PbP games ... so good try Eugene!

Re: Out-Of-Character Chat

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 10:36 pm
by GreyWolfVT
the dome was rigged to the self destruct on the ship :shock: plot twist dome goes BOOM!

Re: Out-Of-Character Chat

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 10:47 pm
by DadsAngry
Damit Eugene, you can't do anything right.

It's a shame this game died. There was so much interest when it was launched.
What ruleset are you using for your PBP game Atpollard?

Re: Out-Of-Character Chat

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 2:26 am
by atpollard
DadsAngry wrote:What ruleset are you using for your PBP game Atpollard?
Classic Traveller Little Black Book 1-3 or The Traveller Book (which are virtually identical).

Re: Out-Of-Character Chat

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 6:08 am
by Keehnelf
Hey guys--I have been hoping to avoid a slow fade but I think I just don't have the energy required to run multiple games at the moment. I am really sorry to you all, and wish I could have offered a better experience.

Thanks for your energy and enthusiasm--you guys were 10x as awesome as I managed to be at any point.

Re: Out-Of-Character Chat

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 1:38 pm
by atpollard
That's exactly what I suspected.
I occasionally get the urge to Referee a game on Unseen Servant, but almost immediately I recognize that I can barely keep up with Refereeing one game (on COTI) and could never shake loose enough time to run a second game.
It looked like your D&D sandbox game would require lots of time, so something had to give.

Like I said, I am indebted to this game for introducing me to this site.
Thank You.


Re: Out-Of-Character Chat

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 3:25 pm
by Keehnelf
Basically since the day I started the d&d game, things have been steadily shaking apart everywhere else in my life, pinching my time here and a lot of my attention span even when I'm on here for the three-to-five minute stretches I now get.

Again, sorry guys. Thanks for your participation.

Re: Out-Of-Character Chat

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 5:07 pm
by GreyWolfVT
well you know this happens from time to time but if someone wants to take over DMing that has been done before. Zhym has taken over a couple games in the past as far as I know all it takes is a pm to Tonixx to get it done.

Re: Out-Of-Character Chat

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 10:33 pm
by Pulpatoon
It was fun while it lasted. Thanks, Keehnelf!