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Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Two: Strangers in Paradise

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 2:21 pm
by kipper
Clark hands over his weapons.

OOC: Too bad we don't know yet what exactly Spilfer wants, it might be quickest and easiest to just purchase it (If it's available for sale). If we try to nab it and take off, we won't get our weapons back!

Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Two: Strangers in Paradise

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 11:14 pm
by Monsieur Rose

Zuul growls at the notion of leaving his weapons 'to be watched for a small donation'. "He will go deactivate the ship weaponss. And take his weaponss with him."

He offers to take any other weapons as well. "He'll be right back, don't kill anything without him, ok?"

Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Two: Strangers in Paradise

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 3:32 am
by Rex

Kit will hand over her blaster carbine to Zuul if possible, but leaves her lightsaber alone.

Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Two: Strangers in Paradise

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2020 4:52 pm
by max_vale
Aboard the Ugor Battlewagon in the 'Paradise System'

As the Rebels move to hand over their weapons (except for Zuul who attempts to leave with his in hand, causing an Ugor to point half-a-dozen weapons at him); a high pitched YIP causes all in the room to suddenly direct their attention at a small and rather....'bizarrely attired' newcomer....

A figure about a meter high, dressed in an ill-fitting and somewhat 'hacked up' spacesuit (that Jackson and Cal IMMEDIATELY recognize as one of the 4 Utility Spacesuits stored in a storage locker on the Nova Kestrel) and a Flight helmet with the polarized visor down, revealing only a small, blue-furred muzzle; shuffled forth.

Several of Chief Tax Chaplain ArrGack's eye stalks rotate towards the new comer and his liquidy voice calls out; "I don't beleeb my eyes; ANOTHER bilgrim?" The stranger replied quickly in a familiar, though strangely muffled due to the helmet, voice; "Yeah, I don't believe your eyes either." Turning his visored head towards the other Rebels, Spilifer (who else?) asked with a combination of amusement, disgust and reassurance all in his tone; "WHAT do youse think you're doing? I be handling this.....and sit down, get blood back in brains.....twice smarts at ALL".

Striding awkwardly over to the Chief Tax Chaplain; Spilfer started a rapid-fire bargaining process that eventually resulted in the Rebels being allowed to carry their weapons...or rather 'laser surveying tools' and 'rivet removers', etc. for a 'special equipment tax'; and the like. At the deal's conclusion, each Rebel had to pay 50 credits (total of 350 for all 7 including Spilfer) total; but the Ugors were ADAMANT that all weapons circuits had to be inactivated. Cal wasn't thrilled with that as the process to reactivate the weapons' circuits was a laborious one that took close to half-an-hour; but it couldn't be helped.

That done, the Ugors sent them on their way and the Rebels were soon detached and moving towards the asteroid belt in the system with all weapons systems inactivated while a beaming Spilfer rapidly shed his hacked up Utility Spacesuit off and said; "Youse is welcome for the bargaining lesson!" as the Rebels just shook their heads and the ship moved deeper into the system....

As the asteroid belt is cleared, a spheroid of garbage the size of a small planet or large moon becomes visible and Spilfer lets out a sigh of wonder; "PARADISE! Ahhhhhh". It's a puzzle as to how exactly the 'trash moon' is staying clumped together and the little Squib moves into the cockpit and says, "De quest object is on the surface" and seems about to say more when he, Cal and Jackson all notice a black object, briefly caught by a bit of reflecting light from a stray comet can be seen 'above' and moving behind them. A glance at the sensor scopes show nothing.....

Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Two: Strangers in Paradise

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 3:38 pm
by kipper
"Could be the Ugor keeping an eye on us, so they know what tax to properly charge?" Clark says, more out of hopefulness than confidence.

Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Two: Strangers in Paradise

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 7:26 pm
by Starbeard
Curious, Vale adjusts his eyesight with the Force to take a better look at the distant black object.

OOC: using Farseeing.

Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Two: Strangers in Paradise

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 4:02 pm
by Monsieur Rose

Fresh from the shower, Zuul joins the others in the now cramped cockpit. "What iss that..thing?" He points to the large pile of s..tuff. "Iss it even solid?"

Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Two: Strangers in Paradise

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 4:17 pm
by Rex

Kit checks the medical bay and supplies to make sure everything is ready in case of an emergency.

Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Two: Strangers in Paradise

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 2:47 pm
by ybn1197
"That my big friend," Jackson begins, "is a trash moon for lack of a better description. What concerns us, however, is this blip following us." He then does his best to point out the location of the object he and Clark caught a glimpse of.

Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Two: Strangers in Paradise

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 4:03 pm
by max_vale
Aboard the Nova Kestrel in the 'Paradise System'

As the small cockpit of the Ghtroc freighter Nova Kestrel gets a bit crowded, a bit of spinning, reflective junk briefly catches and throws some light from the sun of the 'Paradise' system on the trailing black object and Jackson gasps as he recognized the sleek, lean and mean profile of a rare Aratech 'Grasp' class Assault ship that has been painted a glossy black that is almost CERTAINLY also a highly illegal sensor absorbing material as well.

Nudging a staring Cal to snap out of it, Crodowski speaks to the others; "That's a rare Aratech Grasp-class Assault ship; 30 meters long, 10 wide with an oversized power core to make it fast and provide ample energy for its dorsla Quad Heavy Laser Cannon turret; twin Heavy Ion Cannons in the nose and a pair of Heavy Laser Cannons in the stern, just in case you get on its tail. It also has room for up to a dozen people; mainly because it's intended to 'assault' ships and then board them." The Black ship in question moves to slide in behind the Rebel ship in one smooth maneuver, showing that whoever is at the helm, knows what they're doing....

Lost in the midst of calling on the Force*, Vale Starcloud missed the excitement as he closed his eyes and concentrated on the area of the other ship, connecting to the Force using the 'Life Sense' power and feeling the energy of the Force flow from him to the ship and back. A moment later, he blinked his eyes and turned to the others around him. "There's 11 people on the ship; 8 of them are human; 3 are something else." Seeing the rest of his companions kinda give him that half-in-wonder, half-wondering-if-he's-crazy look, they nodded and Cal spoke up. "Okay, Clark grab one of the seats up here, everybody else go strap in back in the Rec Area"; as the Professor slid into one of the two seats behind Tak Dornan and Jackson as Spilfer, Zuul, Kit and the young Jedi went back to the rec area and belted themselves in.

"Right, let's see if we can lose 'em"; Cal said to Jackson and he began to increase speed and throw the little freighter into some tight maneuvers as they sped towards the 'trash moon'.....

*Farseeing is the power used to concentrate on one well known person who is far away and see what they're doing; sometimes in the Future, sometimes in the past, sometimes in the present....i.e. what Luke uses to see Han and Leia and Chewie on Cloud City while training with Yoda on Dagobah in Empire Strikes Back. I THINK you meant 'Life Sense' power, so that's what I used here, I hope that's cool Starbeard!

Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Two: Strangers in Paradise

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 4:15 pm
by ybn1197
Jackson will keep on eye on the assault shuttle as best as possible to see if they start to gain on them.

Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Two: Strangers in Paradise

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 5:29 pm
by Rex

Kit buckles in, keeping her light sabre and carbine handy.

Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Two: Strangers in Paradise

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 2:33 pm
by kipper
Clark gives a wary glance towards the nearby computer panels of the Nova Kestrel, he hopes his help will not be needed.

Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Two: Strangers in Paradise

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 3:59 pm
by Starbeard
Vale (who now remembers from his training that he should be using Life Sense! :lol: ) wonders aloud what the other object out in the distance—apparently a ship with a multi-species crew—could be doing there.

"Be careful about that other ship. It could be a friend, or it could more of these marauders waiting to corner us in."

Continuing to focus on the distant ship, he listens for their emotions, figuring that if they've spotted the Kestrel being preyed upon by an assault shuttle, and their emotions register strongly enough, he might be able to guess whether they are friend or foe.

OOC: Using Sense Emotion this time.

Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Two: Strangers in Paradise

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 12:03 pm
by Solo4114
Cal continues to fly the ship towards the moon, engaging in occasional evasive maneuvers in an attempt to shake their pursuer.