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Re: 5e Rule Questions?

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 10:50 pm
by Marullus
dmw71 wrote:
Marullus wrote:I don't seem to have the option for tools under my background.
Are you looking at the Druid or Sorcerer? I should be able to take a look at either/both later tonight, but given how much I have on my plate right now, it'd be easier to focus on just the one you're learning towards.
Oh... I found it. Okay, I can add as many tool proficiencies as I wish. How many are we allowed? I had Tinker Tools (from gnome) and I added Cook's Utensils and Navigator's Tools (his favorite things to tinker with, a shipborne role)

Re: 5e Rule Questions?

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 11:05 pm
by dmw71
Marullus wrote:I don't seem to have the option for tools under my background.
I don't think you get a tool set from your background.

Just looking quickly at your Druid, he has the background of Sage.

The Sage background gives you the following:
  • Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, History
  • Languages: Two of your choice
  • Equipment: A bottle of black ink, a quill, a small knife, a letter from a dead colleague posing a question you have not yet been able to answer, a set of common clothes, and a pouch containing 10 gp
I see where the skills (Arcana, History); languages (Draconic, Primordial); and equipment have all been added to your sheet.

I've never made a Gnome or a Druid before, but from a quick look at the each in the Player's Handbook, it looks like you should have a herbalism kit (Druid) and tinker's tools (Rock Gnome).

Both are on your sheet, under Tools, in the 'PROFICIENCIES & LANGUAGES' section at the bottom of the left-hand column.
Marullus wrote:I do have Tinker Tool proficiency as a Gnome so I added them to my sheet. Also, I thought the sheet was managing the coins/equipment, but now see it isn't.
The character sheet doesn't automatically adjust your wealth when items are added or removed. I imagine that is because there's no way for it to know whether the item is being added because it was discovered, received as a gift, etc... Similarly, if purchased, was the sale at cost? The sheet can't know if an item purchased was done so at a discount, or at a premium. So, the coins behind all transactions must be manually entered.
Marullus wrote:I was spending my 10gp on adding a donkey, cooking tools, and warm blanket (mostly for the RP purposes) - but does he need a special proficiency to use the cooking tools? It's kind of superfluous - will the donkey be an unhelpful hinderance?
I actually don't see "cooking tools" as an option. Maybe I'm missing it? There is a Mess kit, which is just general adventuring gear and would not require any proficiency to use.

As for the donkey... I typically do not advise players to purchase animals during character creation, but to add them in-game if/when the situation calls for it. It's fine if you do, but you'll need to be prepared to feed and house it.
Marullus wrote:As a note, he doesn't have both Quarterstaff and Staff. I figure his "Driftwood staff" is both a spell focus and weapon and wanted it to show both ways (since I don't know what I'm doing or how to calculate things!)
I don't see a Quarterstaff listed; only the Wooden Staff as part of your Druid class. The latter isn't a weapon, and isn't listed as such, so you're fine there.
Marullus wrote:Question #2: How are Hit Points calculated? Following the directions, it calculates as 1hp. (EDIT: Nevermind. I see it says max HP for first level.)
Yeah, the starting hit points initially only show any Consitution modifier which is a little confusing. I'm glad you figured it out.
Marullus wrote:Question #3: Between sub-class and background, he is fluent in both Primordial (to talk to the spirits of the wind and waves) and Deep Speech (the deep ones beneath the waves). He has another language option available for whatever scholarly or important element the game is going to use - is there something the DM or others want to feature? (I assumed Draconic, Infernal, Undercommon?)
These choices are totally up to you. I, truly, don't have anything planned for this game (well, I do have an idea, but it's for a higher level so not something I will start with). Seriously, just pick whichever language options best fit the character in your mind.

Re: 5e Rule Questions?

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 11:13 pm
by dmw71
Marullus wrote:I can add as many tool proficiencies as I wish.
Hmmm... I'm not sure how you're doing this?

Your proficiencies should be driven by your race/class/background. In your case, you should have just the two tool proficiencies: Herbalism Kit and Tinker's Tools.

Re: 5e Rule Questions?

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 11:18 pm
by Enoch
The tool will let you add additional stuff, but the tools, languages and other proficiencies are governed by your class and background.

Re: 5e Rule Questions?

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 11:29 pm
by dmw71
Enoch wrote:The tool will let you add additional stuff --
To this, I guess the only limitation is the ability to both purchase and carry what you're adding.

I removed the variant encumbrance rule (which I've decided I don't like), but I still expect/hope you guys will be mindful of what is being carried, and where. I'm not going to be a total stickler here, but do be aware that there is a Container Capacity table that lists the limits of how much different containers can actually hold.

Re: 5e Rule Questions?

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 11:32 pm
by Marullus
I think I'm going to just go with the Sorcerer and keep the group stratified. I ditched everything that wasn't starting gear except for the nice warm blanket, and he has 9.5gp.

So, we only get the tool proficiencies from background and he'll only have Tinker Tool proficiency. For understanding the rules, what happens if he uses "Cook's Utensils" without proficiency? (I mean, IC he can modify the flavor of things with his prestidigitation spell so he would still cook and just not serve the leftovers.) How would he gain proficiency with Navigator's Tools?

If we're using encumbrance and not bringing a donkey, then the gnome has an encumbered move of 15ft. If someone else wants to take his rope, food, and torches, he can get down to 47.5lbs. (Since his max is 60lbs, he could carry 6 days of his own food, and his own water, and he'll cook with a simple mess kit and not buy Cook Utensils.)

Primordial and Deep Speech make me excited. :) I am listing Draconic for my other pick right now, but remain open to suggestions.

Re: 5e Rule Questions?

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 12:01 am
by dmw71
Marullus wrote:For understanding the rules, what happens if he uses "Cook's Utensils" without proficiency? (I mean, IC he can modify the flavor of things with his prestidigitation spell so he would still cook and just not serve the leftovers.)
Ahh, I did a search for 'Cook's Utensils" and they fall under the category of "Artisan's Tools," which include the following:
  • "Proficiency with a set of artisan's tools lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make using the tools in your craft."
I will share more about this later, but this probably isn't anything to be too worried about. Unless you're attempting to have him cook an elaborate feast with dozens of rare ingredients, preparing a simple meal shouldn't be too difficult.

That said, without proficiency with the tools being used you don't get to add your proficiency bonus to any check being made.
Marullus wrote:How would he gain proficiency with Navigator's Tools?
Gaining a new proficiency is something that can be accomplished during your downtime. There's a "Between Adventures" section in the Player's Handbook, and this type of request would fall under the "Training" option.

I love that you're thinking about this. 5e has really taught me to appreciate the role-playing and social interaction aspect of D&D. Downtime activities, which frequently get forgotten about or hand-waived can lead to some really good role-playing opportunities. With this being play-by-post, which is slow by its nature; and with my expected pace of play to also be on the slower side, we may need to fast-forward through certain things at times, but we'll probably get a better feel for what should actually be played out as the game develops.
Marullus wrote:If we're using encumbrance and not bringing a donkey, then the gnome has an encumbered move of 15ft. If someone else wants to take his rope, food, and torches, he can get down to 47.5lbs. (Since his max is 60lbs, he could carry 6 days of his own food, and his own water, and he'll cook with a simple mess kit and not buy Cook Utensils.)
Rations and torches, especially in the quantities they're given to you as part of the standard equipment packs, are heavy.

You can always sell (for half-price) any items you don't want.

Re: 5e Rule Questions?

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 12:13 pm
by Marullus
Actually, I had it accidentally set for Variant Encumberance. Once I fixed that, it isn't an issue to carry the starting gear and he'll carry his food and torches. I also named "an ancient text that holds terrible secrets that must not fall into the wrong hands" as The Yugsoth Codex and put it in his inventory. (Up to the DM what that turns out to be, besides a MacGuffin. :) )