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Re: Session 3: Westbridge

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 5:14 am
by shiffd
Seeing nothing of concern in the neighborhood surrounding them Dorobo moves in behind the crowd ready to shuffle inside with the rest if so invited. Seeing that the wizard has simply asked for the chest and is taking questions he watches and waits. His eyes can't help but wonder on behind the wizard inspecting his clutter. Were this such a mess that things mixed about it might go unmissed? He is not normally the type to burgle strangers without cause, but casing a person and their establishment was a force of habit, and for people he was raised with not considered a bad one. Knowing where a score might be alone was worth money to the right people.

Re: Session 3: Westbridge

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 8:33 am
by Storm11
Nexus steps forward and how’s low. Master wizard sir, I am but a humble apprentice of the mystic arts, and am awed to meet you. To learn from one such as yourself must be a great honour indeed. Jane is a lucky lass!

Re: Session 3: Westbridge

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 12:15 pm
by onlyme
Ardium will assist with the chest as needed. he will follow and listen to the conversations, regardless.

Re: Session 3: Westbridge

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 5:08 pm
by ravenn4544
Jaroo notices the woman and slowly approaches her and smiles. "Hello."

Re: Session 3: Westbridge

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 8:31 pm
by dmw71
The woman working in the neighboring yard smiles shyly as Jaroo hails her, but she simply wipes her brow and returns to work.

"Can a couple of you bring the chest along so we can figure this out," Unna begins, turning to the others. Ardium, still near the cart, hoists it into his possession and begins to transport it to the front door.

"While your chest is being fetched, may I ask you about Jane?" Roderick asks deferentially. "We have been told that she's an apprentice of yours, and she disappeared from her room in Red Larch nine days ago... without a word, and left her spell components behind." Helmaer's eyes grow wide and his complexion begins to pale at the news.

He clears his throat. "Hold that thought," he says as Ardium arrives with the chest. "Right there'll be fine," he states, tapping the floor just outside his front door with his slippered right foot. Once the chest is laid down in front of him, he uses his foot to slide it inside, closing and locking the door behind him while he remains outside on the front stoop.

"The note," he says, matter-of-factly, accepting the promissory note each member signed. After confirming everything is in order, including identifying the presence of a secret mark he left on the page to combat potential forgery attempts, the elderly mage begins to utter a few incoherent words and, as he gestures with his right index finger, the letters that make up his name begin to form on the contract. "There," he says, handing it off to Unna, the person standing nearest to him. "Squire Stephen can convert that into payment," he adds.

"Now," he says, shifting the focus of the conversation. "You say the girl is missing?"

Helmaer goes on to explain that he never wanted to take Jane -- whom he only refers to as "the girl" -- on as an apprentice, but her determination eventually wore him down. And he's thankful for it, because he's grown to have a bit of a soft spot for her, thinking of her almost as a granddaughter.

"You say she left her components behind?"

The mage grows considerably worried once that fact is confirmed and officially places himself into the 'foul play' camp. "I haven't seen the girl in over two weeks now, when she left my studies to return to her family in Red Larch," he says. "I was expecting her return later this week."

"What could have happened to her?"
he wonders aloud, rhetorically.

After a moment.

"I could use a walk, to think. I'll take you to Squire Stephen to finalize your contract."

The mage escorts the group from his home (green) to the residence of Squire Stephen (red):
Squire Stephen.jpg
Squire Stephen.jpg (35.64 KiB) Viewed 1676 times
Even while deep in thought, Helmaer watches Squire Stephen carefully and precisely divvy up the payment into seven equal piles of 21 gold pieces, 4 silver pieces, and 3 copper pieces each; contributing a copper piece from his own pouch to cover the shortage.

Once back outside, Helmaer stops just short of the dirt road and retrieves a scroll case from some hidden pocket inside his robes. Unfurling the document contained within reveals a map of the general surrounding area. "If you came from Red Larch, and she's missing from there, it's unlikely she's to the south ---" he starts. "Or she strayed from the trail and bad things happened to her... but that's unlikely."

"That leaves north and east as her most likely current destination," indicating Triboar to the north, and Beliard to the east:
North East.jpg
North East.jpg (163.83 KiB) Viewed 1676 times
"I have contacts in both cities," he states plainly. "If you'd be willing to travel to either -- or split up and travel to both -- I can offer you a commission... 10 gold each, simply for making the trip. An extra 50 gold each if you're able to successfully find the girl and return her safely."

"Or, our business is concluded and you're free to do whatever it is you do."


Please make sure to add the payments collected to your character sheets.



Date: 27 Quintilis, Year 7102
Time: 12:11 Sunrise: 06:59, Sunset: 18:44)
Temp: 61 F
  • Cool
Light Sources:
  • None
Known Conditions/Spells in Effect:
  • None
Character Status
  • GreyWolfVT | Delgrot | Dwarf | Male | Cleric: 1 | Alignment: NG | THAC0: 20 | HP: 10 | AC: 5/5 | Move: 4
    • Experience
      • Bonus: +10% (16 Wis)
      • Total: 0
      • Needed: 1,500
    • Offense:
      • Warhammer
      • Club
    • Defenses: AC: 5/5
      • Armor: Chain (AC 5)
      • Shield: None
      • Dex: 10 (0)
      • Other: None
    • Prepared Spells:
      • 1st: 3, 2, 1
        • Bless
        • Cure Light Wounds
        • Cure Light Wounds
          • Pass Without Trace (Trailblazer)
      • 2nd: 0
  • ravenn4544 | Jaroo | Human Male | Druid: 1 | Alignment: N | THAC0: 20 | HP: 8 | AC: 8/8 | Move: 12
    • Experience
      • Bonus: None (17 Wis, 15 Cha)
      • Total: 0
      • Needed: 2,000
    • Offense:
      • Quarterstaff
      • Sling (20)
      • Dagger
    • Defenses: AC: 8/8
      • Armor: Leather (AC 8)
      • Shield: None
      • Dex: 14 (0)
      • Other: None
    • Prepared Spells:
      • 1st: 3, 2
        • Cure Light Wounds
        • Entangle
        • Shillelagh
      • 2nd: 0
  • Rex | Unna | Dwarf | Female | Fighter: 1, Thief: 1 (Kit: Wayfinder) | Alignment: NG | THAC0: 20 | HP: 9 | AC: 5/8 | Move: 4
    • Experience
      • Fighter:
        • Bonus: None (13 Str)
        • Total: 10
        • Needed: 2,000
      • Thief:
        • Bonus: +10% (16 Dex)
        • Total: 11
        • Needed: 1,250
    • Offense:
      • Long sword
      • Short sword
      • Dagger
    • Defenses: AC: 5/8
      • Armor: Leather (AC 8)
      • Shield: Medium (-1) ("...any frontal or flank attack...")
      • Dex: 16 (-2)
      • Other: None
    • Prepared Spells: None
  • Storm11 | Nexus | Gnome | Male | Wizard: 1 (Specialist: Illusionist) | Alignment: CG | THAC0: 20 | HP: 6 | AC: 2/6 | Move: 6
    • Experience
      • Bonus: +10% (17 Int)
      • Total: 0
      • Needed: 2,500
    • Offense:
      • Dagger
    • Defenses: AC: 2/6
      • Armor: None
      • Shield: None
      • Dex: 18 (-4)
      • Other: Spell: Armor (AC: 6, HP: 9)
    • Spellbook:
      • 1st: Armor (V, S, M | Time: 10), Color Spray (V, S, M | Time: 1), Detect Magic (V, S | Time: 1), Phantasmal Force (V, S, M | Time: 1), Read Magic (V, S, M | Time: 10), Unseen Servant (V, S, M | Time: 1)
    • 2nd: None
    • Prepared Spells:
      • 1st: 2, 1 (1 + 1 Specialist)
        • Color Spray
        • Phantasmal Force
      • 2nd: 0
  • Zhym | Roderick | Human | Male | Paladin: 1 | Alignment: LG | THAC0: 20 | HP: 10 | AC: 3/5 | Move: 12
    • Experience
      • Bonus: None (14 Str, 17 Cha)
      • Total: 0
      • Needed: 2,250
    • Offense:
      • Long sword
      • Short bow (24)
    • Defenses: AC: 3/5
      • Armor: Chain (AC 5)
      • Shield: Small (-1) ("...protect against two frontal attacks of the user's choice...")
      • Dex: 15 (-1)
      • Other: None
    • Prepared Spells: None
    • Abilities: Lay on Hands (2 hp): 1, 0
  • onlyme | Ardiam | Elf | Male | Fighter: 1 | Alignment: NG | THAC0: 20 | HP: 10 | AC: 5/7 | Move: 12
    • Experience
      • Bonus: +10% (16 Str)
      • Total: 0
      • Needed: 2,000
    • Offense:
      • Long sword
      • Long bow (24)
    • Defenses: AC: 5/7
      • Armor: Leather (AC 8)
      • Shield: Small (-1) ("...protect against two frontal attacks of the user's choice...")
      • Dex: 16 (-2)
      • Other: None
    • Prepared Spells: None
  • shiffd | Dorobo | Human | Male | Thief: 1 | Alignment: CN | THAC0: 20 | HP: 6 | AC: 4/8 | Move: 12
    • Experience
      • Thief:
        • Bonus: +10% (18 Dex)
        • Total: 0
        • Needed: 1,250
    • Offense:
      • Long sword
      • Short bow (40)
    • Defenses: AC: 4/8
      • Armor: Leather (AC 8)
      • Shield: None
      • Dex: 18 (-4)
      • Other: None
    • Prepared Spells: None

    Marching Orders
    • Dorobo
    • Dorobo
    • Delgrot | Dorobo
      Jaroo | Roderick
      Nexus | Ardiam
    • None

Re: Session 3: Westbridge

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 9:15 pm
by Zhym
"I cannot speak for the others, but I intend to find Jane," declares Roderick. "No payment needed—I am only too happy to help."

"To get to Triboar, Jane would have had to come through or around Westbridge. But the guards didn't see her. So I suggest we start with Beliard," he says to the others.

16 gp, 4 sp, 3 cp added to Roderick's sheet. 5 gp donated to the local temple (I'm assuming you don't need me to RP this).

How many days should it take to travel to either town?

Re: Session 3: Westbridge

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 10:56 pm
by ravenn4544
Jaroo watches the lady at her work for a good minute. He sees the group heading out of the building and down the road. "Bye"..

Once he catches up the group, he'll ask "Where to next? This town is feeling crowded"

Re: Session 3: Westbridge

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 2:13 am
by Rex

"It seems more likely it is Beliard, but she could have traveled cross country I suppose. This would be quicker with mounts, but I don't have the coin for a pony. I will accept your off, I unfortunatly am in need to coin to feed myself, but I certainly want to find and help the girl."

Re: Session 3: Westbridge

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 7:17 am
by shiffd
Dorobo knows a free lunch when he sees it. A bit of coin for 'looking for a girl'. He takes the money as offered, destination unimportant, especially in such a large and relatively well armed group. Who knows what the girl has gotten up to? Probably was in the Ogre's belly...

He asks the wizard, "Of course, good sir, we should seek in good faith to find and bring the girl to you free of harm, and I thank you for the advance. Forgive my practical assessment but in the event we find her in a less than healthy state, I am to hope you would be able to compensate us all the same. In all honesty I would prefer to bring you a live girl that walks on her own than the alternative. In the case that our task comes to delivering you a girl for her last rights, I hope we would be compensated all the same for the less pleasant task."

Re: Session 3: Westbridge

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 7:27 am
by shiffd
Once out of earshot of the wizard and company Dorobo suggests to the rest;

"I say we double back and take a look for and at that Ogre layer. If that don't pan out go see if we can get any more -ahem- assistance from the girl's family etc. then check these other towns. Also it's a little curious the Wizard suggested these locations without much reason. Why would she randomly head off to visit some other town without telling anyone or anyone knowing a reason why? If she hasn't fallen on the trail between these two known haunts, then she was either abducted in Westbridge or fled for her own reasons. In the first case we'd have to figure who would take her and why, in the 2nd case we'd have to figure out where she might go, and why. And in either case she or whoever took her would be doing well to avoid being spotted."

Re: Session 3: Westbridge

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 7:39 am
by Storm11
Nexus clears his throat awkwardly. Yes that would be a grand arrangement. I would also take a teaching me a new spell in lieu of payment. I don’t mean to be indelicate, but do you have a way of scrying for Jane at all? There may be clues in the scrying glass that might help us determine where she resides.

Re: Session 3: Westbridge

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2019 6:00 am
by dmw71
"I cannot speak for the others, but I intend to find Jane," declares Roderick. "No payment needed—I am only too happy to help." . Helmaer weakly claps the Avatar on his back. "Splendid," he says. "But I insist upon compensating you for your time and your effort. In fact --" the mage dips his veiny hand into his pouch and begins rooting around. "Here," he says, producing a handful of coins and counting out ten gold coins for everyone agreeing to help. "I don't know your situations, but use these funds to help with any provisioning you might need for your trip... I'm afraid Ronnie won't have enough horses or ponies for the lot of you --" his bony finger points just across the road to a larger, single-story building (#20) just across from Squire Stephen's (#1).
Ronnie's Wranglers.png
Ronnie's Wranglers.png (277.47 KiB) Viewed 1609 times
Looking across the road in the direction of his new area you spy a long trough extending out from its southern wall, and the occasional neighing sound can be heard coming from somewhere behind it. "If memory serves, Ronnie only has one filly, one colt, and one stallion available. He might also have one mule..." he adds, as if anticipating disappointment from Unna.

"Let's... let's see to it that that isn't the case," Helmaer says when Dorobo inquires about compensation in the event Jane is recovered in a less-than-alive state. The mage simply shakes his head, looking down at the ground.

The brief, uncomfortable silence is broken when Nexus clears his throat awkwardly. "I would also take a teaching me a new spell in lieu of payment," the gnome offers. "I'm retired, little one --" the mage says, patting Nexus lightly on the head. "Besides, even the most fundamentally basic spell will take a considerable time for me to teach to perfection, and time, with Jane missing, is not a luxury we have, right?"

"But... "
the mage adds after a brief pause. "You manage to bring Jane back alive and I'll be sure to dust off the old spellbook." he says with a wink. He then adds that, for the most part, scrying and divination spells are the property of priests and divine casters. "There is one wizard spell that I'm aware of -- Magic Mirror -- but, alas, it is not one I've ever bothered to learn. I may need to look into acquiring a crystal ball, however, but I do not, and have never, actually possessed one." he admits.

"Make haste," Helmaer says as the groups prepare to part. "And may your travels be safe and successful. Do bring the girl back -- alive," he adds, casting a sharp, sideways glance at Dorobo after adding that last word.

Helmaer returns home and the group is left to plan, and make any necessary preparations. Roderick suggests the group start with Beliard. Dorobo suggests back-tracking and seeking out the ogre's lair... and possibly return to Red Larch to "extort" more assistance from Jane's family.


Please confirm your next course of action since one direction wasn't clear. Also let me know what (if anything) you'd like to do in town before setting off.



Date: 27 Quintilis, Year 7102
Time: 12:17 Sunrise: 06:59, Sunset: 18:44)
Temp: 61 F
  • Cool
Light Sources:
  • None
Known Conditions/Spells in Effect:
  • None
Character Status
  • GreyWolfVT | Delgrot | Dwarf | Male | Cleric: 1 | Alignment: NG | THAC0: 20 | HP: 10 | AC: 5/5 | Move: 4
    • Experience
      • Bonus: +10% (16 Wis)
      • Total: 0
      • Needed: 1,500
    • Offense:
      • Warhammer
      • Club
    • Defenses: AC: 5/5
      • Armor: Chain (AC 5)
      • Shield: None
      • Dex: 10 (0)
      • Other: None
    • Prepared Spells:
      • 1st: 3
        • Bless
        • Cure Light Wounds
        • Cure Light Wounds
          • Pass Without Trace (Trailblazer)
      • 2nd: 0
  • ravenn4544 | Jaroo | Human Male | Druid: 1 | Alignment: N | THAC0: 20 | HP: 8 | AC: 8/8 | Move: 12
    • Experience
      • Bonus: None (17 Wis, 15 Cha)
      • Total: 0
      • Needed: 2,000
    • Offense:
      • Quarterstaff
      • Sling (20)
      • Dagger
    • Defenses: AC: 8/8
      • Armor: Leather (AC 8)
      • Shield: None
      • Dex: 14 (0)
      • Other: None
    • Prepared Spells:
      • 1st: 3
        • Cure Light Wounds
        • Entangle
        • Shillelagh
      • 2nd: 0
  • Rex | Unna | Dwarf | Female | Fighter: 1, Thief: 1 (Kit: Wayfinder) | Alignment: NG | THAC0: 20 | HP: 9 | AC: 5/8 | Move: 4
    • Experience
      • Fighter:
        • Bonus: None (13 Str)
        • Total: 10
        • Needed: 2,000
      • Thief:
        • Bonus: +10% (16 Dex)
        • Total: 11
        • Needed: 1,250
    • Offense:
      • Long sword
      • Short sword
      • Dagger
    • Defenses: AC: 5/8
      • Armor: Leather (AC 8)
      • Shield: Medium (-1) ("...any frontal or flank attack...")
      • Dex: 16 (-2)
      • Other: None
    • Prepared Spells: None
  • Storm11 | Nexus | Gnome | Male | Wizard: 1 (Specialist: Illusionist) | Alignment: CG | THAC0: 20 | HP: 6 | AC: 2/6 | Move: 6
    • Experience
      • Bonus: +10% (17 Int)
      • Total: 0
      • Needed: 2,500
    • Offense:
      • Dagger
    • Defenses: AC: 2/6
      • Armor: None
      • Shield: None
      • Dex: 18 (-4)
      • Other: Spell: Armor (AC: 6, HP: 9)
    • Spellbook:
      • 1st: Armor (V, S, M | Time: 10), Color Spray (V, S, M | Time: 1), Detect Magic (V, S | Time: 1), Phantasmal Force (V, S, M | Time: 1), Read Magic (V, S, M | Time: 10), Unseen Servant (V, S, M | Time: 1)
      • 2nd: None
    • Prepared Spells:
      • 1st: 2 (1 + 1 Specialist)
        • Color Spray
        • Phantasmal Force
      • 2nd: 0
  • Zhym | Roderick | Human | Male | Paladin: 1 | Alignment: LG | THAC0: 20 | HP: 10 | AC: 3/5 | Move: 12
    • Experience
      • Bonus: None (14 Str, 17 Cha)
      • Total: 0
      • Needed: 2,250
    • Offense:
      • Long sword
      • Short bow (24)
    • Defenses: AC: 3/5
      • Armor: Chain (AC 5)
      • Shield: Small (-1) ("...protect against two frontal attacks of the user's choice...")
      • Dex: 15 (-1)
      • Other: None
    • Prepared Spells: None
    • Abilities: Lay on Hands (2 hp): 1
  • onlyme | Ardiam | Elf | Male | Fighter: 1 | Alignment: NG | THAC0: 20 | HP: 10 | AC: 5/7 | Move: 12
    • Experience
      • Bonus: +10% (16 Str)
      • Total: 0
      • Needed: 2,000
    • Offense:
      • Long sword
      • Long bow (24)
    • Defenses: AC: 5/7
      • Armor: Leather (AC 8)
      • Shield: Small (-1) ("...protect against two frontal attacks of the user's choice...")
      • Dex: 16 (-2)
      • Other: None
    • Prepared Spells: None
  • shiffd | Dorobo | Human | Male | Thief: 1 | Alignment: CN | THAC0: 20 | HP: 6 | AC: 4/8 | Move: 12
    • Experience
      • Thief:
        • Bonus: +10% (18 Dex)
        • Total: 0
        • Needed: 1,250
    • Offense:
      • Long sword
      • Short bow (40)
    • Defenses: AC: 4/8
      • Armor: Leather (AC 8)
      • Shield: None
      • Dex: 18 (-4)
      • Other: None
    • Prepared Spells: None

    Marching Orders
    • Dorobo
    • Dorobo
    • Delgrot | Dorobo
      Jaroo | Roderick
      Nexus | Ardiam
    • None

Re: Session 3: Westbridge

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2019 3:45 pm
by Rex

"I agree, we should head for Beliard"

Re: Session 3: Westbridge

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2019 5:47 pm
by Zhym
Roderick reluctantly accepts the payment for expenses, but puts aside 2 gp for donation to the church. (+8 gp to sheet.)

"We have learned all we can learn at Red Larch," he says. "Our path lies ahead. Does anyone have further errands in this town? If not, then let us set out at once! There is no time to lose!"

Re: Session 3: Westbridge

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2019 7:28 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Rex wrote:Unna

"I agree, we should head for Beliard"

Delgrot the dwarf lost in thought apparently hears Unna and agrees "Aye sounds a good plan to me."

Re: Session 3: Westbridge

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2019 9:05 pm
by ravenn4544
Jaroo will check his pack for how many days of rations he has left. He'd to have at least a week when heading out and seeing he has close to that he'll cinch up then strap his pack on, ready to go.

Re: Session 3: Westbridge

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2019 9:01 am
by Storm11
Nexus nods in understanding. Deal! he says happily to the older wizard.

I need to get some more rations before we head out. And it would be wise surely to recover our magic and be at our full strength to maximise our chance of success. We haven’t even asked anyone in town about Jane yet, or if there are any suspicious people (besides us) around who have been watching the wizards yet.

It says in the stat list below Nexus is out one spell. His illusion. Is it 10 golds a person heading out to find Jane or 10 Golds between us all? Cheers

Re: Session 3: Westbridge

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 12:43 pm
by onlyme
Ardium also looks for food. He remains suspicious, though he isnt sure why.

Re: Session 3: Westbridge

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 12:41 am
by shiffd
Dorobo, having offered his assessment of the situation, isn't particularly argumentative about which direction they should go and doesn't object as the party's sentiments seems to favor Beliard. Democracy will work for him in this case.

He voices his agreement to others' suggestions for acquiring road supplies and along with the party purchases a share of rations for the road. He does not show any interest in mounts, having neither the money nor the inclination to look after a beast. He plenty enjoys his walks in the wilderness in such a well armed group, with pay even!

He'll take a good gander about the town and it's people, assessing merchants, shops and the wealthier homes in town. Taking note of what there is and isn't. In part he is definitely looking for signs the wizard or others in this town might be spinning yarn or hiding some details about this 'dear Jane' that has gone missing. In part he is simply amassing data that might come to use for any future ventures. Security, wealth, access, habits etc. For certain he doesn't attempt any pilfering. He is not the compulsive type, rather a calculating man of opportunity. It was important to play the part of simple mercenary in full, earning honest money in plain sight, keeping appearances, building credible reputation, establishing a known presence in public spaces. Such serious thoughts would not be apparent to any around as the young man whistled and skipped about cheerfully.

Re: Session 3: Westbridge

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2019 6:06 am
by dmw71