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Re: Under the Black-Heart Lily

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 6:27 pm
by Golem
roryb wrote:Jacek Egorov

Lanky Jacek's eyes express an equal eagerness as his companions' upon the mention of gold. "You can be sure of answers," he adds.

"Master Luthier, may we set a watch tonight on your kitchen?" To his friends, he adds, "If we await the fate that fell upon the LIly's poor cooks and servants, maybe, prepared, we can take the evil by surprise? We might first inspect that grate for signs of recent passing, such as scuffs or scrapes."

Following his own suggestion, Jacek immediately looks for obvious signs around the drainage covering.
"A watch on the kitchen? You may do so," Luthier nods his assent.

Jacek begins his examination of the heavy grate set into the floor. He notes that the grate has been removed and placed back recently.

Re: Under the Black-Heart Lily

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 6:39 pm
by Golem
thirdkingdom wrote:
Golem wrote:Your words offer a little respite from the worry the owner and barkeep of the Lily carries on his face. "Follow me," he says in that growling voice of his. Those that follow are led into the kitchen, which remains empty and unused.

“Each day, one more would disappear. They were always alone when they vanished. Within a few days, none of my workers remained. I hired temporary help and they left too. There are no other doors out of the kitchen except through the bar. No one saw any of them leave. Now, no one will work here and I’ve had to close my kitchen down. I can't run an inn, much else a tavern if I can't feed my customers.”

He looks at each of you as he twists his bar towel in worry.
Gasa Loc, Magic-user

"Is there anything else you can tell us about your employees? Were they all women, for instance, or all Traladaran? Did any of them drink to much, or indulge in Black Lotus? Did any of them have any debts to criminals, or perhaps one of them angered a powerful wizard? Have *you* angered a powerful wizard? Oh!" he gestures wildly. "Perhaps you turned away an old crone seeking food and shelter for the night, but who had no money? She would likely have been a goddess in disguise, and if you spurned her you may be being punished for a lack of hospitality."
"I only have the three girls left. They will not enter the kitchen for anything. Yes, those who disappeared were all women, save for one, a ship's cook who was down on his luck. All were Traladaran and mixed. The ship's cook was from far away, of a dark-skinned people. I had no problems with them and I didn't know much about their lives, the ones I hired at the end. I run a good establishment and the reputation of the Lily stands for itself. I have no enemies."

Re: Under the Black-Heart Lily

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 8:55 pm
by roryb
Jacek Egorov

Jacek quietly relates his findings to his compatriots with subtle indication toward the grate. He estimates whether a man could fit through the opening wearing gear such as armor and weapons if need be.

Whispering to the others, “Shall we lay a little trap here? Who might pass as a scullery maid or pretty kitchen hand?” His eyes first fall upon Gasa and Oswego. He tilts his head as if imagining a wholly different garb for each, but wrinkles his nose as if disturbed by the thought.

Re: Under the Black-Heart Lily

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 9:05 pm
by jason.connerley

Brom is surprised that Jacek found something, he did not expect that and regards Jacek with new respect.

"If no one else is willing I'm not scared to pose as a plump lass."

Re: Under the Black-Heart Lily

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 9:10 pm
by Paladin

The warrior glances down at his broad chest and hard arms. A slow, wolf-like grin tugs at his lips. "It's a stout, homely lass I'd make," he mutters. He eyes Brom with a speculative glance.

Re: Under the Black-Heart Lily

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 9:40 pm
by beniliusbob
Oswego looks momentarily hopeful that he might be considered pretty, then silently concedes the point to Brom.

"Should we wait? Or might we squeeze down yonder and take a peek for any signs of the missing lassies? Where does that grate lead, anyway?"

Oswego unlimbers his bow, stands back, and nods to Jacek. "Maybe we ought to pull that grate back ourselves."

Re: Under the Black-Heart Lily

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 9:47 pm
by roryb
Jacek Egorov

Jacek considers it for a moment. “I’d hate to alert any would-be lady absconders that we know of their means of intrusion.”

Heedless of the words he had just uttered, the gangly youth impulsively leans down to remove the grate by force.

OOC: Int 7 after all! :lol:

Re: Under the Black-Heart Lily

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 4:31 am
by Golem
roryb wrote:Jacek EgorovHe estimates whether a man could fit through the opening wearing gear such as armor and weapons if need be.
An average man wearing clothing tucking in his arms could fit through the opening. Certainly not anyone wearing bulky armor.

While the earnest discussion who would make a more comely lass as bait, Jacek decides to reach down and pull up the grate. As the grate was previously and very recently removed, the heavy grating is lifted away and set down to one side. There's nothing but a yawning square of quiet darkness. Jacek can see something red along the inside edge of the shaft; dried blood.

Re: Under the Black-Heart Lily

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 7:55 am
by roryb
Jacek Egorov

The Traladaran youth reports his findings to his friends and to Luthier. “This can’t be good. Either we investigate the sewers, or lure out the dastards.”

Re: Under the Black-Heart Lily

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 8:26 am
by jason.connerley

Brom looks to Jacek and then to the rest.
"If we wait we may get one or two and some intelligence but they will know their comrades failed to return. If we take to the sewers we may surprise them but I doubt it as we will be betrayed by our lanterns and torches. Overall I think we should try to grab one tonight and get at least an idea of what we are up against before going in blind."
The older man then waits to see what his younger fellows have to say.

Re: Under the Black-Heart Lily

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 11:56 am
by thirdkingdom
Gasa Loc, Magic-user

"Well, this is disappointing. I had hoped for a more challenging riddle. Still, we must still defeat the villain! I will don't think I should be the bait; what if the brigands is using magic to ensorcel the workers? You will need my magic to counter it."

Re: Under the Black-Heart Lily

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 1:44 pm
by beniliusbob
Oswego picks up a pan and swings it back and forth, testing its weight. "Oi, I reckon it's a good plan to wait 'ere an' smack 'em good when they show they faces." He grins at Brom with his scraggly brown teeth. "Now we's just need our plump lass."

Putting his bow away but keeping hold of the pan, Oswego will put his ear next to the grate and listen for any noises.

Re: Under the Black-Heart Lily

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 3:33 pm
by beniliusbob
@Golem, can you describe the room a little more? If we're setting up this ambush I want to make sure we're the ones doing the ganking... :P

-What are the room's dimensions?
-Where is the door? Where is the grate? Does the door open into the kitchen or into the common room?
-What furniture/obstacles are there around the grate? Is there a counter someone can stand on above it?
-Are there any cupboards/pantries someone could hide in?

Re: Under the Black-Heart Lily

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2019 6:12 am
by Golem
beniliusbob wrote:@Golem, can you describe the room a little more? If we're setting up this ambush I want to make sure we're the ones doing the ganking... :P

-What are the room's dimensions?
-Where is the door? Where is the grate? Does the door open into the kitchen or into the common room?
-What furniture/obstacles are there around the grate? Is there a counter someone can stand on above it?
-Are there any cupboards/pantries someone could hide in?
If you look in the new Maps thread, I have a generic tavern floor plan copied from the Karameikos Gazeteer. The Kitchen dimensions appear to be 10'x25.' The door is to the east in the middle, the grate is to the south at the foot of the counter. There are no cupboards, just hooks for holding pans, pots, dutch ovens and various meats. Plates are stacked and baskets with various foodstuffs and ingredients under the counters. There are no doors to these.
jason.connerley wrote:Brom
Overall I think we should try to grab one tonight and get at least an idea of what we are up against before going in blind."[/dialog]
Luthier gives Brom a hard look. "Are ye daft, man! You've found out part of the mystery. The missing may be still alive but death for them be only moments away! If there's a chance any of them are alive, you must move now!"

Re: Under the Black-Heart Lily

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2019 7:21 am
by roryb
Jacek Egorov

Jacek is moved by Luthier’s urgent prompt. “Yes! M...maybe it’s not too late!” He checks his belongings and looks to the others.

He unloads his pack to bring out his lantern, makes ready to light it. “I’ll wriggle down there if someone can lower the light once I’m down there.”

Re: Under the Black-Heart Lily

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2019 11:48 am
by jason.connerley

Brom looks at Luthier,

"We know nothing about what is down there and the blood alone makes me believe there are no survivors. Still, we agreed to help so we will do as you ask, against better judgement.

Jacek hand me the lantern, I will lower it to you once you are down and we will follow."

Re: Under the Black-Heart Lily

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2019 12:28 pm
by thirdkingdom
jason.connerley wrote:Brom

Brom looks at Luthier,

"We know nothing about what is down there and the blood alone makes me believe there are no survivors. Still, we agreed to help so we will do as you ask, against better judgement.

Jacek hand me the lantern, I will lower it to you once you are down and we will follow."

Gasa Loc, Magic-user

"I will come third," he says.

Re: Under the Black-Heart Lily

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2019 1:20 pm
by beniliusbob
Oswego frowns. "Wait a tick. We don't even know what's through that hole, do we? What if there's fifty feet of air or a hungry brood of giant spoiders? I've got a fine length of rope 'ere. Has your lantern got a loop? Why don't we lower the lantern down first and get a looksie? Then we'll know what we're dealin' with."

Re: Under the Black-Heart Lily

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2019 1:29 pm
by jason.connerley

"Oswego has a point Jacek. Just because we are committed to going in without a stakeout doesn't mean we shouldn't have a look first."

The older man is frustrated and hopes this will help save a little face. He isn't overly worried about what others think but to be shown a fool this early in the undertaking will not do. He wishes he had thought about lowering the lantern himself but is painfully aware that he lacks the mental quickness many others seem to have.

Re: Under the Black-Heart Lily

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2019 2:00 pm
by thirdkingdom
Gasa Loc, Magic-user

Loc ties his lantern to the rope, lights it, and lowers it into the hole. "If a gribbly eats the lantern I will be expecting recompense," he says, to no one in particular.