Chapter 2: Bandit Hunting

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Re: Chapter 2: Bandit Hunting

#21 Post by drpete »

The group discusses their strategy, and Aghilas dismounts to walk toward the front of the group.

Ok, I would love a marching order and an initial plan.
There's a path in a canyon, which turns left. About 30 feet past the turn, there are 8 men sitting loosely around a fire by the path.
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Re: Chapter 2: Bandit Hunting

#22 Post by tymir »

I agree we should lead with the berserkers.

Does anyone other than Jaskar have a ranged weapon?

Is anyone able to fight on horseback?

Jaskar and Hamiya will dismount and leave their horses with Etti.
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Re: Chapter 2: Bandit Hunting

#23 Post by CharlesDM »

Aghilas can fight on horseback (light warhorse). His missile weapon is javelins. He is about +2 better in melee, but can hang back if the plan calls for it.
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Re: Chapter 2: Bandit Hunting

#24 Post by sulldawga »

Hazrahi will go in right after the berserkers.
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Re: Chapter 2: Bandit Hunting

#25 Post by Lamech »

It looks like Willow will cast Summon Beserkers before engaging and send them in first. Other than that she's going to hang near the rear.
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Re: Chapter 2: Bandit Hunting

#26 Post by tymir »

Jaskar will use his bow if he can (can't fire into melee). If the berserkers close too fast he will drop his bow and charge in with sword and shield.

Hamiya will attempt to attack from the second rank with her spear.
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Re: Chapter 2: Bandit Hunting

#27 Post by drpete »

Round 1

Willow casts her spell, and glowing runes swirl through the air. The runes separate into four shapes which transform into four Bedi berserkers.

The berserkers lead a charge at the bandits, who have just enough time to get to their feet and draw their swords before the berserkers are upon them.

The first berserker to reach the bandits kills one instantly with a fierce stab with his spear (8 damage, DEAD BANDIT). He continues to fight as the others come charging into the melee.

Another berserker charges into two of the bandits. In seconds, he fells one bandit (2 damage, DEAD BANDIT), and is felled by a combination of blows from the two bandits (4 damage, 5 damage, DEAD BERSERKER). The surviving bandit of this pair then spins around and stabs at the fast berserker who killed his friend, but the blow just misses as the berserker parries and jumps away, leaving himself off balance(6 damage). Unfortunately, this puts him in the path of another bandit, who stabs him in the back, killing him (3 damage, DEAD BERSERKER).

Jaskar shoots his bow into the fray, but his shot does not find a target. Miss.

Khawaji follows the berserkers, and gets in close with them, but does not find an opening in the defenses of the bandits. The berserkers beside him continue to press the defenses of the bandits, though, and Khawaji's neighbor rains down blows on one of the bandits, forcing him to one knee (4 damage). Hamiya joins them, stabbing with her spear over Khawaji's shoulder, but she isn't able to get her shield past the bandit's shield.

Aghilas tosses a javelin into the melee, hoping to his one of the bandits in the back, but the javelin sails overhead.

Bringing up the rear, Hazrahi comes up on the side and crushes the skull of one of the bandits with his warhammer (6 damage, DEAD BANDIT). He steps over the body and continues swinging, becoming engaged with another bandit.

With two berserkers down, and three bandits dead in seconds, the bandits begin backing up, trying to get away without turning their backs on you.

Technical details:
(note: the ac zero targets are a bit messed up for berserker and brigand)
Init 2:
Berserker move init [1d4] = 2
Berserker spear: init [1d6] = 1 Hit AC [1d20-8] = 16-8 = 8 Damage [1d6] = 4 (plus charge, double damage. Kill #5.)
Cleave: Berserker spear: init [1d6] = 2 Hit AC [1d20-8] = 2-8 = -6 Damage [1d6] = 5 (miss)
Berserker spear: init [1d6] = 1 Hit AC [1d20-8] = 4-8 = -4 Damage [1d6] = 4 (plus charge, double damage. Miss)

Init 4:
Berserker spear: init [1d6] = 4 Hit AC [1d20-8] = 11-8 = 3 Damage [1d6] = 1 (plus charge, double damage. Kill #6.)
Cleave: Berserker spear: init [1d6] = 5 Hit AC [1d20-8] = 7-8 = -1 Damage [1d6] = 2 (miss)
Brigand move init [1d4] = 4
Brigand spear: init [1d6] = 4 Hit AC [1d20-9] = 7-9 = -2 Damage [1d6] = 6 (miss)
Brigand spear: init [1d6] = 1 Hit AC [1d20-9] = 9-9 = 0 Damage [1d6] = 4 (hit., 4 damage to #3)
Brigand spear: init [1d6] = 2 Hit AC [1d20-9] = 15-9 = 6 Damage [1d6] = 3 (hit. 3 damage to #1)
Brigand spear: init [1d6] = 1 Hit AC [1d20-9] = 2-9 = -7 Damage [1d6] = 4 (miss)
Brigand spear: init [1d6] = 3 Hit AC [1d20-9] = 2-9 = -7 Damage [1d6] = 6 (dead)
Brigand spear: init [1d6] = 2 Hit AC [1d20-9] = 9-9 = 0 Damage [1d6] = 5 (killed this round, 5 damage to #3)
Brigand 2's cleave: Brigand spear: init [1d6] = 3 Hit AC [1d20-9] = 10-9 = 1 Damage [1d6] = 6 (6 damage to #1)
Brigand spear: init [1d6] = 3 Hit AC [1d20-9] = 6-9 = -3 Damage [1d6] = 3 (miss)

Jaskar move init [1d4] = 4
Jaskar bow: init [1d4] = 3 (mod down 1) Hit AC [1d20-6] = 4-6 = -2 Damage [1d6+1] = 2+1 = 3 (miss)

Init 5:
Khawaji move init: [1d3] = 3
Khawaji sword: init [1d6] = 5 hit AC [1d20-9] = 5-9 = -4 dam: [1d6+1] = 2+1 = 3 (miss)

Berserker spear: init [1d6] = 5 Hit AC [1d20-8] = 10-8 = 2 Damage [1d6] = 2 (hit, 4 damage to #1)

Init 6:
Brigand spear: init [1d6] = 6 Hit AC [1d20-9] = 1-9 = -8 Damage [1d6] = 1 (miss)

Aghilas Horse move [1d2] = 2
Aghilas javelin: init [1d6] = 6 hit AC [1d20-10] = 1-10 = -9 dam: [1d6+1] = 3+1 = 4 (miss)

Hamiya move init: [1d4] = 4
Hamiya spear: init [1d6] = 6 hit AC [1d20-9] = 9-9 = 0 Damage [1d6+1] = 3+1 = 4 (miss)

Init 7:
Hazrahi move init: [1d8] = 7
Hazrahi hammer: Init [1d6] = 2 Hit AC [1d20-8] = 14-8 = 6 Damage [1d6+3] = 3+3 = 6 (hit, kill #7)
Cleave: Hazrahi hammer: Init [1d6] = 3 Hit AC [1d20-8] = 2-8 = -6 Damage [1d6+3] = 3+3 = 6 (miss)
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Re: Chapter 2: Bandit Hunting

#28 Post by tymir »

If Jaskar has a shot he will attack with his bow. Otherwise he will drop the bow and move to melee range and attack.

Hamiya will continue to attack with her spear.
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Re: Chapter 2: Bandit Hunting

#29 Post by sulldawga »

Hazrahi continues to kill bandits.
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Re: Chapter 2: Bandit Hunting

#30 Post by Rex »

Khawaji will continue to attack the bandits

Solomon will use burning hands if he can without hitting any of his allies
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Re: Chapter 2: Bandit Hunting

#31 Post by Lamech »

Willow will throw a dart if she can without risk of hitting one of her fellows.
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Re: Chapter 2: Bandit Hunting

#32 Post by CharlesDM »

Aghilas tugs the reins of his horse to move past the melee, to the side of the canyon opposite the side we entered, to ensure no bandit escapes. He readies another javelin.
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Re: Chapter 2: Bandit Hunting

#33 Post by drpete »

Round 2

As combat begins this round, Hamiya whacks her opponent across the face with the but of her spear, then plunges it into his neck, killing him (10 damage +2 brawl damage. DEAD BANDIT).

Solomon begins casting a spell. A sickly green smoke rises up around him.

As bandits begin to retreat, Jaskar peppers them with shots from his bow, taking out two of the bandits (4 damage, 5 damage, 2 DEAD BANDITS).

Aghilas circles around on his horse to cut off their retreat. He let's fly at one with a javelin, but misses, as does Willow with her dart.

Khawaji and the berserkers attack, but do not harm the retreating bandits. Hazrahi chases one and brings his hammer down on his shield, preventing him from fleeing (4 damage). The bandit attacks Hazrahi, but can find no opening through the paladin's armor.

Solomon finishes his spell and shoots fire at the one bandit separated from the others. The bandit holds up his shield to block the fire from hitting his face, and prepares to start running (1 damage)

There are two remaining bandits. One is fighting Hazrahi, and trying to escape. The other is in the open, lightly singed by Solomon's spell.


Technical Details
Init 1:
Brigand move init [1d4] = 1 (#1 retreats)
Hamiya spear: init [1d6] = 1 hit AC [1d20-9] = 20-9 = 11 Damage [1d6+1] = 4+1 = 5
Crit: [1d20] = 4[1d10] = 1 (crit, extra brawl damage)
Brawl [1d4] = 2 (kill #8)

Init 2:
Jaskar bow: init [1d4] = 2 (mod down 1) Hit AC [1d20-6] = 19-6 = 13 Damage [1d6+1] = 3+1 = 4 (kill #1)
Berserker spear: init [1d6] = 2 Hit AC [1d20-8] = 1-8 = -7 Damage [1d6] = 5

Init 3:
Brigand move init [1d4] = 3 (brigand #2 retreats)
Brigand move init [1d4] = 3 (brigand #4 retreats)
Aghilas Horse move [1d2] = 2
Aghilas javelin: init [1d6] = 3 hit AC [1d20-10] = 10-10 = 0 dam: [1d6+1] = 6+1 = 7 (miss)
Jaskar bow: init [1d4] = 1 (mod down 1) Hit AC [1d20-6] = 14-6 = 8 Damage [1d6+1] = 4+1 = 5 (kill #4)

Init 4:
Willow dart: init [1d4] = 4 hit AC (med range, cover, Dex -2) [1d20-14] = 9-14 = -5 dam [1d4] = 1 (miss)
Khawaji sword: init [1d6] = 5 hit AC [1d20-9] = 6-9 = -3 dam: [1d6+1] = 2+1 = 3 (miss)
Berserker spear: init [1d6] = 4 Hit AC [1d20-8] = 7-8 = -1 Damage [1d6] = 5 (miss)
Brigand move init [1d4] = 4 (Brigand #3 retreats)

Hazrahi hammer: Init [1d6] = 4 Hit AC [1d20-8] = 15-8 = 7 Damage [1d6+3] = 1+3 = 4 (4 damage to #3)
Brigand short sword: init [1d6] = 4 Hit AC [1d20-10] = 5-10 = -5 Damage [1d6] = 5 (#3 counterattack miss)

Init 11:
[1d4] = 1 (burning hands 1 damage)
[1d20] = 17 (save for half)
#2 at -1
#3 at -4
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Re: Chapter 2: Bandit Hunting

#34 Post by sulldawga »

Hazrahi drops his hammer and punches the brigand.

Looking to do non-lethal damage and knock him out.
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Re: Chapter 2: Bandit Hunting

#35 Post by Rex »

Khawaji attacks the bandit in the open.

Solomon stays alert for any one attacking unexpectedly.
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Re: Chapter 2: Bandit Hunting

#36 Post by tymir »

Hamiya shouts Throw down your weapons or we will pluck out your eyes and feast on your entrails! Raraawrk!

She will press her attack if they do not surrender.

Jaskar gives Hamiya an alarmed look, then shrugs. He will hold his attack to see if they surrender, and look for an open shot of not.
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Re: Chapter 2: Bandit Hunting

#37 Post by Lamech »

Willow take any shot if she has a clear line of fire.
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Re: Chapter 2: Bandit Hunting

#38 Post by drpete »

Round 3

Hamiya shouts "Throw down your weapons or we will pluck out your eyes and feast on your entrails! Raraawrk!"

The bandits show little sign of surrendering. In fact, the bandit facing Hazrahi opens up some space between himself and the paladin as he prepares to run.

Though Hazrahi signals that he wants to try to take one alive, Jaskar is too fast, and peppers both bandits with arrows, taking them both down (3 damage, 5 damage, 2 BANDITS DEAD)

All of the bandits are down. What now?
Init 1:
Brigand move init [1d4] = 1 (bandit 3, Hazrahi's foe, withdraws)
Willow dart: init [1d4] = 1 hit AC (med range, Dex -2) [1d20-14] = 6-14 = -8 dam [1d4] = 2
Jaskar bow: init [1d4] = 1 (mod down 1) Hit AC [1d20-6] = 18-6 = 12 Damage [1d6+1] = 2+1 = 3 (hit on bandit 2, KILL)
Cleave -- Jaskar bow: init [1d4] = 1 (mod down 1) Hit AC [1d20-6] = 14-6 = 8 Damage [1d6+1] = 4+1 = 5 (hit on bandit 3, KILL)
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Re: Chapter 2: Bandit Hunting

#39 Post by tymir »

Hamiya approaches the tied up men warily. What happened here?

Kareek lands beside her but is distracted by the fresh food and begins pecking at one of the bandit's corpses.

Jaskar calls out to Etti to bring the animals forward.
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Re: Chapter 2: Bandit Hunting

#40 Post by Rex »

Khawaji will search around and make sure none got away.
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