Chapel of Baudh

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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#21 Post by Marullus »

Details in the Expedition thread:

Stirling wrote:evangelistKellstrom

Brother Kellstrom will lead the evening devotions, singing an introductory anthem and obligatory prayer, sprinkling the devotees kneeling in the pews with perfumed water. After the times of adoration, confession, justification, gratification...that is the offering time... sanctification and Baudhic glorification he will finish the, now past the midnight hours service, with a closing hymnal.

Comrades, I thank you for your devotions and prayers, may they be a sweet smelling rose before the glorious judgement throne of Baudh. If I may, we stand on Holy ground and go forward in faith and trepidation knowing our endeavors shall be as a righteous act.Kellstrom will proceed to an act of humility and wash the feet of those present, blessing them as they leave the chapel. For those in need of late night accommodation, Kells has laid out some blankets and stuffed hay cots in the stable hayloft.

If Bishop Keelan makes an entrance at any point, he will give way to him;
Bishop Keelan, my I humbly introduce Baudhs' Mark'd one as you have met previously, Mr Rosemont the 3rd and Captain Bremen from the Southlands, this is brother Olaf of the Olafsons of Moradin. assuming these are present.

Prior to breakfast, Kellstrom will study an hour in the library, completing his requests for certain divine spell favors. He will prepare the pack mule and buy any stuff necessary for the trip. I have space for about 90lbs worth of load on the mule which if provided in proper saddle bags I can load on the mule. Let me know if you wish me to share your burden. Over breakfast with the party he will share what knowledge he found from studying any books relevant to the relic or location.

The Southlands believed these lands north and eastwards, to be unoccupied. Nothing was known beyond the belief that the cataclysm 5,000 years ago occurred here. Even the Gods refuse to speak of that event. Recorded history in the Southlands, begun by the Priests of Baudh, began the current calendar, 2021 years ago. No true records of what occurred for 3,000 years between then and the cataclysm exist.

The ruins you seek are shown by divine revelation. The location is unknown, it was close by a river though as the Cataclysm uprooted mountains and raised valleys, river courses were inevitably changed as a result. The devout worshippers were human who believed in an aspect of Baudh, but fell into disrepute. What kind of people they have become if still living is unknown. True history may be discovered in exploring this site, and any historical records from these Dark Age would be priceless. The relic we seek is a symbol of Baudh, more than this I don't know.

Bringing the symbol back to the church is service enough to Baudh, I will raise a named gold plated plaque to hang on the Wall of Remembrance commemorating any of us who fall in the expedition.
Marullus wrote:Late at night, 07 May 2021
Markd, Irving, Bremen, and Kellstrom join together in the chapel for a prayer vigil to request blessings for their journey. As all would-be-knights endure, this includes several hours of fasting and silent prayer. Finally, the Acolytes and Bishop Keelan enter leading them in devotions, responsive prayer, and finally, administering blessings to them for their quest.

Each of the parishioners feels invigorated, the strength and light of Baudh entering them (perhaps for the first time). (+1 to hit for two days). In addition, he extends a scroll case to Markd, and then a second to Kellstrom. "You will need wisdom and protection to return with the artifact. Use these well."

With services concluded, they are shown to a round bed-chamber with enough beds for them to sleep comfortably about five hours before dawn. You are woken at the dawn by the acolytes and head out to prepare your mules and meet Olaf the dwarf, your group undeterred by the deluge of rain.

(Finish up any last minute prepping in Town Business. We can set out when ready.)
Marullus wrote:The Expedition Begins...

Dawn on 08 May 2021

Markd, 'Captain' Bremen, Irving Malmstein Rosemont the Third, and Kellstrom of Baudh emerge from the chapel, bouyed in their spirits, and joins the dwarf, Olaf Olafssonsson, to pack their gear, inventory their tools, and set out.
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#22 Post by Stirling »


Will visit the Church of Baudh and give a parchment scroll to the Elder Sisters or Bishop if he is around at evening service. The scroll is a simple introduction and 'Letter of Marque' on Tyrrells' behalf from senior southern clergy. It details issues dealing with Templar duties, establishing proper ordained noble clergy and notes on influencing the policies of the present Duke and other ecclesiastical matters and a promissory note to underwrite further chapel foundations.

Tyrrell asks the wisdom about this expedition and if anything can be gained from it for the cause of Baudh apart from gold. He will spend the night in prayerful devotion and blessing given leave town to join this elf ( or indeed if requisitioned to go somewhere else).

Tyrrell invited Charchannoi to join him in the chapel to pray before we set off or at least to outline any commitment we can make to further the church ministry from any fruits of the expedition.
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#23 Post by Marullus »

The Bishop seems impressed by the Letter of Marque, tucking it away to consider the other matters later in private. "It is a pleasure to have you northward, Provost. There is much need for strong hands to protect the flock. You can place your things in the chambers and remain among the other clergy for as long as you stay."

He listens to the proposal to accompany Carchannoi. "I am concerned about efforts to entreat with the goblins, to be honest, but it is worthy to gather information for both the Church and the ArchDuke which can be used to deal with them more effectively. Remember the Decretum of the Light - your training has taught you the proper ways to deal with goblins: lying, chaotic, evil creatures by their nature. But also remember you are not an army in yourself. Take this opportunity to gather the necessary intelligence on the goblins, their apportionment, and their numbers and bring it back alive. If Carchannoi has learned it and not shared, that also will tell you of his character as your companion. Walk among the enemy and learn of them, but keep yourself in the Light."
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#24 Post by Stirling »


In the private meeting with the Bishop, Tyrrell concludes,

Ropr"To keep your friends close and keep your enemies closer is a sound precept your honour. It is why I schooled myself in Orc, your honour. This elf may come tonight during the chapel service on my invitation. He has made an assessment that this chieftess guards a considerable amount of relics and looted goods. I sense the lust for gold drives a few of the company assembling, I shall hope they give appropriate thanks for any deliverance given. Baudhs blessing may be upon all who call upon his name. "

If Charchannoi visits the Chapel for service, Tyrrell will introduce him to the Bishop. In the morning he will pack to leave expecting to return in a few days.

Re: Chapel of Baudh

#25 Post by sirravd »

Just before setting out on the expedition, Carchannoi visits the chapel for the promised blessing.
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#26 Post by Marullus »

When the evening vespers services end, the Bishop regards the adventurers, looking from Tyrrell to Carchannoi, then any others who came. He makes the sign of the sun in the air with his right hand and looks down at Carchannoi where he kneels. "May Justice go with you, in all your days; Penance forges strength and ensures justice, and justice applies to all from peasant to king." He sprinkles holy water and retires to the back room.
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Re: Town Business (Gaul)

#27 Post by Keehnelf »

Irving goes to the temple and offers up his reward of 30 gold pieces to them on behalf of Brother Kjells, so that they can support the efforts of noble heroes and adventurers further with their holy services.
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#28 Post by onlyme »

Markd enters, head bowed.

He immediately falls on his knees at the alter and begs forgiveness for failing in his quest.
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Re: Town Business (Gaul)

#29 Post by Marullus »

Keehnelf wrote:Irving goes to the temple and offers up his reward of 30 gold pieces to them on behalf of Brother Kjells, so that they can support the efforts of noble heroes and adventurers further with their holy services.
The gift is gratefully accepted and added to the funds for Brother Kellstrom's memorial.

(+30xp for Kellstrom memorial, +15xp for Irving)
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#30 Post by Marullus »

onlyme wrote:Markd enters, head bowed.

He immediately falls on his knees at the alter and begs forgiveness for failing in his quest.
Bishop Keelan places a hand on Markd's head. "The loss of Brother Kellstrom is indeed a loss to us all," he says, "but your quest has not yet finished. I hear from the taverns that you found much unexpected. Will you share the details of your experience thus far?"
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#31 Post by onlyme »

Markd begins with his tale...

Well we left here with the Four of us, as you recall. We met a halfling right at the ford. Need to expand out to that ford, would make taming those lands easier.
Anyway, after we cross and go north west a bit, we come up on an old graveyard, looked like loyal followers by the symbols aplenty. We thought we'd find clues to the tower location by entering an old catacomb. It was the craziest thing I'd ever seen. A court was in session with a bunch of anguished spirits involved. They were trapped to continue this process into eternity. We couldnt get answers from them.

And when we walked a round a bit more, thats when the Wight and other things started attacking us. We didnt think to have you bless our weaponry with any special powers before we left. So, we knew we'd be joining them if we didnt get out. we also found an mount with large gargoyles gaurding the ruins. It too seemed to be built to honor our Baudh at some point in time. But, well, that was when Kellstrom got a bit too impulsive and attacked one of the gargoyles. He didnt stand a chance. I went after him, and even dragged him back to safety. was just too late.
We saw a city beyond, but with us all in bad shape, and Kellstrom dead. Well, we just couldnt risk it being overrun with the undead and us no priest to keep them at bay.

I didnt use the scroll you gave me. I kept feeling that as bad as we saw it. There is a more powerful spirit out there that I need to save it for.

Anyway. You probably heard of the incident on the way back. I think ol' Irving is living in his glory days with that. I dont know for sure what happened. But a big Ogre and near a dozen kobolds attacked us. We fought hard till it went dark. Woke up with Irving cutting off the Orgre's head and the kobolds no where to be seen. Barely got back with our lives.

We need to recruit a few priests, or even young assistants who at least have had some training. The challenge is doable. And you have my word I'll keep trying till they kill me. I think the group who came back with me, for the most part, is willing to return immediately.

Does any of the places or creatures I've mentioned make any sense? Do you know what the trial would be about, or why those concrete birds were guarding some ruins? Or, even, who lives in that city we saw?

He humbly bows and listens.
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#32 Post by Marullus »

He listens solemnly without interrupting, nodding in acknowledgement at the details. "Did you find the river? The white tower?" he asks.

"The road of Baudh is narrow and passes through many perils. I fear your curiosity led you from the narrow way, and this cost Brother Kellstrom his life," he says. "Gargoyles portend ominous things... the presence of powerful wizardry for one... and from your tale it seems there are many restless spirits and secrets in the old kingdom. The vision from Baudh, the recovery of this relic, is a powerful portent as well. It is important this relic is recovered to place protection over this small, vulnerable settlement before greater evils are unleashed."

"It is good you returned to seek this guidance. You now may grow and mature in your quest. Stick to the narrow way."

Recruiting roll [2d6+2] = 10+2 = 12

"As for sending further acolytes with you," he purses his lips, looking quite sour, "I cannot spare any more when you return with news that one is already slain, and you did not even return his body. I have too few loyal servants of Baudh to risk any more with untried judgment. This quest remains yours."

(With a roll of 12, that is an additional -1 for future rolls relating to supplying this quest.)
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#33 Post by onlyme »

Marullus wrote:
Recruiting roll [2d6+2] = 10+2 = 12

(With a roll of 12, that is an additional -1 for future rolls relating to supplying this quest.)

I admit, I dont understand what this means. how does a 12 equal a -1, and what does the -1 mean? Surely with Markd's charisma he aint attracting too many npc recruits anyway.
Unless a Baudh follower admires his mark...
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#34 Post by Marullus »

It is a table on page 46. You asked him to send a NPC cleric with you, so that is a Retainer roll. A 12 is a critical fail so you not only didn't get a Retainer but you CHA penalty goes from +2 to +3 in the future.

Edit: see nice response on OOC thread. :)
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#35 Post by onlyme »

Very well.
Markd replies, numb to the biting words. He slowly stands and walks out and heads toward the tavern.
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
Halfpint - female halfling badgirl wannabe (Lab Lord- The North Marches) LL
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#36 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Captain Bremen heads to the Temple of Baudh and gathers his nerves. By the time he is pushing the doors open, he looks calm and self-assured, a talent he groomed with practice over the years. Ashamedly, he slips 4 copper coins into the collection box at the door, attempting to mask that it is not gold. Times are hard and I give what I can.

He greats one of the acolytes, May Baudh's light always shine on you. I wish to purchase one of your potions of healing, and hands over a pouch of mixed silver and gold.

Deducted 26gp and 240sp.

If no one has any business with him (information from the expedition, I mean), then he'll just leave after praying for a short time.
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#37 Post by onlyme »

Markd enters the chapel instead of partaking in the festival, short of eating and listening to any news about the various raids and adventures.

He waits his turn if anyone happens to be there, and quietly approaches.

We leave in the morning. I, through the goodness of Baudh, have a group willing to find this relic for the chapel. I can only promise to do my best. I have brought a small token of my gratitude toward our gracious protector. He hands over 300 silver pieces.

He hopes that at least starts to make the priest somewhat less hostile toward him, he asks.
I have a small amount of funds I am saving. As you can imagine I find it difficult to attract pity or free goodwill from neighbors, and must have coins to purchase anything I might need. However, I have seen first hand the peril we are heading toward, and would hate the thought of any of my possessions falling into the hands of the unworthy.
May I have a sack of coins here for safekeeping, brother, and find it available on my return? If of course, you hear of my demise, I would be honored for the church to use those coins in whatever manner you find warranted.

He waits for the response.
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#38 Post by Marullus »

He accepts the 300sp donation graciously. (+30xp) Then, he listens to Markd's request.

"My son, you have a crisis of faith. You question if you will return from your quest. You question whether Baudh will reward and provision you for your strength. You place your faith in stored coin instead of our God. Faith, my son. Baudh rewards the strong - strong in body, strong in mind, strong in faith, strong in acts. Go forward with boldness to fulfill his will." He does not accept the sack of stored coins. "The Chapel of Baudh is not a bank. If your faith in your strength is so weak you do not see a reward in your future, then you must see the Usurer. And pray. Pray before your quest."

You can convert all coin up to platinum pieces at the Usurer for a 1% fee. A PP is worth 10gp, or worth 100sp. Also, gems are considered negligible weight. I'll put some of the cashed gemstones up for purchase through the Usurer at the Wooden Keep as well.
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#39 Post by Jernau35 »

Piers Garrett

Piers enters the Chapel and moves before the altar to pray. After several minutes, he rises and takes a look around, hoping to find a fellow priest to talk to.
Chance of being Suprised: 33%
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#40 Post by Marullus »

06 July 2021

Bishop Keelan greets Piers Garrett. He checks over your letters of introduction from the southern ecclesiastic leaders and smiles upon you. "It is always well-met to find more of the Faithful coming northward to serve the needs of this outflung community," the ancient man tells you, steel in his old gray eyes. "The defense of this town is no small matter. In what way can I help you?"

You express your desire to find the whereabouts of the goblins and to serve the chapel. He nods solemnly. "One of our other clerics undertook just such a matter - he journeyed back along the southward road to seek a tower occupied by goblins which was said to be just west of the road's pathway - on the foothills overlooking it, somewhere from which they could launch the raids when the caravans emerge from the mountain pass. He accompanied an elf named Carchannoi who had met the goblins and parlayed with them - who said the goblin leader was named 'Guhra' - and their company never returned. The elf had darkness upon his soul, I fear, and it shows what 'treating' with goblins gives as its fruits. Nonetheless, it cannot be said that we allow our fallen to go unavenged let alone unpursued. If you can pursue the same course and find the fate of our fallen brother, Tyrrell, or at least the location of this Guhra's tower, perhaps you can ensure justice for his soul."

Recruiting: [2d6] = 2 [2d6] = 7 [2d6] = 7
Recruiting: [2d6] = 5 [2d6] = 4 [2d6] = 8

He summons forward a woman and a man, each stoic-faced and with matching raven-colored hair, wearing a Baudhic surcoat over a suit of chainmail. "Rowine and Crowegar may accompany you if you do so. I've no wish for unfaithful companions to result in the untimely end of more of Baudh's priesthood."

(They are available as Retainers for this quest. They demand a 1/2 share of treasure and a receive a 1/2 share of XP if you accept them.)
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