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Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 4:55 am
by Das
Eli Alexander

Slips into the passenger seat quickly...not wanting the responsibility of driving or shooting big guns should it become important.

Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 7:56 am
by Mister-Kent
Jenny Body, Warrior

Jenny comfortably slips into the back at the turret seat. "I'm not much for driving, but I suppose I could stay back here, if gunfire is exchanged..."

Would one be able to fire out of the vehicle from the backseat? Jenny has no skill if Gunnery, but would prefer to have a way to return fire if needed...

Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 1:23 pm
by kmbll
So here's what I'm envisioning: ... erjeep.jpg If you want to say there's windows then that's fine but I would say the back is more for storage and troop transport than for offensive output so you'll get a -1 to hit. And to clarify because I don't think it's how the picture was designed but I'm thinking the person has to be ON the turret.

Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 1:39 pm
by Spectreman17
Robert J. Withers:

Now, hold on there little lady, do you know how to use a big ol' gun like that? leave that too professionals I (as gently as I know how to) move Jenny out from behind the gun and step up onto the turret. Trust me, there are better times to learn to shoot than when you're being shot at.

I'm sure Tsubasa is a wonderful driver, but why don't you keep an eye on him, I don't trust Xenos and he doesn't seem all human to me, never know when his slimy hands might slip on that steering wheel. and that Eli character looks awful nervous.

Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 5:40 pm
by kmbll
As you ride out of the east gate, you get your first clear view of the landscape of the world. The ground of this world is a pale green, with grass that looks faintly chalky with a luminescent quality that keeps the ground visible even as night falls. The orange sky is darkening with night coming but it turns the water that sounds the water a blood red color. A bridge crosses the bay out of the eastern gate but it's completely covered by thousands of Saros down a road that extends to the east. Tsubasa veers the gravjeep off to the left and it hovers over the bloodred water jutting the water up into plumes. He steers to the northeast, to the left the bay becomes a bloodred sea with the dark orange sky overhead. The gravjeep hovers over a small inlet dotted with purple bulbous trees before crossing the sea. As you head forward you see the darkness of the sea to the right but to the left you see the phosphorescent green extended onward and upward into mountains and dotted with the lavender fauna. Off to the right you see what appear to be obelisks at a point where the ground edges over the water in a cliff.

Tsubasa silently steers towards the mountains.

Robert or Eli - can I get a perception roll? One of you may help if you'd prefer which if successful will mean plus 1 to the others' roll.

Also, edit - that should've been +3 instead of a plus one for his roll so it's a 6 instead of a 4.

Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 6:32 pm
by Das
Eli Alexander:

He didn't seem to mind their opinion on his thoughts, it might be fun to have them think that way. So he just smiled, resting an arm on the door of the vehicle...scanning the world below with keen interest, he liked new things and seeing the locals milling about in their thousands...was new for him. But apparently he found the view so distracting that he wasn't as attentive as he probably should be, with the whole....starting a war an all. He really seemed to enjoy the wind in his face also.

[2d6+1] = 5+1 = 6

i think I should roll with help from Withers as we are both unskilled in Perception but I have a +1 Modifier from Wisdom. So with Withers help my roll is a +1...better than a +0. Since I don't imagine any issues with that, I am going to just roll.

Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 8:32 pm
by Spectreman17
Robert J, Withers

correction: you're a minus 1 to perception and I'm a flat 0, we average out the same because you're -1 +1 pereption skill and wisdom mod and I'm a +0 +0. AKA we should both roll separately for it

Perception: [2d6] = 5

Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 10:27 pm
by kmbll

You have experience on a turret so the constant motion isn't a deterrent but despite the glow of dustlike green grass, it's still hard to see. As Tsubasa pulls up to the base of mountains, you realize that although you've seen Saros in the distance up until this point, they've started to fade away. You've noticed some cattle creatures as well - they resemble cows but have bulbous eyes and six legs. They also are at a distance from the mountain. Tsubasa comes to a halt at the base and settles on the ground.


The headlights help some but despite the glow of dustlike green grass, it's still hard to see. As Tsubasa pulls up to the base of mountains, you realize that although you've seen Saros in the distance up until this point, they've started to fade away. You've noticed some cattle creatures as well - they resemble cows but have bulbous eyes and six legs. They also are at a distance from the mountain. As you approach you notice a glimmer up the mountain before you start when Tsubasa suddenly comes to a halt at the base and settles on the ground.

Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 12:13 am
by Das
Eli Alexander

He leaned over towards the driver pointing at the herd animals. "What care those called?"

Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 1:38 pm
by kmbll
Tsubasa shrugs, his massive body armor oddly moving up and down in an unnatural fashion. "Saros Chattel. Don't eat the meet or you'll get The Sickness."

Tsubasa gets out of the vehicle after it comes to a rest on the ground and heads to the back and starts rummaging around. After a while an eerie howl breaks the night and you hear him shout, "Incoming! At the ready!"

Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 2:56 pm
by Spectreman17
Robert J. Withers:

I bring the turret to bear on my best guess as to where to ship will land Perception/Int: [2d6+1] = 5+1 = 6

Hey, Tsubasa, We're trying to keep the ship intact and just kill the people, right? we should probably hide the gravjeep till they get off the ship, they're not going to get out of the ship if a team of armed soldiers are hanging out at the landing pad. If we leave just a couple of us standing here as a greeting party for the ship and come cruising in with jeep after, we'd be far more successful. Eli can drive since he's armorless and Tsubasa and Jenny can be the bait. and of course, I get this baby. I pat the turret on the gravjeep as I say that last line

Tactics/Int: [2d6+3] = 8+3 = 11

What kind of gun is on the jeep? rocket launcher, Heavy Machine gun, What am I working with?

Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 3:06 pm
by kmbll
Sorry - probably should've been more clear. You aren't to the ship yet - Tsubasa heard a howl and told you to be at the ready. Heavy Machine Gun.

Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 3:25 pm
by Spectreman17
So more of acritter howl than a ship tearing through the atmosphere howl? Got it.

In that case let me just swing my turret towards the direction the howl came from.

Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 5:37 am
by Mister-Kent
"Well good, I'm sure Withers will be happy with something to shoot at," Jenny scoffs, readyign her gun just in case.

"I didn't know shooting up wildlife would be part of this job," she says to Tsubasa. "I'm something of an animal lover..."

Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 9:49 am
by Das
Eli Alexander:

Eli pulled out his revolver and checked the ammo before slumping down in his seat wanting to be the least desirable position as possible. Started to point in the direction of where the howl came from.

Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 2:38 pm
by Spectreman17
Robert J. Withers:

Hey Tsubasa, Whats that noise, Whose making it and why does it make me so nervous? Are we about to hit by a pack of wolves or something? I can't see 'em but I sure as hell can hear them.

Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 5:28 pm
by kmbll
Robert J. Withers
As you're shouting to Tsubasa, you notice reflective lights up the mountain sparkling in response to the headlights on the gravjeep. As another howl calls in response to the first, you notice that they're eyes as five of the creatures stand - they're long creatures that blend seamlessly into the ground when lying. Standing, you would assume that they're reptilian with scaled armor and large jaws. They quickly move toward the gravjeep.

From a tactical perspective - Tsubasa is undefended toward the back of the gravjeep and you're in a relatively exposed position at the bottom of the hill and landed. He's under your gun so if they get under you, you likely are not going to be able to shoot at them. You also haven't seen much of them but, in the several moments they've been active, something from your military experience tells you they're running funny - they cross each other in a swerving pattern likely to confuse their prey as to their number - but at their pace they should've run into each other. They appear to be pack predators that like in wait for the herd animals you observed before to walk nearby and then strike.

Tsubasa shouts back to you, "We're not to the ship yet! I meant to go around the coggers. Shoot ahead of them!"

Tsubasa replies, "This was not my intent! I need to replace the battery every four hours and steered off course.."


As it stands, five creatures of about five feet in length have begun rapidly descending from their resting place on the mountain you've rested at. They're approximately 15 meters away but appear quite fast. Tsubasa is currently behind the gravjeep tinkering with it.

They have the equivalent of 5 armor should you decide to shoot at them.

Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 8:05 pm
by Das
Eli Alexander

Eli leaps from the vehicle to move by Tsubasa to protect him should it come to that....and fires his revolver at one of the approaching beasties. But his movements and theirs don't match up and his shot most likely went wide, partially due to the movements of the pack predators. But hopefully the loud report of his revolver might make them second guess this attack. "Come on Tsubasa! Get us going again."

Revolver[1d20+6] = 11+6 = 17, Damage [1d8] = 4

Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:13 pm
by Spectreman17
Robert J. Withers:

You telling me we're out of power? God Damnit, at least don't let them get under the vehicle, and change that battery real quickly. I'll cover you.

I don't like the look of them at all, sorry Jenny

As i say that, I spray a suppressing blast at all five in front of us.

I hope they scatter!!!

damage: [3d6] = 12 equals 6 damage each

Supression: fire double ammo, all enemies not in hard cover are auto hit for half damage. Evasion or luck save to avoid damage

Also, on mobile now, so formatting isbad.

Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 9:13 pm
by Mister-Kent
Jenny Body, Warrior

Jenny sees the beasts approaching, clicking her tongue with disappointment. She slides the window open and leans out with her energy pistol. "They seem to be moving as a pack. If can establish that our pack's not-to-be-fucked with, they'll retreat."

"Sorry, babies," she sighs as she pulls the trigger, aiming for the foremost animal.

NRG pistol: [1d20+6] = 16+6 = 22 damage: [1d6] = 4
Actually only rolled a 21, -1 to hit from within the vehicle...