Neamore To Do List

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Re: Neamore To Do List

#21 Post by Agnati »

Tungsten wrote:Tungsten made sure that Anatol invited all of his friends and family and fellow blacksmiths (Including Matt Deveau) and their apprentices. Tungsten makes certain that everyone has a GREAT TIME at the Glazened Duck.
He tells the owner, cooks, wait staff and bartender to keep the fine wine flowing and that only the best foods are to touch his guests plates. He wants everyone in Neamore to hear about this Dinner Party and the generosity of our party (hopefully natives of Neamore will be very eager to help us whenever we visit in hopes that they get invited to our next Dinner Party).

DM: The bill for the dinner party is over 500gp. Quite expensive!
Rickul will pitch in half, though he knows Tungsten is anything but short on cash, plus a 25gp tip for the staff for entertaining such a large (and probably rambunctious) crowd. He asks Anatol as well as the staff of the Glazened Duck how fair a price the merchants at Miradon Gems asks for precious stones.

DM: They are fair he states, but you can do better but you must use the Latanori Forqu, the powerful thieves guild in the city. They are commonly called the Latans and control much of the merchant activity, one way or the other. But they are a shady group.

We should have a scale to gauge such transactions... 1-10, buying/selling precious gems. 10/10 being the even gp-to-gemstone-value for both buying and selling to the merchant, 5/8 being they'll charge 150gp for a gem worth 100gp and they'll buy a 100gp gem for 80gp (unless anyone else has any ideas?) Depending on how fair of a barter, Rickul may be interested in purchasing several stones to lighten the gp load. And do we want to leave it as a general chipped/flawed/regular/flawless/exceptional/perfect quality of generic "gems" or do we want to go specific, and if we go more specific, I assume different kinds of gemstones would go for a different price? How easy or complicated do we want to make this, considering the gems we already have and what may be purchased in the future?

DM: Up to the DM. The system may develop organically during game play or on this board. Good questions and interest is noted.

Rickul would also like to pay a visit to both the Berkmore Alchemist and inquire about any poisons that are potent enough to coat arrows in (and any logistical stipulations by the DM) and then head to Deveau's Blade and have his weapons sharpened and polished. DM: Blades sharpened and polished.

DM: Poisons are outlawed in Neamore. There may be other ways to obtain poison but not officially.
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Re: Neamore To Do List

#22 Post by Tungsten »

The only thing unusual about the Halberd that Tungsten wants made is that he wants the shaft to be steel rather than wood. He wants the handle to be a bit thicker and wrapped in nice leather so that he can get a nice grip on it.

DM: As a general rule of thumb, the PHB pricing is for standard gear available in a large town or bigger. Smaller villages or areas more remote prices are 150%. Special construction like you describe that are cosmetic only will run 150%. Steel shaft as far as game play in cosmetic.
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Re: Neamore To Do List

#23 Post by Tungsten »

Faelwen would like to make 3 Robes out of the Elven silk.
1) A mini skirt robe for optimal movement and access to her custom knee-high leather boots (and its hidden compartments). She wants long sleeves so that she can have hidden compartments all along the length of them. She wants a couple hidden compartments at the sides as well. This robe will have a high collar to protect the throat. She wants this one to be made with the strongest thread possible. DM: Sure
2) A formal long robe. Elegant and flowing with long sleeves (and hidden compartments). DM: Sure
3) The sexy dress. Low cut, sleeveless, low back, micro mini. DM: Sure

Need a quote. And it would be nice to have a description of this Elven silk. DM: Faelwen sees The Wehrun Bride, the local and highly regarded seamstress, dress maker and outfitter. Donnela is a half-elf proprietor and she is incredibly helpful to Faelwen. She fawns on elegance of her beauty, she knows she comes not from the wood elves of the March. She quotes 750gp for the the 3 requests.

Tungsten has the 2 pendants made (at 1,000 GP each). . He calls the symbol that came to him in a dream "The Star of Malazar." He gives Lumiere another 2,000 GPs to have them blessed at the Temple of Malazar by the High Priest. He asks her to ask the High Priest for permission to purchase 10 Potions of Rejuvenation. Tungsten then mentions with a smile that Lumiere should choose one of the pendants as a gift. "The light of Lumiere shines brightly upon you, but in my dream it shone even brighter with this pendant around your neck."

DM: That is between PCs! :)

Faelwen takes a renewed interest in finding out all she can about The Fair Traders after hearing Tungsten speak of them. DM: Ok
Faelwen is appalled by what she has learned regarding Vecna and The Scholl Valley. She shares all of this information with the rest of the party. DM: OK

Tungsten gives the Owner, Cooks, Wait Staff and Bartender a 100GPs tip on the 500GPs tab. He makes sure that they divide the GPs equitably before he departs from the Glazened Duck. He mentions that they will most likely be wanting to have another Dinner Party when they return back to Neamore. He asks them to start thinking about what wines and food pairings will go best depending on the season and what food, fruit and game would be available.

DM: Clearly they view the noble Knight of the Laurel as fun loving and generous as well as powerful. A worthwhile friend in case problems break out.
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Re: Neamore To Do List

#24 Post by Tungsten »

Cool map of Neamore BTW.

DM: Will update by noon today. Added Wehrun Bride Seamstress.
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Re: Neamore To Do List

#25 Post by Rhourk »

Lumiere will visit a jeweler in town, in hopes of purchasing or commissioning a pair of platinum rings of atleast 50 gp value each.

DM: Sure. The place is on the map. Miradon Jewerly Exhange...sometimes called Miradon Gems. Done at 50gp. each as you requested.
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Re: Neamore To Do List

#26 Post by Tungsten »

Almost forgot. Tungsten swings by the recommended Stables, Empire's Carriage, to see what they have for sale. DM: The City of Neamore is full service. It is one of the largest and ancient cities in the Duchy. I will allow you to purchase whatever you need in you can find it in any PHB. Warhorses, saddles, wagons, quarter horses, clydesdales...:)

Faelwen is not kidding about having the Treasure Chests evaluated. She specifically wants to know what the Chest AC and Picking DC are for them as well as their value. DM: Which chests? If they are from the dragon then Pick DC 16 and 100HP each to open (AC is N/A). Lawson's Crates is the name of the locksmith and luggage maker. Phil Lawson is the proprietor. He offers you 1000gp for the chests. He can fix them good as new for 100gp.

I am sure that the entire party would like to hear back from the most reputable Jeweler in town regarding the value of the shiny stuff in our Community Chest. We are all a bit surly after getting stiffed by Harshoon!!!! He promised us his weight in gold for the Head of the Infidel and the freeing of Haliford. We gave him both (and more) and all we got was a Hammer that will not be fighting for us soon. : (

DM: Please list on this topic thread what you want to sell. I will provide prices.
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Re: Neamore To Do List

#27 Post by Rhourk »

Tungsten wrote:
Tungsten has the 2 pendants made (at 1,000 GP each). . He calls the symbol that came to him in a dream "The Star of Malazar." He gives Lumiere another 2,000 GPs to have them blessed at the Temple of Malazar by the High Priest. He asks her to ask the High Priest for permission to purchase 10 Potions of Rejuvenation. Tungsten then mentions with a smile that Lumiere should choose one of the pendants as a gift. "The light of Lumiere shines brightly upon you, but in my dream it shone even brighter with this pendant around your neck."

Lumiere makes the arrangements at the temple, assuming she cannot perform the blessing herself (even if she can the money still goes to the Temple, rules are rules). And personally helps make a case for purchasing or being granted the potions of rejuvenation to be used in the coming struggles with the enemies of Malazar. DM: She gets the permission letter with seal and the party arrives in the Berkmore Alchemist. 10 potions are created as you find that the seal is used in the creation of the potions themselves. So the permission was more like the catalyst for the potions. 100gp each x 10 (1000gp).

Upon Tungsten's offer of the pendant, "Thank you Sir Tungsten. Truly this is a gift unlike any I have received. I shall wear it fondly as a symbol of the bond we share and as a reminder of the beacon that you are in these dark days. The light of Malazr shines brightly upon you, but more brightly within you as well, and you are as noble a servant as he has in this world or the next. Never doubt that your service and valor is noticed and we are thankful for and humbled by your courage and sacrifice." DM: Well stated and I assume Tungsten's face turns red.
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Re: Neamore To Do List

#28 Post by Agnati »

Agnati wrote: Rickul will pitch in half, though he knows Tungsten is anything but short on cash, plus a 25gp/ea tip for the staff for entertaining such a large (and probably rambunctious) crowd. He asks Anatol as well as the staff of the Glazened Duck how fair a price the merchants at Miradon Gems asks for precious stones.

DM: They are fair he states, but you can do better but you must use the Latanori Forqu, the powerful thieves guild in the city. They are commonly called the Latans and control much of the merchant activity, one way or the other. But they are a shady group.

We should have a scale to gauge such transactions... 1-10, buying/selling precious gems. 10/10 being the even gp-to-gemstone-value for both buying and selling to the merchant, 5/8 being they'll charge 150gp for a gem worth 100gp and they'll buy a 100gp gem for 80gp (unless anyone else has any ideas?) Depending on how fair of a barter, Rickul may be interested in purchasing several stones to lighten the gp load. And do we want to leave it as a general chipped/flawed/regular/flawless/exceptional/perfect quality of generic "gems" or do we want to go specific, and if we go more specific, I assume different kinds of gemstones would go for a different price? How easy or complicated do we want to make this, considering the gems we already have and what may be purchased in the future?

DM: Up to the DM. The system may develop organically during game play or on this board. Good questions and interest is noted.

Rickul would also like to pay a visit to both the Berkmore Alchemist and inquire about any poisons that are potent enough to coat arrows in (and any logistical stipulations by the DM) and then head to Deveau's Blade and have his weapons sharpened and polished. DM: Blades sharpened and polished.

DM: Poisons are outlawed in Neamore. There may be other ways to obtain poison but not officially.
Rickul gives asks Tungsten if he will hold onto all but 3000gp of his money while he asks around the town for a contact for the Latanori Forqu. Once found he asks to gain audience with anyone within the guild who would provide a means of a fair buying price for gems as well as access to any poisons available. Are there different kinds of poison more effective on different types of foes? He is willing to pay up to 200gp to coat 75 arrows in the most potent poison available.

DM: You feel a bit uncomfortable at first in the dark alleys of the Third Circle. You find a Latan guild member through a variety of means. You make the acquaintance of Bartho Reich; unsure of his position, he indicates that he is willing to offer you a fair deal that will be above the Miradon Jewelry Exchange by 25%. He seems to pleased to have made your acquaintance.
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Re: Neamore To Do List

#29 Post by Agnati »

Agnati wrote:Rickul gives asks Tungsten if he will hold onto all but 3000gp of his money while he asks around the town for a contact for the Latanori Forqu. Once found he asks to gain audience with anyone within the guild who would provide a means of a fair buying price for gems as well as access to any poisons available. Are there different kinds of poison more effective on different types of foes? He is willing to pay up to 200gp to coat 75 arrows in the most potent poison available.

DM: You feel a bit uncomfortable at first in the dark alleys of the Third Circle. You find a Latan guild member through a variety of means. You make the acquaintance of Bartho Reich; unsure of his position, he indicates that he is willing to offer you a fair deal that will be above the Miradon Jewelry Exchange by 25%. He seems to pleased to have made your acquaintance.
Rickul genuinely thanks him for his willingness to trade and offers all 3000gp for gems (highest quality available) and asks which tavern or pub he frequents the most.
Edit: Rickul also asks if the guild has any antitoxins to speak of that he could purchase?

To the rest of the party, what are our plans tonight? Rickul would like to make his way up to Trot Lake, where a fellow Ranger of Nouveau is supposed to reside, Dorian. According to Marcus, he hasn't been heard from in quite some time. If we can find him, he may be able to tell us of the goings-on in the area (since the area is apparently more dangerous than we were first told when given the land), then travel up toward Fairfield and meet up with our followers who are waiting on us (or at least me)
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Re: Neamore To Do List

#30 Post by Agnati »

Mei, via winged messenger wrote:
My Lord Rickul, Ranger of Nouveau,

Here is my report on Atalon:

The independent farming town of Atalon sits between Bordere Creek ranging from the Bald Hills and the Dreslen River flowing from Trot Lake. The farms are centered close to town and a strong town guard patrols the borders. It is a very militant and ordered township. The constable is a veteran of immense size. His name is Christian Veradon.
Weapons are confiscated at the gate. I was able to hide one of my blades but was confronted and had to turn it in to the constable. I even mentioned being associated with the Rangers of Nouveau…he seemed unimpressed. They are very isolated.

But today before I traveled north to our common destination of Fairfield, I heard mention of problems at the logging village. There is a small group of rugged logsmen and their families that have tried to setup a community where the Dreslen and Rus Rivers meet. The tall evergreens called the Amoross grow tall there. They are prized by the merchants of Irondrake, so they hope to become rich.

There now has been word of isolated murder and mutilation there. I have inspected the bodies and I need your help to determine the strange beast that must be at the heart of the issue. Please send word.

I wait for my liege,

Sharing this information with the party (and if we could get a rough idea where this may be on the map), "I feel an urgency to investigate this tragedy before a similar fate befall the rest of the village. We should make haste! I'd also suggest we avoid the city of Atalon... we would come to blows before I hand over my weapons to a ruler who hasn't respect for a Ranger of Nouveau and "trust" that he would return our magical gear to us voluntarily."
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Re: Neamore To Do List

#31 Post by Tungsten »

Faelwen goes to the Narrow Channel Magic Guild. She speaks to Guild Master about possible uses for a complete set of Beholder Eyes, Medusa Blood, Basilisk Heads yadda yadda.

DM: What name did old tongue name did I give the Narrow Channel Guild? I forgot.

DM: The Guild Master Herkmar Corth welcomes you and mentions to not use magic in he city unless they are cantrips. There is a tax of 50gp per day for registered wizards to help maintain the Guild. If you become a member, this tax is waived. Membership cost 5000gp per year. Please pay up.

DM: Herkmar says that he will take the beholder eyes and other odd trinkets of yours instead of the tax. In fact he states that carrying such items is against the city charter. You must sell to him so he can place in the vault where spell components are maintained. After all, we are one brotherhood/sisterhood!

She has had 5 Vials of Skin Rot (leprosy) which she just hasn't been able to use. Can they be altered? DM: He will take those vials off your hands as well but doesn't offer any gold

She asks them if any of the Guild members know any interesting Teleportation Circle Sigils. DM: Educate me.
After she has taken care of all of her business she takes the Guild Master aside and asks him what he knows about Essence Magic. DM: I don't think you feel comfortable with Herkmar at this point.
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Re: Neamore To Do List

#32 Post by Tungsten »

The Old Tongue name of the Magic Guild is Uulik Fadaxa, on Quimore Road.
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Re: Neamore To Do List

#33 Post by Tungsten »

Faelwen tells the Guild Master that these items do not reside within Neamore. (Not a lie because they are on another plane). I pay double the daily rate as a sign of respect and because I am not certain how much longer we will be in Neamore. As far as becoming a member of the Neamore Guild, she tells him that she feels she should speak to her mentor in Esterik before doing so. She explains that he can be moody about any perceived slight. Nothing but my GPs leave my possession. Once I feel he is uncomfortable with me about mentioning Essence Magic I explain that we defeated witches in the Blight that were using such magic and that I am only trying to learn how to defeat such foes.
Faelwen makes her exit as soon as politeness allows saying that she must meet up with the rest of her party. She keeps Tungsten by her side as much as possible for the rest of her time in Neamore.

Sigils are the patterns you make in order to travel to a specific Teleportation Circle. At this point she wants to meet The Fair Traders and speak with them. Perhaps these Sea Elves may have a Sigil to their homeland island.
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Re: Neamore To Do List

#34 Post by Agnati »

Rickul also asks if the Latans have any antitoxins to speak of that he could purchase

DM: He speaks of Spider and Scorpion antitoxin. He has a potion of cure disease that he is willing sell for 500gp. It worth quite alot.

The spider/scorpion anti-toxin has 4 doses and is good against any poison from these type of creatures. It cost 300gp.
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Re: Neamore To Do List

#35 Post by Tungsten »

The Star of Malazar:

Top gem: Ruby
Next down: Topaz Citrine
Next to Bottom: Sapphire
Bottom: Pearl

The Stylized Star pattern is Bright Red upon the Silver Medallion which is circular. They are on very nice Silver Chains.

Lumiere and Tungsten have these to honor MALAZAR and they have been BLESSED.
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