Action Thread: Episode IV

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Re: Action Thread: Episode IV

#21 Post by Jedi Skyler »


Lord looks at the protocol droid quizzically. "Come along, droid. Help us out, and you'll get off this station in functioning order. However, I will point out that you that you, specifically, having detected us and sought us out is not only NOT the only possibility in this scenario, it's also not what I was referring to. I was merely pointing out that, since the Imperials themselves seem to have been toying with us up to this point (or would like us to believe as much), it could have been them that directed you to this location to meet up with us, ingratiate yourself to us, and lead us into a trap. Fortunately for you," he adds wryly, "we don't have the time to properly investigate. We therefore will work with you, and hope for the best. And, of course, should you be duplicitous, you'll be scrap long before this ship is."

He gestures for the droid to move out, then follows immediately behind.


The Rebel pilot continues to watch their surroundings as the men dicker with the droid. Her ire already up from the thrashing she received earlier, she's about to holler out something very snarky when the former bounty hunter steps up and orders the droid to move out. Muttering a number of multilingual epithets under her breath as the party starts moving again, she brandishes her blaster carbine and continues to survey their surroundings.
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Re: Action Thread: Episode IV

#22 Post by angelicdoctor »

Easy now O metal one. I am sure we meant no offense. Please. Lead the way. Turning to the rest, These droids get more sentient-like every year, it seems.
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Re: Action Thread: Episode IV

#23 Post by grey_starr »

*Grey takes up rear guard and lets the others deal with the machine... even though he has his doubts about it. But a protocol droid wouldn't make a great assassin he supposes*
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Re: Action Thread: Episode IV

#24 Post by max_vale »

The gleaming protocol droid sniffs and begins to lead the party of Rebel escapees down the narrow access tunnel. After moving what feels like a distance of half the ship the party can suddenly see something long and cylindrical hanging from the ceiling near an archway marking the end of the Droid access tunnel and its entrance to a large; standard corridor of the Star Destroyer. Blissex speaks up as he studies it and says; "That appears to be some kind of repeating blaster security system; obviously added by the Imperials as it was not part of my original design-"; he is cut off as the familiar sight of a small MSE 'mouse' Droid rolls into the archway; swivels its camera 'eye' at the Rebels and a second later the Blaster begins to rotate towards the band of Rebels.

T-3P0 manages to nimbly dodge to the ground while at the same time calmly stating; "You have approximately 2.9 seconds to interrupt it before the MSE-6 reports your position to Security stations on the ship"....
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Re: Action Thread: Episode IV

#25 Post by angelicdoctor »

Trusting to the Force, La'Reth reacts quickly to the miniature droid, attempts to telekinectically lift unintended spy into the air and smash it into the nearest corridor wall.
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Re: Action Thread: Episode IV

#26 Post by Jedi Skyler »

Terra and Mattel both whip their blaster carbines up, aiming at the MSE droid and taking a shot at it.
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Re: Action Thread: Episode IV

#27 Post by max_vale »

The Bothan feels the Force flowing through him and then suddenly seem to 'fade away' as his Telekinetic ability grasps ahold of the little 'mouse' droid for a fleeting moment and then seems to hold nothing but air.....

Terra's quick shot seems to just miss the Droid; perhaps because it strangely pauses for a moment when she anticipated it moving ahead on its wheels?....

Lord's shot however drills the little box-shaped mechanical on wheels and turns it into an exploding mass of small bits of metal. Right after that occurs; the Repeating Blaster opens up; cutting loose a trio of Bolts at the Rebel band. The First narrowly misses Terra; flashing past her right shoulder close enough for her to feel the heat of the energy bolt. The second bolt grazes Grey Star's leg causing him to quickly grit his teeth and hiss in pain; but not doing any serious damage*. The final bolt narrowly misses the scrambling form of T-3PO; blowing out a section of wall behind the dodging Droid. "Destroy the automated security system you useless carbonates!"; T-3PO hisses out in its concerned, yet still snobbish voice....

*Grey's Body roll was High and the Damage roll was REALLY low; you lucked out! :)
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Re: Action Thread: Episode IV

#28 Post by grey_starr »

*Fighting through the pain, Grey comes out of his roll taking his shots at the Repeating Blaster, and at any camera systems if he see's them... if there is no other cover - the droid will do...*
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Re: Action Thread: Episode IV

#29 Post by Jedi Skyler »


"Karking piece of drek!!!" Terra screams out as she shifts her aim to the turret and opens fire.


As the former bounty hunter shifts his aim to fire at the automated gun, he hollers out, "Droid! Put some respect in your speech, or I'll give you a very...personal demonstration of what 'useless' really is."
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Re: Action Thread: Episode IV

#30 Post by grey_starr »

*Thinking of a way past, should he miss, Grey Starr reviews what he knows of the sentry in his head... Automated sentry guns are little more than automated repeating blasters controlled by a simplistic droid brain. Equipped with a basic "Identify Friend or Foe" system that would permit allies to enter its field of fire safely. If an unidentified or enemy unit came within range it would open fire. are generally programmed to respond to some form of stimuli, usually movement*

OOC - it seems likely that the sentry could be commanded by Grey to cease, and allow him and his "prisoners" to pass.
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Re: Action Thread: Episode IV

#31 Post by angelicdoctor »

It seems I have much to learn concerning the Force if I cannot even manipulate a droid of such size. "Size matters not", my old master used to say. Oh, how I wished he were here to give some of that good instruction. I must learn patience...and control.

I think it would be best if we use these archaic weapons sparingly especially on a Star Destroyer whose computer system appears to be aware of our movements. Grey, any suggestions here would be most helpful. Is it possible to blind our movements to the automatic sentry?
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Re: Action Thread: Episode IV

#32 Post by max_vale »

As La'Reth shouts out a question to Grey; Terra and Mattel's blaster bolts connect with the automated Repeat Blaster turret and with small explosions they blow out the connecting framework; causing the barrel of the weapon to suddenly separate from the ceiling mount and it now hangs maybe half a meter off the deck; connected only by a sparking wire.

T-3P0 lets out a grudging; "Nice marksmanship" to the pair and then motions them to follow her(?) down the access tunnel again. Coming to a shut door; the Droid says; "The hangar bay is right past this next section"; and then presses the open button panel on the wall next to it and the door opens to reveal an eerie sight. The Access tunnel opens into a wide hollow section of what is clearly the bottom of the Star Destroyer's hull. There are several large holes in the bottom of the hull which have been partially covered with magnetic shielding. The Rebels can actually small bits of the atmosphere boiling away in parts of these not-quite-fully-shielded holes and everyone feels colder and lighter in weight than they usually do.

The most unusual sight though is that of a battered Y-wing fighter which clearly crashed through the largetst of the holes in the hull and is now suspended in a mass of large cables and wires and smoke can be seen billowing out of the cockpit area....

OOC: Grey; you would know that one of the settings for the automated Blaster defense turret is simply 'shoot anything that's larger than an MSE Droid that moves into the field of fire; IFF switched off'. You'd know that that is exactly what has been done....
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Re: Action Thread: Episode IV

#33 Post by NJWilliam »


Caius looks for whether there is a way to climb up to the cables suspending the Y wing, and then down the cables to the craft.
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Re: Action Thread: Episode IV

#34 Post by grey_starr »

*looking for defensible positions, Grey asks* La'Reth, can your magic tell you if there is anyone alive in that? and wasn't there supposed to be a ship here ready to go?
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Re: Action Thread: Episode IV

#35 Post by grey_starr »

*Moving aside from the others so that we can not be taken unaware, Grey keeps a weary eye out for trouble* Would any of you know if that ship is flight worthy? ...*then more to himself* though talk about cramped. *again for the others* I think some can carry up to 5 or 6 people...
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Re: Action Thread: Episode IV

#36 Post by Jedi Skyler »

((OOC: Presuming Terra could hear Grey's question...))

"Not until I get a chance to look at the controls, and call up a diagnostic...but that's a fighter craft; unless it's been modified to include a gunner's seat, there's room for one person. Our best bet is the shuttle that's supposed to be ready; however, if anyone else has the skills, it might not be a bad idea to have them fly escort for us, although I'd MUCH prefer an X-wing..."
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Re: Action Thread: Episode IV

#37 Post by max_vale »

As the rebels begin to make their way through this hold to the hangar that T-3P0 reports is just beyond the magnetic shielding covering the largest of the gaping holes begins to flicker and the sound of air rushing out of the room suddenly rises to the volume of a very strong wind before dying down again and then rising suddenly. The temperature in the room begins to drop and everyone in the party suddenly has weird half hop/half floating steps and then comes back down to the deck rather awkwardly....

Caius near the cables; reflexively grabs some of them and with a quick glance above at the suspended Y-wing fighter can tell that it would probably be a relatively easy matter to pull himself up towards the craft if he so chose*....

Terra and Grey; watching the fighter before the sudden weightless moment; can quickly determine that the cockpit section of the fighter had taken a blaster bolt that had blown through the front and top of the pilot compartment and with a bit of closer examination; the mostly fried body of the poor pilot could be seen through the smoke. There would be no chance of using this craft as a means to exit the Star Destroyer. Terra could also tell that this particular fighter was one of the single-man A4 models of the Y-wing**; with the rear section of the cockpit that usually housed the Gunner/Sensors operator filled with a rather poorly performing automated computer.

As the rebels came back down to the floor of the hold; all of their eyes shot to the large hold in the hull and all could see that the magnetic shielding was still flickering and that it could fail at any moment. They hardly needed T-3P0 to suddenly yell out; "QUICKLY YOU CARBONITE FOOLS! GET TO THE EXIT DOOR TO THE HANGAR!"***

OOC: *Do you want me to make a Climbing roll for Caius to reach the Y-wing? It would be an Easy level of Difficulty

**Terra would know that the A4 variant of the Y-wing is far and away the inferior of the 2 main models of the Y-wing with the fact that the Rebel Alliance is rather lacking in manpower being the only real reason it is produced in the numbers it is. With the Ion Cannon turret forced to be locked in a single direction and no Gunner/Sensor operate to make the best use of the powerful Sensor suite located in the Fighter; it has unfairly given the Y-wing a poor reputation to some pilots of other Fighters. The other main model; the two man S3 variant is FAR superior; with an Ion Turret that can rotate 360 degrees and elevate up to 70 degrees and a powerful Sensor suite that is stronger than that employed by any other Rebel Fighter. The Y-wing also has a superior targeting system for its Proton Torpedoes/Proton Bomb bay (depending on mission) than the X-wing and is the most versatile Fighter in the Rebel Alliance; though it is slightly slower and less maneuverable than the X-wing. (I.e. in the West End Games stats; it really isn't the slow, plodding piece of crap it has been depicted as in video games and the terrible X-wing novels. It's actually pretty debatable as to whether the X-wing or the 2 man Y-wing is a better fighter with equally skilled crews)

***Okay; at this point; with the pseudo-weightlessness going on; it's going to become a little bit interesting to get to the Exit; there are a couple of obvious choices.....straight running/jumping for it (i.e. STR or STR related skills check); or attempting to utilize agility and grabbing/pulling/pushing off to get there (i.e. DEX or related skills check).....what would everyone like to attempt?
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Re: Action Thread: Episode IV

#38 Post by Jedi Skyler »


Terra sees the unmistakable condition of the cockpit, and hollers out, "That pilot's beyond help, guys. And unfortunately, the fighter itself is in no condition to be of use in our escape. With this gravity, we should just get moving and get to the shuttle."

((OOC: Terra's DEX and STR are the same, so it doesn't really matter which route she takes. I'm thinking (or hoping, at least) that she'll fare better by taking it a bit slower and using her Dexterity to get to the exit, hopefully maintaining a sure grip on something secured to the deck/walls to keep her on track.))
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Re: Action Thread: Episode IV

#39 Post by NJWilliam »


Caius attempts the climb up to the Y wing.
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Re: Action Thread: Episode IV

#40 Post by Jedi Skyler »


Lord looks up at the Y-wing, then back down at the path needing to be traversed to get to safety. He decides to play it safe, keeping handholds wherever possible, counting on his dexterity to keep him anchored to the deck in the uncertain gravity...

((OOC: DEX: 4D))
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