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Re: CHAPTER 11a: The Vault of Ozkin

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 7:46 pm
by greyarea
Denslow fort save [1d20+3] = 17+3 = 20

Denslow yells, Tonight, we eat roasted potatoes, and he chops at the creatures with his Svetlegk.

Denslow Svetlegk initative [1d20-4] = 2-4 = -2 ha!
Denslow Svetlegk attack [1d20+3] = 5+3 = 8, dmg [1d10] = 2 whiff

Re: CHAPTER 11a: The Vault of Ozkin

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 7:48 pm
by shaidar

Seeing the aggressive behaviour of these of creatures, he swipes at them with this sword:

Initiative: [1d20] = 18
Long Sword: to-hit = [1d20] = 10, damage = [1d8] = 7

Re: CHAPTER 11a: The Vault of Ozkin

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 10:33 pm
by Zhym
Kurot thinks about trying to blind the flying spuds before realizing that unlike most taters, these don't seem to have eyes. So he just hacks with his axe at any that come near him.

Axe: [1d20+3] = 19+3 = 22 [1d8+1] = 4+1 = 5
Axe: [1d20+3] = 8+3 = 11 [1d8+1] = 5+1 = 6
Axe: [1d20+3] = 10+3 = 13 [1d8+1] = 3+1 = 4

Re: CHAPTER 11a: The Vault of Ozkin

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2020 10:30 am
by Ardak2000

Seeing the imminent threat to Denslow, opts to attack from range rather than close the distance to melee. He fires off 3 quick shots from his pistol, each at a different target, hoping to even the odds rapidly.

Pistol Medium Range [1d20+6] = 4+6 = 10, Damage:[1d10] = 1
Pistol Medium Range [1d20+6] = 17+6 = 23, Damage:[1d10] = 4
Pistol Medium Range [1d16+6] = 7+6 = 13, Damage:[1d10] = 10

Re: CHAPTER 11a: The Vault of Ozkin

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 3:16 am
by Norjax
Palakan Mountains; 329D/81 (Afternoon)

Kurot and Bruce take advantage of their defensive preparations and strike quick!

Kurot waves his axe in wide arcs above his head, landing blows on two of the floaters. (5pt. dmg) (4pt. dmg)

Upon reaching the top of the excavation pit, Bruce takes a knee and fires three shots with his pistol. The first misses, the second connects (4pt. dmg) and the third bursts the translucent body of a tuber, spraying ochre gelatin about! (10pt. dmg – DEAD)

Round One

Denslow bellows a hopeful joke and thrusts his svetlegk up and forward but cannot contact his elusive target. (Miss)

Silvestri tries to take out a hairy potato, just missing with his sword. (Miss)


  • ~ Surrounded by the floating organisms, everyone at the pit is attacked.

    Denslow fares the worst from three of the flailing blobs raking their tendrils across his hide. (DMG 11 total)

    OOC: Denslow must make a Fortitude Save vs. DC 12.

    Silvestri dodges and bats at his opponents. Three land delicate blows with their lashing tentacles. (DMG 5 total)

    OOC: Silvestri must make a Fortitude Save vs. DC 12.

    Kurot avoids the hovering mutants, dodging every attack. (All miss)

    Bruce rolls from the kneeling position trying to avoid the entities but is struck by three of them! (DMG 8 total) ~

Syrus recruits Farmanus and MacMak to corral the camels and move them away from the conflict zone.

A few more 'Pop, pop, pop' sounds signal the arrival of more floaters, albeit less than before.

Action Details:

Initiative and Actions?

OOC: Kurot and Bruce get double their actions next round to account for their free attack before the first combat round.

Hit Points [Luck Points-327D]:

Denslow – 27/42 [16/16]
Silvestri – 55/60 [14/14]
Kurot – 50/50 [7/15]
Bruce – 42/50 [5/12]
MacMak – 68/68 [8/17]
Farmanus – 87/87 [13/13]

Re: CHAPTER 11a: The Vault of Ozkin

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 3:27 pm
by shaidar

Re: CHAPTER 11a: The Vault of Ozkin

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 8:55 pm
by shaidar

Re: CHAPTER 11a: The Vault of Ozkin

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 3:58 am
by greyarea

Re: CHAPTER 11a: The Vault of Ozkin

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 8:17 am
by Ardak2000

Re: CHAPTER 11a: The Vault of Ozkin

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 12:38 am
by Zhym

Re: CHAPTER 11a: The Vault of Ozkin

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 6:49 pm
by Norjax
Palakan Mountains; 329D/81 (Afternoon)

Round Two

Silvestri swings his sword, batting at one of the creatures. He slices deep (5pt. dmg) and it starts to leak. The psionist remains surrounded by six of the denizens.

Denslow makes another svetlegk thrust, failing again to connect with a target. (Miss) The plantient faces six undamaged opponents.

Bruce twirls his nunchacku and barks short shouts, splattering one (11pt. dmg) and wounding another. (5pt. dmg)

Kurot spins and whirls with his axe, killing two and wounding four. (7, 7, 6, 9, 7 pt. dmg) The android stands in the center of a ring made from floater goo.


New floaters replace the dead, allowing six attacks against each defender.


Silvestri receives two glancing blows from the lashing tentacles. (DMG 2 total)

OOC: Silvestri must make a Fortitude Save vs. DC 12.

Denslow continues to be pummeled as three flailing blobs slash into his hide. (DMG 9 total)

OOC: Denslow must make a Fortitude Save vs. DC 12.

Bruce is struck by three of the entities, causing more damage to his synthetic skin! (DMG 11 total)

Kurot remains unscathed as every one of his opponents miss. (All miss)

Syrus returns to the fray, grabs a handful of dirt and tosses it at one of the floaters. When the soil makes contact, it dissolves the casing of the creature and its innards spew out and drop to the ground.


“These are ancient microbes, mutated by exposure to the environment,” he shouts. “Take up a handful of soil and use it as a missile weapon, the acidity will kill them.”

Although your standard weapons are effective against the monsters, Syrus’ missile idea appears to provide an instant kill with a hit.

OOC: Using the soil missile counts as a normal action, but the attack die is one step down; 1d16 in most cases. Missile attack bonuses still apply.

Due to a focus on combat, you are unable to obtain a reliable count on the number of adversaries remaining. There always appears to be six against each of you.

The recent arrivals are different. They have whip-like tentacles longer that their bodies and will be in range next round.


Farmanus and MacMak corral the animals and stand ready to defend them.

Action Details:

Initiative and Actions?

Hit Points [Luck Points-327D]:

Denslow – 18/42 [16/16]
Silvestri – 53/60 [14/14]
Kurot – 50/50 [7/15]
Bruce – 31/50 [5/12]

Re: CHAPTER 11a: The Vault of Ozkin

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 9:21 pm
by greyarea
Denslow fort save [1d20+3] = 12+3 = 15

Denslow hates being surrounded and becomes a flailing mass for the next round (AC bonus +2) while yelling, Get back, get back!

Re: CHAPTER 11a: The Vault of Ozkin

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 9:25 pm
by shaidar
Silvestri grabs some dirt and tries flinging it at a floating potato:

Fortitude save: [1d20+2] = 10+2 = 12

Initiative: [1d20] = 19

Dirt Throw: [1d16+2] = 2+2 = 4

Re: CHAPTER 11a: The Vault of Ozkin

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2020 6:55 pm
by Zhym
Kurot scoops up a few handfuls of dirt and throws them at the potatoes. Fighting flying potatoes with dirt—that seems weird.

Dirt Toss: [1d16] = 5 [1d16] = 2 [1d16] = 14

Re: CHAPTER 11a: The Vault of Ozkin

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 11:22 pm
by Ardak2000

Grabs 2 great handfuls of dirt and flings them at the nearest 2 floaters!

Dirt [1d16+4] = 13+4 = 17
Dirt [1d16+4] = 14+4 = 18

Re: CHAPTER 11a: The Vault of Ozkin

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2020 5:52 pm
by Norjax
Palakan Mountains; 329D/81 (Afternoon)

Round Three

Denslow drops his svetlegk and ripples his tendrils until they crack the air and flail about to create an intermittent barrier against all attacks.

Silvestri heeds Syrus’ advice and flings a handful of soil towards a floater, but the mass disperses too soon and falls short.

Kurot follows suit and hurls the handfuls into the fray. One impacts a target, and it sizzles before dropping to the ground. (DEAD)

Bruce abandons his weapon and dispatches two of the entities with his dirt missiles! (DEAD, DEAD)


Syrus burns another hovering mutant as Farmanus engages another. MacMak remains with the pack animals.



Denslow’s flailing mass succeeds in repelling this round of attacks from six denizens! (All Miss) His tendrils whip and crack the air, blurring his image.

Silvestri spins and tries to block the tendril strikes but is hit five times with the organic scourges! (DMG 13 total)

OOC: Silvestri must make a Fortitude Save vs. DC 12.

Kurot once again proves to be resilient against the mutant microbes! (All miss)

Bruce absorbs lashes from three of the organisms. (DMG 10 total) His clothing and synthetic skin is tattered.


Denslow and Silvestri each have six monsters facing them. Kurot and Bruce appear to have reduced their opponents after three rounds. Several face Syrus and Farmanus who fend them off.

The larger, new arrivals with whip-like tentacles no longer advance. They appear to be waiting in anticipation.


Action Details:

Initiative and Actions?

Hit Points [Luck Points-327D]:

Denslow – 18/42 [16/16]
Silvestri – 40/60 [14/14]
Kurot – 50/50 [7/15]
Bruce – 21/50 [5/12]

Re: CHAPTER 11a: The Vault of Ozkin

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2020 8:38 am
by shaidar
SIlvestri staggers under the onslaught:

Fortitude save: [1d20+2] = 7+2 = 9

Initiative: [1d20] = 19

He tries throwing more dirt again:

Dirt Throw: [1d16+2] = 5+2 = 7

Re: CHAPTER 11a: The Vault of Ozkin

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2020 2:24 pm
by Zhym
Kurot continues to throw dirt at any hairy potato-balloons that come near.

Flinging Dirt: [1d16] = 16 [1d16] = 13 [1d16] = 16

If for some reason this eliminates all enemies on Kurot, he'll focus on trying to help Bruce.

Re: CHAPTER 11a: The Vault of Ozkin

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2020 3:53 pm
by greyarea
Denslow continues to flail.

Re: CHAPTER 11a: The Vault of Ozkin

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 12:29 pm
by Ardak2000

Initiative [1d20+4] = 20+4 = 24+Zon[1d4] = 2 = 26

There's an audible whiny hum as Bruce activates his Chronoton servos. His eyes gain a throbbing red glow as his face phase shifts into a horizontal blur.

Time Sense [1d20+2] = 15+2 = 17 + Luck Burn = 1 = 18
Time Sense result [1d4] = 1 OOC: AC and Attack rolls modified by +1 for 2 rounds

Now able to see the incoming probabilities of the current situation, he plans his attack.

He grabs 2 more handfuls of dirt to fling at the floaters, aiming for the larger newcomers, getting off one good attempt
More Dirt [1d20+7] = 7+7 = 14

But misreads the temporal thread and critically loses his footing on the uneven terrain!
More Dirt [1d20+7] = 1+7 = 8 FUMBLE!

OOC: Well that was anti-climactic. :roll: