Blood and Sand (IC - The Vulgar Unicorn Arena)

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Re: Blood and Sand (IC - The Vulgar Unicorn Arena)

#21 Post by Paladin »

The two men accompanying the slave-trader move to either side of Gil, hands on weapons. Darius rights himself and grins wickedly, a pair of silver teeth gleaming in the dancing torchlight as his trap snaps shut on the big barbarian.

"My gold was lost--by one who agreed to take it in return for goods. By law, you have stolen from me. And the penalty for thievery in this city, barbarian, is the loss of your right hand." He pauses for effect. "Or repaying your debt threefold." He sends Gil a calculating glance. "And I do not think you can find three-hundred pieces of gold, savage."

(Since Barlow has left us, we'll say Jasmine is being helped to her feet by Kazak.)

The brawny Kazak approaches, bearing a half-conscious Jasmine and leaning her against the wall of the arena. He gives her face a dash of cold water and laughs, not unkindly, as she comes around.

"Welcome back, Wild Woman," he booms. His eyes narrow when the rat-man jerks his head toward the scene playing out between Gil and the slaver. Kazak rounds on the pair, listening to their talk of sales, jokes, and the law.

His brow furrows and he sighs. "He is correct, barbarian," Kazak admits begrudgingly. "If you entered into a verbal contract within the city walls, it is binding." The dark look he sends Darius and his pair of enforcers makes it very clear that he'd rather take Gil's position.

"These city men have their laws layered upon laws. They understand not our humor nor our way of settling debts--"

Darius interjects smoothly--"It is well, Kazak. If the wild man does not wish to pay, the law gives me the right to take what is mine." His eyes narrow to hateful black slits. "And I will. In a time and place of my choosing." He motions abruptly for his men to make a path to the door. "But we won't soil the reputation of your fine establishment with bloodshed today," he says with mock deference.

Darius sends Gil an unsettling smile. "We will find you again, wild man," he promises and exits the arena. The crowd is shoved aside by his thugs and the trio is quickly gone.

Kazak sighs once they are gone and claps Gil on the shoulder. "My friend, you have made an enemy. Watch your back--he will not hesitate to plunge a dagger into it. And you owe me two-hundred gold to cover your bet on Jasmine," he adds with a wolflish grin. "But I have enough gold. If you are interested, I would settle our debt with a business proposition suited to a crew with your...particular talents." He cocks his head to one side. "What say you?"
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Re: Blood and Sand (IC - The Vulgar Unicorn Arena)

#22 Post by Grognardsw »

Gil, barbarian skald

"I'll see you in hell!," Gil tells Darius, half drawing sword from sheath before Kazak steps forward. "I care not for your laws, you slaver scum!"

Gil tends to Jasmine, rubbing some herbal extract onto the cuts. (+1 HP barbarian first aid). "We win some and we lose some," he mutters with a smile to the barbarian woman.

"Aye, Kazak, tell us about your proposition..."
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Re: Blood and Sand (IC - The Vulgar Unicorn Arena)

#23 Post by tarlyn »


Grandfather.... mumbles Jasmine Is it time to milk the cows ??.....

Blinking a few times she slowly regains her composure and wits. Appreciating Gil's first Aid, she nods. Looking around she spots Chin.

"CHIN! Well fought, much respect from me," she yells out to her fellow combattant.

Turning to Kazak and oblivious to what has transpired between Gil and the wealthy man she asks Kazak. "Make sure Chin drink as much he like

this evening, I pay .... Let him know it from me. You tell me how much coin I need, ok?"
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Re: Blood and Sand (IC - The Vulgar Unicorn Arena)

#24 Post by Paladin »

From the other side of the arena, Chin pulls a fierce grin and raises a clenched fist to Jasmine. Kazak laughs and gives woman's back a solid thump before sending another girl to attend him as per Jasmine's request.

"It is a thirsty business, this talk of propositions. Let us find your table and have a round of drinks." Kazak motions for one of the girls as the crowd disperses, and she moves to your table with a great jug to top off each mug.

We will leave the bloody sands and venture back to the relative peace of the tavern.
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Re: Blood and Sand (IC - The Vulgar Unicorn Arena)

#25 Post by Paladin »

When Jasmine approaches, fresh and clean if a bit battered, the spectators who attended her previous bout set up a rousing cheer. A few of the other regular fighters lounge against the waist-high wall of the arena; they push themselves upright and swagger closer to see what the commotion is about.

The master of ceremonies raises an eyebrow and laughs under his breath. "You again? I hope this bout will be less eventful than the other. You have a handful of fighters to choose from, if blood is what you seek."

He motions to a squat, powerful dwarf who grins to reveal a gaping maw devoid of teeth. "Alistair is a bare-knuckle boxer." He points to a young human man with long black hair, gleaming blue eyes and a sculpted physique stripped bare to the waist. "Gregor is a wrestler from the northern isles." He then indicates a brute of a man, fully a head taller than Jasmine and covered in slabs of muscle.

"Antius is a half-ogre. No one has ever had the courage to ask which half. He just destroys anything and anyone with brute force." The little man smiles and motions to the arena. "Pick your poison, or issue a challenge to the crowd and see who answers. I leave it to you."

What does Jasmine's HP look like?
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Re: Blood and Sand (IC - The Vulgar Unicorn Arena)

#26 Post by tarlyn »

Paladin wrote: Sun Dec 13, 2020 2:07 am When Jasmine approaches, fresh and clean if a bit battered, the spectators who attended her previous bout set up a rousing cheer. A few of the other regular fighters lounge against the waist-high wall of the arena; they push themselves upright and swagger closer to see what the commotion is about.

The master of ceremonies raises an eyebrow and laughs under his breath. "You again? I hope this bout will be less eventful than the other. You have a handful of fighters to choose from, if blood is what you seek."

He motions to a squat, powerful dwarf who grins to reveal a gaping maw devoid of teeth. "Alistair is a bare-knuckle boxer." He points to a young human man with long black hair, gleaming blue eyes and a sculpted physique stripped bare to the waist. "Gregor is a wrestler from the northern isles." He then indicates a brute of a man, fully a head taller than Jasmine and covered in slabs of muscle.

"Antius is a half-ogre. No one has ever had the courage to ask which half. He just destroys anything and anyone with brute force." The little man smiles and motions to the arena. "Pick your poison, or issue a challenge to the crowd and see who answers. I leave it to you."

What does Jasmine's HP look like?
Unsure about her HP. I presume that after her first arena battle she was healed by PC who left.

Then right now, am thinking she may have gotten some extra healing on the way so she must be pretty full?


Jasmine looks at the master of ceremonies. Nodding and lifting her arms in the air to encourage the crowd, yelling at the top of her lungs....

"Rawrrrrrr ............... Yes,chose an opponent for me! "

In the meantime she tries to encourage the crowd.
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Re: Blood and Sand (IC - The Vulgar Unicorn Arena)

#27 Post by Paladin »

From a quick read-through, you start the bout with 30, which includes the ten points of healing from Barlow and a night's rest.

The man again raises an eyebrow. "Leaving your fate to chance? All's your funeral if fate is unkind." He shrugs and goes to scribbling in his ledger, then points to the dwarf Alistair.

"All for the dwarf, say Aye!" A few voices shout an excited "aye." He pauses until they trail off. Alistair licks his lips and smacks one fist into the other.

"Anyone for Gregor?!" The handsome human gets quite a bit more applause, and he flexes one large bicep before kissing it and sending Jasmine a cocky wink.

"Gods help you if they cheer for this one," the master mutters with a concerned look at Jasmine.

"And for..." The crowd falls absolutely silent. "...The Beast, Antius!" Fully half the arena erupts into wild cheers. Apparently the big man is a local favorite. The huge, musclebound half-ogre says nothing and his blunt features remain impassive as he grunts and steps into the arena.

He's half a head shorter than the towering Kazak, but his chest and shoulders are even broader than the big human's. He stands, arms akimbo in the center of the arena, and waits. In a low rumbling voice barely audible above the din, he addresses Jasmine.

"I give you chance to leave, woman. Antius is champion."
He cocks his enormous head to one side and then the other, and his neck pops loudly. "You cannot win."

The master of ceremonies looks at you expectantly. "He's right, I'm afraid. The Beast is our champion. He's never been beaten. You are signing your death warrant stepping into that ring. Do you wish to proceed? I offer you one chance to forfeit the bout with your honor--and your head--intact."

Antius, the master of ceremonies, and the crowd all watch expectantly.
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Re: Blood and Sand (IC - The Vulgar Unicorn Arena)

#28 Post by tarlyn »


Jasmine waits as the announcer presents her with her choices and the final one on Antius.

Though confident in her abilities , she well aware of what happened the last time and nods at Antius. "I forfeit on one condition, she pauses

then continiues "Once I train, and will be ready for you, I want fight then. Fight you now I lose or die. I thinking you honorable as I am. We have a deal?"

She awaits the half ogre's reply.
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Re: Blood and Sand (IC - The Vulgar Unicorn Arena)

#29 Post by Paladin »

The master of ceremonies is visibly relieved. Antius merely smiles. "I am here," he says simply.

The crowd, now sensing that their fight has been spoiled, wave coin purses and grumble loudly. A few hurl jeers, but always from the safety of the crowd and never where Jasmine can see.

"Wise decision, my dear," the master mutters. "I've seen him dismember opponents without trying. Perhaps one day you will be his match, but not in your current condition." He pats you on the shoulder and turns to arrange the next bout.
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