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Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 6:25 pm
by Bluehorse
Everyone else in the gathering seems to almost instantly
relax as Thomad greets you as a friend. When Jason begins asking questions he waves his hand back and forth Da, da, da, da... he then points to Gabby.

He will chuckle and elbow Jason with a grin after and put a surprisingly firm grip on his arm and usher him deeper into the crowd.

Jason will see on the elevated area in front of the room, the pulpit and alter have been pushed back out of the way and there folding tables have been set up in wide U shape so that everyone seated at the tables can see each other and the audience can see them all clearly. There are several people seated at these table ranging from middle to elderly in age, some look poor, wearing faded Jean's, old boots and equally old and faded shirts, all well maintained without stains. Almost everyone wears a hat of some kind.

Thomas leads you to the front and motions Gabby to have a seat by and old Caddo woman who greets her and begin talking to her just as the old man pulls Jason up onto the area where the tables are arranged. He walks the ghostbuster around behind them and says a few words in Cado, leading to a spot being opened to Thomas's right, where he sits front and center. All eyes are on you.

Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 2:13 am
by Taaz
Uh, ehem. Jason clears his throat, Hello, I'm Dr. Jason O'Roake, its a pleasure and an honor to be here tonight. Is something going on? I heard there was a meeting and wanted to make sure if the Ghostbusters could be of any assistance to the Caddo.

Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 3:57 am
by Bluehorse
Thomas chuckles and says nothing. Jean takes a seat on the other side of the elder Ten-Chiefs and looks at Jason. How's it going, Jason? in her usual dry manner. So are you here with the Mayor or a ghostbuster?

It seems as if on queue, the mayor himself barges in, white suit, white hat, and big cigar walking right through the middle of the aisle. J.D. in his wake. Well now, I say, I mean I say, what a good night for a big get together among friends!
Welcome! Welcome! Good to see you! And you! Oh, my good friends. Hello Mr. Ten-Chiefs, Miss. Then-Chief. And well! If it isn't one of the Ghostbusters. Dr. O... O...

J.D. Um... O'Roarke...

Sanders That's it! Dr. O'Roarke. Nice to see you taking some time to familiarize yourself with our native friends and family...

J.D. notices Gabby and nudges the mayor and points her put.

Gabby shrinks a little under their gaze and it doesn't go unnoticed as many of the Caddo gathered within eyeshot get a slightly greater degree of ire in their stoic faces towards the man.

The Mayor for his part doesn't comment and moves over to one of two seats that must have been reserved for him and J.D. Yes, so let's get right to business, shall we?

The elder to Jason's right stands up. No. Mr. Sanders.
You know by now, we open the meeting with prayer. We announce ourselves by name. This is the way. This is how it is done, and has been done, and must continue to be done, as our ancestors did, and our descendants must do after us.
Or have you already forgotten?
there is a low rumble of voices and nodding heads.

Another stands. And so it will be done. without a seconds hesitation, this elder begins a long prayer asking for clarity of mind, purity in heart and good words and thoughts for our minds. He as for guidance and wisdom from the spirits of the earth and sky and their ancestors. He ask for protection and the watching over of this meeting and all those gathered here, both blood in body and blood in spirit.

J.D. looks openly uncomfortable at all this and mumbles something before the mayor makes a small but forceful gesture to keep it to himself.

One by one everyone starting in the back and all the way forward in the hall announces themselves by name. There are about 100 people crammed inside the church plus those sitting at the tables around you.

Finally it begins cycling around the tables, starting with the table to the left where Sanders and Zartucci are seated, the table to the right, and now the table in the middle where you are seated. Thomas bumps you with his elbow when it is your turn after Jean annouces herself. Once you are done, Thomas stands. Thomas Ten-Chiefs. Elected Head Elder of the Caddo Nation. Son of Darrel Ten-Chiefs, the 13 times elected head elder. May be smile on us all tonight.

The crowd breaks into a song at this point and drums are heard in the crowd, pounding out a beat. It ends as abruptly as it starts.

Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 3:14 pm
by Taaz
Not bad Ms Ten Chiefs, I hope you are doing well too. Seems like you need another night of pizza and games to put you in a better mood He smiles broadly and winks at Thomas. I'm here as a Ghostbusters, and a friend.

Jason watches coolly as the mayor makes his entrance and almost remembers his name, Of course sir, the Ghostbusters are here for everyone in the community. Nice to see you and JD again. as he smiles at the gentlemen.

Watching the Caddo introductions Jason is humbled by the collective of people around him so much so that when Thomas nudges him he takes a second before standing. Dr. Jason O'Roarke, Ghostbuster of the Fort Smith Ghostbusters, Attendant of A'ya'hi'ya, Speaker to the Dead...and honored guest in this place. He bows his head slightly and sits listening to the others.

Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 3:42 pm
by Bluehorse
There is an elder that stands and proceeds with business of the tribe. Settling petty arguments, making agreements in dealings large and small. Everyone at the tables seem to represent someone else or some group within the tribe. Finally the move on to other business and another of the men stands and points you out. Dr. O'Roarke. Did I say it correctly? You call yourself Attendant of A'ya'hi'ya. You call yourself the speaker to the dead. We have seen the news. We have heard Thomas's words about this. He acknowledges you as a friend and gives you a seat on our council. We recognize this. But please tell us in your own words what happened leading up to the events at the mound.

Everyone, including the mayor and J.D. seem very interested.

Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 5:59 pm
by Taaz
Of course, Jason takes a breath as he stands and looks at the room, pausing to consider his words. I joined the Ghostbusters after an encounter with the spirit world when I was a young man so that I could try to help people. I believed that there was a lot of danger they could pose, I became a Ghostbuster to help people. he looks around the room, I say that because I want you to know who I am before this all this happened. We were asked to investigate an otherworldly drumming coming from the sacred site, and when we had we found the proof that this site was indeed sacred. He takes a drink of water as a cool shiver runs down his spine. When we first surveyed the mound at the behest of a local clergyman named Brother Barry I was bitten by....a lot of snakes, and ended up in the hospital recovering, thats when I learned I could be heard by at least some spirits. Which considering my occupation hadn't ever happened before. It was during this recovery as we searched for what could be causing the drumming we found Jean and Thomas Ten Chiefs. Thomas was who told us about the Caddo traditions and helped us find a way to ensure that the people of our community and A'ya'hi'ya remain in balance. I don't mean to infer that I was anymore than the person who A'ya'hi'ya choose to communicate with, but it was very clear that we must ensure that we all, Caddo or not, honor the dead. So we worked with Brother Barry and Thomas to ensue the traditions of both people could be maintained. To help not only the living but the dead, and those not dead or alive. I hope I am able to continue to serve those here who need my help. He looks at all of the assembled people, Thank you all for hearing my story. owing his head gently and sitting back down.

Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 10:20 pm
by Bluehorse
There is a collective murmur and nodding of many heads as Jason finishes.

Mayor Sanders stands up. Good! Yall see?
All your problems were solved by my Ghostbusters department! Now let's wheel and deal about something everyone benefits from... real estate! I have an interest in the land where your mound is. I am willing... as before... to buy that land at top dollar from that little church over there.
And I can give you a nice little cut of the action too. Yall aren't even using that bit of land waaaaay over there. I want to buy up some of y'all's land over here too! I can trade you some prime land... with new houses. Modern houses! Over in the Chaffee area! You would become residents of the city, with internet, sewer, clean city water instead of wells, cable tv! Much better than what you have here, and and I am ready to pay you double the top market value.

Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 12:57 am
by Taaz
Jason watches Sanders pitch his real estate plan flatly and as soon as he finishes Jason stands back up, Apologies to the assembled for speaking again, but your honor, thats not what I said.He keeps calm, and does his best to not sound patronizing or combative Mayor Sanders we appeased the spirit by swearing to maintain the sacred area, to make it so people were able to revere the dead. They only way that peace lasts is to keep those duties...think of it like a tax that just has to be paid. I really don't get the impression A'ya'hi'ya sends boring agents in cheap suits. He scratches his beard, 'Know what would you like to have a quick sidebar?

Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:36 pm
by Bluehorse
Taaz wrote:Jason watches Sanders pitch his real estate plan flatly and as soon as he finishes Jason stands back up, Apologies to the assembled for speaking again, but your honor, thats not what I said.He keeps calm, and does his best to not sound patronizing or combative Mayor Sanders we appeased the spirit by swearing to maintain the sacred area, to make it so people were able to revere the dead. They only way that peace lasts is to keep those duties...think of it like a tax that just has to be paid. I really don't get the impression A'ya'hi'ya sends boring agents in cheap suits. He scratches his beard, 'Know what would you like to have a quick sidebar?
The Mayor seems ready to speak again but Thomas stands up and everyone goes silent. Jean reaches around and gently tugs on Jason's shirt to indicate he should sit.

Thomas begins speaking in Caddo, which somehow sounds more right. Jean translates periodically for those that do not understand. We have discussed this many times at many meetings. We will not sell our land. We have lost so much in our past, that to surrender more seems against what is right. The land under our care, keeps the trees, keeps the animals, keeps the fish, and the air is good. The soil is good. If we sold, what would happen to these places? Would you drain the swamp where our medicine grows? Would you pave over the good soil where we grow our food? Would you fill in the ponds and lakes where the fish dwell? Would you cut down the trees and plant houses? Would you run the animals out like you will us? I have spoke to the young people. Many of them want to sell. But they also warn of what your new homes for us would entail. We would lose our land and be placed in a land already yours. We would be separated even more from our way of life. There are none of these good things left where you have built.
And if we give up out reservation, we will have to pay your taxes to live in your city. Here we do not do that. And what of the places we bury our dead? Those lands are listed as part of what you would take. Would you build over them as well? What will become of them? Will you build over them like so many have done in Fort Smith? Many of us recognize this. It has all been said before. why do you think our decision will be different here today? Why do you think it will be different tomorrow?

There is another soft roar of whispering, some of it getting a little more heated. Ten-Chiefs allows it to go one for a bit longer than usual and you could roll cool to see what you can gather from this. Before Ten-Chief raises his hands for silence. It takes a while and another elder standing to shout and get everyone's attention again.

Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 11:30 am
by Taaz
As soon as Jean tugs Jason sits down and watches Thomas, listening to the almost musical nature of his speaking.
I doubt this notices much being, theres a lot of wispering
Cool: [4d6] = 7 Ghost:[1d6] = 6

Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 8:21 pm
by Bluehorse
Sorry I lost track of this one. My bad!

Jason will see the crowd seems rather split. It is easy to tell that it is mostly young vs. old with a roughly equal split between the middle aged group.

Gabby seems to be getting a low down from the older woman she is sitting beside.

of all people, it is J.D. who stands up next. Now I think we can all say we enjoy the huntin and the fishin round here. Who doesn't?
We have plenty of that over in Fort Smith... well, if you go to the designated areas... I mean, the licenses are cheap and there are lots of... Oof!

The Mayor less than subtly gives his man a rough elbow in the ribs. Sot down you idiot!

J.D. Yessir...

The Mayor stands up and smiles. What he meant to say was that we understand your concerns and want you all to know that they are unwarranted. We will take real good care of this land and make sure you are all offered a very generous amount of money for it as well as a nice place in trade for it with all the modern amenities...

Another man stands up from the audience and speaks with more anger than you have seen so far. We have all heard this sort of talk before!You think this is the first time someone tried to take our land and offer us another "better place to live"? What's your angle?

And that struck a nerve. Many people starts shouting in support of that and were standing up. Even some of the elders at the tables stood and began shouting, though it seems more like they are trying to get order back in place.

The Mayor sits down and gets a slow smile on his face as he looks around.

Thomas stands up wordlessly. Turns his back on the crowd that goes silent, and walks through a back door. Apparently done with the meeting now.

It is silent for a long moment, and the other elders slowly stand up and follow him through the same door leaving you, the mayor, and J.D. sitting at the tables.

Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 2:16 am
by Taaz
No worries, wasnt trying to rush you! :)

Well, that was certainly interesting, He purposely turns to the mayor and adds as much firmness to his tone as he can manage without slipping into confrontational.
And since it is more fun I rolled for that

Cool: [4d6] = 14 Ghost:[1d6] = 6

Mr Mayor, I dont think it really matters who owns that property so I am not trying to insert myself between you and the Caddo for what they wanna do. I want you to understand that, but more importantly I NEED he emphasizes the word, you to understand that nothing can be built on that site. This town only stays safe if that site is maintained and respected. He sits back taking a deep breath and leaving a pregnant pause. I don't really know how to describe to you what I saw, and I don't know if you really understand what it is we do. But that is a natural disaster event. But its not a flood that might or might not come, it is a BOOM and he claps his hands together for effect, that I can point to the date and say this is when it blows. He rubs his temple, I mean, think of the people, you dont strike me as a villain that would risk lives. and I am telling you as honest as I know how A'ya'hi'ya could kill people, it almost killed mehe makes a face like he hasnt contemplated that nearly as seriously as he might now. Can I tell you something, ever time I say its name I can just not quiet hear a hisssss in the back of my mind. Disturbing that site is dangerous, full stop. He takes a drink of water, Besides all this is already in our reports which were filed with P.C.O.C. a while ago, if anything happen that's a liability nightmare and I know corporate won't go for that. That's why you do it by the book. Jason hesitates and takes a cooler demeanor.
Jason is going to reall lay into the charm for this last bit, hopefully distracting the mayor from a stick to a carrot.
Charm: [7d6] = 22 Ghost:[1d6] = 3
Besides sir, I see a way you can avoid even buying that land and still come out way ahead, now I don't think your a villain, but I feel like you do care about your bottom line. Well theres more than one way to skin a cat.

Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 2:27 am
by Bluehorse
J.D. puts up his finger and looks about to say something...

But The Mayor claps a hand over his man's mouth. For his part he looks irritated but, after that last bit, he leans forward and simply says: Go on...

Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 3:06 am
by Taaz
As it is that site is a Caddo holy ground home to an incredibly powerful spirit, like officially. You could run utilities out to the Caddo who want it, invest in the community with a brand new Museum dedicated to their practices. Guy with your connections could probably do that for song. Now how much would you make if every hotel you owned was booked solid, every restaurant you owned a share in stayed at capacity from tourists who want to see the site Officially Certified(tm) Ghostbusters Investigation site. Lots of small business owners would really appreciate those potential customers . Im sure some entrepreneur could even open some highway attractions that would generate a healthy profit. And if you focus on the rising tide for the Caddo raising your Yacht and play the deal clean with them, well that would buy you a lot of goodwill too.If your interested its like one call to NYHQ and we can have a really shiny plaque and everything? He looks at the mayor earnestly.

Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 3:11 am
by Bluehorse
Make me another roll on that.

Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 12:39 pm
by Taaz
Decided to go big and the dice roller smiled on me :)

Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 4:36 pm
by Bluehorse
The mayor listens as do several of the people gathered. He elbows J.D. when he begins to talk again, then take a moment to drum his fingers on the table. A moment more of silence, enough for some of the elders to cycle back in out of curiosity and see what is happening. Finally, Sanders heaves a sigh and raises his eyebrows. Well... You made a fine argument. An expensive one, but a fine one.

The rest of the Elders have come back into the main room. Thomas joins them too and looks around. I understand there has been talk about the land while the elders were away. Jason, Sanders, is this true?

The Mayor Stands up. Well, some new options have been brought to my attention. I would like to ask some time to consider them for now.

Thomas looks pleased if a little surprised and nods. Then you will have it. And as if some unspoken queue just happened, the room errupts in conversation as people begin filing back outside. Thomas looks at Jason and smiles a little mischievously.

The two Ten-Chiefs turn and walk through that same back door and one of the elders intercepts you and gently guides you to walk through that same door.

The Mayor and J.D. are ushered out the front.

As you are taken into the back room it is nothing special. Just a back room probably for bible school. The Edlers all make a loose circle and you are included.

Thomas speak directly to you. I am not sure what you said. But it was good to get his attention when you did. We were going to be forced into a vote tonight since it was the third time we have met about this problem. Our tribe is more or less split right now. Half of us want to stay, and keep what we have, the other half want to sell, and take the promise of a better life in Fort Smith. They don't mind the taxes and the city life in trade for new conveniences. I am not sure which way it would go.

Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 8:24 pm
by Taaz
Jason follows diligently and responds to Thomas. Oh I just tried to point out that the Caddo site has been officially certified a point of high PKE and our reports said it needed to be maintained to be safe, like that bell has already been rung so if he tried to build on it, eventually it would cost him a lot. He gives a mischievous grin back to Thomas, The mayor speaks in dollars and I figured that could get his attention. And I did my best to try and sway him to building up the community. I dont know what all he will go for but surely if he gives yall that want it utilities and the resources to have a cultural center or museum near the mound to explain the traditions, well thats a lot of good PR and a lot of tourist coming to his town to spend money. he sort of looks down, Hopefully I didn't overstep, I just see it as a way he could win without the Caddo having to lose.

Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar/Caddo Meeting

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 9:28 pm
by Bluehorse
The Caddo Meeting
Caddo Meeting Hall: The Old Oak Lodge Church. Back Room.
August 24, 2018, 9 pm
Cooling off with a nice steady breeze. Smells of old cedar and smoke inside.

Thomas laughs out loud! A hard hearty belly laugh as he slaps Jason (Not too hard) on the back and starts wiping away tears. He then points to you as he turns to the other elders who are all joining in and grinning right back. I told you he was good medicine! We should keep him!

The Elders all finish their laugh and nod in agreement with Thomas. Jean for once is smiling a bit, though she is focused on her father, not you.


Brownie Point Spending:
-4 to roll

Double check me, I don't want to cheat you. Admittedly, I have been enjoying the RP in this scene so much that I forgot I was supposed to be GMing!

Brownie Point Pool:
Dr. Jason O'Roarke:  142/146 @

Effects in place:
@ - Action Point - ReRoll without a Ghost Die - Merry Xmas 2019!

Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 1:53 am
by Taaz
Jason laughs when Thomas slaps him on the back, I try, he smiles shyly. I dont mean to be rude but was there anything else I can do to help tonight? Or if you need anything he pulls out a few business cards and sets them on the table call me, anytime. he smiles at the elders anything for tejas.