Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

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Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

#181 Post by tkrexx »


The tall Hobbit spends most of the trek back to town quietly grumbling about his reward, but agrees the Natives must be contacted.
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Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

#182 Post by Bluehorse »


Monocar leaves the last of his sausages for the Phanaton's as another gesture of friendship and waves to them smiling before clutching the rope as he begins moving down, obviously not a fan.

Once they are on the ground, he is unusually quiet and seems very lost in through as his brow furrows and he watches the ground as they walk to the cookfires.

Few quick questions that I think might be best asked here than the BS thread for keeping info together.

1. Did Owen come with us or is he choosing to stay upstairs with the monkoons?

2. Did we get any indication as to where the village is other than by the river?

3. Where does that village lie in association to the Town and the Loggers Camp, or the best we as a group can recon?

4. Assuming what we learned from Owen, will our map be updated?

5. Via Owen, are we now in better terms with all the clans of Monkoons, or just this local one?

Monocar looks up as they come to the fire and he hands over his breadfruit. "Guys...? When was the last time we saw Bonnie and Krystal and the others that left for the river? I know our friends just asked us to take care of smoothing things over with the village over there, so maybe we can get two birds stoned like my dad used to always say. Maybe we can find out what happened with our friends. I'm worried about them, and this troll business has put off searching for them longer than i think it should have. Don't get me wrong, I think we did the right thing, but what is someone is hurt? Or worse? I for one will be going to the village. I'm just not sure if we want to circle around the long way down Devrin Sholes and up from Crab Point to follow the river, or should we see if the Phanatons will guide us in a more direct route throught the jungle, maybe scout a route for a future path or road between the villages?"
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Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

#183 Post by ravenn4544 »

Alordan makes a stop at the Inn to thank him again for his help with Owen and let them know that's free. He'll let him know how the monkoons are now allies provided we leave the trees alone. With that, he'll ask the innkeeper about how best to go about designating certain areas off limits. "Is there anyone else we need to talk to about this to ensure that the trees are left untouched?"
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Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

#184 Post by Urson »


You want a better reward, Lightfinger? How about the fact we don't have a few hundred folks in the treetops pissed off and ready to attack us? How about that Owen is free and safe? For that matter, how about the fact that we don't have a ruttin' TROLL in the harbor, ready to snatch kids- or Halflings!- off the beach an' eat 'em?

The ranger also drops by the bonfire. He'll take half of his roasted breadfruit and tell the cooks to add the rest to the communal supplies. Afterward, he'll have a quick wash with a bucket of water from the community barrel and hobble off to his shack to rest.
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Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

#185 Post by Storm11 »

ChubbyPixie wrote:Chauncey will proceed to the fire with Saracen to see about the cooking of his weird fruit, cooking not being his particular forte. ”I am impressed with your Sun Ray invocation, Saracen. You have made good use of the glass lens.”

The half-orc preens with pride at the wizard’s words. Why thank you very much. It took some practise and trials but it worked out well. I will get more proficient with it and be able to focus more intense power with the beam with time and progress. I appreciate your approval good Chauncey” he grins whilst noisily eating his cooked fruit.
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Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

#186 Post by SpinwardMarch »

Brother Gilbert

Br. Gilbert examines the people who are wounded and offers his assistance.
I have but recently learned my healing skills, but I offer what I can.

Remind me how to do the rolls... it has been a long time since I last played 1e. Br. G. has "cure light wounds" available.

Edit... Br. Gilbert heals Luther:
Cure Light Wounds [1d8] = 2
Last edited by SpinwardMarch on Thu Jan 18, 2018 2:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

#187 Post by ChubbyPixie »

After consuming his monkoon fruit and sharing whatever he can’t eat with any hungry looking villagers hanging around the fire, Chauncey will head to the Hi-Lo to request some no-doubt unavailable supplies... :)
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Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

#188 Post by SirOwen »


Once back on the ground, Avaala brushes off Rollo and gets his armor back on."C'mon, boy. Let's go cook our supper, and then we'll add some stew for me and bones for you, and have a grand feed."
"There is no spoon."
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Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

#189 Post by SirOwen »


After a quick stop at the Treehouse for a bowl of stew and some bones to go, Avaala and Rollo join the rest of the company at the cooking fires. He watches how the others prepare their breadfruit, and does likewise. Once it is properly roasted, he takes part for himself and Rollo, and breaks off pieces for some of the locals tending the cooking fires.

He then looks at his friends, also sitting around the fire, eating and sharing their bounty with the townsfolk, and smiles, happy to see they are doing right by the village.

He then looks around at all of them, leans in conspiratorially, grins wide and says, "Hey guys, we killed a gods-damned TROLL!!!!"
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Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

#190 Post by Bluehorse »

SirOwen wrote:...He then looks around at all of them, leans in conspiratorially, grins wide and says, "Hey guys, we killed a gods-damned TROLL!!!!"
He grins and nods chuckling a little. He elbows his business partner playfully and takes a bite of fruit.
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Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

#191 Post by SpinwardMarch »

Brother Gilbert

Br. Gilbert looks around, watches how others prepare their breadfruit and copies them.

To Monocar:

Is there some place to sleep that does not involve being eaten by insects?
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Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

#192 Post by OGRE MAGE »

I will answer these before writing a normal post up.
Bluehorse wrote:Monocar
Few quick questions that I think might be best asked here than the BS thread for keeping info together.

1. Did Owen come with us or is he choosing to stay upstairs with the monkoons?
Owen has returned and has gone off to fill Mr. Nehru in on the recent discoveries.

2. Did we get any indication as to where the village is other than by the river?

3. Where does that village lie in association to the Town and the Loggers Camp, or the best we as a group can recon?

4. Assuming what we learned from Owen, will our map be updated?
I will post an updated map once I get back home. I didn't think to prep that before I left.

5. Via Owen, are we now in better terms with all the clans of Monkoons, or just this local one?
Owen only knows where the other clans are located. He knows nothing of the relationships between the clans. That might be a good question for chief whatshisname. :D
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Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

#193 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Back On Solid Ground
Sunday, 28th of Reaping
In The Village In The Sky
Night, Steamy, Humid, Buggy

Brother Gilbert stops Luther once they are safely on the ground again. Placing his hand on the burly man's chest, he practices his newly learned skill of magical healing. With a quiet prayer, the soft light of Pelor emanates out from under the man's touch, mending together the worst of the rangers wounds and making him feel considerably better, even though he is still in pretty bad shape overall. If you would like, go ahead and post 2 more of those CLW rolls before you go to bed, SM. Brother Gilbert gets 3 a day and there is no point in wasting them.

Saracen, Alordan, and Owen go off to see Mr. Nehru to tell him about what has just transpired with the Phanaton people. Owen begins to work out a plan to teach everyone in town to prevent any more destruction of their homeland.

Avaala tends to his dog and gets some more of Randall's jungle stew to eat. Lightfinger continues grumbling before being schooled by the groups big bear.

The whole group assembles again at the cookfire. The cooks have roasted breadfruit here before, but they haven't seen any of it around for a while, so they are glad to help you eat it. It takes a long time to roast it, several hours in fact, but the wait is well worth it. The strange looking fruit is not only delicious, it fills you up nearly as well as the Lembas of the elves. Any leftovers are gladly finished off by the hungry townies nearby looking for a meal.

It is agreed upon that the group should set out again once everyone has a chance to recover health and magic. Avaala reminds the group that they have just accomplished something that would have caused most other novice groups to wet their pantaloons while running away. With enough preparation and ingenuity, this group could do great things here, despite the lack of nearly every normal resource.

Carry on with the great role play, everyone. I'm just tossing things in here when I get the chance.


Luther R2 4/20
Chauncey MU2 10/10 CL, DM, RM, 0/2 first
Saracen 12/12 0/3 first
Avaala 3/5 CL, DM, RM, 0/1 first
Rollo 14/17
Monocar F2 21/21
Alordan R2 13/13
Lightfinger T2 10/10
Brother Gilbert 8/8 2/3 first
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Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

#194 Post by Urson »


Thanks, Brother. Which of the Gods do you speak for?

Luther waits for a while on his 'fruit, but soon decides he needs sleep more. Save me half of mine. I can't keep my eyes open long enough to wait for it.
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Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

#195 Post by SpinwardMarch »

Brother Gilbert

Luther, I follow Pelor. Before you go, I can try to heal you more.

Cure Light Wounds- spell [1d8] = 1
Cure Light Wounds- spell [1d8] = 8

I hope you sleep well.
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Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

#196 Post by tkrexx »

Lightfinger shrugs.

He does likewise with his reward as he listens to Luther dressing him down. He can't argue with the Bear-Man, of course, and his own experiences that every venture doesn't always pay off ring true. After feeding on breadfruit, he quietly trails off.
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Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

#197 Post by Bluehorse »

SpinwardMarch wrote:Brother Gilbert

Br. Gilbert looks around, watches how others prepare their breadfruit and copies them.

To Monocar:

Is there some place to sleep that does not involve being eaten by insects?
Looks up at the monk and grins. "Sure! Some people here rent the shacks. They cost like... uh... well I don't remember how much they are, but they are private so you pay for that. I stay in the common house over there." He points to the large communal building on the far side of town behind the treehouse. "It's a few silver a week. You have to settle that with Mr.
Nehu in the Hi-Lo, but it is getting late, I bet you could head inside and settle up in the morning and no one would mind too much.
They are all pretty good around here."

Wibbly wobbly timey wimey!
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Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

#198 Post by SpinwardMarch »

Brother Gilbert

Thank you, Monocar. I will do that, and settle up in the morning. I think I need to sleep first.

He trudges off in the direction Monocar indicated.
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Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

#199 Post by Storm11 »

if Saracen is around and overhears this Come first of the Sun, you can share my own shared shack for tonight. Most of the others are away in
The jungle somewhere, and we do not know when they shall be returning.
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Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

#200 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Chauncey walks up to the holy pair as the rooming offer is being made. ”Good evening, brothers. Do either of you, perhaps, being holy types, own or have access to a brass brazier? Perhaps some incense? The following herbs: savory, basil or catnip?”
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