ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Two: Drifting

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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Two: Drifting

#181 Post by kipper »

If Clark can see the monster in the chasm, he will fire his Blaster Rifle at it. If he can't see it, he will fire upon the pirate instead.
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Two: Drifting

#182 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Deciding that the creature is a bigger threat to him at the moment he backs away from the edge, trying to get out of reach. He tries to use his electrostaff defensively, striking out at any limbs that come too close.
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Two: Drifting

#183 Post by Starbeard »

Vale Starcloud

Glad that he already has his lightsaber hilt in hand, Vale flashes it on with defensive impulse and tries to back away from the ledge. "Watch out, it's horrible!"

I can't remember which version of the combat rules we're using, but I'm trying to take whatever is the fullest Defense/Parry option available.
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Two: Drifting

#184 Post by Zhym »

Kato has only just started to open his mouth—ready to use THE FORCE and his natural charm to convince the pirate that hey, we're all friends and he totally expected us to be here, no need to raise the alarm—when he notices Kit going for her blaster. Realizing that peaceful (and quiet) resolution is no longer an option, he follows suit and blasts the pirate.
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Two: Drifting

#185 Post by max_vale »

On the surface of the Planet Dega in the Elrood Sector; in the base of the Pirate Band known as The Scourge

As the group of NRI Agents exploded into action against the dreaded Oskan Blood Eater and the drunk pirate; the one-time mining tunnels suddenly echoed with roars of pain, victory and sound of blaster fire and a lightsaber and Electro Staff being wielded in combat......

Zuul whipped his his Electro-Staff around in a parry attempt that just BARELY managed to push one of the saw-like 'arms' of the beast from slicing into him, the creature reacted with a hiss of pain as the humming weapon touched its flesh and the Barabel shuffled backwards and out of sight and (hopefully) reach of the beast.....

Kael turned his back on the combat and moved to the little comms station by the main blast door and saw that while there was no map of the base, a simple computer pad was left locked on and sat on the little station and it had 3 channels marked, "Main Room", "Fleet" and "Cap'n".....(i.e., enter that channel and presumably the comms at that location would be called)

Kato saw the drunken pirate stumble out and sloppily start to go for the Heavy Blaster Pistol at his hip and he brought his own weapon up and fired a botl that lanced into the man's middle, causing him to double over for a moment in pain, though he started to straighten up and draw his own weapon to take aim at the would-be Jedi......

Kit'katarra took quick aim at the drunken Pirate with her Blaster Carbine and she saw the strange 'wanna-be' Jedi shoot him and wound him, she fired a shot and had the satisfaction of seeing him drop to the floor for good as the battle continued to rage in the Pirate base....

Vale whipped his Lightsaber around, the blue light flashing and the humming sound ringing in his ears and all of those in the cavern as he parried the saw-bladed arms of the monster slicing towards him. His weapon severed a good chunk of the limb and the Oskan Blood Eater howled in pain and rage as the rest of that limb was quickly pulled back into the chasm.....

Professor Clark stepped up to the edge of the chasm, saw the scary Oskan Blood Eater and he took aim with his powerful Blaster Rifle and deftly put a blast into the center of its back, causing it to howl in pain, drop down low and scurry back towards a far-off corner of the chasm....

A long...long moment later, there was a brief moment of silence as both threats were eliminated and the various NRI Agents looked at each other for a moment. Then the echoing cries of alarm from further into the tunnel could be heard as the Pirates within reacted to the sounds of battle and the comm at the station Kael was at came to life; "JASPER! JASPER! WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS GOING ON MATE?!!!!"
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Two: Drifting

#186 Post by Rex »


Kit moves to cover the area where she thinks the pirates will be coming from. Hopefully from behind some cover.
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Two: Drifting

#187 Post by ateno »

Using diplomacy to disguise my voice as I can. Sounding tough and drunk.

"The kriffing Blood Eater climbed up while I was watering the chasm and I had to use my blaster to convince it to head back down. Blast it!"

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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Two: Drifting

#188 Post by kipper »

Clark turns his blaster rifle to keep it aimed at the corner around which the drunken pirate appeared.
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Two: Drifting

#189 Post by Monsieur Rose »


With a satisfying grunt, he flicks an obscene gesture at the blood eater. Zuul spins to focus on the comm, then quickly moves beside the opening where Jasper came from. He's intending to ambush people after they come through.
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Two: Drifting

#190 Post by Starbeard »

Vale quickly crosses the chasm before the monster can regain its sense of aggression, and sets up in ambush on the other side of the door from Zuul.
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Two: Drifting

#191 Post by max_vale »

On the surface of the Planet Dega in the Elrood Sector; in the base of the Pirate Band known as The Scourge

As the band of NRI Agents move to different positions, a voice crackles thru the commlink at Kael's station.....

"Jasper, this is Chalmer....if you've hurt my Blood-Eater, I'm feeding YOU to it next! Stellan, HeGrath; get in there and stun it.....and then drop some meat to it, so it'll have something when it wakes up..", the same voice says on the 'Main Room' channel; "Aye Cap'n!" the voice answers in reply and then the comms go dark....

Kit'katarra moves to a large, empty crate and pushes it a bit and then crouches down behind it, her Blaster Carbine pointing towards the entrance tunnel to the Pirate Band's 'Main Room'. She smells the delicious scent of bantha meat a moment before a pair of figures comes thru the door; one a strapping human male, the other a bulky Gamorrean Male. Each has a Heavy Blaster Pistol in one hand, while the other is holding large hunks of raw meat. Both are startled as an ambush is sprung on them.....

Zuul sees the two pirates pass and he then explodes into a quick motion with a powerful sweeping attack from his Electro Staff that slams into the human Pirate with enough force to send him flying back a meter and dropping his weapon and the meat in his hand. He lets out a snarl of pain and anger, but quickly moves to get back up, his hand darting to draw a vibro-blade he carries in a sheath on the side of his boot....

Professor Clark follows the ambush, aiming down the barrel of his Blaster Rifle. He sees the pirate Zuul wounded rising to his feet, going for a weapon and he fires a bolt that slams into the man's upper torso and drops him to the floor, never to rise again....

Vale awaits the pirates on the opposite side of the tunnel as Zuul and as the Gamorrean Pirate passes, he attacks with a sweeping cut of his lightsaber. He's not sure if it was the bright, blue light the weapon gave off or perhaps its distinctive hum, but the big Gamorrean saw it coming and in surprisingly quickly move for something of his size, he managed to duck away with a squeal of fright. He dropped the meat, but managed to fire a blast of stun rings back towards the Jedi, but the shot JUST missed....

Kato finds himself just staring as his 'Jedi Master to be....he just doesn't know it yet' use his lightsaber on an EVIL MINION OF THE DARK SIDE!...but belatedly, he blinks and realizes Vale missed and was almost shot in return and he starts to raise his own weapon to help out....

Kael, at the comms station, watches the action and draws his blaster.....wondering what move to make next.....
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Two: Drifting

#192 Post by Rex »


If she thinks she can hit the Gamorrean without hitting any of her own group she will take an aimed shot at it. Otherwise she holds for a clear shot.
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Two: Drifting

#193 Post by Starbeard »


Sensing so many others aiming blaster shots at the Gamorrean, the young jedi doesn't want to get in the way of crossfire by moving in for another attack. Instead, he swings his lightsaber around menacingly at the pirate to keep it focused on him as a threat, but intends only to dodge any incoming blaster fire.
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Two: Drifting

#194 Post by ateno »

Using his recent semi drunk voice, he switches to 'Main room' and yellls:

"Argh it's got Stellan, a couple you guys come in here and help me!!"

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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Two: Drifting

#195 Post by kipper »

Clark switches his aim the Gammorean, and if he gets a clear shot he will take it. (Blaster Rifle)
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Two: Drifting

#196 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Zuul isn't sure if he's pleased that the human was dropped by Clark or not, and he finally settles on thanks. "Nice shot!" He calls back. As he watches Vale fight defensively, something clicks in his reptilian brain and he follows suit.

Zuul taunts the Gammorean instead. "Hey, big guy! Look behind you!"
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Two: Drifting

#197 Post by Zhym »

Kato looks for some cover and takes any clear shot he can get.
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Two: Drifting

#198 Post by max_vale »

On the surface of the Planet Dega in the Elrood Sector; in the base of the Pirate Band known as The Scourge

The battle between the NRI Agents and the Pirates continued.....

First, the Gamorrean yelled in its grunting, oinking language back down the tunnel it came as it pointed its Heavy Blaster Pistol and cut loose a blast of stun rings at the Lightsaber wielding Vale. A moment later though, the porcine Pirate was drilled by a pair of Blaster Bolts fired by Clark and Kato....Kit's zipped past, but missed by centimeters....

Vale Starcloud waved his blue lightsaber around, drawing the attention of the Gamorrean Pirate as he had planned and then he suddenly moved his hand with lightning speed and parried a blast of stun rings into the stone floor as the Pirate fired a blast at him. He belatedly realized the Pirate had yelled something down the tunnel he had come from as a trio of blaster bolts came flying at him and two of them dropped him to the ground, never to rise again....

Professor Clark had taken careful aim and put a bolt right into the big Pirate's middle as Kato put a well-placed blast into the Pirate's chest as well and Kit JUST missed with her Carbine. The Academic though had his attention draw to the comms suddenly cutting off with a squeal at Kael's position and he shot a quick look over and saw the one time Imperial Diplomat shake his head and say, "Looks like the jig is up".....

Kael attempted to continue to lure Pirates out over the comms using his 'Drunk Pirate Voice', but after the Gamorrean called back down the tunnel before being dropped, he just caught a quick; "IT'S A TRAP! THEY'VE COME FOR THE PRISONERS!" over the comms, before the channel abruptly cut off with a burst of static. He caught Clark looking his way and he just shook his head as he said, "Looks like the jig is up..."

Zuul was a bit chagrined that the Gamorrean completely ignored him, but yelled something back down the tunnel and attempted to shoot Vale. The little human with the yellowish fur on his head whipped his shining blue laser-sword around and deflected the stun blast into the ground before the Gamorrean was taken out by blaster fire from his other companions. The Barabel marvelled at HOW the human was able to do THAT....but then his attention was drawn to a long pause and then the sudden sound of something 'clattering' towards him....

A spheroid object came bouncing and rolling out of the tunnel and took a last hop over the fallen body of the Devaronian pirate and then exploded in a blinding, pulsating series of colors and a devastatingly loud wave of sound that slammed into Vale and Zuul like a Sledgehammer and forced the other members of the party to turn their heads and shake their heads to try and clear them of the sudden sound and flash of light....

Vale was knocked back into the wall and he slid down it bonelessly and into the blissful darkness of unconsciousness......he was suddenly a youngling again, receiving his first lessons in how to wield a lightsaber*....

Zuul was pushed back a bit, but he remained upright and conscious, but his eyes had bright colored specks dancing all throughout his field of vision and his ears rang with a constant buzz and he felt a bit off-balanced as he staggered from one foot to the other**. Looking at the tunnel, in the hazy, weird 'Rainbow-ish' of his vision, he saw half a dozen figures, all with blasters in their hands, come racing out of the tunnel. His dulled mind realized that these were Pirates, coming to attack him and his friends!.....

Kit'katarra from behind her crate, huffed a bit in annoyance that her shot had missed the Pirate, but her companions didn't and the Pirate was neutralized. She rose up and took in the fact from Clark and Kael's brief talk that the Pirates had figured out they were being tricked...but then the Stun Grenade dropped her teacher into unconsciousness and left Zuul dazed. After re-opening her eyes, she saw half a dozen Pirates come boiling out of the tunnel, all with Heavy Blaster Pistols or Blaster Carbines in their hands and she knew they were about to open fire on her and her companions.....

After the stun grenade did it's thing, Clark looked back and saw 4 human Pirates, an Ishi-Tib and a Quarren pirate all come racing out of the tunnel and looking to avenge their companions. Looks like the Fight was about to get messy!.....

Kato fired a shot and was happy to see he drilled the EVIL MINION OF THE DARK SIDE, but then his mind registered that Vale had managed to deflect the stun blast the pirate had fired with his lightsaber! HE REALLY WAS A JEDI! Kato's mouth hung open in awe and he was just THRILLED to have ACTUALLY WITNESSED SUCH A THING! Then the stun grenade came out and exploded, leaving Vale knocked out....Zuul a bit loopy and his companions scrambling to engage the half-dozen pirates pointing weapons at them....and, oh my...at HIM too......well, time to be a hero again.......

OOC: Okay, half a dozen pirates are coming out...they are at short range of everyone save Zuul, who can engage them in Melee Combat, if he so chooses...

*Vale is Knocked out for the next 3 rounds. After that, he can take actions as normal, with a -1D penalty for about 20 minutes....

**Zuul is a bit dazed and stunned, but still on his feet. He's at -1D to all actions for the next 4 rounds.
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Two: Drifting

#199 Post by Rex »


Kit roars as loud as she possibly can to draw their attention away from her stunned friends. Then she fires at the densest packed section of pirates to minimize her chance of a miss, 3 shots as fast as she can.
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Two: Drifting

#200 Post by kipper »

Clark calmly takes a shot at the pirates, choosing his target pragmatically (whichever is currently the best target).
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