Beachtown Constable Glansandi Storeyja

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Re: Beachtown Constable Glansandi Storeyja

#141 Post by Urson »

Good Morning, Constable. Are ya'll Ok? you look feverish. She holds her place, but studies the man closely, looking for signs of disease.

Ah was speaking to the folks in town, trying to be neighborly. Ah said Ah would like a small house or shelter where the sick an' injured could stay, but Ah was informed you had ordered that Not to happen. Why would ya'll say somethin' like that?

Daisy is still mad, but she's keeping a tight rein on it for now.
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Re: Beachtown Constable Glansandi Storeyja

#142 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Constable Glansandi speaks loud and proud, smiling at any townie passing by that notices the impromptu meeting. He moves around the shack location carefully, making a point to look at each member of the small group as he walks around the area.

“There seems to be a slight misunderstanding here, Miss Daisy. While it is possible I said those things at one point, it was only because we were already in the process of building this barracks, and no material or manpower could be spared at the time. I wouldn’t dream of stopping you or anyone else from constructing a house of healing. In fact, I find that to be a splendid idea.”

The stoic elf doesn’t look sick or feverish, nor does he breach the topic of why he is currently sweating so badly.

As Liam peers into one of the window flaps, he sees hammocks, foot lockers, a table and chairs, and a small cask of drinking water in one corner. Miguel stands at the cracked door, trying to listen to the conversation outside.

The Constable can’t resist when he spots the peeping Liam. “Finding everything to your liking inside, sir?”
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Re: Beachtown Constable Glansandi Storeyja

#143 Post by Bluehorse »


Notes Miguel's position before turning to the Constable. So far. Now since you are feeling talkative, how about answering some more questions?

Like why you were so resistant to a rescue mission for the adventurers that dealt with the pirates at the river?

Why did you attack me for suggesting it?

And most importantly, What is your explanation to the people of this town for refusing to leave your barracks when the dwarves, and armed contingent no less, displaying hostility towards the citizens, came into town harassing them?

As an official of this town, you of all people should have been present. The very nature of your office, you should have been negotiating for the safty of our people while they gathered their rocks.

What exactly do you think the Militia is for?

Those men under your command signed up to make a difference for their friends and family by protecting them, not cowering in a barracks.

Were you too scared to face the Stoneguts?

Or is there another explanation?

I am sure everyone is eager to hear what you have to say on these matters.
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Re: Beachtown Constable Glansandi Storeyja

#144 Post by Paladin »

Cealwyn Blackthorn

The stoic ranger never takes his eyes from Glansandi, and when the elf gives him a look upon passing, Cealwyn sends him a stone-faced wink. Something about the peacocking elf rubs him the wrong way, but he crafts a mild expression and merely watches, alert for hints of aggression. He keeps the nearest window flap in his peripheral vision while focusing on the constable.
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Re: Beachtown Constable Glansandi Storeyja

#145 Post by Karaunios »

Grimm looks at Miguel to see if he looks also sick as the Constable. As Daisy and then Liam stay taking, he'll just stay next to them, arms crossed, watching with an earnest expression and eyeing Storeyja's reactions at the farmer's questions.
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Re: Beachtown Constable Glansandi Storeyja

#146 Post by Urson »

When the Constable explains, Daisy relaxes noticably. That makes more sense. Thank ya'll. Would you mind sending someone to explain this to the townsfolk, so's Ah can get some construction help?
She looks more and more concerned as Liam lists the other events the Constable is accused of, but holds her peace.
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Re: Beachtown Constable Glansandi Storeyja

#147 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Grimm walks around the hut and peers inside the door to find a young human he has never met before standing just inside the door, quietly watching the action unfold. He does not look ill in any way.

The Constable smiles at Daisy’s question and answers her loudly before facing his accuser. “I will send one of my men around to help with your project personally, good madam. And thank you for supporting the Beachtown Militia.”

By the time he turns to address Liam and his twenty questions, a small group of people have stopped to watch what is going on. Glansandi doesn’t miss the opportunity to preach.

“You should remember your place, sir! Despite your strong desire to take over for Mr. Nehru, you have no power here.”

“Not that I owe you any explanation, I will explain my actions for the benefit of the good people here!” He walks around through the group as he speaks nodding his head and greeting them by name.

“First of all, I didn’t resist your rescue mission in the least, I simply demanded that the details be told to me. And believe me friend, if I really wanted to attack you, as you claim I did, we wouldn’t be having this conversation here today.”

“The reason I ordered my men to stand down and refused their involvement in the dwarf invasion was quite simple. Self preservation of the only governing body left here, us, the militia.”

“Those dwarves were itching for one of us to start something, and we could sense their intentions were to show their power in numbers. So I simply thwarted their plans by showing no resistance at all. And it worked too, didn’t it! Not one member of Beachtown was harmed during their reclamation.”
almost shouts the last sentence, clearly hamming it up for the crowd now. “Isn’t that right Martha? Jed? Ralph?” All of the townies seem to agree with his logic, buying his rhetoric completely.

”Besides that, I’d didn’t find one of them even close to being worthy of my attention.”

“So you see Mr. Meadstaff, if you are really looking for someone to blame the invasion on, why don’t you start with yourself? They spent a lot of time digging out the rocks that YOU stole from them! Didn’t they everyone?”
Everyone starts nodding and pointing, totally siding with the elf at this point.

“And I noticed that you conveniently arrived after the dwarves had left as well. Perhaps I could accuse you of being in league with them?” One farmer grabs a pitchfork and another a torch. ;)

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Re: Beachtown Constable Glansandi Storeyja

#148 Post by Karaunios »

Grimm starts imagining how he'd slit this power greedy asshole's throat but with the situation growing tense he starts to fear for Liam... and himself, a dwarf.

Not wanting to say anything stupid or that won't be liked by the townies anyway, he'll let the farmer do the talking.
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Re: Beachtown Constable Glansandi Storeyja

#149 Post by Urson »

Whoa! Don't throw someone else in the pit! Ah dint hear anybody mention 'power' until ya'll did.
Why have we got a 'Militia' and a 'Constable' if they ain't gonna stand between the town an' trouble? Ah may be just a lil' blonde Halfling- but Ah'm a soldier, too!

Daisy scowls and pauses a second for breath. IF Glansandi tries to interrupt, she'll just shout over them, drowning them out by force of will alone. Everyone! Ah assume ya'll been bullied at one time or 'nother! Ya'll don't stop a bully by crawfishin' and lettin' him do what he wants. You stop him by standin' in his way an' sayin' NO!
Ah hate war- anybody who's actually seen it, an' has enough brains to pour piss out of a boot does. Ah much prefer talkin' things out. But ya'll have to be ready to use a big stick iffen yore talkin' doesn't work. The Constable doesn't want to talk OR use the stick. He went belly-up 'cause the Dwarves had more guys- but he seems to want ya'll to do the same when he talks!

Daisy pants for breath, hoping she doesn't have to break out the Big Stick.
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Re: Beachtown Constable Glansandi Storeyja

#150 Post by Paladin »

Cealwyn Blackthorn

The ranger does what he does best--stand still and stay alert. He mentally gauges ranges between himself and townsfolk, picks out likely cover and escape routes, and keeps a weather eye on Liam, in case the easily-influenced townies make a dash for the older man.
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Re: Beachtown Constable Glansandi Storeyja

#151 Post by Bluehorse »


Scowls a bit, showing the deep wrinkles of someone who has tasted this bitter talk before and didn't like it. Don't try to twist this on me. I told you and everyone else here, I dont want to replace Mr. Nehru. He can't, and shouldn't be replace.
That is why I proposed a Council elected by the people of beachtown to represent the people of beachtown.
he let that sink in.

And I gave you all the details you needed and you chose, when you had nothing left to offer, to try to strikeme.
The last desperate act of a child before you stomped away to put!

As for my actions, every one of them has been witnessed and accounted for. I am not convinced you can claim that same.
And as to a power grab, I think you are showing that it is you who is trying to manipulate the people and events in your favor.

I welcome scrutiny on my actions even as you attack it on yourself. Everything I have done her on this island has been done with the better interest of their long term well being.
What have you done other than try to bully the people here?

As to the stone. Yes. I acknowledge there was a large portion used to patch a hole in my chickencoops. I admit it openly. I made the same mistake that many here in town did. I have no problem admitting it. But how do you explain cowering behind the militia in your barracks?
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Re: Beachtown Constable Glansandi Storeyja

#152 Post by Urson »

Daisy allows herself a small smile.
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Re: Beachtown Constable Glansandi Storeyja

#153 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Glansandi doesn’t acknowledge Daisy’s attempt to draw the attention of the growing crowd, though several of them seem to relate well to the halflings words.

Most of the onlookers heads move back and forth between Liam and the Constable as if they were watching a game of table tennis, now apparently agreeing with both sides of the arguments.

“I have given you my reasons for the actions that took place. Since the threat is long over, I don’t see a point in arguing or debating my decisions.”

“Now, if you will excuse me, I have security concerns to deal with.”

The sweaty elf calls out for Marge who he sees across town and, unless detained, starts off in that direction. The crowd seems content with the explanation and ready to move along.
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Re: Beachtown Constable Glansandi Storeyja

#154 Post by Karaunios »

Grimm mutters to those close to him: "Except if you want to say something to Marge, first, we should wait to see what she has to tell us about the conversation they're about to have."

He suddenly looks at Daisy: "I want to talk to you, Daisy, don't go just yet."
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Re: Beachtown Constable Glansandi Storeyja

#155 Post by Bluehorse »


Narrows his eyes, knowing this isn't over. To Grimm, I don't feel right leaving her to deal with him by herself. Let's go along and make sure there is no funny business. I wont tolerate him bullying that poor woman.
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Re: Beachtown Constable Glansandi Storeyja

#156 Post by Urson »


Bluster and yell and walk away- sounds like a fella that was mayor in my town for about a year. She shakes her head.
Ah agree- this isn't over, and we need to keep an eye on him. Grimm, Ah got time right now, if you want.
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Re: Beachtown Constable Glansandi Storeyja

#157 Post by Paladin »

Cealwyn Blackthorn

The cloaked woodsman takes a final look at the gathered crowd before remarking to his remaining companions--"I like not towns and crowds. They are as fickle as the beasts of the field and twice as deadly." He shakes his head. "At least a beast will show claws and teeth before they bite you. Usually. Those people turned on us like vipers at the elf's words."

He walks to the door to see if the young man is still present. "Cealwyn," he says by way of introduction. "And I begin to fear for your master, young sir. He accompanied us on a trek into the jungle not so long ago and was quite a different person then. His current demeanor is a noticeable departure. What makes him sweat so, beyond this infernal heat?"
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Re: Beachtown Constable Glansandi Storeyja

#158 Post by Karaunios »


He approaches Daisy and, so that the Constable doesn't hear any of this, he says in a low voice:

"We were taking about organising another expedition upriver, on the left left side, in the jungle. The aim is to seek a new place for the town to move and to talking to the natives so they give us permission to move and finally trying to form an alliance with them. It's about time we do that, because the Phanaton seem to be a hard cookie.

I also has heard that the pirates decimated the main native village next to the lake... That one has me pretty concerned...

After talking to Cealwyn, we should try first to kill that darned sea monster that harasses the water bearers and then move from there, with our without a break in town, depending on if we need to recover, to the jungle and upriver.

I don't know if you would be interested? I'd also like to speak with Dexter and Darklin. It any others, for that matter.

I think Liam would be coming to, isn't it, Liam?"
He asks turning to the farmer.

Although he doesn't like Marge going alone into the barracks either, specially after what Cealwyn pointed out, her doesn't think forcing an entrance to the place would be the best of ideas, so he eyes them from time to time as long as they remain visible.
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Re: Beachtown Constable Glansandi Storeyja

#159 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Liam follows the Constable form a distance, not wanting to cause any problems with Marge. He sees the pair speaking civilly from a distance, but cant quite hear the conversation. He sees no evidence of the woman being bullied in any way. In fact, the conversation looks quite pleasant.

Grimm and Daisy stop to discuss future prospects here on the island, the dwarf pitching the idea to return to the main native village at the waterfall.

Cealwyn looks around the withering crowd a bit, finding them just as confused about the situation as he is. They eventually go about their business once the excitement dies down again. The ranger moves to the doorway of the barracks to address Miguel. The young human answers his questions through the open door.

"Miguel. Pleasure. I think he might have been exercising or something in here. I wasn't kidding about the crossbow. He is definitly acting strange. But it seems to come and go, as if he can control it sometimes. Like now."
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Re: Beachtown Constable Glansandi Storeyja

#160 Post by Urson »

Of course Ah'll go along, sugar. Ah need to get prepared for it, 'course, but Ah'll be glad to go along. Ah don't suppose we have somebody that can understand the Phanatons? Or the natives?
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