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Re: Town I: Estwatch

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 12:30 pm
by Starbeard
Keehnelf wrote:I thought you were striving for success :)
I'm confused now. Since I spent 2D in cash, and my roll only failed by 1, then the amount of cash I spent protected me from failure because it was higher than the failure margin. So the Fate point re-roll was wasted, right? Even if I had used the Fate and succeeded, it would've had no game effect at all. Of course, it's entirely up to the GM on whether or not the Fate expenditure still stands, and I'm happy to burn a Fate point—call it a lesson learned in how to play the game.

Re: Town I: Estwatch

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 12:35 pm
by Starbeard
And also,

Raizenbrayne, being who he is, is most interested in the barrow, but is also growing excited about the prospect of demon hunting (no fear!). He will, however, default to returning to Damring to explore its mysteries further, as there are still plenty of things left unexplained there. He will happily tackle the wizard tower with the cleric once she's been 'tested' through an expedition to one of their target spots.

Re: Town I: Estwatch

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 2:08 pm
by Keehnelf
Starbeard wrote:
Keehnelf wrote:I thought you were striving for success :)
I'm confused now. Since I spent 2D in cash, and my roll only failed by 1, then the amount of cash I spent protected me from failure because it was higher than the failure margin. So the Fate point re-roll was wasted, right? Even if I had used the Fate and succeeded, it would've had no game effect at all. Of course, it's entirely up to the GM on whether or not the Fate expenditure still stands, and I'm happy to burn a Fate point—call it a lesson learned in how to play the game.
Upon careful consideration, I realize that he system is designed so that failure while spending sufficient cash is Almost Indistinguishable from success, with the one exception that actual success will net you an increase in your Resources score.

My assumption would be that, only one success shy of what's needed for a permanent bump in your long-term buying power you'd take the risk of the Fate point, but I will make it your call.

Re: Town I: Estwatch

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 10:45 am
by Starbeard
Keehnelf wrote:
Starbeard wrote:
Keehnelf wrote:I thought you were striving for success :)
I'm confused now. Since I spent 2D in cash, and my roll only failed by 1, then the amount of cash I spent protected me from failure because it was higher than the failure margin. So the Fate point re-roll was wasted, right? Even if I had used the Fate and succeeded, it would've had no game effect at all. Of course, it's entirely up to the GM on whether or not the Fate expenditure still stands, and I'm happy to burn a Fate point—call it a lesson learned in how to play the game.
Upon careful consideration, I realize that he system is designed so that failure while spending sufficient cash is Almost Indistinguishable from success, with the one exception that actual success will net you an increase in your Resources score.

My assumption would be that, only one success shy of what's needed for a permanent bump in your long-term buying power you'd take the risk of the Fate point, but I will make it your call.
That sounds fair enough. I don't imagine Raiz being too flippant about his unpaid debts, after all. Consider it a Fate point wasted for a good cause!

Re: Town I: Estwatch

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 4:21 am
by Simon
So what are we thinking for a next move? I'd say Harlan is still looking for a little more financial security than he's got at present and would be willing to try for a targeted raid of Damring, now that they know a little more about the location, maybe try and scout some information on the orcs that might be of value to the Mayor? Did we mention the orcs to the mayor?

In particular Harlan has been thinking of the engraved tablet that they came across. Its a little cumbersome, but now that we've got four people and some fate points clinking around I think its within reach.

Re: Town I: Estwatch

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 4:55 am
by sulldawga
Agrom is up for anything that puts the Pilgrim in people's minds again. Bringing the engraved tablet back might create some buzz.

Re: Town I: Estwatch

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 3:26 pm
by Keehnelf
Ok, sounds like the consensus for now is Back to Damring! I had thought we were done with that place for a while :)

But I am glad to present the rest of its challenges and treasures to our bold adventurers! I'll get things started later today.

Re: Town I: Estwatch

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 4:36 pm
by sulldawga
You probably shouldn't have mentioned the treasure your F2F group found that we missed. Now my interest is piqued.

Re: Town I: Estwatch

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 4:41 pm
by Keehnelf
Haha :) It's maybe not worth a whole adventure unless you plan on trying to recover what the Bale is guarding, but it's something anyway!

Re: Town I: Estwatch

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 5:25 pm
by sulldawga
Perhaps that's worth discussing.

We might decide that going back to the Damring Temple isn't worth it at this time, as we should only go back if we feel we can kill the Bale. Especially with the meta-gaming info that the GM just gave us.

Maybe the Barrow is a better choice for us at this level?

Re: Town I: Estwatch

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 9:18 pm
by Starbeard
I haven't attempted to switch out Raiz's belief, so he's still got his youthful invincibility complex. Now that he's safely away from danger, that bale poses no threat in his mind. He's also already used the book twice, so he's getting pretty close to Pilgrim-induced piety, and will lean in the same direction as Agrom regarding interest in recovering more holy relics, I think.

I say we at least give Damring one more shot, now that we actually have a useful healer with us. Even without a map we'll move somewhat more quickly because we can retrace our steps, and there's still an item or two we left untouched that might bring in enough gold to pay for recuperation from the trip and help better equip us for the other expeditions.

Re: Town I: Estwatch

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 1:46 am
by sulldawga
All right, let's do Damring.

Re: Town I: Estwatch

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 2:50 am
by Keehnelf
Ok, now that we've gone in that tidy circle, I will put something up late this evening or tomorrow morning.