Barduk & Fort Critwall

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Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

#141 Post by Monsieur Rose »


He winces then realizes his adrenaline is surging after almost being shot in the face. He judges the distance and the speed of the charging orcs, trying to determine how many shots he can fire before they are set upon. The calculation isn't good.

Cassius stows his bow and pulls both his blades. He growls as he follows Montego into the fray.

Longsword 1 (18): [1d20+3]=10+3=13
Longsword Damage (sm): [1d8+7]=2+7=9

Longsword 2 (18): [1d20+1]=14+1=15
Longsword Damage (sm): [1d8+7]=8+7=15
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Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

#142 Post by Darklin2 »


[1d10]=5 Init

Seeing the charging Goblin's he squeezes his holy symbol and casts Entangle between the goblins and the party.

Nature will revolt against your hateful kind. Grow, Grow, Snag these beasts.

Mental to Talon: Kill that Damned Orog, and then get yourself to safety. Take his eyes.
Last edited by Darklin2 on Fri Jul 02, 2021 6:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

#143 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sorry! Not sure why I can never remember to add these rolls to my posts. :D

Initiative [1d10]=5
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Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

#145 Post by Bluehorse »

Adelphocles goes down hard and groans in pain as his legs give away. He looks up as flecks of blood sputter out his lips and draws his bow and one of a handful of blue fletched arrows as he takes aim at the incoming enemy.

Arrow +1 #1
Composit Long Bow [1d20+3]=18+3=21 DMG [1d8+1]=6+1=7

Arrow +1 #2
Composit Long Bow [1d20+3]=4+3=7 DMG [1d8+1]=6+1=7
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Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

#146 Post by Hotgoblin »

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Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

#147 Post by hedgeknight »

Back to the Mud!
Goblin Initiative: 7
Heroes Initiatives: Kranston (1), Muldgarr (4), Montego & Sai (5), Adelphocleas & Cassius (10)

Seeing their foes caught off guard, the Goblins of the Cross-Eyed Crow tribe howl and charge in for the kill!
Being the first one to react, Kranston, wide-eyed with desperation, loads one of his special sling stones and with a grunt, lets fly. The runes on the stone glow as it punches through a Goblin's skull, blowing the creature's brains out the back of its head.
Wincing in pain, Mulgarr turns and fires one arrow and then a second, but neither find their mark.

Montego sneers as the goblinoid filth attack, and gripping his two-handed sword, he charges directly at them! As the ground nearby begins to tremble, the ranger takes the head off one of his adversaries like a hot knife through butter.
Sai grips his holy symbol and calls upon Nature itself to revolt "against your hateful kind. Grow! Grow! Snag these beasts!"
Nature responds as vines grab legs and brush snags torsos, effectively disrupting the headlong charge of the Cross-Eyed Crows.
entangle.png (200.12 KiB) Viewed 460 times
Their charge broken, the Goblins do their best to avoid the snagging vines and grappling bushes as they reach their intended prey. Wicked-looking blades hack and stab, hoping to win them a tasty morsel of elfin flesh...or better yet, horse flesh! They pair off and wade in screaming and cawing like their namesake totem.
Montego deflects both attacks against him, but Kranston takes a deep wound to his shoulder, nearly numbing his entire arm.
Muldgarr fends off his attackers with his bow, while Cassius is nicked again, this time along his forearm. But he grits his teeth, draws both blades and cuts down both of his attackers, skewering one and nearly splitting the second in half like a melon!

Severely wounded, Adelphocleas spits blood and grabs a blue-fletched arrow. But when he looks up to find a target, his foes are already upon him. One slashes and misses, but the other drives its rusty blade deep into the centaur's upper torso. The Goblin caws loudly as Adelphocleas falls backward, his eyes fluttering in the pouring rain.
Sai sees his comrade fall, but barely has time to register it as two Goblins come in howling for more blood! He easily dodges one wild swing, but the second catches him in the ribs, nearly piercing his heart!
A screech and a white blur announces the arrival of Talon, swooping in to protect his friend, scratching and pecking, gouging and tearing at the face of the Goblin who deeply wounded Sai. With a cry of triumph, the great owl literally picks the Goblin up and takes to the air!


Montego: Goblin attacks: [1d20]=2 [1d6]=2 [1d20]=14 [1d6]=6
Kranston: Goblin attacks: [1d20]=19 [1d6]=6 [1d20]=3 [1d6]=4
Muldgarr: Goblin attacks: [1d20]=7 [1d6]=6 [1d20]=10 [1d6]=6
Cassius: Goblin attacks: [1d20]=10 [1d6]=1 [1d20]=17 [1d6]=1
Adelphocleas: Goblin attacks: [1d20]=19 [1d6]=4 [1d20]=2 [1d6]=6
Sai: Goblin attacks: [1d20]=20 [1d6]=3 [1d20]=9 [1d6]=3 + Critical damage: Critical hit: [1d6]=5

Adelphocleas > down 29 > -1 hp dying
Cassius > down 2 hp
Kranston > down 6 hp
Montego > down 13 hp
Muldgarr > down 5 hp
Sai > down 14 hp

Goblins > 4 dead, 6 entangled, 1 carried off by Talon.
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Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

#149 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Montego continues hacking. And slashing. He tries to remain outside the area of any wiggling weeds.

Attack w/ 2 Handed Sword [1d20+3]=18+3=21 Damage [1d10+5]=2+5=7
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Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

#150 Post by Monsieur Rose »


He whirls at the triumphant yell of the goblin and sees Adelphocleas fall in the mud. Cassius leaps over the remains of the goblins he smote and attacks the goblins celebrating over the slumped form of the centaur.

His blades a blur of activity, he strikes without mercy.

Initiative: [1d10]=1 Sorry.

Longsword 1 (18): [1d20+3]=10+3=13
Longsword Damage (sm): [1d8+7]=1+7=8

Longsword 2 (18): [1d20+1]=17+1=18
Longsword Damage (sm): [1d8+7]=3+7=10

It looks like he gets another attack this round, most likely at the end of the round. He will move to disembowel any goblin on Adelphocleas or Sai.
Longsword 1 (18): [1d20+3]=5+3=8 Or not.
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Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

#151 Post by Darklin2 »


Targets the Worg and Rider with Sleep.

Tossing a pinch of sand in the air he whispers Sleeeeeep.
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Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

#152 Post by Hotgoblin »

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Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

#153 Post by hedgeknight »

Back to the Mud! (Rd. 2)
Initiative Order: Cassius & Kranston (1), Muldgarr (4), Montego & Sai (5), Goblins (7)

A flash of lightning followed by a crack of thunder announces another downpour, the rain relentless. So it is with the Cross-Eyed Goblins as they continue their attack, having already felled the largest foe, the battling centaur.
Kranston, feeling overwhelmed, strikes out with his quarterstaff, slipping in the mud, and missing his adversary by a mile. The two Goblins press the Dwarf and draw more of his blood; a sword digs in his ribs.

Cassius, however, is more on his game, dealing death with both blades, cutting down two more of the Goblins, their black blood mingling with the churned earth. He stands over fallen Adelphocleas and dares any of the stinking beasts to come near, for surely death awaits them.

Muldgarr fights with everything he has, ducking and moving, drawing arrows and firing point blank at the Goblins trying to kill him. He manages to wound one deeply, leaving only a single adversary. But that one Goblin is tenacious and hungry for Elven blood...and gets it with a driving stab into Muldgarr's side!

Montego, avoiding the wiggling weeds, cuts down another Goblin, flinging a swath of gore in the face of the creature's companion. The gore-spattered Goblin, takes a step back and then delivers a feeble slash at the powerful ranger that doesn't even scratch Montego's armor.

Ignoring his two attackers, Sai turns and focuses on the Goblin Worg Rider and its beast by pulling a pinch of sand from a pouch and evoking a simple, yet effective, spell. As the sand dribbles from his fingers, the Worg's legs buckle, and it lays down to sleep; the Goblin rider already snoozing on its back.
Sleep_Spell_RW.png (321.9 KiB) Viewed 442 times

This move is costly, however, as it leaves him open from behind, and the Goblins pounce! The bigger shoulders the other aside, wanting this Elf as its own prize, and drives its sword deep into Sai's back!
And the Goblins seem oblivious to their leader being down (asleep), as they are drawing blood, weakening their opponents by sheer audacity and bad-assery! They won't give up! Not until they send these freaking pansy Elves and their companions back to the mud!


Montego > Goblin attacks: [1d20]=8 [1d6]=3
Kranston > Goblin attacks: [1d20]=14 [1d6]=3 [1d20]=17 [1d6]=4
Muldgarr > Goblin attacks: [1d20]=19 [1d6]=5
Sai > Goblin attacks: [1d20]=6 [1d6]=2 [1d20]=19 [1d6]=6
Morale: [1d20]=18

Adelphocleas > down 29 > -2 hp dying
Cassius (AC 0/4) > down 2 hp
Kranston (AC 5) > down 10 hp > facing 2 Goblins
Montego (AC 1/5) > down 13 hp > facing 1 Goblin
Muldgarr (AC 0/6) > down 10 hp > facing 1 Goblin
Sai (AC -1/5) > down 20 hp > facing 2 Goblins

Goblins > 7 dead, 6 entangled, 1 badly wounded, 1 carried off by Talon; Worg & Goblin rider sleeping peacefully.
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Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

#154 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Cassius yells above the fray "Adel is down! How do you heal a horse?" He looks over at Sai and sees the half-elf take a blade in the back.

"Switch!" Cassius races around the battle once more, reaching Sai and his two attackers. "Help Adel. I'll cover you." He flicks his blades again and again at the two arrogant goblins.

Longsword 1 (18): [1d20+3]=12+3=15
Longsword Damage (sm): [1d8+7]=2+7=9

Longsword 2 (18): [1d20+1]=17+1=18
Longsword Damage (sm): [1d8+7]=2+7=9
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Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

#155 Post by Bluehorse »

Monsieur Rose wrote: Tue Jul 06, 2021 1:37 pm Cassius

Cassius yells above the fray "Adel is down! How do you heal a horse?" He looks over at Sai and sees the half-elf take a blade in the back.
Larry The Cable Guy:
Her horse got a broken leg and I had to shoot it. So now it's got a broken leg and a gunshot wound.

I don't know what you shoot it for. I guess it helps the healing process. If it ain't better tomorrow, I'm gonna shoot it again, I'll tell you that right now.
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Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

#156 Post by Hotgoblin »

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Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

#157 Post by Darklin2 »


Seeing the big Stallion fall Sai runs to assist his fallen comrade, using Cassius as a pick and roll on the way to Adelphocleas. Grasping his Holy Symbol and calling upon Ehlonna to heal her woodland friend.


[1d10+4]=4+4=8 Cure Moderate Wounds

That is with the +3 Hp for being 3rd Level.
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Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

#158 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Montego continues pressing his attack, trying to kill the ugly munchkins on him so he can eventually help his friends.

Attack w/ 2 Handed Sword [1d20+3]=17+3=20 Damage [1d10+5]=1+5=6
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Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

#160 Post by hedgeknight »

Back to the Mud! (Rd. 3)
Initiative Order: Cassius & Kranston (1), Muldgarr (4), Montego & Sai (5), Goblins (7)

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Kranston hollers, swinging wildly at the two Goblins intent on sending him back to the mud. His quarterstaff cracks one of the beasties in the side of the head, caving in its skull, dropping it in the mud.

A yard or two away, Cassius hollers at Sai about Adel as he charges toward the multi-talented Elf. His blades flash and both of Sai's attackers spurt gouts of black blood, falling to the ground, back to the mud from whence we all came.

Muldgarr fires arrows wildly and Montego's two-handed sword cuts down the goblin attacking him.
Sai rushes to Adel's side, calling on Ehlonna's healing for his friend.
Adelphocleas feels the warmth rush into the cold void he was walking toward, pulling him back to the rain, and to the pain of living. He gasps, his body shuddering and opens his eyes to see Sai kneeling over him, looking close to death himself.
Wondering if he is dead and dreaming, Adel raises up to see his companions exhausted, all bleeding, yet still standing! There are only two Goblins remaining, and instead of fighting, they are running like rabbits through the brush, trying to get away.


Adelphocleas > at 6 hp and conscious.
Cassius (AC 0/4) > down 2 hp
Kranston (AC 5) > down 10 hp > facing 1Goblin
Montego (AC 1/5) > down 13 hp
Muldgarr (AC 0/6) > down 10 hp > facing 1 Goblin
Sai (AC -1/5) > down 20 hp

Goblins > 11 dead, 6 entangled, 1 badly wounded, 1 carried off by Talon; Worg & Goblin rider sleeping peacefully (2nd rd).
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