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Re: On the Road: Kenta, Senichi

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 11:50 pm
by ffilz
Does it look like he might be affected by something Blessings of Purity would help with?

Re: On the Road: Kenta, Senichi

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 4:40 am
by Rex

Does Kenta recognize any of the symbols? Does he think he is tainted?

Re: On the Road: Kenta, Senichi

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 11:34 pm
by Starbeard
(Phew, grades finally done!)
ffilz wrote:Does it look like he might be affected by something Blessings of Purity would help with?
Let's find out:

You know that illness and disease can occur in two ways: "normal" sicknesses (evil spirits possessing the body and causing impurities of spirit) can be healed using Blessings of Purity; "supernatural" sicknesses may sometimes look the same but come from Shadowlands Taint, either from from prolonged contact with Tainted creatures or by using maho, the evil blood magic of the Shadowlands. These are unaffected by Blessings of Purity. The only way to get heal them is to get rid of Taint points, which is a long and arduous process that often involves taking on some Taint yourself.

Intelligence + School Rank (4k3 vs TN 15): [1d10] = 4, [1d10] = 1, [1d10] = 1, [1d10] = 6

…you study the symptoms, but aside from the visual evidence you already see, you can't tell how supernatural the man's condition is. The only way to determine if Blessings of Purity would help is to try.
Rex wrote:Kenta

Does Kenta recognize any of the symbols? Does he think he is tainted?
Intelligence (2k2 vs TN 15): [1d10] = 2, [1d10] = 9

Kenta tries to recall what he knows, but all he can tell is that he doesn't recognize them. That alone should be pretty telling, though. All of Rokugan uses one language and writing system, with only a few exceptions—the languages of the ancient Naga and the tribal Ratlings, and the forbidden speech of the Shadowlands. This man, however, also obviously carries the foul smell of the Taint.

The man continues his erratic behavior. The wind through the pass begins to blow harder, rustling the trees to either side and kicking up more snow. It’s becoming difficult to hear each other beyond a distance of 5 or so yards or so, and visibility through the drifting snow sporadically drops to a few dozen yards here and there.

Re: On the Road: Kenta, Senichi

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 12:24 am
by Starbeard

While you follow the man and ponder what to do, your diligent scanning pays off. Figures come around the bend and are making their way up to you: they are none other than your comrades Koga, Aiko, and the ronin Osaru! Magisterial Assistant Harada is not with them, and Aiko looks visibly ill at ease, even from a distance.

Please continue in the new joint thread, One the Road: Arriving at Beiden Pass