CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#121 Post by Griffith »

After recovering from his shock and revulsion at what has transpired, Schlovell grabs Hanout --he makes sure that he has Hanout's sword too-- and quickly drags Hanout out of the room, out of the eerie light eminating from the jewel in the statue. They head directly south out of the room and down the stairs far enough to escape the light from the statue. Hoping the nobleman is not dead, Schlovell tries to rouse Hanout from his unconsciousness.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#122 Post by ybn1197 »

Sitrus looks down and screams like a little girl. "Awww... What the hell?!" If the gem is still glowing, head ducks into the hallway he currently is looking down. If the gem has stopped glowing, he will head down the other hall where the others are headed.

Toross, after feeling a brief moment of dizziness, looks around at the others, horror crossing his face at the site of his compatriots. "By the gods, what happened to you all?!" Silently he feels relieved that nothing happened to him. What till he finds a mirror.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#123 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Timmy freaks out just a little seeing the figure at the table. He silently backs around the corner where he was and gives the others the universal sign for being quiet, without actually saying the Shhhhh.

He looks at the others with saucer eyes and points to the area around the corner. He mouths to the others that there is someone there.

Miss Cleo, also backing away from the light, is somewhat shocked at her new predicament. As if nearly being eaten by a green light snake wasn't bad enough, now her once stunning eyes have been transposed to the palms of her hands? She tries to comprehend what this all means as she slowly scans the others with her open palms. After looking around with her hands, she starts to think that she might have been the lucky one of the bunch.

"Oh my. Dis will really bring in da customers now. Is every one else feeling ok?
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#124 Post by Norjax »

ybn1197 wrote:If the gem is still glowing, head ducks into the hallway he currently is looking down. If the gem has stopped glowing, he will head down the other hall where the others are headed.[/ooc]
The gem appears to be getting dimmer.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#125 Post by Starbeard »

Kid Crimson gives the carpet a kick as he walks past. "Stupid carpet." At Timmy's behest, he stops before the corner and waits silently, crowbar ready.

Beefheart looks at his translucent arms and sighs. It's always got to be him, doesn't it? He heads quietly down the stairs toward Kid and Timmy, and waits with them.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#126 Post by kalstone »

Irakas hears the commotion behind him and mutters, "I hope Myles is ok. It would be a pain to find a new employee."

On seeing Timmy's signal, he pauses and waits for the rest of the party to catch up.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#127 Post by Pulpatoon »

Foul Ol' Amphelice stares in rapt admiration of her transformed companions. "Ohhhhh, look at you! The crowds you'll gather onna streets! Put yer hat down, and they'll fill it with coin! Yer set for life, if they don't burn you at the stake, first." Feeling her own face, she says, "Did ennything happen to me? Purple spots? Lizard eyes? Spiders for eyebrows?"

Peering down the the dark recesses of her filthy clothes, she heaves a disappointed sigh. "Issat all? Ain't nobody gonna see that anyhow. Well, at least the lice won't find such a happy home no more."

Symond Berry is shocked, and backs up defensively until he observes enough of his companions behavior to see that they are only superficially changed, and have not been possessed as well as transformed. Once this is established, he shows great concern. "Are you okay? I mean, is anyone in pain? Can... is there anything I can do?" he asks, helplessly.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#128 Post by ybn1197 »

Sitrus will head towards the other hall where the majority of the group has gathered, testing his new feet carefully as he goes.

Toross gives Foul a side long queasy look, more concerned for the lice than for the woman. He then looks over at Symond with a quizzical look, "I'm fine. Nothing happened to..." Something on the ground catches his eyes and he sees two distinctly elven ears. Grabbing the sides of his head, he begins to quiver and whimper.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#129 Post by Norjax »


* Schlovell drags Sir Hanout from the altar room and down the first flight of stairs, stopping on the landing between flights. He shakes his companion to try and revive him, but this has no affect. The nobleman just lies there breathing steadily as if asleep.

* The glow of the gem slowly subsides, so Sitrus walks over to the southern passage. He proceeds cautiously as he familiarizes himself with his new cloven hooves. The ‘clop, clop’ sound immediately annoys the dwarf.

* Toross is visibly upset over the loss of his ears. He stands motionless trying to come to terms with his new appearance.

* Timmy retreats from his exposed position in the entrance to the room. He backs around the corner and up the stairs, warning his comrades of the figure inside the room.

* Miss Cleo looks about, using her relocated eyes. The eyes in her palms have no eyelids, she must close her hand to blink and rest her eyes. If both hands are open, she can see from the vantage point of her face; as if her eyes are in the normal position. With one hand closed, the view is relative to the position of the eye in the opposite palm.

* Kid Crimson heeds Timmy’s warning and stands ready for action.

* Beefheart reviews his new skin and, seemingly unmoved by the transformation, heads down the stairs to find Kid and Timmy.

* Irakas pauses when Timmy signals and waits for the rest of the party.

* Foul treats her transformation with slight disappointment after seeing what transpired with some of the others. It would serve her if she had gained feathers or a new skin color.

* Symond offers any assistance to his companions after he realizes the changes to physiology may be superficial and benign.

Pert, Myles and Sir Hanout remain unconscious.



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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#130 Post by kalstone »

Irakas whispers, "Perhaps we should try to wake up our companions before approaching this mysterious figure. More people to throw in front of attacks ... er ... I mean, help deal with him."
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#131 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Timmy let's his eyes grow wider and wider as the freaks approach one by one. He can't bear to ask anyone what has happened. Once the majority of the party is assembled, he explains what he saw in the room.

"Should we all just barge in there and see what happens? That would make for an awesome tale!"

Miss Cleo hasn't given up on the statue or writings, besides, she can't just leave the others laying there. That would bring on the bad juju. She opens her hands and holds them up by her face. Moving forward, she takes one last look at the inscriptions with one hand as she checks on Myles with the other. "Him not dead yet jano!"
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#132 Post by Griffith »

Schlovell sits on the stairs next to Hanout waiting for him to wake up. He listens to Timmy describe the room and the mysterious figure and his suggestion to rush the guy. "I wish Hanout was awake; he's better than me at making decisions..."
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#133 Post by coil23 »

Toldren blanches as he feels and discovers the changes on his head. Horns...hmmm...might make me look more dangerous. Looking around, Quill decides he is one of the lucky ones here. They both continue with their original intent and head down the south stairs to join the others. Neither says a word to the other but both quickly walk to get out of that room as fast as possible and away from magic carpets and statues.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#134 Post by Starbeard »

OGRE MAGE wrote:Timmy let's his eyes grow wider and wider as the freaks approach one by one. He can't bear to ask anyone what has happened. Once the majority of the party is assembled, he explains what he saw in the room.

"Should we all just barge in there and see what happens? That would make for an awesome tale!"
Kid Crimson begins to shake visibly with adrenaline. "Yeah, let's do it! What kind of a creepazoid just sits there like that in a cloak, anyway? He's probably vampire or something. We oughta cut 'im!" He looks around to see who else is willing to get all medieval on this guy.

Beefheart gets swept up in the mounting excitement and momentarily forgets his unfortunate metamorphosis. He looks back and forth from person to person, nodding enthusiastically to whatever was last whispered.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#135 Post by Pulpatoon »

Symond Berry does what he can to tend to the unconscious. Overhearing the discussion about rushing into the next room, he adds, "Perhaps we should enter and spread out along the walls, to, uh... flank? To flank the figure. On either side. So that by the time we can see its face, we nearly have it surrounded."
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#136 Post by coil23 »

When Toldren and Quill are down at the base of the stairs Toldren nods in agreement with Symond's suggestion. He whispers, Better safe than... the sentence ends with him pointing to his horns.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#137 Post by Griffith »

Schlovell tries not to grimace noticeably when he sees those whose appearance has been altered by the chaos statue.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#138 Post by Norjax »


Miss Cleo examines the altar’s inscriptions with her rearranged eyes. The fortune-teller concentrates with all of her efforts, but any meaning to the inscriptions does not come to her. She tends to the unconscious Myles and then realizes most of the group has left the room.

Schlovell watches over Sir Hanout, hoping he will wake soon.

Timmy and Kid want to rush the figure. Symond and Toldren want to flank the cloaked stranger. What does the group wish to do?


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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#139 Post by Griffith »

Schlovell will go and help Miss Cleo drag Myles out of the room and down the stairs. He will lay Myles next to Hanout on the landing. Schlovell says, "I will stay here and look after our sleeping companions."
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#140 Post by coil23 »

Toldren's input on the debate: What would rushing down the hall instead of letting the barrel go first have accomplished? Look what just happened upstairs to most of us. Reckless behavior doesn't survive long in this place. Let's be cautious. Someone could throw a rock in the room to see the reaction.

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