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Re: Cockburn Harbour

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 2:42 pm
by Zhym

Re: Cockburn Harbour

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 2:10 pm
by Stirling

Thinking we have a slim chance of 'getting away with it' he calls across he room to the man. "This demon girl is not who she claims to be. Look she has ripped your friend apart and will do so to you. Aide us."Szmodics will grab a stool or cupboard drawer and try to brain the doppelganger. "Brain her unconscious, and then roll her in the carpet Zoggrot, take her to the brighouse and Captain Lazarus, perhaps she can trace this tattoo map again in de Courcey form and we can follow it to whatever treasure it hides?"

Szmodics has a bright idea, a dead doppel-Catriona and we can escape the Succubus but a live doppel-Captain de Courcey and we can even jump his ship or take the beast prisoner.

Re: Cockburn Harbour

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 12:43 am
by thesniperknight1
Holden who doesn't understand this talk of tattoos and just realizing that a doppelganger is present in the room "Is that.....?! I have never seen one before! This is marvelous!".

He turns to his new charmed friend, "Could you shed some light on this situation here? You were sent by who exactly?"

Re: Cockburn Harbour

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 1:56 pm
by Stirling

grabs a chair or stool, cupboard draw and throws it at the doppelganger, attempting to knock her unconscious.

improvised attack with stool [1d20] = 1 [1d3] = 1 'oh f*$k' comes to mind!

Re: Cockburn Harbour

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 2:39 pm
by Spearmint
Holden stares up at the doppelganger form, a tall beautiful, shapely woman, soft skinned and full bosom, dressed in silken bed wear and long sharp nails, almost claw like. She speaks coarsely like a seasoned sailor, urging the man of Tariks' gang to attack the party trio. She wrestles with Zoggrot, avoiding his thrust and grapples with him, clawing his back savagely.

Doppel-Cat [1d20] = 14 damage [1d12] = 4, Zoggrot falters, bleeding heavily from several puncture wounds. -4hp

Szmodics makes a gallant effort to break the deadlock by throwing a wild drawer across the room, succeeding only in hitting the man who tries to stand. He grabs the dagger from his 1/2orc buddy and attacks Szmodics, tripping awkwardly over the dead body. tarik man [1d20] = 3 damage [1d3] = 2

The bedroom, cluttered by a four poster bed, a fallen dresser, smashed mirror and wrecked lattice screen has little room for folks to manoeuver. The 1/2 orc lies dead on the floor, disembowelled, the rug pulled into a untidy fold by the bathroom from which the deceased De Courcey' watches with bloodshot dead eyes and disinterest. Sounds of heavy breathing and the poster frantically creaking in hurried rhythm mirror the breathing of the fighters, making a last stand in the Succubus.

actions gentlemen please.

Re: Cockburn Harbour

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 2:52 pm
by Zhym
Zoggrot circles around behind the doppelganger. Numbers are his and Szmodics's only friend right now. With two of them fighting the one enemy, they should be able to get at least one of them behind the thing.

As he stabs ineffectively, he thinks again how he never should have taken this job—and that he should have walked away when he had the chance.

Dagger (THAC0 20): [1d20+1] = 10+1 = 11. Dmg: [1d4+3] = 3+3 = 6/[1d3+3] = 1+3 = 4 (SM/L)

Re: Cockburn Harbour

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 1:32 pm
by Stirling

Will attempt to pull down the dresser on top of the fighting doppelganger, hoping the noise is still masked by the glamor of Holdens spell. Wanting to take the doppelganger alive, he tries to pin her down... improvised attack with stool [1d20] = 19 [1d3] = 2

Re: Cockburn Harbour

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 2:38 pm
by Spearmint
taunts her from the other side of the room while making the charmed person protect me.

Holden curses the doppelganger using his bardic skills with words, framing an insult which makes the heckles on doppel-Cat rise. She snarls at Holdens' sarcasm and curse, displaying a row of animalistic teeth, prominent canines and incisors, not the sweet smile and white enamel of the glamorous escort. The action distracts her attention and her aim, causing her to swipes claws clean through fresh air missing Zoggrot who dodges away from her reach.

Doppel-Cat [1d20] = 5 damage [1d12] = 5

The man attacking Szmodics spots the change in Catriona and stops his attack. He backs off towards the door, shielding Holden and waving the dagger in front of him, threatening anyone who comes close. "Come friend, we should leave, the back doors are open. Vargo is done for we shouldn't stick around. Leave this pair to fight with her...with it..." he says urging Holden to depart with him.

Dodging by the man, Szmodics pulls the wooden dresser down on top of the doppelganger, it does little damage but adding his weight to the top of it, he can effectively pin her down. Or so he thinks. Once more the skin and visage of doppel-Cat begin to meld and phase, into another being. Catriona begins to take on the larger frame and larger build of an half-orcish or ogrish character. Pushing up on muscled forearms as she flexes forming biceps, the form begins to lift up both the dresser and Szmodics lying on top.

The creaking and groaning from the audible glamor spell cease.

Next actions please.

Re: Cockburn Harbour

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 2:41 pm
by Zhym
Zoggrot grunts with amusement. The shape-shifter chose the wrong shape. He's fought with other half-orcs nearly all his life. He slides his dagger into the creature's side.

Dagger (THAC0 20): [1d20+1] = 18+1 = 19. Dmg: [1d4+3] = 2+3 = 5/[1d3+3] = 2+3 = 5 (SM/L)

Re: Cockburn Harbour

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 2:43 pm
by Stirling

Lying on top of the dresser and on top of the changing doppelganger, Szmodics would like to take Catriona prisoner if we are able. So he will continue to smack her with a cupboard drawer, or the hilt of his dagger.

improvised attack with stool [1d20] = 20 [1d3] = 1

Re: Cockburn Harbour

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 3:07 pm
by Zhym
Taking a mind-reading shape-shifter prisoner. That what happens in Act I, just before all hell breaks loose. :D

Re: Cockburn Harbour

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 2:38 pm
by Stirling
true, but the doppelganger wants to live and have treasure also. I assume it doesn't get humped by Captain de Courcey while in Catriona form for nothing, (I imagine his reaction something similar to a scene from the film classic They Live circa 1988, when the lover discovers her partner is a bug eyed alien!).

Maybe this De Courcey didn't know what tattoo map he had or would not be able to decipher it or would refuse to lead another group there and hence the doppelganger making a fuss about getting the map to be traced on it properly. The doppelganger could be a living treasure map, only needs to be coerced into assuming the dead captains form again instead of another human. If we kill it, we gain nothing? Only guessing, it could all be nothing but Spearmints' emphasis on the map causes me to think.

Re: Cockburn Harbour

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 9:40 am
by thesniperknight1
The way I see it, her/his plan was to copy the treasure map then dispose of the captain's body to ensure that it has the only copy of the map making her/him more important and therefore have a bigger cut, plus she/he was more careful about copying the map than the captain's actual form which kind of makes sense since a mad captain wouldn't entrust his loot with someone sying, "Only give this to me", it's more likely that he hid it and that would mean that the only important bargening chip the doppleganger has is the map, of which there is still the original which hasn't been disposed of yet.

This is all speculation of course but the scary thing about letting it live is that he/she works for Tarik, and Tarik is a friend of Lazerous. So if anything reaches either of them because we left a loose end then we are as good as dead.

Now Holden is completely oblivious to the current situation, he just came in and saw the two of you being attacked and decided to help, so I am trusting both of your judgments on this

Re: Cockburn Harbour

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 9:53 pm
by thesniperknight1
Holden starts playing an exciting tune yo encourage his new friend to stay and fight, We can't leave, these two are friends of mine, try and take it out, alive if possible"

Re: Cockburn Harbour

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 1:59 pm
by Spearmint
Encouraged by Holdens vibe' Barrabas, jumps on top of the fallen dresser, pinning the shape changing doppelganger to the floor. He stabs at the creature along with Zoggrot, declaring, "This one is for Vargo.". Zoggrot plunges his dagger between bony ribs declaring, "This one is for me bitch!".. The creature struggles to maintain form, writhing in anger between orc and ogrish faces, lashing out to claw one final time before it stops writhing and pushes free of the cupboard. Crawling injured on the floor she rolls over and raises her hands, withdrawing the claws into fine fingernails, painted gloss blue. "I yield, I have no wish to die." Szmodics smashes the drawer on her head and temporarily at least, doppel-Cat remains prone on the floor, unmoving. Knocked out, the creature resembles a large humanoid with bony elbows and gaunt ribs. The skin is rubbery and stretches when you pull. The bones of the creature seem awkward shapes, long thin but pliable, the joints at hip, shoulder and limbs feel they can move in many directions. Even the skull of the creature feels like several movable plates which can weave one on top of each other or fit like a jigsaw into a large balloon shape. Though able to mask her skin into life like clothes, doppel-Cat wore actual clothes to further keep the illusion of human form.

tarik man [1d20] = 14 damage [1d3] = 3

Doppel-Cat [1d20] = 5 damage [1d12] = 4

All is quite within Catriona's room in the Succubus. You have a dead captain in the bathroom and an unconscious doppelganger in the bedroom. Next actions please

Re: Cockburn Harbour

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 1:53 pm
by Stirling

"If it or she awakes, she can still morph into whatever she desires, so binding ropes might be useless. lets' just roll her in the carpet and be off!" Szmodics will drag doppel-Catriona by the feet and place her on the edge of the carpet and begin to roll her up in the blood, piss and bowel entrails stained rug. "We should find Rico as well."

Re: Cockburn Harbour

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 4:13 pm
by Zhym
"This one is for me bitch!"

Zoggrot looks quickly around for another doppelganger or a voice-thrower. The words sounded like his voice, but were not his. He would never say anything so crude and unimaginative.

He holds his dagger at the base of the cat-creature's neck, ready to finish it off, and looks up at Szmodics. "Give me one good reason we should not end this vile creature now."

Re: Cockburn Harbour

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:58 pm
by Stirling

"Gold, treasure, notoriety...what do we gain from slaying it and returning to the ship bleeding and empty handed. Sure we have a few meagre tokens of our time here but this here (pointing to the torso of the doppelganger), is worth more alive than dead. If we can convince it to shape shift into the form of Captain de Courcey, she could lead us to the focus of the tattooed map. We all share in the treasure. Kill her and no map, no 'x' marks the spot treasure, no ransom at the very least."

Szmodics is trying to reason that the doppelganger seduced and humped the dead Captain for a reason, specifically to study his map tattoo, so that must be important and I can only think of a treasure map but without studying it we don't know. Turning to the man Barrabas he asks, "What do you know of Catriona and this Captain, after all this pirate leader Tarik set you in place to do her bidding?"

Re: Cockburn Harbour

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 1:56 am
by thesniperknight1
Holden listens intently slowly catching up to what's going on. He scans the room and once he finds the captain's body he understands enough to chime in. He nods to Barrabas, "It's ok Barrabas, I am Holden by the way, he is my friend, so you can answer his question"

He moves to the Captain's body and takes out his short sword, since he isn't skilled in skinning animals he raises a question, "Anyone here is a hunter? Since this body is a few days old, the map isn't very clear but it would be good to have a backup copy or at least dispose of any other copy in existence"

Re: Cockburn Harbour

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 2:20 pm
by Zhym
"Just how do you plan to convince this beast to help us?" counters Zoggrot. "It's a mind-reading shape-shifter. It's much more likely to assume your form, read your thoughts, kill you when you aren't looking, and take your place. Have you even given half a thought to how you plan to bind something that can change forms?"

"Taking a dangerous creature like this on to a boat is foolhardy. Holden has the right idea. If you want a map, cut it off the source. A dead man's skin isn't going to take over a ship."