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Re: Out-Of-Character Chat

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 5:29 pm
by atpollard
If I may suggest a timeline:

Turn 0:
Bridge: crew pulling open panels
Cargo: girl captured - power to door panel (need security code)
Passenger: passengers in corridor heading towards ladder

Turn 1:
Bridge: crew digging through circuits
Cargo: Captain unlocks the door from cargo to engineering
Cargo: Passengers climb down ladder to cargo catwalk
Passenger: (except Vinnie, because he was last in line and a slow climber).

Turn 2:
Bridge: crew still searching for circuit, cheers when power returns.
Cargo: Captain searching hold one more time (as he said)
Cargo: Other passengers still in cargo hold watching the captain search
Cargo: Vinnie finally makes it to the bottom of the ladder.
Engineering: Passengers relate what they know about the short to Engineer - (techie passengers help Engineer restore power?) - power restored.

Turn 3:
Bridge: Rushing to engage anti-hijacking.
Cargo: captain has a cargo hold full of passengers, but hasn't said anything about it yet.

The rest of the crew hasn't said what they are doing ...
... I would suspect that shooing passengers (even helpful ones) out of engineering is a high priority.
... I would suspect that the captain may want to say something about the crowd in the cargo hold.
... Vinnie has caught his breath and is still just watching from the catwalk until someone says something.
... Security probably wants to do something with the girl (but I might have missed his plan).

Of course, I could be wrong about the current time ... we may have fast-forwarded to a later time,
in which case who is where and what are they doing?

Re: Out-Of-Character Chat

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 5:44 pm
by Keehnelf
That looks about right to me. Though the passengers are in the cargo hold which is separated from Engineering, the captain may want to get you all back where you "belong" before moving on.

Re: Out-Of-Character Chat

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 5:47 pm
by Baron
Yes, folks from the deck above are trooping down to a catwalk that apparently runs along the roof of the cargo hold. Our first officer a bit ahead of the passengers.

Theoretically, the power outage might be enough for normal passengers to want to evacuate.

In this case, with our engineer opining that we have a hijack attempt in progress, Dars will be quite... alarmed when he sees potential hijackers arrive where they have no business.

Re: Out-Of-Character Chat

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 5:50 pm
by Baron
Whoa. Cross-posting.

I will go ahead and post IC Dars' reaction to spotting passengers in cargo hold, then.

Re: Out-Of-Character Chat

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 6:27 pm
by GreyWolfVT
all I know is the keeping track and up to speed on my end is overly confusing with the many different posting rates of the players and the all over the place not knowing who is where talking to whom at every moment. If my head starts to spinning call me beetlejuice ;)

Re: Out-Of-Character Chat

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 7:09 pm
by Keehnelf
From now on I'll try to keep a tighter rein on timing in these kinds of situations, even if it means moving forward without one or two folks if it takes a long time to post!

Re: Out-Of-Character Chat

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 9:29 pm
by Baron
Keehnelf wrote:Dars finds as he lifts the satchel that it is surprisingly heavy and makes a clinking sound like there are full jars of something inside rubbing against one another.
Acknowledged, I'll have a look in a little bit. Still need report from bridge crew, need to send someone to help Carter, and get someone working in here on wiring. Then can go through satchel while stowaway reacts (or not).

Re: Out-Of-Character Chat

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 11:57 pm
by GreyWolfVT
crew mates or passengers at this point with only one engineer it will take a while to undo this. ;)

Re: Out-Of-Character Chat

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 9:38 pm
by spanningtree
Hey guys, I'm out of town on business. Will be back in a day or two, NPC as needed.

Re: Out-Of-Character Chat

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 9:39 pm
by Keehnelf
Thanks for the heads-up--safe travels!

Re: Out-Of-Character Chat

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 1:13 am
by Pulpatoon
Keehnelf wrote:i seek more brain.
Push white button. You see. Dangerous brain.
I am tickled to death by this line. That is danged poetry.

Re: Out-Of-Character Chat

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 1:45 am
by Baron

"Brain and brain, what is 'brain?'"

She should be half-dressed in that original Trek style. ;-)

Re: Out-Of-Character Chat

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 1:38 pm
by GreyWolfVT
I'm just waiting for KHAN! :lol:

Re: Out-Of-Character Chat

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 3:02 pm
by Baron
Trying to get the group together, and playing it a little stupidly just to do so. Plan to have the girl check us on the bridge, while observing her. Will check Jacks next.

Won't go into jump until the source of the systems crash is tracked down. If jump drives failed we'd all die. Samantha is putting the bridge consoles back together, Eugene will need to stay at the helm while she does so (unless Olive can pilot? I don't know her skills). Will let Nate help Jacks track down the cause of failure once we leave bridge.

Once she's checked us, we'll reconvene up in passenger lounge and let her check the passengers, and then tell her story to all.

Then we can all contribute. Sorry for delay.

Until Dars is satisfied that there was not a hijack or sabotage attempt, he won't jump or kill the anti-hijack program.

He's also very unsure of the girl. In reality it would take a lot more before he'd trust her at all, but I want to get the other players in on the game so I'm rushing it.

Re: Out-Of-Character Chat

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 1:37 am
by Baron
Dars, with Medic, JoT and maybe even Steward, will check her syringe or use one from the ship.

Jacks, do you play, "In The Navy" while breakdancing? ;-)

Re: Out-Of-Character Chat

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 12:45 pm
by GreyWolfVT
no lol I play the prety fly for a white guy song my offspring ;)

Re: Out-Of-Character Chat

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 8:30 pm
by Baron
spanningtree wrote:Johan will attempt to stay in the presence of the alien: I have some minor expertise in xeno studies... this is an Asgardi. He will say to those present.

OCC: Sorry to come to the party late.
I'm OK with retconning Johan's comment. He can have been on the bridge all this time. If it's OK with our GM.

Re: Out-Of-Character Chat

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 8:41 pm
by Keehnelf
Yup, let's have him say that in the cargo hold, then come along for the interrogation.

Re: Out-Of-Character Chat

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:47 pm
by Keehnelf
I deleted Eugene's comment because it missed the OOC conversation about Johan's participation in this thread. Sorry, DadsAngry!

Re: Out-Of-Character Chat

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 10:33 pm
by DadsAngry
No problem.