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Re: Adrift into a Strange Land

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 6:47 pm
by Dizlexus
I enjoy the moral complexity being discussed.

Make sure you ask for any sundry equipment you need -- outside of horses which you will have. This is your chance to get gear, free.

No plate Mail -- all deployed.

Re: Adrift into a Strange Land

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 6:52 pm
by Nordbo
Can the group propose a promise to do all that it can to nullify the 'future threat of adult Merit' but without having to commit to assassination as the singular option? I e convince Reginia that 'don't worry - we'll take care of business - but don't worry about how'

Re: Adrift into a Strange Land

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 6:54 pm
by Dizlexus
Nordbo wrote:Can the group propose a promise to do all that it can to nullify the 'future threat of adult Merit' but without having to commit to assassination as the singular option? I e convince Reginia that 'don't worry - we'll take care of business - but don't worry about how'
She has few other options but to accept such a proposition.

Re: Adrift into a Strange Land

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 6:57 pm
by Nordbo
Sorry, I meant the above as a question to the other PCs, not to GM.

But now, to the GM: What is the proper protocol / colour code / channel for "things I'd like to discuss with other players but not in the form of dialogue for outsiders to hear" ? haven't learned that one yet :?

Re: Adrift into a Strange Land

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 7:12 pm
by Dizlexus
Nordbo wrote:Sorry, I meant the above as a question to the other PCs, not to GM.

But now, to the GM: What is the proper protocol / colour code / channel for "things I'd like to discuss with other players but not in the form of dialogue for outsiders to hear" ? haven't learned that one yet :?
ah yes, that is the OCC thread - out of character comments. That is where conspiracies against the GM are hatched. But I read em.

Re: Adrift into a Strange Land

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 8:41 pm
by Nordbo
OK - I hadn't quite understood that for all purposes "between-character-conversation" actually falls under "out-of-character": thanks for clarifying

Re: Adrift into a Strange Land

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 8:51 pm
by Nordbo
Baruch, to Reginia: "Milady, thank you for shedding light on how faith survives through unknown continuums."

To noone in particular: "I wonder if 2-4 vials of holy water would survive such a voyage too ?" (hint, hint)

Re: Adrift into a Strange Land

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 9:46 pm
Montego Slams his fist down on the table. He seems a little upset to be hearing what he perceives as insubordinate comments towards his queen. PLEASE!!! Fellow "comrades".....Let us try and remember who you are addressing here! He says loudly. You know you have my sword my QUEEN.... whatever the mission. Its pretty simple for the rest of you the way I see it. You are either in.....OR NOT!!! Sitting here debating ethics is NOT helping!

Re: Adrift into a Strange Land

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 9:52 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Garrett "I know whom I am addressing. If she wants my help then so be it that makes us equally important. I can just as easily walk away as can anyone if you are going to yell at me then consider me out. All I was trying to do is get more information.

Re: Adrift into a Strange Land

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 9:53 pm
by MonkeyWrench
Calen "He has a point."

Re: Adrift into a Strange Land

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 9:56 pm
Montego addresses Garrett No need for drama here thief. I simply ask that you show a bit more respect, that is all. He then says to Reginia Of course, I would take anything you would be willing to offer in the way of magical items to help fulfill our mission my Queen.

Re: Adrift into a Strange Land

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 9:57 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Svent "I too know I am addressing the queen of this torn land. But I have to agree a bit with Garrett we were simply brought here none of us had the intent to go off in time travel and kill a young boy. I get that we are being asked to do this but a queen asking us for help means to her we are equally important. We mean no distrust, harm or mean words to her majesty. We simply want information before we go off on this quest of importance. You also must understand she is not our queen. I understand you are honor and duty bound some of us are not."

Re: Adrift into a Strange Land

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 9:59 pm
by Dizlexus
Regenia does her best to calm Montego.
Godd woodsman she says, they must have this discussion. What we ask confounds a good soul.

And yes, equipment.. . .

My next post will dole out some stuff and set to party up to get their butts moving. There will be plenty of time for sorting out the ethical complexities.
OGRE MAGE wrote:Montego Slams his fist down on the table. He seems a little upset to be hearing what he perceives as insubordinate comments towards his queen. PLEASE!!! Fellow "comrades".....Let us try and remember who you are addressing here! He says loudly. You know you have my sword my QUEEN.... whatever the mission. Its pretty simple for the rest of you the way I see it. You are either in.....OR NOT!!! Sitting here debating ethics is NOT helping!

Re: Adrift into a Strange Land

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 10:03 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Garrett "And who said I was a thief? I did not show or do anything to suggest that I am more than a mere wandering fighter. I take insult from your harsh words."

Re: Adrift into a Strange Land

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 10:05 pm
Montego looks a bit deflated Of course my Queen. You have my apologies..... He then looks around the table.As do the rest of you. He says with his head hung low.

Re: Adrift into a Strange Land

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 10:15 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Svent "Tis alright. You were honoring your queen by defending her honor." Svent gives a little smile and wink to Montego.

Re: Adrift into a Strange Land

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 10:42 pm
by MonkeyWrench
Calen, "Do not apologize for your actions. A discussion is it's own type of battle, and the man who hesitates is the man who dies."

Re: Adrift into a Strange Land

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 10:51 pm
by Dizlexus
The Queen's Ethical Philosophers

Gentleman, I believe I have a few things that would both aid and reward your efforts.

Garrett, because of your reluctance to kill needlessly . . .
She approaches Garrett with a vial. This, she says, is not poison. This is a tranquilizer. You will have to injure someone to get it in their blood. But then the victim falls asleep.
Tranquilizer: Victim saves vs. poison at +1 or is unconscious 1d4+1 rounds. 20 applications for points and blades. Image
Calen, for you a great helm. With this you will know who to trust.
Helm of Evil Detection: Casts detect evil once every day.
Baruch, for you I have a ring.
ImageRing of The Pious Priest: Doubles number of 1st level spells.
Svent and Fredricus, For each of you I have 2 things: Each of you must carry these scrolls. When the time comes, the spell will allow you to understand the instructions for the machine.
And for each of you a cloak:
Scrolls: Read Language (1st level).

Cloak of Protection +1 (-1ac) Image
MonTego, These arrows were knapped by the local barbarians. As Sanu can tell you, the obsidian points are sharper than iron.
20 Arrows +1
Sanu and Titus were previously assigned magic items.
The queen suggests that the party stay for dinner and an over night, before heading out in the morning.

She offers you 8 draft horses and the following:
A wagon drawn by 2 mules and a driver named Milli. Milli is a female elf of the valley.
Milli str 12 int 10 wis 6 dex 17 con 13 cha 11. 0 lvl ftr, 8 hp. AC 7, Short sword and long bow, 20 arrows.
300 ft of rope
20 pitons
2 hammers
2 wood axes
2 shovels
2 picks
3 3 man tents
10 wool blankets
9 winter coats
9 bed rolls
3 tinder box
20 torch
10 oil
3 lantern (1 bulls eye)
20 caltrops
10 spears
50 arrows
20 wks rations for 1 person
2 cask water
2 cask wine
cook ware and camping dishes
10 empty sacks
1 chest 3’x2’ containing 1600 GP
16 pairs leather gloves
large roll of twine
8 potions of healing (1d8+1)

The party may decline any of the above.

Re: Adrift into a Strange Land

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 11:01 pm
by MonkeyWrench
Calen takes the helm, holding it without looking at it. "My trust lies in the battlefield, I will accept the gift."

Re: Adrift into a Strange Land

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 11:07 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Svent bows politely and takes the items. "Thank you. I have something I need to do for Garrett here. Is there a room I might be able to study my spells in?"