On the island: About the Ship & Cove

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ATSC, Day 8: Day 2 of new level training completed...

#121 Post by Argennian »

~ The late summer seaside evening progresses just as yesterday's did. Hazara's soft, blazing purple remnants flee the darkness over the watery western horizon and mighty Mosara begins her silvery-white nightly ascent in the southeastern skies.

Well after dinner and a few rounds of drinks, there is still no sign of the giant owl. The second giant crab claw does naught but attract more and more beach flies. Tamber helps Shanny back to the ship so she can get prepared. Gentleman Billy is worried about the giant owl, and why it hasn't returned. He eventually relents, and calls for the young, quiet prince to accompany him. Aramis looks over to make eye contact with Emm as he stands to depart, as if he'd just now realized she was looking at him. His visage appears blank and far away as he turns and follows the old master thief back to his rather drab, makeshift royal quarters. The fire at the beach gets low and everyone eventually finds their bunks waiting, both warm and comfortable.

~ The morning of Day 8 comes in especially bright and vibrant. In fact there is no more than a few clouds anywhere in the sky. Cutler and his two young kitchen mates continue to impress with breakfast and there is again plenty of Shanny's calming and restorative teas to go around. Billy comes out to greet the party, after the morning meal but before they begin their daily regiment of training and watch on breaks. The old master thief reports that the cove perimeter was probed and even tried by a small pack of seemingly determined giant rats again. The magical Hatmarin Division countermeasures that had been installed had done their job. Nothing got through.
Billy then proceeds to detail that although they still haven't had any signals or further communications from Commander Ziller, Shanny has determined that he and the others are, in fact, still alive! She believes he's already made contact with at least one of those he set out to rescue. This is indeed very welcome and reassuring news for everyone. Hope floats about the ship and cove once again as mighty Hazara races towards her midday perch high above. And so the second day of the party's new training regiments begins just like the first one did, save that little extra residual soreness from the previous day. Everyone that's trained already know it's going to get worse.

Bog, Caelvanna, Griffo and Thalion continue their martial & missile training and exercises. Emm, Lauranna and Ulrich have to endure and complete their portion of these exercises as well but it's the weapons specialists that must do just that and push themselves hard. The warriors' constant training and working out establishes a physical endurance not akin to that needed of many of the other classes, and one they'll certainly need when next they face down an enemy, animal or otherwise.

When not guild training with Gentleman Billy and Thalion, nor catching up on much-needed sleep, Lauranna dives into her mage training with Ziffiris. She has the old retired nobleman noticeably more energized and even perky about the prospects! He gratefully teaches the eager young High elf new spells, producing the relevant material components needed and very carefully and methodically going over the verbal and somatic components involved. The old timer begins to scribe new spells into her second traveling spell book as she masters them.

Ulrich completes another day of training and meditations with Lord Jovak. The young dwarf cleric continues to excel in his divine studies and speaks in more length with the high priest/fighter lord about what he and the party encountered under the island in that coastal cave. He details that he felt it and its lack of respect for his current level of divine power. Jovak shares some valuable insight and resources with his pupil, and Ulrich begins to become less worried about his teacher's apprehensions and more concerned with the the application of his new tools and abilities.

Emm continues her training dutifully, but misses young Sam and her faithful stuffed bear companion Benny terribly. During a midday break, after sharing a quick snack with the young girl, Sheba and the lady Tamara, the young druid casts her Animal Friendship spell, and charms a small male seagull that got too conveniently close to camp and was too curious about any potential giant crab scraps. She spends the next hour enchanting the healthy-looking island avian, and by the time she's finished, the small grey-colored gull seems completely tame and enamored with her! She begins to pet him and feed him little treats to make him more comfortable while she communicates with him, and soon begins to try and teach him a trick*. The seagull seems absolutely content to sit on her shoulder and listen to her instructions, cawing and squawking back to her eagerly when it appears she desires an answer.

~ Time marches on and the also lengthy second day of the party's new training regiment finally comes to an end, just as the first one did. All is as it was yesterday, except today, there are further developments in the drama department. Everyone is cleaning up and changing before dinner when Blic calls out a hail heard by all aboard the ship or in the cove. "Contact, ho! Ship to the west!"

Both bare and booted feet can be heard scurrying on deck towards the stern of the Seahawk, to see if they can get a look at the unknown contact. Billings was already aboard and climbs quickly for the crow's nest. A clammy silence falls over the ship and cove for an eternal minute as the veteran sea captain and his halfling lookout assess the barely-noticeable blip on the western horizon through the coveted far-seeing tube.

Billings then announces what he sees to all those waiting anxiously below. "She's still about 14-15 miles out... that's a good 4 to 5 hours away with that tide and crosswind, if'n they don't change...

"... She's a big one alright, lads... Doesn't look like a great cog or heavy merchantman, though,"
he trails off. The veteran crew look about to each other and barely move as the wait for the other boot to drop.

"Hmm, I don't like it, lads... She could be a heavy warship... You all know what that means: a shitload of well-armed marines and ballistamen, as well as a mid to high level mage and cleric if we're right. Guess the relevant question is, if she's navy, which one is she sailing for?"

Gentleman Billy looks around to everyone gathered with a look of concern. He rolls his eyes and lets out a held breath before addressing the party. "That ship is still hours away, so no need to get overly worried here, friends. Likely she'll be sailing for one of the other isles east of here, where the reefs are not so shallow and prolific. Get something to eat for dinner and relax as best you can. I'll meet you down at the beach fire in about an hour and one half, just after sunset. We'll see if she changes course or if we need to begin making further preparations. I'll be aboard the ship with Aramis if you need me sooner..."


* Rexx: please mark off Emm's animal friendship spell from your current roster. You can also pick the first of 3 tricks that she will be able to teach her new animal friend. When you get a chance, go ahead and respond to my last pm and let me know what 3 tricks, in order, that she'd like to teach the gull. Each trick takes @ 1 week to learn.

Emm's animal companion: island seagull
Size/color: small, light grey
Move: 25 feet hopping/330 feet flying
AC: 6
HP: 4
Attacks: 3 (claw/claw/bite)
Damage: 1d2/1d2/1
Special Attacks: "Dive attack" ~ needs 120'+ room/area to initiate dive; +2 to hit/double damage for successful attacks
Special Defenses: none
Magic Resistance: standard
Intelligence: animal
Alignment: neutral

OOC: Okay folks, please feel free to respond with any desired tasks or special plans for the next hour & a half or so; meeting was called for @ 7:00pm in game time. Otherwise please simply post with how your character is current equipped: armor, weapons, gear, magic, etc.

POP: casters please be sure to your confirm your current spell rosters; TOD updated.

Total Days of Training to new level(s): 2 days

TOD: @ 5:30pm of Day 8 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 20 days)

HPs/Status: Bog 34/34 ; Caelvanna 32/32 ; Emm 13/13 , Lauranna 16/16 , Ulrich 22/22 ; Griffo 24/24* ; Thalion 12/12* (* still need to roll HP!)
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – none/spear ; Caelvanna – none /bow (arrows fired: 0) ; Emm – none /spear/SC ; Lauranna - none /short sword ; Ulrich – none /mace & shieldSC ; Griffo – none/short bow/longsword (arrows fired: 0) ; Thalion – longbow/longsword (arrows fired: 0) (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location On the beach, end of day's training: Bogdan , Caelvanna , Emm , Lauranna , Ulrich ; Griffo , Thalion
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#122 Post by dmw71 »

Caelvanna, already in possession of her weapons from her training exercises, sits and waits.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#123 Post by Alethan »

Unsure as to what will happen, and keeping his training lesson of, "Always Be Prepared" in mind, Bog equips himself with the following:
Banded Mail (from ship)
Large Wooden Shield (from ship)
3 Karagonian Spears (from ship)
Boots (low, soft) (from ship)
Karagonian Masterwork Long Sword
Karagonian Masterwork Dagger
Backpack (and contents, including several days worth of dried rations from the ship's stores)

He plants the spears into the sandy beach, butt first, and leans his pack and shield against them. The rest of his equipment is on his person. Thus equipped, he waits with the elven warrior.
Dragon foot. Bamboo pole. Little mouse. Tiny boy.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#124 Post by tkrexx »

No sooner than Emm has found her own "familiar" its first assignment arrives.

Speak With Animals

Do you see that? She indicates the far ship. Go, my friend, see what you can see about it, then return and relay it to me! Go now!

The Druid will also armor up, appropriating a second spear from the armory, and inform Gentleman Billy of her plan. She will grab a quick bite to eat, take a long, lingering look at young Sam, and share a knowing, approving look with Lady Tamara. After she will wait next to Bog and Caelvanna, and work some more on her slab of wood.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#125 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna is happy with her day. As the contact is sighted, she takes the time to commit the two spells that she thinks she'll need to memory. She sheds the leather armor and makes sure to have her gear ready.
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ATSC, Day 8: The enemy approaches...

#126 Post by Argennian »

~ The crew of the wounded and currently disabled Seahawk scramble to their respective duties and stations. Other than Billings and his officers discussing the situation and then calling out subsequent orders, all is quiet. The party and junior members of the Hands of Balance can tell by the looks shared amongst their veteran shipmates that it's serious. An encounter with a Karagonian warship and her formidable crew and capabilities is certainly one that no one wants...

After relaying instructions to regroup just after sunset on the beach, Gentleman Billy disappears into the hold of the ship to seek out Aramis and make preparations. Already having her bow to hand and other weapons strapped about her person, Caelvanna shrugs and moves over to take a seat and wait. After donning his metal armor, gathering his gear and visiting the armory, Bogdan returns to the beach to wait with the Wild-elf archer. The big fighter sticks his spears in the sand and stages his gear in preparation of the potential upcoming encounter. Griffo and Thalion follow the half-orc's leader, and after gathering their respective gear on the ship, return to the beach to wait it out as well.
Emm departs the beach and climbs aboard the Seahawk. Once she's ascended a rope ladder to the yardarm and taken a seat, she can finally see the far off object on the watery western. She calls out for her new animal companion and the small grey seagull flies up and lands on her outstretched arm. The young druid then casts a spell* and in a language that no other can comprehend, points to the distant dot and instructs her new pet. The island avian fidgets and caws and finally takes flight, setting out in the direction of the approaching vessel. Lauranna gathers her gear to be ready, just in case, and settles in up on the forecastle of the ship to rest for the required amount of time she needs to before she can memorize a new spell. There is no sign of Ulrich or Lord Jovak anywhere.

~ Time passes painfully slow. Hazarra begins her nightly assault in earnest on the watery western horizon as the mystery ship draws closer and closer. It seems to have picked up speed tremendously, according to the reports being called down by Blic from the crow's nest, and appears to be approaching the westernmost of the islands. Shanny is eventually helped up to the stern castle and is then joined by Ziffiris and a big chest full of goodies. The two of them settle in and make preparations of their own. Other than a few crew members still roving about on errands, everyone eventually settles in to their respective positions for the wait.

Almost an hour passes before Emm's pet seagull appears circling the cove above and cawing insistently for its new master. Having already returned to the beach after gathering her weapons and gear and also spending some precious, fleeting moments with young Sam, the waiting druid calls out and he flies down to her. She casts another spell* and begins an in-depth, magical conversation with the small grey gull. After a number of minutes have passed, the parley ends. The young druidess feeds the eager avian a sizable treat of crab meat and he flies over to a nearby stretch of vacant beach to settle in and enjoy the gratuitous meal. Emm then moves over to debrief with Captain Billings and his officers, as well as a just arrived Gentleman Billy on what she's been able to glean of the approaching ship from her animal companion.

Questions are posed and answered and it's soon confirmed. She's a Karagonian heavy warship alright, and most likely none other than the royal navy flagship herself, the Gallant. She's the biggest, fastest and most heavily armed and armored of the formidable Karagonian Navy fleet. She's also rumored to have an archmage and high priest among her crew. As Billings had feared, she was heavy with well armed and armored soldiers from what the seagull observed. At the bow of the ship was a group of strangely dressed individuals but before the gull could get a better look it was chased off by a massive black bird! Fearing for its life, it returned to report and get its well-earned meal.

~ The dreaded intel is relayed amongst the crew and Billy begins discussing various options for various potentialities with the party. Partway through this, a cry emanates from the stern castle of the Seahawk. Its Shanny and her voice is pitched in fear.
"I sense danger! Spies of the enemy approach us!"

As everyone scrambles for cover in utter surprise and confusion, Billings immediately calls out for calm and order. "Everyone hold your positions! No one move!"
The crew do as ordered and everyone hunkers down where they're at. The wily captain then turns to shout back at the ship. "Ziffiris! Plan A! Do it!!"

There is a commotion on the stern castle and soon everyone sees the retired old nobleman stand up with a scroll in his hands. He reads from the odd piece of parchment for naught but a few moments before it pulses a reddish glow and then dissolves in his hands with an audible pop! Tamber and Arak catch the elder dual-classed illusionist/mage as he falls limp from the experience.
Immediately afterward, a massive, shimmery bubble appears around the ship and surrounding cove. It goes out to just before the treeline on each side and thirty something feet short of the cliffs. Perhaps most importantly, it also extends out past the opening of the cove to cover any sign of the disabled eastern warship careened within from the surrounding waters.

"... It's nearly translucent but at least noticeable from this side," Billings explains about what the party is seeing. "A most powerful but not permanent illusion and protection spell that will keep the ship and everyone around it in the cove hidden from sight. Anyone that approaches will only see the natural cove as if it was deserted. If they get too close, they will become dizzy and disoriented. If they try and push through the barrier, they will become stricken with a fit of terrible nauseousness. A wonderful countermeasure that has served us well in the old days but I fear it might have been the last one of the great eastern sorcerer scrolls we had in reserve..."

The old master thief stops talking when Shanny's cry for silence emanates from the ship. Everyone remains speechless and motionless for a few minutes. Just as the quiet wait is starting to seem overly cautious and unnecessary, a huge black raven suddenly appears a few hundred feet over the cove, coming from the direction of the next island to the west. It's easily spotted from below due something shiny around its neck. It makes a few high, lazy circles and then continues on eastward around the southern side of the cliffs. Less than a minute later, three other similar black-feathered birds fly in from the west. Two of them split off to fly around the northern side of the island and the last one follows the general flight path of the first one to the south.

Everyone remains motionless for at least the next ten minutes until Shanny calls out that the winged eyes of the enemy have flown on and that it's safe to talk and move around once again. A collective held breath is let out from those aboard the ship and around the cove at the news. Shanny continues to monitor the situation via her mysterious means of clairvoyance while everyone stands down to DefCon 2. Less than one hour later, as twilight reigns over the faded island sunset, the ever-vigilant Blic reports that the large warship has reached the westernmost island of the southern chain, not more than three miles away from their current position. It appears to have dropped anchor and is deploying longboats. Billings joins the halfling lookout above and they watch the situation until it becomes too dark to really see anything. What is strange and troubling to the captain is that there are no lanterns or light sources seen aboard the enemy vessel, as would be standard operating procedure in nearly every situation. Except, of course, for when they were planning on night maneuvers and not wanting to be seen whilst doing so...

After debriefing with the captain and his officers, Billy rejoins the party. "Okay then, friends. The captain believes that the Karagonian warship is planning to sail again after dark. They could be setting a lookout at the island west of us or they could be searching it. That means one of two possibilities for us, really. They are either going to approach our island next or they will sail past us to one of the other islands east of here. If their plan is the former, we will need to be ready...

"So we're going to need everyone on watch tonight. I suggest you remain armed and ready for the worst from this point out. Oh, and I want each of you to take one of these,"
the old master thief explains as he hands out a small charm bracelet to each party member. It appears made from three different colored and unique-feeling fibers woven together, the colors of dark blue, jade green and light red. "...It will serve to help you pass through the veil of the protection bubble surrounding the ship and cove with minimal pain and effort. We may need to move in and out, depending upon what may happen, so best we be ready now."

Gentleman Billy then proceeds to confirm that each of you has one of Shanny's healing elixirs and the distress crystals you were issued on their person. He hands Bog back the potion of water breathing with its 3 remaining doses and then reaches into his belt to produce a sleek, silver wand. He looks it over carefully before handing it over to Lauranna.
"... It's an old, backup wand of magic missile I had secreted in a hidden spot, from the old days during the war. Ziffiris said you should have it. Only has 3 charges left on it, so be sure you make 'em count when you need them, okay? he recommends with a smile and quick wink.

"So that's pretty much it for now, friends. At least until such time we know something more," the old master thief admits as he looks about to the party. His visage shows seriousness and concern yet also confidence and pride. "Remember your training and believe in yourselves. Always watch out for your brothers and sisters in arms. Never leave a friend in need, no matter what...

"There are extra weapons and ammunition in the armory if any of you have need. Any other logistics or equipment, please see Sergeant Zimba. Go ahead and find a spot to settle in here or up on the ship, but stay well away from the treeline and the edges of the protective bubble. If the enemy does enter, we'll hit them with ranged magics first, then missile weapons as needed, so stay back until Zimba's call to engage melee is made. If hand to hand combat ensues, stay close to your mates and do not allow yourself to become isolated. If you are not already aboard, fall back to the ship if you get hurt or need to retreat for any reason.

"Alright, friends... That's all I have until we see or know something new. Are there any questions? If you have need of anything at all, please say so now..."


* Emm casts: 2 speak with animals spells (last one @ 6:15pm)

OOC: Please declare any actions if you have them before posting with where your character will be taking up position during watch: on the ship or in the cove.
In the cove: The heavy cloth walls of the large command tent on the beach have been reinstalled to provide cover for those within. Zimba, Farlon & Cutler will be taking up position inside to cover the cove if someone or something breaches the bubble.
On the ship: Blic will remain in the crow's nest; Sorel will position himself, Griffo & Thalion on the ship to provide cover fire for the command tent and cove with their bows. Gramps will man the ballista and Billings & his remaining officers will guard Shanny & Ziffiris and the ship.

POP: Please be sure to note everything your PC is carrying on their person, as well as anything that will be left behind at their respective bunks/footlockers. This should include the following:

Miscellaneous Magic Item Allocation: (at present)
- Ring of Free Action: Bogdan
- Potion of Water Breathing (3 doses left): Bogdan
- Dagger +1/+2 vs small creatures, 10' magical light on command: Lauranna
- Gentleman Billy's Wand of Detecting Traps & Secret Doors (telepathic trigger, 15 charges): Lauranna
- Gentleman Billy's old Wand of Magic Missiles (w/ 3 charges remaining): Lauranna
- Gentleman Billy's Magical Light coin (in heavy leather pouch): Emm Hildebran
- Shanny's home-brewed Healing Elixirs (1 dose, 1d8+1): every party member
- Billy's "Break-in-Emergency" Locator Crystals (clear, @ 2"L x 1"W): every party member
- Magical cloth charm bracelets (woven blue, green & red threads): every party member

OOC2: Current status of party spell casters:
- Ulrich: should have full compliment of spells previously memorized
- Lauranna: had started her required 4 hour rest period (time needed prior to being able to gain new spells or change current ones out) about 2 hours ago, so only has 2 hours, 15 minutes time left before she will have memorized her new spell. (That would be TOD: 9:45pm)
- Emm: has currently cast 3 spells today: 1- animal friendship spell; 2 - speak with animals spells. She could have started her 4 hour rest period to regain more spells at @ 6:15pm, if she so chooses. Each 1st level spell has a 15 minute memorization time. (that would give her a full spell roster at @ 11:00pm)

TOD updated.

Total Days of Training to new level(s): 2 days (10-12 days of training still needed to officially reach the next level)

TOD: @ 7:30pm of Day 8 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 20 days)

HPs/Status: Bog 34/34 ; Caelvanna 32/32 ; Emm 13/13 , Lauranna 16/16 , Ulrich 22/22 ; Griffo 24/24* ; Thalion 12/12* (* still need to roll HP!)
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – longsword / shield & 3 spears ; Caelvanna – bow / short sword (arrows fired: 0) ; Emm – spear/SC ; Lauranna - ?? /short sword ; Ulrich – mace & shield / SC ; Griffo – short bow / longsword (arrows fired: 0) ; Thalion – longbow / longsword (arrows fired: 0) (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location On the beach, at sunset: Bogdan , Caelvanna , Emm , Lauranna , Ulrich ; Griffo , Thalion
Last edited by Argennian on Wed Oct 15, 2014 5:24 am, edited 5 times in total.
Reason: spelling, grammaticals & clarifications!
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#127 Post by dmw71 »

Caelvanna surveys the area inside the cove and looks for a point of elevation -- perhaps up in a tree, if any present themselves as viable options -- to position herself in cover for the potential encounter with the crew of the Karagonian war ship. If the above scenario isn't available to her, she will look to position herself near, but not necessarily with, any other ranged attackers.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#128 Post by tkrexx »

They know, Emm's dark eyes widen. They are aware that someone is hereabouts, even if we are protected from their eyes. The ravens intentionally took after Kuda (She indicates her seabird) then scouted about his destination. Clearly they are evil familiars of some manner! The Druid turns away and stamps her foot. Every time she feels fear it angers her! I could SINK that ship, I feel certain, had I asked the proper blessings! With an exasperated groan she meanders along, head down and fists clenched, until her considerable enlightenment quells her frustration, and clarity brings yet another point to bear.

Gentleman Billy, the Great Owl! She stated she would return if there were any sign of other vessels. She will not be awake at this time, but when she takes flight this eve she will surely notice, and try to contact us. Will the protection enchantment mask us from her also?

After the conversation is finished and orders conveyed, Emm will immediately begin asking for replacement blessings.

Spells updated. Will saves also be updated at this point, or will they need to wait until after training is complete?
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ASC: cove clarifications for Caelvanna

#129 Post by Argennian »

dmw71 wrote:Caelvanna surveys the area inside the cove and looks for a point of elevation -- perhaps up in a tree, if any present themselves as viable options -- to position herself in cover for the potential encounter with the crew of the Karagonian war ship. If the above scenario isn't available to her, she will look to position herself near, but not necessarily with, any other ranged attackers.
Caelvanna looks about the cove and quickly surmises that there are no trees, large rocks or any other such objects that she could climb up on located within the protective bubble of the spell. The only high vantage point available is the Seahawk itself.

Since the ship is nosed into the cove, she figures she could position herself up on the forecastle, and would be able to cover the command tent and cooking area, as well as the entire beach, the cliffs just outside the bubble to the east and both tree lines to the north and south.
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ASC: Billy's responses to Emm

#130 Post by Argennian »

tkrexx wrote:They know, Emm's dark eyes widen. They are aware that someone is hereabouts, even if we are protected from their eyes. The ravens intentionally took after Kuda (She indicates her seabird) then scouted about his destination. Clearly they are evil familiars of some manner! The Druid turns away and stamps her foot. Every time she feels fear it angers her! I could SINK that ship, I feel certain, had I asked the proper blessings! With an exasperated groan she meanders along, head down and fists clenched, until her considerable enlightenment quells her frustration, and clarity brings yet another point to bear.

Gentleman Billy, the Great Owl! She stated she would return if there were any sign of other vessels. She will not be awake at this time, but when she takes flight this eve she will surely notice, and try to contact us. Will the protection enchantment mask us from her also?
Sensing the young druid's growing despair, the old master thief moves over to speak with and hopefully comfort her. "We do not know that they followed your bird-friend back here, Emm. It could be that those ravens were merely sent out to scout the islands for any ships or other particular items of note. Shanny said that they continued to fly on to the east..."

Regarding her comment about sinking the Karagonian warship, Billy allows a small smile to slip before he responds. "I admire your tenacity, young lady. But that is an eventuality that I would not wish to even attempt unless given no other choice. There are likely magical protections and countermeasures in place upon that vessel, not to mention the possibility of them having a high level mage and cleric aboard. If it is the Gallant, as Billings suspects, she has never been defeated in battle. Nonetheless, tis something to keep in mind, as we must always be ready to initiate a change of plan at any time!"

He then addresses the druid's concerns about the Giant Owl not being able to see them hidden within the illusionary spell bubble. "I share your concern in this, Emm. The spell is a very powerful one and it affects not just people but animals too. Had the spell not been utilized, however, we would surely have been found out by the enemy's aerial spies and they would attacking us even now!
"I too had hoped that we'd have seen her before now, as it's now dark and she should be out hunting for her young. Unless of course,"
he opines with a serious look to his visage, "something has happened to her and she cannot. Regardless, we must keep an eye for her and perhaps think of a way to signal or contact her without giving away our position. Think about that as well..."
tkrexx wrote:After the conversation is finished and orders conveyed, Emm will immediately begin asking for replacement blessings.
OOC: Noted! As stated previously, if she rests for the required 4 hours and then memorizes the 3 1st level spells she cast earlier in the day, she'd be done at @ 11:00pm
tkrexx wrote:Spells updated. Will saves also be updated at this point, or will they need to wait until after training is complete?
Emm is still a 3rd level druid until she completes her official training (which for her is finishing the magical tome). This will not happen for at least another 10-12 days, which goes the same for the other PCs as well. I did allow everyone's hit points for 4th level (or whatever level the characters will be moving up to) to be rolled and applied immediately but all other facets of leveling up, such as new spell levels, thief abilities, Thac0 increases, saving throws, weapons proficiencies, etc. will not change until the new training is officially completed.

Note: I went ahead and edited the previous action post to reflect the number of training days still needed before that occurs.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#131 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna watches the going on with interest. After she satisfies herself with a certain degree of safety, she settles down for more rest and study, deciding to commit Jump to memory to go along with the already memorized Sleep.

It is a big decision for her, but she decides to eschew the armor in favor of the casting abilities.

She stows the Wand of Trap Detection, favoring instead the Wand of Magic Missiles.

She cannot bring herself to leave her books on the ship, so continues to carry them. She double checks the bandoliers around her shoulders.

Packing her backpack, she does dip into the armory to find a large belt pouch for Wily. She positions it so it rides just below her satchel, hoping that might provide some degree of protection.

As the time wears down, she moves to speak with Emm. "Let's stay together. It might be kinda hairy for a bit. If all else fails, be prepared to bail."

Eventually, she makes her way to the Forecastle to stand guard.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#132 Post by Alethan »

If we're only 1/5 or 1/6 of the way through training, then I'm not going to bother updating anything else on Bog's character sheet until training is officially done. Who knows how long that will take.

Since there is nothing he can do about the war ship, Bogdan puts it out of his mind as he continues his training.
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ASC: Lauranna's preparations for the night watch

#133 Post by Argennian »

Nuke66 wrote:Lauranna watches the going on with interest. After she satisfies herself with a certain degree of safety, she settles down for more rest and study, deciding to commit Jump to memory to go along with the already memorized Sleep.

It is a big decision for her, but she decides to eschew the armor in favor of the casting abilities.

She stows the Wand of Trap Detection, favoring instead the Wand of Magic Missiles.

She cannot bring herself to leave her books on the ship, so continues to carry them. She double checks the bandoliers around her shoulders.

Packing her backpack, she does dip into the armory to find a large belt pouch for Wily. She positions it so it rides just below her satchel, hoping that might provide some degree of protection.

As the time wears down, she moves to speak with Emm. "Let's stay together. It might be kinda hairy for a bit. If all else fails, be prepared to bail."

Eventually, she makes her way to the Forecastle to stand guard.
~ Lauranna watches the action unfold with keen interest, accompanied by a growing sense of anticipation she battles to keep in check. She's reassured that Ziffiris is going to be okay. Apparently the power generated by the old eastern scroll he read was so intense that it knocked the wind out of him. Once revived, the former Karagonian nobleman absolutely insists that he's fine now and ready to let fly with plenty more before his night is through.

After sharing a fleeting smile with Gentleman Billy about her elder instructor's apparent iron will and indestructible hope, the High elf magic-user/thief searches out the quartermaster's supplies for a large belt pouch that can hold her mage's familiar within, and then finds her way up on the forecastle. She settles in out of the way and hunkers down to rest, so that she'll be clear enough of mind to memorize another spell. She's removed her leather armor and subconsciously double checks her remaining gear as she tries to relax, which includes not only her bandoleer of throwing knives but also her two coveted traveling spell books. She decides to trade out Billy's on-loan Wand of Trap Detection in favor of her recently received Wand of Magic Missiles, putting the former in her pack and the latter in her belt for quick access.

After a few more hours pass, whilst everyone settles in at their respective watch positions for the night, Lauranna is able to clear her mind and memorize a Jump spell. Once so prepared, she then seeks out Emm, who also turns out to be stationed on the forecastle. Once the druidess is finished memorizing her spells, the High elf magic-user/thief moves over to speak with her about remaining close by one another during the watch and also about tactics and potentialities should the need to evacuate arise.
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ASC: response for AL; OOC for the party

#134 Post by Argennian »

Alethan wrote:... Since there is nothing he can do about the war ship, Bogdan puts it out of his mind as he continues his training.
~ Bogdan figures he might as well not to try and over think the situation, and decides to continue his martial exercises in the dark on the beach to drain off some of his building anticipation regarding the possibility of a fight with the soldiers and other occupants of the nearby Karagonian warship...


OOC: okay, friends. I still need some confirmations on exactly where everyone's characters will be positioning themselves for the night watch before we move forward, as I don't want any confusion or assumptions if something goes down.

POP: Still haven't seen a post from SocraticLawyer for Ulrich, so I will have to decide positioning for him if he doesn't post with that by this evening.

So far we have the following for positioning:
Bogdan: staying in/near the command tent on the beach?
Caelvanna: up on forecastle deck to cover the command tent & cove
Emm: moving up to the forecastle?
Lauranna: forecastle deck
Ulrich: ????
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#135 Post by Alethan »

Bog will stay on the beach. If you need something more specific than that, I guess near the command tent is fine, unless you have a map of the general vicinity I can view and indicate his position.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#136 Post by tkrexx »

Emm welcomes Lauranna's approach, smiling and nodding. If I ... Bail... I must take the child with me. She will be a hindrance, I'm sure, but I can't abandon her, I simply can't. She sighs at the prospect of a long night. I fear for the Great Owl. If we are hidden from her sight, she may avoid this area. I should consult Ziffiris on this matter, perhaps he will be able to show me the extent of his magic mask.

Tho the forecastle would be the wisest place for watch, Emm would prefer to stay as close to the area the owl previously landed as the magic concealment allows. The hope is that the owl will choose a familiar place if she returns.
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ASC: OOC for Al & Rexx

#137 Post by Argennian »

Alethan wrote:Bog will stay on the beach. If you need something more specific than that, I guess near the command tent is fine, unless you have a map of the general vicinity I can view and indicate his position.
OOC: So noted! Yeah, there's plenty of room around and between the command tent & firepit/cooking area for Bog and the others to post up so no worries on exact specifics there, Al! Zimba, Farlon & Cutler, as well as a few others will all be around that area too. And as a point of order pomegranate, I really only meant to indicate that they were around the command tent, not necessarily hiding out in it. While the illusion is in place, the ship & beach HQ should not be able to be seen from outside.
tkrexx wrote:Tho the forecastle would be the wisest place for watch, Emm would prefer to stay as close to the area the owl previously landed as the magic concealment allows. The hope is that the owl will choose a familiar place if she returns.
So noted as well! On the beach it is, near the south side of the cove. Not too close to the bubble but close enough that she could rush out. ;)
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Re: ASC: response for AL; OOC for the party

#138 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Argennian wrote:
Alethan wrote:... Since there is nothing he can do about the war ship, Bogdan puts it out of his mind as he continues his training.
~ Bogdan figures he might as well not to try and over think the situation, and decides to continue his martial exercises in the dark on the beach to drain off some of his building anticipation regarding the possibility of a fight with the soldiers and other occupants of the nearby Karagonian warship...


OOC: okay, friends. I still need some confirmations on exactly where everyone's characters will be positioning themselves for the night watch before we move forward, as I don't want any confusion or assumptions if something goes down.

POP: Still haven't seen a post from SocraticLawyer for Ulrich, so I will have to decide positioning for him if he doesn't post with that by this evening.

So far we have the following for positioning:
Bogdan: staying in/near the command tent on the beach?
Caelvanna: up on forecastle deck to cover the command tent & cove
Emm: moving up to the forecastle?
Lauranna: forecastle deck
Ulrich: ????
Ulrich would prefer to remain by Jovak's side. If the old fighter/cleric wants to help out on the beach, or if he wants Ulrich to do so, he will.

So sorry for the delay!! Had some serious work drama....

Mitch, I'll address the PM IC, depending on what happens on the beach....
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ATSC, Day 9: in the early morning hours...

#139 Post by Argennian »

~ Logistics are sorted and positions confirmed. The party and crew of the Seahawk all settle in for the night watch. Although no one says it, everyone hopes the Karagonian warship will simply sail on and pass them by...

Bogdan joins Zimba and Farlon down near the command tent. The southern sergeant is wearing a very nice suit of dark, eastern chain armor and is bristling with an arsenal of weapons, as usual. He also wears a special dark-red cape and helm for the occasion. Farlon is wearing a suit of chain and carries a large shield and battle axe in his hands. Troc and some of his remaining men bring down a small bolt-style ballista, which he sets up at the command tent and keeps trained on the cliffs and the air above them. Cutler arrives, wearing eastern scout fatigues and with his face painted black with skin dye. He also has an array of weapons and various instruments on his person and it looks like he's as comfortable so equipped as he is whipping up the daily meals.

Emm moves back down to the beach on the south side of the cove after discussing some worst-case-scenario options with Lauranna. She takes up a position near the southern edge of the bubble, just in case the Giant Owl makes a much desired guest appearance and she has to move out of the magical bubble to signal her. Gentleman Billy remains nearby the young druid for support. The old master thief has donned his exquisite leather armor and weapons belt, as well as at least 3 wands stuffed in his belt and pouches of goodies for easy reach.

Caelvanna, Griffo and Thalion remain on the ship and take up fire positions to provide security for the ship and those down on the beach below. Sorel instructs the specialized halfling archer to cover the north side of the cove and the Wood elf fighter/thief the southern side, leaving the bow for the Wild elf specialist. The half-elf easterner then climbs a rope ladder up to the yardarm where Emm was to be able to get a 360 degree view, and settles in to wait.

Lauranna commits her spells to memory and moves up near the bow of the crippled eastern warship. She settles in out of sight and appears ready to pop up and deal with anything that may decide to come around and cause trouble. The archers and her exchange glances from time to time as they all wait impatiently. Ziffiris, usually never at a loss of words or missing an opportunity for a stylish hand-flourish, merely smiles and nods to his High elf student when their eyes meet. There is no doubt he beams with extreme pride for her progress and is more than ready to support his friends, no matter what that may entail.

It's just before midnight when Jovak and the always close Ulrich finally emerge from inside the stern castle. The blind and badly burned high priest & fighter lord is wearing a suit of impressive chain armor and his shining holy symbol of Clangeddin with two silver axes crossed. On his belt is his family's coveted, magical battle axe and two large belt pouches. He carries his wand in his free hand and has another one tucked in one of the pouches.
After confirming that the young priest of Moradin has everything he was given, Jovak bids Ulrich join the others at the beach. He states that he must remain with the ship as he can no longer see to move about but feels that having the young priest down there will bode well for the men, especially if something does indeed go down. Ulrich moves around to his fellow party members and hands each of them a vial of holy water before taking up position with those on the beach.

Up in the crow's nest, Blic and Billings continue to use the coveted far-looking glass. It's now dark but with the light of the moon, they can still just see the blackened shape of the warship anchored just beyond the next island west. The evening surveillance works well until sometime near midnight, when the typical sea fog about the islands begins to form and thicken. They eventually lose sight of the dark menace and announce as much to the crew.

~ And so the tense, late summer evening progresses. All is quiet, almost too quiet. Considerations of all kinds of potentialities bombard every member of The Hands as they wait. It is sometime during the late stages of the witching hour when Zimba suddenly announces to those there on the beach that there is movement to the north. He apparently has a way of knowing this by way of the magical Hatmarin countermeasures that still operate outside the bubble perimeter. The big southerner makes an owl hoot and alerts those on the ship. Everyone holds fingers on their triggers and grips their melee weapons in anticipation. Is this it? Did the warship slip about the north side of the island and deploy her floating army unnoticed? Are there soldiers loyal to the crooked crown massing even now for some inevitable attack? No one knows and everyone wonders. At least for now...

There is movement in the shadows along the northern treeline and also the base of the cliffs. No one in the protective bubble moves. Further scrutinizing of this situation causes Zimba to point at where the northern trail begins. Anyone that looks that way sees a set of low, glowing eyes fixated on the invisible contents of the empty cove. What or who is it? Lauranna's High elf blood runs cold when she sees it. They do not blink nor move in the slightest for many minutes but then finally there is a slight sign of movement. Suddenly there is a surge of shadows near the base of the cliffs and a massive horde of giant rats move out out of the darkness and out on the sand towards the bubble. There must be hundreds of them. They reach it and stop, as if unsure why they can't move forward. They begin squeaking and fidgeting, and some even bite or claw at one another. As everyone takes a shallow sigh of relief, and figures they will eventually be dispersed by the protective magics, there is more movement by the glowing eyes. Suddenly the rats snap to and move forward. Somehow they're able to pass the protective spell of the bubble barrier and swarm forward towards the fire pit and command tent!

Readied magic is fired off and suddenly there is a huge wall of fire just within the perimeter of the bubble. There is a collective shriek of rodent screams as the vermin vanguard is incinerated on the spot. The fire burns bright and tall but more rats are able to flank their crispy former rodent counterparts and move with unnatural purpose towards those waiting on the beach. The call for missile fire to the sides of the wall of fire is made. Zimba drops his heavy crossbow and draws his melee weapons, rallying those on the beach to action!


*** Please declare actions and make any attack rolls, if so desired! ***

OOC: There are plenty of available targets away from those on the beach that are about to become to become engaged, so as long as no one tries to fire into melee, they'll be no chance of hitting a comrade. Those individuals down on the beach were already ready for action and will be able to attack first due weapon reach. Fighter-class characters will be able to make the number of attacks equal to their level. TOD updated.

Total Days of Training to new level(s): 2 days (10-12 days of training still needed to officially reach the next level)

TOD: @ 2:30am of Day 9 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 20 days)

HPs/Status: Bog 34/34 ; Caelvanna 32/32 ; Emm 13/13 , Lauranna 16/16 , Ulrich 22/22 ; Griffo 24/24* ; Thalion 12/12* (* still need to roll HP!)
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – spear or longsword / shield & backup spears ; Caelvanna – bow* / short sword (arrows fired: 0) ; Emm – spear / SC ; Lauranna - ?? /short sword ; Ulrich – mace & shield / SC ; Griffo – short bow* / longsword (arrows fired: 0) ; Thalion – longbow* / longsword (arrows fired: 0) (SC = spell component/spell to cast, * indicates loaded and ready to fire)
M.O./Location On the beach: Bogdan , Emm , Ulrich ; Up on the ship: Caelvanna , Lauranna ; Griffo , Thalion
Last edited by Argennian on Tue Oct 28, 2014 11:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: clarifications!
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#140 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna sees the eyes and simply knows.

She draws daggers in both hands and begins to move. Her intent is to out flank the horde of rats and locate that bitch. It will take a while, but she only has plans for one.....

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